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Capt. Butterworth

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No ingle announcoment in tho raass of contiicling dispatches which told oí the recent defeat at Bull's lïun, grated more harshly on our eir, than that which named amoiig the dead, Capt, BuTTEftWOKTH oí the Coldwater Ga-i dets. To hope that tlie announcetncnt migbt prove a baseless rumor whb to " liopo iigainbt hope," for knowiug hia uoduunted courage, we kniew tbat lio was furymost ia the fight, and we therofore gavo him up as ccrtainly arnong the killed. The following paragraph i'rom a letter from aur old iivend C. B. Fisk to bis witi', pttWished in the Coldwatet Union, continua our firat iinpreseioiis: " Eight men from the rank?, the noble Captain iiinl his BGrvant Síumny are not here, or hearJ I'rom thia aide of thesceneof murder. Eyery hour i am mom and more convineed that our dear brolber Kbenezer is among the dead. His '2d Lieot., Beo. H. Eggleston, nrrived in Washington this evening with the gcattered ineajberi of the regiment. I huve liim in my room huw fur recuparation. All ars wotd out. Lieut. üeo tolla me that lie stood by the side ot his gallant coiiimander when hu was sliot ; that immediately on fulling the Uaptnin called to him saying, " I am ahot, Georye ; I think 1 am a dead man; this wouna will kill me, (pointiiig to hia high shattered wiíh a niinnie bnllet ) iBhalldie üive all my tlnngs to my wife ; take care of tliem ai J giv tlu-ni to her." In response to an iiiquiry as to what George should teil his folks, ho replied with empnasis, " teil them I die nthe difense of my country!" He gradually grew wcak, bufc on drínking a very little water i'rom his canteen revived, and said that he " wunted to be carried away from the üi'id, ded or ftlive," but would not permit li is men to exposé thfinselves to the ter rible fii'e ot the iiiusketry around tliem, by carryiDg him in their arms. He Avas so thuughtful of tiem au to teil them to duwn besioé liini and appear is wounded, when the rebela were oharginff furiously around them. Ge vge lelt the fleldjto procure an ambulance and Burgeon, leaving George Khodcs to hold the head of tho dying hero, but eould fiad neither surgeon or ambulanoe. On reEurning towards ihe spot wheré the Oaptaió lay, he found that the foitunos of tho day had turned ngiiiuat the fedeftoï forces, ns ho met ihe Miokigan First rapidly retreaüng, aiii'. was foroed to leave the field lie taw no more of him nor Sergeant llhodes." iH'or eighteen yeais wc havo known Oapt. BorrisiiwoRTii. known liiin as boy and man ; and we bear tcstitnony that no braver spirit was found in all the 50,000 who marched from the Potomac "into thejaws of dea'.h." As boy and man ho was alwitya ready for any enturprise which defhanded energy, daterminatioia, courage, to put it through, and we were notin tlio.oastsurprisod whed he responded promp ly to the cali of his couutry. We last saw him at Fort Wayne, and as he drilled " his boys," who all lovod him, we read in tbo contractions ol liis brow a detennination to stand by the " Old Flag" and be " in at tho dcalh." Ho was ltere, aud his last uiussago to his iriends was, " teil them I die in the defensevf my country." Our sympathies go freely out to his wife, to whom wc saw him unito his earthly fortunes somc yenra ago, to that largo circle of frienda amoug vhora ho lived from childhood, and tothe " Coldwater Cadots" who mourn tho loss of a worthy and honored Captain. S3T Tho ]Ion. Andrew Johnson, tlio noble old Senator from Tenncssoe, has acoepted the invitation to delivcr tho annual addruss at tho coming State Fair, to be held in Detroit. Wo prodiet that '■hard times" will not prevent his having the largest audiencc ever convencd in tho State. And he is worthy of it. jüJET The coronoieaioned officore in the Camp of Jnstruction at Fort Wayne havo pass&d a reaolution roquesting tho l'resident to commissiou Gen. A. S. Wii.i.iam.s as Brigadier General, and givo him comraand of the Michigan Regimenté;


Old News
Michigan Argus