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The Fire Zouaves And The Enemy They Fought

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" The Ëllsworth Zouaves aro lioiis everywhero. If wc had a lew more regimeuts liko thoni they would be inyaluablu. A luw niomeuu ago we noticed ouo passing up the avenue with Lis arm óff just bclow tlie shoulder, and as merry as ever. Two camo in last night who liad been taken prisoners and put uuder a guard at Pailfax Ouurt liousü. lioth were wouuded, oue in the leg and oue in tlio hand, buc during tac uight they watched tneir opportuuinty aud murdorcd the guard ai.d es. "A Zouave who had bccu wounded tolla Koiuc thrilling adveutures. llo givea the Mississippians full credit for being perfect devila in battlé. At one titile, ff beu in close (uarters, aud a bajonet charge was about being uiade, the Missiasippians carne up in terrible array. At'ter cUsuhargiug a vollcy ut' musketry, they threw away thoir guns, and pitched in with pistola and bowie knives, the latter twenty-two inelies to two toet in lengtli. These were strapped to a kind ot' lasso fasteued arouud the waist, nearly two yards long. Whilst approacluug tho cneuiy, at a few paoes distan;, these were throwu out like barpoous with wondort'ul precison. Ot'teu he saw the awi'ul iustrumcit of deatli plungo throngh the bodies of bis comrades, and jeiked out agaiu to repeat. Closing up, it onded in cuttiug and Blashing, bayoncting and dealiug death all arouud, until many on both sidos were fouud translixcd in the agonies of death. A bowie-knit'o and lasso would be in oae hand, aud a bloody bayOnet in the other. A pistol ball bad been seut throngh the wrist of the Zouave, and a tlirust made at liim with a bowie knile by the Mississippiao, which niissed itsaini. Tliis taken udvantae of, tho Zouave picrejd through, aud be feil lifoless, and tli3 terrible weapon staunched iu blood. It wade my vory flesh creep to bear his narrativo. " . - M II M b 1 ■ M


Old News
Michigan Argus