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V.ilOlllGAN SOUTHEKN & xTJL NORTHEKN INDIANA RAIl.ROAJl. 1851. ÊlMMl:r. AÜÜAXCKMKNT. 1S6Í. Trams now' run oh tltfs roa.l, Putdarg excepied, a follBwa: r..i-; ■-..!- ■:,;.:!-.. :l ! a) 11., and 'SP. M.. aml vl Air lui - :.1 1.10 A. M. r,n l !:ir:uu: t 7.10.', M. nii.l 6,30 P. M. Arri'vinc ii. L'liicacj íroiíi 'I', .icio aiiiï Letroii ai 6,;0 I'. M. ;wwl r.,lio A. M . and vio Air Une ..! 0.56 I". M. Arrivo at l'm:n'i". ■ -A..M., IZAO I'. H. and :■.■■ r. '!. IMm Dnlroi; fcr Toledo at: 10 A. M.. l.col'. M.. ; r. M. Arme in Uelroit from ChlaWrO&t 5. 65 P. !.. iuv!C...rj.'i A. 11. Arrlrein ToTwlo from Chicasen 1,28 1'. M. .■ui.U.::n A Mi, hdJ via air line il i.-.'.ii 1' M. Arrivt fvoiu Toli-SjV'..' ---i P. M., nn.t 11,15 I'. MCONXKCTIONS. At fotKDO - W t!. i'ii-i.-'iMJ & lok'doRail Roaï, wHJ WabitMi Vallir Kuil R.,-1.1. AT DhTKoii- Wi;li (iraní Triinli i:a:' ay. ;Mi Gre.ii Weetera Kullwity, alo, irrth K-ïi-;t an.i Milwaukee. Uiiilrnad AïNrw At wist ,v RAtml R. !: Pwvsivo - Wilh Trainc I :i. .:-.-.■.■. f ai I !.'-:: il!.-. At Cmícaoo- Vith Chicago an.i Rock IMand, Galena Miliviuili-, 'Mr vu.-". Bnfitrïglan krul Qurncj- Xortti W-st Kuihvay - CMcMgo, Aiti.u aml St. l.ouin, Illinoi? Centrtr,índ to :ll l'oirtta VTest :in I S..ulh. &f Traius are run iiy Oliloogo time, wbieb i. -O minutes slower thaii Totodd thiK. ifif Patent slc.-i. n_' t'.-irs Hcoompany tbp N'iifltl Tntins .il ï U.. ii i - . flCSrtiahibur'Tii l'aufiit Veulilatur aml Dtwten arfl afml on :'.'l s-unni.-r Tra.n-í. TlfiOjt :llid tiü' sanZI :i !v any olh.T liai! l;..;i i Rout. JN'o. I). CASIPBKIX. Olenc-al Büiferlatoodont. RJSNOW OPUNl.NG. 1II..I-.C1 FKOM PUBIJSHERS A AN1I Marm('actuitrs,a Xow and (oiii.Klu stock of I-AW & MEDICAL BOOKS, School Books, Misctllaneous Ronk.i, Blank Books, dan 8TATIONEHY! Wall anü Winduir Paper, Dta-iuj and M.ithcinatiral Tnfltruments. Bode, Juvenilc l.ibram:. , EuTtlapm, [ikiiad Cacds. GOLD And af! other kinds of Pens and Pcncih Winrlow ('rirnicc, öha.lft!? and Fixturfi, POCKET CÜÏLERY! And evfrythiiiR1 pertalnhlg to tho trade, and more to whichthcy vruutd invite Mie iitteuiion ot' th( eountrv. In concliictin our bpiuDCüS, w$ rthlUI d all 1bat can he done,6O ifaat 10 rcaxonsible man, ivomtUQ or cliild bhall ■find auy favilt. We possess f:icilities which trfll enable u to upply our stoinerB at the Lowest Possiblo Figures. Wc propose toscil for UKAOY PAY, ata email ad vanee. Wv expect a profit fin our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGUEES. Wc hare fneagP'l the MTTicH o! .TAMES F. S1'AU)INT, , herefore are preparad to furnish Visiting, Wcddivg and all other Cards written lo order, wilh neatness and dispatrJi, btj ?nai' or othencise. Tbc " Empire Boorc Stork."ís ruannd bj a a:ooil 'crewt' nd thcy wil] alway be fouod oa the "quarte.r 4eck'J reay and wilhnj In attend to all witb plt;a.surc( who wil] favor thtmi witïi a cali. Uemetnbor the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann Arbor, Mar, 1860. 7Jf ANTOHER A A AEEIVAI .■;■■ _ ■■ AT THE L KOLDAND RELIA BLE iÍB CL0THINI EMP0RIUMÜ HËnO. 3 -f hc ce 3sr i :x: bxjOCis:, MAIN STREET. ■7Vaaa.. "7V-aL3-nM33nL, has jast returne'l frwn the Kateru Cities, witb a I;trg and desirable .stock ot FALL AND WINTER whicb bc is now offer ing at ninisually Araong bis Assortment may be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERE8, DOESKINS, dk VESTINGS, of all dencriptionn, especially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR! wbich he ís cuttlng aml makinff to order, in tbelatest and best stylcs, together with 11 superior assortraent of RE AD Y MADE CLOTEJNG! TRUN'KS CARPET BAGS, ÜMBREI.I.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numerous othor articlea usually found ín siraila: ent;iblislinnuts. As ANEMPOBIÜM OFFASHIO, tho suberiber flntters hiraself, that hip long experienco ar'l geuera. succcsSjWill enable htm to give the rentest satist.icti'iu toall wlio may 'rust Limin the way of manufaeturinL' garments to order. 