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Great Battle In Missouri

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St. Louis, Aug. 13. Thrfollovirig fa the official report of ihe Bglil near SpringBeld ou Saturday last, as fortrardi d by ono of Gen. tijoo s iwls tu Gen. l'remont : Gen. Jjjmi, iu :ui uiMis ander hi ni I . iáigel fmd Majr Srurges, of the cavulry, afcv ai balt' past siz on tiio iiiuniing ut the lOth, uiue ui i lea SoutUo;imI of Spiiiij'fiuld. was sevcre, our loss being abput -x00 in killed and wounded. tien Lyon wao killed in a tlu.ige ui llio Ltad Ó"f his column Oui furce wns ciglit t!ioiis-.ui'], inoluding two thonsand homo guarda Tbc uiustcr rolls rcpoiteil taken tïum tlie uml'iii}' gjve his gtrongth at twenty-throe tliousund, uicluaiug regiineutfl froöi Loisiana, Misaissippi and Tennassse, witli ; miigor8 and (Jhuroküü half broeds. ; Their los.-, is reported heavy, inuluding ÖödspuIs Brice and Mcöttlloob. Tliis étatefnent is coTróbofated by pfis i;(ms. Théir ti'iits affd wagons wCfè desu-pyed in the notior, Qen. Sigel loft un on the tic!d, nul retreated by Springficld, with a largo nnmlier of prisoneta, at threeó'cteek on thé CYornitig óf tlio l : tli. He cuntinm-il bis retreat upon Rolls, briging ori' liis baggago trams and $25,000 in ispecie tVom the Bptingfield bank. ïlfo fdi'.owiíig ia a Vertal report taken fYöni a special i r whö broughf dispatéhos tor Gen Fremoat: Early on Salurday morning, General Ljün march í Sp.rijigfield to give ; ■. lio carne sipón liiiü at Duvis Creek, on Green Prairie, a few miles soutliwest of Springneid, wliere le had takeu a stroag position on rolling granad At twenty minutes past six o'clook n the momiug, General hyon fired the Gist gun, wben the battle iniiuudiatel' begon ;■' i ; . ■ ding was kopt iifi for two or tinh Len tbo fire of Cupluin Totteirs .-irtiüery provin too severe t!iO ene,y, tiiev gradually ell hack to rfards tlr ir e..r,L...ji!Uü:t 011 ; qre k. Gen. L'ou1 bava'rji tin.' Olu'lUJ s löf't ihuik, ai;d Gptl. Öigel's iu-tilU.-i-y (;n the nglit. 'iS11.11 bgau a terrifio attack, vfhu-h spro-ad elaughter and i disniiiy int . the ai.k.s ut' tho euemj, i urBuiug tliem to tlieir cnmp. trom ToUuirs artillery .set lire to llioir tenis and baggage wagons which were til deStroyed. A Louisiuua regiment aii'l a Missippippi regiment seeined to have euíf'ered the most ip the fight, and were almost aimih'ilatcd. Bömetime in tho : afturuoon, is Gen. Lon ;m leudiüg on I1Í6 eulunin, liis liorse was shot froin uáder liini. He imniUiately ïnouuted anotlier, aud as he tuined arouud to his 6 en, v;:ii.Lr his hat in hia hand, and thetn on to victory, lie was .struek in small of the back bj a buil, and feil dead to the ground. Tho command tlien devolved úpon (Jen. Sigel. - Furüuit. eontinued mitil uigbtl'all, when uur liitle ain:y rested for tiio night in the ciicaiiipuiont of the cneiny. On Suudaj moruiug, General Sigel fearing tliat the enemy might rei md attempt to cut hi .d oiï froui Springütld, l'ell back upon tbat eily, where the hime guarda were slationed - On reaching Hpiü.güeld, fearing the great uumjjers of the enemy might induce to get between hiui and Rolla, (ie;,. Sigel ocucludpd to fail b;:ek uppu Ralla witli bis prpviiou train?, ai. d meet the reinforeemeiits wliiüb were on the way to nieut hiiu. At tlic latest moment of the iiure of the messenger the euemj ,W1 irot bin seeu, and it, 's prouablo ilint (jen Sigel bas uut beun disturbad in lii's ui; n-li Ninety of the rcbfils wcve eapiured, iniuiig wiioni was a Cuioucl of distiueiion. 'i'Jie uie&sengeir does uot.reniomber lus name. 'i be s.wur.d and urxe 01 Alcl'uliuuh are auiung the tFOphies - [oécmtHlta art: OIi the way iVoni Kold Gen. Sigul and liis anny uiay be eousidorud í:ii". Rolla, Mo., Aug 18. The foltowiiig ádditional account of the battlo Bear Springfteld is furnfehed bv an cye-witues.