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FSRE! FSRE ! WEsfMhi M.iSSACIIUSETTS Insurance Company r I CASIL CAPITAL & SURPLUS] OTEZrt. 92DOiOOO. W. N. STRONG, Agent Ann Arbor,Mirch 20, 1SG1. 792tf LIFÉ IWSUKaNCE. Tho Coanecticut Mutual Life In suranco Company. Accumulatcd Capital, - #',500,000. WIU.INï[ïK I.IVKS fox (Jit nni'nint not exceedlng ! $10,0 '0 for tho wrhole term l Ljfe ur for i term of v.'iirs, n the most favorable term. N. It The r.!iii:i:iv .■ït-ly m;itu:il :ill') the pollcy iioUlcrs RCt all surplus nvi-r tl.o '-nrt cwt 6Í iiisuraaoa ItwscomodatM Insnred in the sotUement "f th.'ir promuiufi ON UFE l'ul.K'lK-, f dwircd, Lv Lnkiug a notu fur bue lialf the amouníoaring Interest at r ' per cent, poruDouio. Dividend are Dedarcd Annualhj! ind síwifl they naw rtmbuAt to piptt per cent on the preniiunt, cash au) note, áud ave morcuitíug tbey muy bo - Applied to cancel the notes. '# rutes oí Dreiuiuma atettíJow asany otlior rtponsiljlt' ('onipnny au'l tiift large íiccuinuliilrrl fuinl of 3 ,500,000 is sveuretj investí'il, as muy l Roen ly referi'uce io tho Btatemmt mule acconllng to luw, on ííu Id the office rf tbe Couníy CIerktatAiui Arbor. I JAMEá (iOOIiWlN, l'rpst. (iiv R. Pmuf,Spey. KorpaxUcnUnapplyto JAMKS C. WATSON', 7ü3yl gfnt ;tt Ann Atii.if, Mich. ! NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY Accumulated Jan, 1800, $1,707,133,2 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J C. KENDALL, Vice President, YLl'SY FREEMAN, Aduar $100,000 DEPOSITED n11i the Comptroller of the State ( N'cw York. Ph dumis average 40 er cent. annuully. ASBBTS. Cash In Bank, í 01,355,4 taTMtfld in soourltfes, crp:tteil ander the lawsui tlie State of Xew Vu knd of the U.S., -258,870,7 Real Estáte and Filturea, Nos. 112 and 114 Broaduviy 1S2.450 0Bniuta anti Mortsrafcen rtrawïnp; 7 prrrt, ini.-n-.-1 583,998 .3 NotQfl roceiveu for 40 per cent. of premiums on Ufe pohcies, bearinfï intt-it-st, 075,315.8 Quarterlv and Sf-mi-anmial premiums, due ubsequent to January 1,1880 "."''ï interest accrued up to Jan. 1. 'WO, ötl.485. . Ranta noeroeduptojan. ],1S6O, l,70S.sI'reiniums on poUtaaln hands of Agenta, r.,445.l 81,767,133.'rtrs Wells and Lkwitt. Examinera. 743tf J. G1LBERT SMIT, Agent Insurance Agcncy ! C. H. MILLEN Is THE AOEVT tof tlie Mlowing flral e1 compantea 11(1. UK. INSURA.NCIS COMPA.VY, of New York City, -Capital and Surplus, $l,5O,O0O CITY FIUE I.VSIKAKCE COMPANY, of Hartford. -Capital and Surplus, $400.000. CONTINENTAL, IXSUIÏAHCE COMPANY nf New York City.-.-Capitul and Surplus, Í100.000. Threp quirters of the nett prolits In tln.s Company i divided annually among its policy holders. Ann Arbor, December 13, 1860. Cm778 Conway Fire Insurance Co., Of Comvay, Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Casb), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar. , President. DIRECTORS. J S. WHITNEY, L. JiODMAN, W. EI.t.lOTT, SA I1OW I.AND.D O. McG'I.VKAr, E.D. MOIÏGAN WAIÏ BKMKNT, JOSIAH AI.I.IS. A. II. BUM.EN VV.H. DICK1NSON, W.T. CLAPP, D.C. ROGKRS. Ann Arbor Refcrences: Dr. E. WEI.LS, L. JAMKS. L. DOTGB, KNOCHJAMES. CAPT. C. S. GOODRICH J. W. KNIGUT, Afient. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1MIE PEORÍA MARINE & FI RE ■ INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 om of the HEAVIFST. SAFKST and REST Insurance Co'a. in the U.S. Iiwu'res on reasnnabiï terms, and al A-av pay promptly. There ia no better Kire Insuranc Company. Mo ney WantecL Who w i 1 1 h e ïi 1 M o n e y 1 IAM RKQÜESTED Bï SEVEKAL PERSONS to obtain mouey for them at Ten Per Cent Iaterest, (Or More.) Foranyone willing to lend, I can at. onee on cood unencumliered abundant REAL ÍNSTATE security ány suins of money and see that the title and aecurity are al!, rigiit. A5" The borrower paying all expendes, inehnlinp recordmg. W. MORCAS, Ann Arbor, Gct. 7.1859. 