769tf WM. WAGXEU. Ho for the Mmmoth Cabiuet Ware Kooins. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TTAVE JUST OPEXED IX THEIRnew and Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIDE0K MA1.V STREET, AWN ARBOH A complete stock of ROSEWOOD, MAUOGAJNY PARLOIi FURNITURE INCLUDINO Sofa,Tetca-Tcto, Mahogany Rosc-Woort, Black Walnut, riain an! -Marble Topped BOSBWOOD, MAHOGANT. BLACK WALSCT. FAKCY AND CÜTTAOE CnAIK?, &c, &c, tzc, to: Elegant JURRORR, BUREAUS, SF.CRETAKIE3, Complete BED-KOOM fiETS, INCLÜDING LATEÖT STYLES, -OFMATTRESSES Of the best qnalitr and Different Material In Fact tber Have Everything with wbicb to furoish rABLOK, BOUDOIR, S1TT1NT. ROOM. OH KiTCHFN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longer go to Delruit or olowhcre to fiad a large aasortment. 'i'hia PURITITURE mimut be koM and will be soW. at VEEY LOW FKIOES! J" It very man snd his wife or gomg to be wife COME AND WE. Thcyalito have a HE AR 8 E CARR1AGE, And are always rondy to ftttvnd to the burial of tbe load ín the City and adjoining country. Ware-Rooms aet nde of Main Street, bftweon Washington and Uberty 0. M. MAB7IN. ömTP3 C. B. TU0MPS0N "GllEATBARGAÏÏNS Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. yF. HAVEAGAIN RKPI.ENI8HED OIT. STOM! WIT1I 1 T Uk mout nplendid Stock f (hul AVAS i'Vi-r o(Toccd in :uiy one establishment ie the State, !1 oi which ure öffeic fot OAO!K] OÜ3 !P ïïl O (yj O i islow as rail be foiuid in the Cuïoq We want ÜVToney ! ind Will roafce Greal Sacrifices on Anyihin" wojiave to obtain f, uot exeepting OLD NOTES AKD ACCOUNTS Wü eordially invito AU, CASH Cü STOMERS to ml] and examino our Gooft and Prlces. Wo alM invito üui' Prompt Payïng Customers to come íinrl boy tboir róppílcfl föï Ihe Winter, Tothost Ba&bful oneKtbut ure lUYai-l tu cali, we suy tu tlisuijtak. courage without langer waitii.-gfor higlicr lric ï,cimc in, old scores, and Uien mm1. j "test n3t -qtjs9 at such prlew as will ni ikc xip all losses It in liardl; Qfccesaary to uuumoritteour GoocÜ!, ior We have Everything! A large usortmont of UARPETING, CROtKERY DRY GOOJJS, MEDIINES, GEOERIES, PAINTS, OILS, [TAT3, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTIOXS &c, &c,, &c. OALÍL &$O Otll(LDO2 (71-itf) MAYNWRD, S1ÏBBINS & WII.SO Stoves &. Har í ware ! RTSDON & HENDEKSQW ii.ic nuw ia Si ore a liirgc anurtuient oí am rm? ld "Iiz jj sib Hardware and House Furnishing gs en E m a All T.crk will ho sold as CIIKA1' nsat any ober Establishment in Michigan, They ha%c got the Best Assortment of (Jooking P AR LOR AND l'LATE SS TOV ES S I3NT TUIS STILTE, And will sellthem Chbaper than THE CBEAPJlST, Please cali and seo. A!l kinds of tin ware kept on hand. Particular attention pafd to all kind of U CD LS3 'vS' CL LSi L3S; Whlob wiU be done wlth NEATNESS AND DISPkTCH. 3"Pleae cali and seo thcir STOVE ROOM in 2d story of N'ew üloct. RISDOX & HENT)ERSON. Ann Arbor. Jan. 5, 1S61. O . BLISS WMiwimnuCTiwninmin;'i!ffi;CTnmiiiTiifiWBrmiíniiiiittnniii Still in the Field! WITH A LARGE STOCK of GÜODS in tay lioo direct from New York, Boston, and the Manuiacturers! I liavo juBt received a. largo and well fielecttdassortmoat of CLOCKS, WATCHES, r :e3 -xtst s Xi k. -x-, SILVEK & PLATED WA11E, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And a great variety of Yankee Notions, to. I would cali particular attention to niy larga stock of of Gold, fcilver, Stee], and Plated, with PER SCOPIO GLASS A superior article, aud a great variety of articles in the "OHEAP for OA.SH. Persone havsng diifcult watches f Öo wfehglaMes, eafl ! be ficcouinioilated n my Btocb is lnre íin; completo, I PJ S, Particuhr ftttentlou pald to tlio EEPAIEING of all kinds of Fine Watches, such as Making & Setting New Jewels, PINIONS, STAFFS and CYLINDERS, alto CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, Veatly Repaired and warraritcd. C. BLISS. August 2S, 186D. 76811 Ayer's Agüe Cure.


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