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Oity Oheap Lumbcr Sash, Doors Bliwls, Piasier Paris Grand Jiiver Planter, Water Lime, Natis of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putti, din., í&c. , D. DcForest, HAVING Increosed hit fiifiilities for dolig busioesfl and enlnrged hia Yard and Stock, 3 prepaied the present acasos, wlth tfcc bos. largesl and ciivatrcst aoasoned stock ovcrin this mark et te antis f y the reaeonablp expectations of ]). Oui motto Ís notto bo undersolri !'or ensh on dñlivrry I wJJ] not utirliirtHkcto frighlcuthe, public by ■&XÍBJ thnt lhy will git shaved i( they ouy eïfeewhere, for we presumo tbat other wil Jsolhtslow aatlu-y 'cru atford to . AU kinds of Tiinber, Joists, nñd 3cantHag, Pino, Whitewood, Basawood, Hem look, Pianed and Matched Pine, Whitewood is fa Klooi ing.Planníítnd rougb Pincand Whitewood ldlng,"Feic Posta, OekaudlVdar Posté audlMckeU ol fill kinds. $int áTatlj, anb lUIjttetpoob %. .0. Ptne, h -1 u í Whitewood Shinjlcj, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, BlnckWH.jUt.iiidChprry and thin stuft', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, ]!: iind Body .'.umber.Miiplu !,0L Tiiiibcr, Ilickory. Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, Ofi!l'.liickne8cs,widtha undlongtru.&c. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkinds. INiTivilQI ot" all aizc, ie, tic. XASII,D001iS,& BLjynS, nade by tiurjd ti ordt1 j as lowns factory prices. on the abortcstriotlce beatoi workmrn, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bill f ofnii -inacription in the abovo building line furniabedüiíthf:horteeioí' n o tice í'or We have Mills Gutt'mg Regularïy. A ful! anda porfect a3borïtnent oftheabove anc othcr kinds ot Building Matei lals Constantly onhandalthi lovestpossibleratei Cali and be Convineed. A few rods xouth from R. R. Depot ot. Detroit Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. ROOFING, N.B. - I am now operating Eztensivelj In the Patent Cement Roofing. LOOMIS Sc THIPP Succ.'.sorsto Chapín t LoomiR, aiidCbapin, Tripp A Loomis lHEabove finn Of Loomis & Tripp ha ving jmrcliased 1 tlie entire tnter8i of tte former ompauies will coi.'tiniic the business at thool'l stands, whero thej irtll be i-taily, on the sliortfst ooiice, to 1 1 ï 1 all orders in tlio lino ol Castings and Machinery, Ín the most woikmanltki; irniimor, and on as liberal terms as uny ether shop intlie State. Among the various ftrtfcleno&nnfiictared by as, we wou ld enumérate STEAMENGÏNS of all kinrts; fill GroarÍDg and Fixtiires. n-irmLr arul cast; all the various caaiingfl for malüng and repturlng Horse Powers &TLresliing Machines such as are at present, or have formerly been in use ra tliis part of the State, as well as all the various kinds of casting rtml machine work callodforby farmers and mechanica iothis section of tin eonn ry. of n'.i the va.