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County Newspapers--their Use

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County papers are ol much more use 'han people imagine. They very r.aturally aid in directinfi public attention to muiters in whiuh uvery oiiiaen n tho county is more or leas nterested. Tliey contribjte in a variety oi ways to the formation of public cpinion, on subjeets of public interest. Tbey furnish very oonvenient mediums for the disoussiun of matters of local inteiest. Thev aid in giving chnracter and importanoo to the county in vlii_h tbey are published. They stimulate a taste for reading, and disseminate, in the courso of .. year, a vast amount of nformation, much of which would not reach a portioo of their readers through any o tb er channel. Thev are of essential service in piibüshing vaiious items of local inttílligonce in which the citizuns are more or less interested, but of which they would remain uniiifonued, if it wereuotfor these papers, In ehort - county papers ndd in al great variety oí ways, to the oharacter, J intelligence and prosperity of the county in whioh they are published ; and, therefore, havo a strong claim for support upon iill who are directly or indirectly bencfi'.ted by them. As to the objection we not unfrequenlly heUr urged against tho support of county papers thatthe pricecharged for them is too high, it may be re plied, thatthe piico at which it can be tifforded dcpend.s iiiainly on tho numbor of its gubscribers. The eilief expenso in the publication ei a paper, consists in setting up tlio matter. One thousnnd, or even ten thoiisand copies can be furiiished at a very small addition to the cost over and above the cost of compjsition.


Old News
Michigan Argus