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Between Two Fires

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We are an unfortunate individual, wc aro, dad can't writo editoriu's to j suit every body. A few, a ver y few of our Democratie iriouds, friends with whom wo have long atsociated and hiylily e.-'toom, pronouDoe U3 " as great an a'ooiilionHt as IInraco Grceley," wliilo anothor few who claim to be our íriond?, cali us pro-slavery, traitor, anrl tory, becauso wo denoünoe Greeley , Phijl.ips, Garrison, Lovujoy, and al] that kind oí aboHlkmists-, in Congrcss or vut, who secrelly or openly labor ío o&nv.r! tllc effort tlic governmeni is engagcd in to put clown a rebsllion to a crusade against slavery. Now, we aro sorry, profoundly sorry, that wo can't satisfy all, whatever the discrepancy of tlioir vier-vs, bul then we can't hulp it, we can't. If they were disposed to be at all reasonable, wo might tri, but as it is we inlinitely preier to discharge our duty, Ratisfy our oicn conscience, sui tour sef. But that we may be underdtood by all, politica! friends an-l pjütical opponents, personal írionda and personal ene:r.ics, if we havo any, wo vrill agaio pkiinly and in a few words defino our posilion. In all the principies of the Democratie party we aru still a Demo' eral ; but as a Democrat we bave ever bcon taught to sust'.iin the Government, and that yery tliing wo shall do, now and eter, at least till the Government unmistakably and direclly repudiates its constitufional obligationsAnd Ibis is the duty of every Democrat. As to the single issue of slavery which fanatice and lools aro on all oc. casions disposed to place in the post of honor, we entirely ignoro it at this time_ The lamented Douqlas has been charged or credited, - we caro not which, - with saying that he " curcd not whethcr slavery was voted up or down," mcaning that he had as a citizen of Illinois and of the North nothing to do with il, and that the States must e:ich and all 6ettlo it for thcmselves. We occupy the same position to-day. It matters not whatour opiniona aro as to slavery f ir se, we sustain the Government now in its cfforts to put down rebellion, for the sake of the Government, for the sake oí white men who made it Liid vi fióse duty it is to adminater il, asid nojt for any effect direotly or the su&tuiuing the Government ftiav l'iive u pon tlio institution of slavory or the íñtwe?ts ol the black race. 1 We do hot want this Government de . Btroyt'l, ueJ.i nol wai.l. t'jjic denatioq1 alized, wo uli n co;nilry Still, and wo thcrcfnrc suiihiin the Government. This is just vl;eru we stand. Can all undorstand it ?


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Michigan Argus