-ious pattcras, up in sizes and prices. will be keptoonstaatiy1 on hand, got the most moJern anè improved stvVs. UUBBARD S WROÜGHT IRON REAPERS & MOWEftS. Baring connueAevd minnüicturing this superiorMachiiM', Ringle and combhiea, the taaneifi re invitad to cali and see ;i specimen machine now in our ware room, before piirchasiNelsewhttre, betíeTÍS that this machine need only to lf sen to convince tiie farmer of ITS SUPEEIORITY over the Reapers and Mo.s in tiiis market. Thankful for fermer patronado to the old flnss, re would solfcEt 11 con ttnuancí frora oíd fríenda, and atria] by all vriflhlng foraojüÜDg in uur of btlmncftA. LOOMIS k ÏR1P1. Ann Arbor, May lS:h. l?59. ZVtxt SCHÜFF & MILLER A KK ST1I.I. OXHAND at tbehrold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Eloek, wlth the most complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMEEIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADE8, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CÜRTAINS. HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offcred in this Market ! md tfcey would Buggest tothoso inpursuit cf anjthingÏD SANTA CL A US' LINE ,hat they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! )j purchasing from this stock, as each purchaser gets inadditional present of Jewelry, Are, LiangiBg in valué trom 50 ets. to SoO. JSJ Theytrast that theirlong experienco in selectiog foods forthis marlipt, and strict atlenüon to the wants f Cuitomers, may eutiíle tbem tu a libeial íbre of 'atronage. Ann Arbor, Doe. B. 18C0. 777tf EYE and EAR. Wf DK F. A. 0ADWELL, S& orERMon on the eym axd kar. For Deafncsa. Bllndness, and UI defect of Mtflit and Ilcnrlng. DR. C. BEJUCA REGULAR Physiciin,wirtTWENTT YEAR"' exclusive practico in the treniment of disasea of the I'.VK .X1) r.Wi, will be found qualiGetl to ive reüef or effect a curo in any oase withiu the rcach f human pkill. - Tío chtirgt for an examln&llon or an opinión rfor ujisucressfnl servic&t. Dr. C.'a Tkbaíisk on tuk Kvk and Eau, of 300 pp., ontaining references, Testimoniáis, Descriptionof ' ajes, Cas8, and other important mntter. illustr;ited ■ith Cuts, to be had gratis, by sendiDg Ten Cents to pay . ostage. Address Dr. Cadvxll üü Randolpb Street ornerDeaborn Chicago IU. ItTW L8Ü1. 18G1. NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! 1II.MILLKN&C0. ( [ave removod to thoir Brick Storo rr'ccntly occupied by A. Dui'orest, and are now receiving a 5PLENDID STOCK OF GOODS ( FOR THE Araong which aro itaple Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAUTIFUL NEW aTYLES , 'RDIMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, ] BONNEÏS, RIBBONS, &c, &c. ;hoice FAMILY Groceries, " f BOOTS, SHOES, & CROCKERY. ' Uso an enlire New Stock of Carpets and Oi' Clotis, nf New and ol Beautiful Patftrn, % THESE GOODS WEKE BOUGHT AT ö, ?]STIO PEIOES! Í ai An trrcnn RAtisfy al] who wül cali anfl cxamiuc our ock, that Uoodsarc Chrapihis Spring for M CASH OH RBADY PAY. fi C H. MILLlEX & CO. j J in Arbor. Marth :6 1861. JmTM ' Mortgage Foreclosuro. TKFAn.T lwvlnfl toon roado in Uip cooditlon of . i) Morlífajfeoxi'cuWiIbv Willlani W;, ]-,■,■. :.iif (V]nDj, to William Ü. klaynard, dated the twtirtf, ,.' ol May, . II l80fana rèeóMed In the RegbttA Oflieo ín WasUteoaur County, iu Liberto c,f al I .'