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"camp Fountain."

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The gronnds of ihe Washtenaw County Agrieultural Society, in Ihis city have been selccledas the place of rendezvom and drill of the men being recruited to fill up the Michigan First on a three year3' basis. They were taken posseesion of on Monday by Lieut. L. L. Comstock, who bas charge of the Camp, nnd have been christenc-d "Camp Fountain :' Abou'. 175 were in Camp, Wednesday svening' recruited in this eïty, Ypsüanti, Jackson, Detroit, Marshall, Coldwater, and Port Huron; and more are arriping by every, promising a spee'ly increase to to the desired nuraber.600. Lieut. Stevexs, of Co. A, acts as Commissary, and Lieu;. CJrummoxd and Ltox are putting the men through a thoro'.'gh drill both in the evolutions and musket exercise.-Commis8'onel and non commissioned officers liave been designated, and the m;n will be initiated into squad, company, battalhonand regimental drill, preserving the strict discipline of the Camp In a few days il will be .mi interesting plaoe to visi.. I3F "YVool stiil comes in slovvly, and BÍDce our last quotationa prices have dropped down.' For one or two choioe lotsdelivered Monday, but paroUaaed last week, 32 cents ware p&id, but yestei'day the range waj from 22 to 27, buyers seeming not incliuej to go above t lio. latter figure for bcst fleeces. Low as oo' is hcrs we no ice that our quotations have rangcd 3 cents above any othor place in the Stnte Thus far but about 65,000 Ibs , all told, have been bouglst here ; and of tlaa amount Millen &, Co have taken f0,000 Ibs.. the balance being divided among severa purchasers. ■ ■ - - ■ - ■


Old News
Michigan Argus