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Tho Michigan First Prisoners

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1 lio frce, t ress as ruouivuu vía Jjüu: ■■. i"! , Ky., a lettor from Lieut. Park?, dtited ! ' uhirnond, Jiily 27tli I i', giv' - the i::!iiim oí fifiy-six ! era of' iho Michigan First w lío aro i ■';: ■::■! :í OÍ Líiclnnoii'J. Tiio list ni es i niiitiber beforo supposod duad. ín ackliiion t.) tlio lis" given by Lieut. [ Park3. and wlUcli nñuy be reüetl rn ■! number of offioere nnd privtitfs rtt?, ropofted s vet boing held ::t M ; 1 1 : s ; i - nul in thnt vicinity, r.njiiding Col. WtMCOX, t';ls. I'l TTKHWOUTII IJ lítl V'rn;ix; t n, Liouifl. JlAücn,, aiul Y ;;nki;. Fpom the Ht for-.v.-udiMÏ by !. Paiiks we etr;ict t!e finmós f th íso at liielirnond béli'mgihg Vo (he companys 1i:i;üiiic from lilis Co!iii:y : (Jo. 1), (Manchester Guards )- l'riva:i;s Me; üiicilioii Mnrtin, VVilünra Jchii.-ton, Wiífíííín Parker, and A. Dubois. Cu. l'J, (Steybtm Guards) - Privaten Yilli;;r.i íi. Newulí, 1). Scbhaifhfnán, Jühl) Laflg, aml John líaiifer. Tliis accounts tora 1 the missiDg of pompany te. Ce. FI, (Ypsilanti Light Giiarth, - Lwut. Parks, and Privates (i Phülipb, Muiray Bttke.t, und George Bfifcerj J'. S Lato adrices say ihnt Lieut. Gaseï lina died from bis wounds. S"5T During the last wöek we have heard ;i number of our Republican i'riendá donouncu in bitter terms the refu8!i1 of ihe Dumocrats of Now York and Ohio to abandon their organizntjon and join the Republfaan party! Domociats must linvowo pnrty. Wilhin ihe saino time a petition hi circu'ated amoog om Rüpubliwn f'tllow-ciii.v'iis i-eccrnmaadtihg ibtj i p [)()Í!)tiiK.'!)t nf :i Regí mental Suriv-on - lot :i politie;] office-and une 'f tbe reaíQis usiiigjnöd in ihe recovnendution for the ;' oiiii:;!-.1!]', was-'Uiut the itpplic int was ; finn and consistent R.epiiblf'ian. Ropublicuns must. havo a party, aud party service mti8t outrank euieatin'o .tlaininents. This ÍS tiio vvay tho donimant party have boen keeping; and vvönld keep, the polfticf.l truce the supposfd shallow nuiísus are toid is soiight. "" Two weeks since wc publis'ued a letter innouncing that Limit. WeIcd, of the First Minnesota Regiment, and Sergeant A. M. Edwakds, of Coi K, First Michigan, bolh formerly students i:i tlio Michigan Univereity, were killed st Manassaè. Later adrices report both prisonara at Richinond, and uninjiïrci. SíS" 17'10 Eighith Regiment, Col. Fi:nion, liarf bcju:i ordwecl to rendezvous ui Grand Rápida, and severa! t'ull cnrapiinies have ulicady boen acceptd for the sume, E IJo'JNrUJS.- O;lO of tllO Kits Of the late Mcssion of Gngi-css proyides the folUnvitg. bouut'ies lor Uure-enlistment of volunteers who have uerved three montliá : Jïc enlisting as individuals, lljjlWï dclhirs. By CfSYnpaniea, fifiy dollars; ]v regiment, Pövehty fivê dolíais.


Old News
Michigan Argus