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A Good Crop

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-We are oredibly foríncd that II r. Evax Begole, of York, on the Pittsfield lino, has just threshed ten acres nf white Wheat wlúeli yielded him 41 bushels to the acre. Who wiil beat lhis ? This is the largest yield we have henrd of, l)ut our friends in every portion of the County issure us that tho Wheat erop is an excellent one both ín quantity and quality. A prominent mi lier expresses it as liis decided opinión that it is the best erop the County has produce 1 in ten years EÜ We endorse the followiog wliicli we cor.y i'rom a recent issue of the Adrián Watchtower : " Editoral Conrs of the Frke Tkess. - M. M. Ham and C. H. Taylor liold the position of assistant editora of tfie Detroit Free Press. Mr, Taylor hos heretofore been well known as a resident of Grand Rapids Mr. Ham ha; constituted a part nf the editoral foree on tlio Free Press for nearly four yeara. and is the nnly one of the old corps that is relainei. Ham was cnr fuvurite in the old force, and it nhords us much pleasure to learn that he was retained at his old post. Ham it a seholar ' n gradúate of Union Colleae, Schenectady, j N, Y., - writes tersely with directnesa and foree. With the present editoral force on the Free Press. ïlr. Walker, as editor in chief, will not fail to maintain the superior etanding of the paper." EP A large niimber of soldiere, two hundred, froru Camp Fountain, occupied the Court House, (not Fairfax) on Wednesday night, as sleeping quarters. This was ren dered necessary in consequence of the scareity of tents and ltaky buildings. This hould be remedied, and our agricultural friends should see that the buildings are kept in repair. L3ST Trom the American Publishrs we have received the Westminister Remeto iot Jujy, with fh,e following papers : The Lifo ani Letters of Schleiennacher. The Salmón Fisheries of England and Wales. The Critical Theory and Writings of H. Taine. M. Mili on Representative Government. The Countees of Albany. Equatoral África and its Inhabitants. Mr. Buckle's History of Civilization in Eugland. Christian CrceJs and their Defender?. Contemporary Lileratuve. $3 a yoar ; with Blackicond, $r, ,vtn Blackicood and the othor thiee Reciñes 410. As the volumes begin with the July issue.the present is a favorable time for subscribing. Addregs L. SrcTT Co , 79 Fulton Street, :k. y.


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