. '-uiy-iivi; inin' ub paatbight u'ctock,p. m by vbichdifautt Lhcpowt-r -I in said nvrl ■■ ■ ■ ,-■ rativo, n'; nosuit or procewltng haring h--vn Ljistjtntod at UiWtOte, urtfiJige or any pn thcrol. ;iti 1 tho -'i.N ttf "ie humlrcl ;ui-! -Vw'., ,',,, h ;. .1 to in' (lüe Ihercon a íuteñ&it a ml eogtK uf iusurance, and"further sums to breóme [iU(, Notice Utbcrofurc hertby given that sjtiri mortga lowlbyn saleof the mortgaged premine, ty. wil; All ihat ciTiuin feract or pareel of land bnown and ■ i!rvs, to-wif I.yini; nnd being in thecitr of Aun Arbor, botngftveiwleirideon the north aidc of block N'u. t'.vu, noi-'li of Iluron strect raqgfl pneeaaï u entend ilie hole lengt h of said blooK wn and west ;tL'ii-unlíly to the rci:ir Vil pint of the vtUage oi Aun Ar' bor,orsomc pari thereof,at publicvenc'ue,at the Court in thi city of O Arbot; on the lifth Uuy of o, ber, oexl ;it noen. W1LLIA1Í S. MAYXAPD, Mort-aw; K. W. Mohgan, Atty. DaUrd, Julv ttth. A.D.1S61. 8CStd Chanccry Sitie. BTATE or 5OCUI6AN, tuk Cjbcltt Cotjot roa mu ('iir.Mv of Wjshtkïaw, Eliza A Pcrkius va. ötbrab Per kin.-- -In Gh&ncery ; In pursuance oí a decretal of the Circuit Curt of th Count. of Washtena, Ín Cbancry. made in the abor-i CftaSe on tho second d;iy of December, A. D. eifiMfn hundredand fifty ajne, and a furthcr order of thi Court made on the sixth lay of February, A. D cighttcn hnmm I and : ix1;. one, will bc soW, utider tbc directfon uf the Circuit Court Comralssfoner for the Count y of Waal. tenaw. at public auction, at tl: BOUtfa fr front door of tho Court House, in city of Ann Arbor, on ftitunUr the sixth (l:iy i.f July, eighteen hyndred and sixty Oüc,t twi'lvc o'clock, noon, f said day,ail tliose ccrtaiit tracti or pareéis of land and beinp in the towhsliip of S. k-m, in Che County of Washtenaw afonaaid, anti de. scribed in ;ú[ decroe as foüov0Tviz: The wet halfof the south-east quarter of section fifteen, and tlie west half óf the nortii-cast quartcr of section twenty tiro, ia townsblp snuth. of range sern eat, or so much therool as nwy bc necasenry t; sutiiy the amoaat dui upousuid (.roe, togth(r vviih interest and cota, I. s TWITCÖEIX, Cir. Court Com.fortho County of WashtenkV, O. HAWKIN'.S.SnJicitor for Complainaui and Assit-nw Ann Arbor May iO,X861. The abovo a adjobrned nntJl the 16th day of Novcinbor next, al Un-sanichour and phicc. Dated, JulyCtli, 1861 D. S. TWITCaELL', Circuit Court Com. Washtrnaw Co., Mich. "SIJEKIFF'S SALE. BY virtueor an execution issuco out of and undrrthe -sval of tlio C'irouit Court for tbe County ot WfttQ tcnaw, and látate 1 (flchigaA, bcitriDg date the '9th day of December, 1S60, and to me diiecttd and dellvered. against, tho {Ood áná cnattels, atad lor Vant thereoi landa anH tenoun-nts ol Jvhn 1). Kief defondant thereio named, I did on tho '9th day of Hecember, 1860, evj uponand scize aü tlie right, title and interest of the said Jolin I). Kief, in and to thofollowing decr.bed land aii'l pinniscs, to wit: TIn: oulli yz of northeast 4' of secüon N'o. 