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PBINÏIM OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST KEASONABLE RATES. Wc have recently puroliasod a ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have added the lafst stj-les of Card Type, which enables us to print INVITAT1ON CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in Ihe neatest stylrs, and as cheap as anj' oüier houae in the State. We are also prupared to print POSTERS, IIANDBILL, BLANKS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, &c THLJ AHQUS BOOK BINDERY is ia charge of FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RTJLED TO ANY PATTERX And Manufactured in best sttle at New York Prlces, JPeriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STyIe. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. f E. B. POIVD, Prop r. OfSce and Bindery, cor. lluin t Hurón Sts Ann Arbor Marble Works. o AS on hauü a fioo assortment of Americiiu and I TA LIAN MKRBLE whicbheis prepared to manufacture into in all thoir varietie, and n a WORKMANI.IKE manner. Having had considerable experience in the businepf ho nattiTi himsctf ihat he ïvill Iip ablp to plea all who favor rao with thoir ori'erf. His prices TOW AS THE L O WEST. thiie wishlnft any thiog in my Une are respcctfiill; in'ited to cali. D. C. BATCHELDER. Ann Arbor. May 20, 1861. 80Hf N O T ICE. A LL Perfon indebtod by note or Bccount to Miciae1 í.mct'h"? n"'i ,.C'lyr"1""telt0 c""nd "" th ;"""'■ " ïh, one of the assigneci of tbe (aid SJ h opl Ca ttipjon , a nrt thfreby ve mu. " '. Aitor, 'ut".!O !ffl. ;"' J D-.IMHt.. Important National Wcrks, l'ubl! he] by D. APl'LETON & CO., [ 34G AND 346 BROADWA.Y XEW YORK The tollowlnj worki ure scntto Pnbserihers ín nny part of the country, (upon ruceipt of rotail pric,) by mail or expresa, prepaid: THK NfcWAMERIAN CYCIiOPEDIA; A Poyular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Editad bj QWO. lïimcv aml fTflUlfflHI a. I.a, aided hy ■ nuinCTous sek'ct corpa of writori En all branches of Sciences, Art and literatura. Tbli uork is bei n puMi.-luxl in about 15 large octavo vul mm.' n, cue h couUiining TüO t column pages. Vuls. I., II., IÍI., IV. V. , VI., VII., VIII., k IX. are now roady, eaeh cmitaining nar 2.5'0original nrti cíes. An additii.nal volume wUI be publi,hed once in about thrpe montas. l'rice,in Cluth,L$3; Sheep, $3.50; Ilalf Russia, $1.50 each. The Xew American CyclopndU is popular without beine superficial, lennied without beiup pedantic, comprehensivt but siiificicntly detaÜed, freefrom personal pique and partj prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. H isa complete statement of all that Is knowo apon overy important topic within the scope of human inteiligence. - tëvery important ariicle iuit blU hvou specially wntten for ia pages by raen whoarcauthoritics upon the topte nn which they opeak. They are roquircd to bnnjf tlie subject tip U preMBt moment; to state juut how it Ktaodi now. All the fttitistical infonnation I from th latest reports; tliegoographical accounts keep pace wtth the latest fixploration.s; historical ïnutters fnclude t lic l'ri'slirst just views; the blographlcal aotlcea ik oot onlv of thedead but also ui' the living. It is a hbrary of itself AURlOGISftlKNT OP THK DEBATES OF COXCÍUESS Heing a Politica! History of the United States, frora the orgajümtion of the f ir t Federal CoaSTtasló lVíí'Uo 1M6. EHitedand c om pi led by Hob. ïho. Hart BKifTOW.flrom the Of&ciaJ Becon&t of CougressThe work wfll hü complftted in 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pageaeoch, 11 of irhteli "ar now ic;ulv. Ad addltional oliuue will bo publúshed once Ín three month. Cloth, $3; ia.vf tíheep, SO. Half Hor., $4 Ihilf Calí, $4.50 each. A W AY OF PROCÜRTKG THE CYCLOPJEPIA OR DEBATKS Form a club of four, and remit theprice of fourbooks, and öve copies will be sent at the remittor's p carriage; or for ten subscriljei'.s, eleven copies will b sent at uur expense for carriage. To Agenta, No other work will so liberally reward the cxertions of vgents. An Acii.vT waj-ted in this CorxTV Terms madeknown on a ft 'Heat ion to the Publishera. Ann Arbor, March. 1859. 6902amt -&St Bev. Tiios. WkIüiit, agent at Kiune & Smiths Dook Store, Ypsilnnti. fW OLD FEIENDS 3 IN THE RIGIIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Piliss TUF BEST FAMILY Ca-jtliïLtfèf ' s lvö niillions of persons jKiyg. A 7; ; satisfaction , contain .'■ ,3J ing noftiing1 injurious f SH 'J ■jM Large Boxen 25 cents; "SwBBHet'V T3 five boxea for 1 dollar. 