715tf General Land Agency. PEltSONS wanting fornn.or roldeoceiln orneo Ann Arbor, can by calling on me teleclfrom a libt ofoTor 1OO Farms For Salcl Ofïarloui slzee trom 3, te 130" acreeach (ome aa goodaianylnthiaConnty.) Moretban .Sil Divcliiij House nttalTUy,froratwo iiundrod to fourthouaanddo - arioach : and ovor )U E.ÜIL.DITÍG LOTS! Amongtbcfarms are the lilahcpsiarm , l.'inoacrea, the Potter farm, n Green Oa'n, t'ns Plscefnrm , a.i j 48 ) aerea, the Blandón nnd Jenks fiirma, in Webster; the Stub'ia, Michael Clancy, Newton Ueogan, and Fallahai farma. In Ann Arbor; J .Kir.gsley'4 fann, !nPitt.'led-the Hntch and Hick farma in Lodi-.the PatriekClayufarm in Freedom; W. S. Davikon, B. O. Baker a and I?uck"e forms inSyl'an. M08to theae und many otbers can be dlvldsdto ault purobaaer. B.w-1.O1G0. AnnArboj.Jan lat iï EW.MORGAN, Agent lor Mutual I.ifc Insurance Company, Now York. AacumulatodAMeto, - - $5,350,000. the Indina Life Insurance Company in the U. S. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Couipany, New York, - a first class - tevms reasonable. Hurabolrli Fire Insurance Ciinp:myt New York. Capital, with alarK? surplus, - - Í2OO.Ü00. Peoría Marino & Fire Insurance Co., IVorir 111. - hotv % Xo. 1 fire Insurance Co'B. 7O7tf Capital, - - - 500,000; L. F. SANDALL, DEALING IN PIAIMO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET Music lf Musical Murcltandue. JACKSON - - - MICIÏ. PIANO FORTES rrfm tho manufactory of A. II. ÍAI,K Jt CO. of New York, for who in 1 ani apt. I wil! warrant toferfoi to none, in style of finish quantity oi quAÜiy OÍ títne anrl promptness of actlon M:iï]Lox)]cojsrs, niKUutacturprl lv ÏREaT ie LlNöEEY Kew Haven Oonn. k BSTEY k GREEN', of Brattlebow Vt. I will VAmnt superior to any in the market in evcry respect thatpertains lo the good qualiticsof a Melodeon. I have Oii hanil anl ara constantly receiving froni the publishers large quan tiei of the mot popular SHEET MUSIC which I will send by mail to any part of tUo country, on reenpt of marked príces. A good asortment of GUITARS, VIOLINS, TIANO iStools, Bows Strings, Instruetions Book.s for all instruinents CUUEC MUSIC BOOKS Glee Books Sfc, Spe., fyc. The uRual discount to the Profesión. Musical Initrumentstuned and repaïred and fiatisfactionguaraotee o erery respect. 787X1 L. F.ItAN'DAI.-j N O T I C E7 LI. Persons indebted by note or Bccount tb Mi.hni] ■ltiimiionari!hereby reqncsted to eallan'l wltle tlie c ame with .1. JXIrieh, one of the assinees of the RaM UirliHel Cnmpion.anfi thereby save cobt&. 1) :i'ii, Arni Arbor, Juue 10 1801. H"u J. D IHlëll. v Nípp BOOK L10 RE 3 Slmi J MI fiSTEIl vSÜ AREXOW-QPENING, DIRECT PROM PCBIJBHKBS AXI) M;mnf;ict uri'rs, a Nf,( all'l Complete stock üf LAYV & MEDICAL UOOKS, School Books, Miscellancous liooks, Blank Books, dan STATIONBHY! Wall ainl Wiodow Paper, Dmwilijj and Miiílirmíitírnl Instrumenta, Ifoslc, Juvenilc Ubrariw, Euv Loptid, lnl;s and Cards. GOLD And all otJier kind o f Pens and Penáis ' Win.low ('niiiici', tjbadoi ainl l'íxturp, POCKET CÜTLE11Y! And evorytlúng port:uníntr to tho trade. and more to whichthey Wutüd IllVfte Un atteuiimi ol ODunt ry. ÏB crmiliH-íinjí ínir buslQMS, we shall án ali tlmt can be donerfO t Imt no FOMODablo doao, ffouaan or chiM sha 11 ílll'1 ;ui_v 1;lilU . We posuBsn DtollitfOfl wlitch will cnablo us tü sujijily our atoim't'.s at the Lowest Possiblo Figures. TTo prnposí to sel I for II KA I) Y PAY, uta amall a.l vaneo. Wi.' expeci a proSI ononf ioods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Lew FIGURES. We li-ivc ppgagcd the s'Tïiirs ui .lAMl'S F. SPAUtlXG, lierefore ure pruród to furuish Visiling, Wedding and all othcr Cards wrilten to order, wilh ncatness and dispatcJi, by mail or othencise. Tile t(EMrini:H)OK Stock,'' is mrmned ly agood 'crew,' nil Hu'v wM .'ilway.