'l ili alt thefttfod fynbg noithof the Vilhg of M:n;ihti-r uu the faouth % óf section 2, (regerviqg a lot suM tu Bamabm Cas) ;alao oortU-vest Jsi ofsouthest fi,bection2 also oorthcatit }i of aoutb-east and Boufh-ea&t i of north easl also 2 acres off thu eañtside ofthê nmth wznt % of south eaat % ; aUo 10 acros otï" the ea?t side of a.niih-wes" }. uf nortb :it Ai of fiection3, fown 4 south range 3 enj-t. Also j] that pi-cc orparcelof landiu the township of Sfarichè tcreing the eat l(i acres of the nortli part of tne fractional % l" Beet ion Z. erramencini on tlie mrt i Iineof;iid setfÜooat a poiiït SI cbains 37 link f rom the north-eaat corner of said section, running thence wèstop 8ft!d soctton Une 28 cbaios and 67 links to the aorthfweat covner.of the north-east l of tlm Dórth-west },i ÓT 8áíJ BCvtïon, theiice smihcrly on tbe nuarler line to Mditth west corner jf the nor tb -cast i -f the north wtst of said section, tbence easterii '28 chaina ftnd 'M links parallel with the said Rection line to the Routb-flftt portier of tuno assigi.ed. to and be t Lorejj2oÚiggmp,thence nortbery on the vteii of Báfd Higgitfs1 Innd U the jiktcc of tninriing. includiDgalao the right of way u an easterly and wcster ' : n acrosa said Higgin.s' land, reservin tbe right of way n in lüsicrly and weterly direction acrcut the aaid40 acres in townhip 4 south oj range 3east.- Alto biodum 1,4.7. 8. 9( 15, 18, 10, ?;í, -J4, -j.T.itj, '7,28, 2'.i, :,0. :;i..;-auil 34;alsulot. No. 1, in bloeit Ko. 3, lot No. 3 and wé$t H f - ' block 5; also loUNo. '-y, S,9 11,1-J. 13. U, ltiq block 11, (except froDQ tbe abuye deacriptiyn .ili daeded to the MichitrhH Soutliern and Northra Ind:ana Raif R'iad Co for Ipi't gmiiils, aml ftltm kt No. ö in block '24, and lot 12 ia block 12 ownt-'l by S . R Snepxe}; alsolpts 3, 6, 9, i',and west % of lot 5 in block V2 Idts 4. 5. and 6, iub'ock N'o. '22, (except ihat dveded to Willi m Ha ster); also block No 16, (exc-pl Iota Xo. ] , 2 and 4,) all ir. the tiUagv of Miincli. -.ster; also a part of east % of north eaat l-, ol fïctiftnNo, H,iuTuwn4 south range 3 cast heginning at noTtbwest corner of tuin lot, tbence north 39 degrees east 3 ohafataand 'Jl links toa itake in norOtwest bonndary oflands ov ued by Messrs. Carr and Frecraan, theuce aiongtbe saihé sooth .'1 degrees and 30 west 2 chains and 69 links to astake in the miJdie of the Territoria) Road, thencealone same, north 63 flOgüWfl Ond ' 0 ininut.s west 9 chains and 7 Ihlka to th place of beginaing containing 38-lCO ncrea of land; alSo !■ nXu. 1". LI, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in block Xo. 18 of the Vümgt of Manchester; also block Xo. 19 and lot Xo. 8 in block 18 in Manchester; also bepinnin at a certain .stake on the west bank of the river Haisin and on the e:sX Bita of block Xo. 20 in the village of Mauchestcr, thenoe Boutï ñ degrees 30 mi au tea west to & stake in a line bet ween hlocks 19 ar.d 20 in said villaje, thenoj id line nortb 20 degreee 30 minutes to the Hier aforesaid, ihence alnng ,aid Ri%-er t the place of begin ning, conta innig % of an acre, in the county of TOairtw ti-naw and State of Michigan, all of whicü premiaea I hall exposé forsalèai public auction, as the fawdïréct. ttt tin1 fpont door of tlht Court ItouM!, In the City bf A nu Arbnrt that belng the for hoW'ng the Circuit C.oupt for tbe C '■■: naw, b'n Monday The 8th day of Julj next, at eieren o'clock in the forenoon of said day THOMAS F. LBQNAB0, late Sherill. Datwl, Muy 16, 1861. 80Ütd Tbe above sale is herebr postponed to 1he 28d day of ■Tuly, 1S61, at the same píace and tune of day. THOMAS F. I.EOXARD, late Sheriff. Ann Arbor, Julv 7th, 1S61 Clmncery Notlce. