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The Message--the Reports--congress

The Message--the Reports--congress image
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EolL Ui QffCS tf C'orgrrss 'convenid in Extra Scssion, at ncou on Thursday. the ■lt!i inst. The Sonate immediately prooeeded to business, and tlio House cfl'cctcd an orgaiiization by eleeting Grow, of l'emisylvavia, Speaker.; and Kx-C'ongrcss:i);iij Emuüson 1'jIuehkD'ji;, ot' Temí., Clork. The Message of the President was sent in on Friday, and iinmediately tele graphed throughout the country. It will be fouud iu this issue, and tliose of our readers wbo have nofc alre:idy douo so should give it a carcful ruadiug. It is : eonüned exclusively to " tlie crisis." - ■ It is sornewhat loosely writtec, deals iu ■ general ities a littlc too niuch, and to un derstaud its statements and rcconimeudaj tions onc must carefully read tbe rerorts uf the Secretarles oí the Tïcasury ai.d W-ar. It is in favor of seeii-g tlie gov eminent through, and opposcd to any comprom ise witli, or surrender to tLe rebels or revolutionists. It distinctly avows that the object of the government in prosecuting the hos'.ilities that have bc-gun, is to sustai n iti-elf, and cot to encroach upou the rig'its of any State or citizen, and this dcclaration should sitisfy every real Uuiou man in the South, and he could not be expected to satisfr those who wish for disunion. The report of the SetTeb-y of the Treasury, liberal extracta fom whieh we print to-day, discloses Je finonewl wants of the government telling Congress and the people pUmly what it is likcly to cost to pur itown the rebellion, and poiuti nr ou' tae various means for obtaining j iuiids. Upon soino of the Seeretai' ry's reeommi'udatious we niay reiuark at i another time. The Secrctary of War prseents a very f al 1 and specific report, but we cannot print it to-day. It presenta the following statement of the iorees called into service: The total farce now in the field may be compuled ns follows : R i s and voluotecrs fer tbree moatbs and Kribemr ..235,000 Ai'.u to thintfft PfgimeiJtof Voluntfcrs for the v.-ar, accept" d an-l nut n service, 50,00 Add Lew regimentó ui rex-ilar aiaiv 'ló.ocd . 7.-r;oo T. (.lforce now ai cimmrlncl oTgovernuicnt 310.0CO DtdMt tb thrce ruontlis voluutcers 80,000 Force for the service after the withilrawii uf tbe three moutbs men 20,00 Itwillthus rE perceived tbat, aft r tho Jiscliarge of ihe tlirec ïnonihs' troops, tliere wi'l be still fin nvail.ible foree of voltmttïers amounting to 188 OUU, whicb audnl to tbe reeu ar anny. will conatitute a t; foroe of 33U.000 offieers and men. It will be for C'ongress to determine whether this army shall, at this time, be increastd by the additiou of a still larger rolnntcer foroe. In our next we shall extnet libcrally froni the report. We cannot give the proceedings of Congress at length, but in separate items and in the " Crisis Paragraphs,' we coudense the principal doings.


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