-s, who lef t Springfield oti Sund;iy mórhing and came tlinugli to tb 8 iltico on iiorsebaoK : Om' army marébed out of 8prinfffield on Frii!;iv evening, oisly ñfty-five lmndrüd strong, the Home Öuard repiaining in Springfiëld; forces slept on tho prairie a portion the ïiiilit, and ábout sumiso Sííturtlay raoming drovo in the OUiposts of thu ciu'niy, and sOQjQfaftérwarés the engsgement bccanie gphemh The attack v;is made in two columns by Lyon and StwgcSjGon, Sigel leading a flimking forco of about a thoutond inen and four, on llio south of the eneniy's camp. The fight raged from r-imrite in tbc morning until one or two ü'clofk in the afternoon. Tho rebels in ororwLóhning f'orcc charged Gapt. Totten s battery threi? sevoral tiinea, but. wiTc repulsed with great siaughter öen, Lyon teil early i:i the day. Ile had been prcviously wouuded ii; the leg, and liad a horse hot From ander him - TIn; Golonel of ono of the Kansas re :i monta baving beootüe disabled, tbc crie ' General, you cnim: and iead us !"' He did so, and at unce [mttiiir hiniíolf in front, and white cbeering the men on tho charge, reocived o ballet Lu the left breast and feil from bis horse. He v;is aaked if bc was hun, and repliedj " No, not much," but in a lew minutes he cxpired without a stfuggte: líen 8igel hado -. ■■-iniggle, and tb ree of bis four gane. Misarttllery horaès were shot in thei harüesa and the pteecs disabled He endeavored to baal thciü otf wilh b, i .uuibcr of iivisoner8 ho had taken, but was ftnally eompeilod to abandon thcin, fust. howevur, spiking the gutis, and disabling the carriages. About one o'olock in the day tho cnamy scemed to bc in r ! disorder aid re treating Thcy set firo to the train of baggnge wagons. Our farces wcre too much fatigued and cut up to pursue, and the buttlo may bo considered a drawn O!. O The First Kaïififis, First Missouvi and First Iowa suffercd the most. Gon I was not killed. Th'erö wöre i umors en the field that MoOulloch was !;ilied, but the rebels denied it. On Saturday niglit Dr. Mancher and others of our army went bark ambulances to the battlè field from Sprigfield to see aboüi the killed and ffouhdefl. ThcJ : :!ie cnemy on the tield, and were considératela1 tíeate ! (en.'s body had been treatcd with great respect, arid washro wilh sorao ot' the wouuded to Spring field. ';ries took command on the battlv i:í af'ter the deaih of Gen. Lyon. General Sigel took command after tho battle. Our loss is varionsly estimaJed at fro;n 150 to 800 killed, ar.d severa) hundred led. The onei' 2000 kiilod and Woimded. Our boys captared about one hundred borses. OliC Óf the encmy's rfgimonts f.n r! i'T two {Ing?, Ihe Confedérale, and Ihe S ■:ir, ■ , rlpi-9 Gen. Siorfrl ntijijM hed back o F field n rrood order BfltT perfuctiiig his aiTuBgemeiUs, gttllteniig llio baggagc, blowkig n jj ■ w Ier I'ü eoukl not oavry, nnd dcstroyíns; other property which hu did not wish s-hould fall into the bïinds of t'io cnoniy. He !eft Springfield and Sunday ' nighf d'thirty miles Ihis side of , y nt piirsuing. - Tho nnly hnstjiitjf o servvd diiring iho day waa :'- fiijing ;l a rnusket l'ium a ij'slanye al ili ; d. Oí i). Sigo! is ponfident ho cnuUl havo held Sprin ihcv hi(d ongngeü', bul h trïiil óf réinForcomiiits t Ihe ciicmy fifrn iho ' soythwest, and tlit hVs line f tnnnicatï'on to Rolla vvoiitd bè cut :.". Gen. I.yon Uegan lliu attauk upon the i'c'i'ipt of iBtelligwjce that the enemy were expecti-ng nemfiipcenient.s iVoti) Hurdöe'fl column, which was ippronclijng from fh 8outh-e A portion of !ho artillery of tho enemy waa :; sèrvd. Theïr nfiniry firo waa also vcry severe. The Spriníjüeld Ilotm; W-aards were not in the fight; They wKh n hirge nmnber of the citizens fff 8j rh:j ave in íáigcl's carop.


Old News
Michigan Argus