-í Ie founi on the rquártor dock," ready and willinjj U attead to all with picasure, who will favor them with a cali. llemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Albor, May, 1880. "Jf ANTOHER @ AREIVAL AT THE KgoLD AND RELIA BLE S CLOTHINC EMPORITJM!! IMIjll 3ST 0 . 3 PHCENIX BLOCIC, MAIN STREET. han jast returnfid from the Eastern Citit-s, wiíh a Iarg au-l dedlrable stock of F ALL AND WINTER E3r O O X &1 wVicli hc is uow ofTcring at uuusuully LOW PRÏCES! Among bis Assortmeut may be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, & VESTIKGS, of all descriptions, cppecially for FALL AND WINTER WE AR ! whlch heis cutting and making to orler, ia tholatcstanü best styles, togctlivr wilh n superior nssortment of READY MADE CLOTHING! TRUXKS CARPIÓ1 BAGS, UMBIÍELI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, wit íi tui morons ötner artvcles usuaHy founil n similai Éstablishnrants. As ANEMPOBIÜM OFFASIIIOJV, ;he suhscrïber flatter himsclf, tlmt bïslonfr oxperienco and genem! SDcoeAwtll enable hfm to frivc the gieoteel satisfaction toull who m;iy trost hini in the xv&y ufmanüfaeturing Karmeuts t order. TÓÜtf' WM. WACXKli. Ho for the Mmmoth Cabinet Ware Rocías. „ ... .- ___ MARTIN & THOMPSON, HAVE JUST OFENEI) IN THKIHneiv and ; Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIDEOF MAIN STREET, A completo Koek of ROSEWOOD, MA1IOGAKY i AS ti SMTS OF PARLOR FUltNITURE ! INCXUUIXü Sofas, Tetea-ToiPR, Mfthogapy Koe-Woofl, Black , nut, 1'Ihiii an-1 larblo. ToppM ROSEWOOD. M.UIOCAXY, BLACK WALNUT, i FANCYAND , CXITACE CHAffiB, &c, &c.f ícc.t kc. k. -MLu 9SS 9 ■.logant 5IIWÏOR8, BUKKAUS, SECRtilXRlE% Complete c BED ROOM SI-.TS, [NCLÜD1NG LATEST STYLES, -OFMATTRESSES )f the l)st iii:iliiy aml Different Material In Fact tliv U&tq Kverythtag with wLich to furaish PABLOR, ' BOL;1")II!, siïTiyc hoom. OK KCTOHXH, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO ouger go to I'fctroit or elwewluTC to finil a large assortiii. -ut . Tlii.s FURISriTURE musut bo Bold and will be (Hld at VERY LOW FUICESI HOT Le4 BTCirT mn a'l Wf Wlft or going to be wife OME AM) SEÉ. ThcyalRo have a 11 E A USE (JA UB I AG L, And are always roady to nttviiil to the burffti of tho ead in the Cily aul arljoinin;? country. Biioms cast de of Hala Streel, bot v tea Washington and Liberty O. M. MARTIN. C.inTÖii CfB. TIIOMI'SON Hangsterfer's lilock. DEA N F C O-, 'NVITE nttentfou to thoir new utock OOODprffll&g all . kinds of Drockery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures ndlloude-furaishin go(j(lj,all of which thcy are offei At the Lowest Possibh Mates. French China T:a sets from $Ó 00 to 20 00 French China dinner sets frota 26 00 to 70 00 Stone china Toa neta from 3 50 to 5 00 Stom china dinnor Sits from 8 50 to 20 O0 Gla&s Kerosene J-ampa complete Trom Z}.: to 62J Marble Kerosén1 1-unps compktf from PO to 10 00 Fluid lampF from 18 to Q2% Lamps f all kinds alterel Rad repftïrcfl. Summer Hill Nursery. THE0D0RE R. DuBOIS, )ROPRItntt&OFTHBSUAtMERHiLL NÜBSERYANN . Arbor, Ifteh., Is bow rcady to roceire ordent fbr Fall and üiprinff Settiiiir, Uis 'orders fnr Frtiii ;iw Orn.iriH'iitnl Tree-i, VInef, i ri l'-.etc., will b (illnl 1 i-uin t li' bost 11 stern Ntn ■ n'l liipers(in;il atteotion will be frivm to tbc --'-lecti(n ud fillinp thcsame. Havlog been regularl educateil jj ui Nur-rv lia-inos. ]n' [b conüdenf thaï wltn prompt d close al teotion, and trict houosty and ntegrity.oc II beS.bIo to gfVe Gftttsfaction to every onc ctmfidlug icir orders to hUri. All farmers or Fruit erowcra will do well togivc liima all beforo-ordirin? throtigh othor parties. Ho wodM refo? to man'y cltfeens of thi; Cil v and County ■hopurcliasedof hlmthppnst Spnnp fnr th qttllty 9f roe brouylit on ly him, as well au foi tlie guul ordt i lij ■ hich ffciereceivod utddehrtftt. iOhu'i


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