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Death Of Mrs. Longfellow

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A sad calamity has befallen the home of our distinguished poet, Prof. Longfellow, of Cambridge. His accomplished wife, while sittiug at the library table, Wednesday afternoon, making wax seáis for the entertainment of her children, was accidentally burucd to death. A piece of lighted paper, it seems, iell upnn her dresa, wLich lighted and sooq eavelopod her iu flamea. The Professor, who was in a neighboring room, ran to her assistanee, but not in tí:i}e to extinguiah tho firo. 3íts. Laiigíollowlingeredsovoralhours, sufferiug dreadfully all tho timo, and cxpired about eleven o'cloek the net morning. Mr. Longfellow himsolf was very much injured in the hauds by his efforts to save his wifu. Tho !ady who has perished in this distrossing matmer A?as the daughter of Nathau Appleton, of Boston, and was married to the poet soon after his secoml retura from Europe. She was distinguished by her rare personal beauty, icr graoeful maunors, and the swectnoss of her devoí tion to hor family. Sho lcaves behind her, to mourn an irrepreüsibíe loss, fivo ! children, threo of theia daugh'.ers, and two sous. - N. Y. Post. J3L" Mr. Bentley, the eclebrated Londou p-ublisber, hss failol for


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