3si?g&L rulIdírectlonB witlieach TAIUHASSV, IiSOK CoüMTYj ) Florida, July 17,1860. ƒ ToPb. Hi:rbick, Alba&T,K. Y. - Afy Dear Doctor :- I wriie tliis to iufoim you of the wonderful effec of your Coated Tills on my eider dauehter. Fe i three year.s uhe has been affiieïed witli a bülious derangement of the system. nadijr Imparing her health, which has been steadly faillng dunng that pcriod. WheninNew York in, a friend adriaed me to test your pill. Having the fullcst contiiïcnce in judgmei.t of my friend, I obtained a .sujjply oi Jlessrs, Barnes it Park, Druggists, Park Row, New York. Oa returning home. we gceast! 1 all other trentmont, and administered your PilU, oae each tight. The improvemeutin her feelingp, complexion, digestión, cíe., surprised us n(l. A íapid and'permanent restoratfon to healtli has been the rosult, We used less than iive boxes, and considerher ent'rely well. I consider the above a jnst tribute to you as a Physici-.n, and trust that it will be the means of induciug m.iny to adopt your Pilis as their faniily medicines. I rt-main, dear sir, wiïh many Ihanks, Your obedlent servant, S. 'j . Mobkison. Heriick's Kid Strengthening Piasters cure in five hosri, pains and wealíness of thebreast, .side and back , and Khomnatic Complaints in an equally short pcriod of time. Spread on bt'autiful white lamb skin, their use snbjects the vo&yer ta no inconveniecc, nd each oae wiil nrear from ona week to three months. Priee IÈ% cents. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilis and Kid Piasters nre fo11 oy Uraggistfl and Merchants in al! parts of the l'ijitctï States, Canada and South America, and may be obtained Tv calling for tïï?m by their full name 'lyvt5 DR. L.B.HERRICK, & Co. Albany, X. Y. UNPARALLËLED SUCCESS SECOND ARRIVAL - OF- E3r O Ott Si. -AT THE- 3E3x.iier StoreA. P. MILLS, PROPEIETOR. Goods boughl under panic prices, And sold at prices that will make hard times come again no more ! Facts for the People -orWASHTEN -A."W _ND- ADJOTINING COUNTIES! And their nurr.crous qucstion3 anewered. Whii is Eterybody trading at the "BANNER STORE? ' - Because A. P. IYSBLLS, the Propiúetor of that Establishment has just returned from the Ensieru Citieswith the Largest, Uandsomest, Cheapest, and Most Attractive Stock of S TAPLE AND FAKGY DRY GOODS! ever brought to this part of tho State.) Why il Eoeryhoiy pleasect with hit Stock? Bticattse bisstyles are mnre bautitul, qunlitr botter, and pnces lower tüau at any olher atore in tho county. Why has he always Samething New and Cheap to Show? Becatise ha has a friend conuected with one of the largest DryGooAs Hun-es in New York, who is continuuly " BOBBIHG ROL'yO" for cheap bargains and the lates styles, .as they appear from time to time and in this way kecps him upplied with i'ylos, and consenunntiv cu?tomers canahvuys üad somothing Fresh, ISiEW CIIEA.P and DESIRABLE Why does he sell so mueh Cheaper than the reit? Eeciwse he han a buyet Ín the city all the time to tnkr luU-aiitiige pf the c.ontinuul change of tbe market, anJ l In that way buya ]s much cheaper than others I can, and ther. he mark.s them down to the Why does he se'd Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes so much chenper han loas ever h'.ard oj by the oldcit Shocmakets? Pecaiise he buyfi his stock in the lanci of .ihocmakera, of the manufacturera, fully -'5 per cent cheaper than the Xew York Jobbers sell them, and much bel ter work than they genorally keep. lhi& course enables him to sella bet ter Gaiter for 35 Cents. than othorssell at 50 cents, and a better FOXED GAITEP at öOccuts, thau others soll at 75 cents. Has he any Hals and Caps? Yes,T fihould think he has stacks of thern, enough to aupply the State, at prices lower than was evor hearil of rouud these parts. Wlty is his Tea so much brtUr for theprice gou vay than you gel al otlier places? he takes groat care in selecting; it, and givoshig customers tlie benefit of a real good 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It ia awiy ïe haggot Where should you go to get your CLOTHS ar.d have ihem Cut or Made? To tho RUIKER STORE, where the l'euplc's Bauuer e nnfurledfor the People'sgood. South sidö of Tublic Square, a fewdoors west of Cook't Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Jun? IS, 1881. 766tf IJ, PKRSONS indcb'.ed to the un'lersiïned are rot qsflflted to eall and pay,as lam closir.g up my buKimess to move east. WM.B. FAUXPERS. Ann Arbor, June 28, 1861. S06w 'T'OR WIJICII I WILL PAY CAS11 OR COODP. Cash or Wool nol reused on Notes, Jind accounts due mr. Po pleanc fetch oo your Cnsh or Wed A P.MTILS. n ror,innl. 1M! ■' 5tl


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Michigan Argus