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for th t Cmii.ty 'f ftTashteiiaw, inChaucery. At a sossion of Raid Court,, hell at the Court House in tho city of Aun Arbor, in said county and PtJite, on the fifteei'th day of June, A. I, 1801, l;re-=ent Hou. Edwin Lawrence, Circait Judge. In the suit of Robert McClelland, Complainant, agaiiifit partios to him iinkuown, wherein he prays for partltionof ccrtaln lands and premi se s in hin bill of complaint described, and iu which he claimn to have an iotereat : It satisTaclórily nppearmp to said Court oilit-r partios intereted in Mid lands nd I remlsoa are to the said Complninant unknown,- on motionof A. Telch, Solicitor for said Complainant, it is onltTtd that all partu-sitiU-rested in said lands and premises (partition of whlch is sought iu this cause), appenr and answer tlie bil! of complaint ñ led in this causo by the first rlayof Octobir, A.l).,lSfil, or that such bill et oonrplsi&t bd teken ai confessed by them. Said lauda and preinises are situate in the county of Wahfnaw, and tftate of M'chigan. and aro described as folio vs, t wit: the somh hati of section twenty -foor, and the we&i half, and the cast half oï' q-jartci, uf section twenty flve, in towrship four south of iang sti.n east, iu the dibtrict of lainirt toxmeily subject to sale t Uonroe in .said State, containing in all seven hundred and twtnty acrei, according to the PatPDt therefor. And it is (nrther urdt-rcd, that witliiu twonty laya f rom tlie entryof this order, the complainantcaus i copy of this order to bc pub II ah Od in Ehe Michigan Arus, a newnaper nrintcd and pubUfihed insdid city of oti Arbor_ and that such publicntion bo cioitinued at east once in each week dttccéssrrvly, for híx vreeks. E UAWRKXCK, Circuí; Judge. A. Felí.u, Sollíítop, aad of Connsel for Complain&nt. SPRÏNGGÖÖDS! RICH GOUDS. ZJÜEA.!3 QOODS. 3ACH $c PIERSON HAVE just oponed a large and well selcoted stock of SSlD3?iaa.S Goods. atest styles and patterns including 0PLINS, CHALLIES, DE LALXES, ÏRIMMLVGS, i U M M E R SÏÜFFS. DOMESTICS, STAPLtS, tú arcfully Helocted, Waranted to pleaee, and for sale cheap. COME -A.2NTX3 SEE. BACH t PIERSON March 26, 1860. 733tf MANHOOD [ow Lost and How Restored Just Pubhshed in a Sealed Envdope, ■ L&CTÓRE OK HIK NATURE, TREATMEXT AND Í.DICAJ, CURE OF -ï'r:tï...ATORRHOKA, or Seminal eakness, Sexual iJebility, Nervouane and Involunta-' . .!-, u.dufiug Iiuitutency, and Mental aud ly sical rncápacitr. BY KOB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. Authorqf the " Green Book" íj-c. Tlio world-renowncd lutthor, in thin admirable Ieotor a:ly proTM íioni bis j wu óperieoco that the awiul ucquencoa ofself abuso niay be efTectuall.v rcnVovèa hout medicino and without dangoroue surgtcal operanss bougies. in'tr.initnls, riuga ur cordial, point'n t a mode or curo at once ccrtftin and effect ua I, by ii h iv.-ry suffercr, no matter itat hi cnníliiinn may . may cure hinm'lf ohcnply , privatcl-y and radicaüy. - is Ijftcturo will prove a boon ta thousands and thoúfds. iant under seal to any addrcBs, post paul. on the ropt of tiro pofitage stamps, bv nddresfiiDc Dr. CH. C. KLIXE, 127 Buwcry, Xew York Tobt Bos, 16. 7S5 Lyers Cherry Pectoral


Old News
Michigan Argus