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MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & KORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD. 1801. tUMMU: ah[:ax(,f,hknt. isoi lraíns now ruó oa this road, Purdnys gxcepted, as follows: L itj Po1 lo 'oír Chicago a) 8 o'! . St.,andftP. M., anl wa Air Linat 2.00 A. M. ir Chicago at 7,10 A M, and 1.00 P. :.l '. M. Arriving in Cliicftgo fi-om Toledo and Detroit al 0,00 i". M. r, ■ I . aní via Air Lioaat 11.00 I'. M. al PetroU; [V.-üi Toledo, at 6:56 A. Al.. íl:ío I'. M. nnd 6.96 i'. M ).■ av( ■ D roil for Toledo at V 10 A. SI., 1.0D r. M., i t. M. Arvíve ia Detroit from Qbicasro at 5. 55 I'. M.,and6iö5 A. M. rrive in Toledo fram Chicago 4.25 T M ard4S0 M., and viaalr lineat .S0 i' M. Lmtc Jackon for Toledo at 4.45 A' M. and 1,(01'. íl. Arrive from Toledo a! 12.2 I'. M., and 'J,15 1'. MAt Tolsdq - With Clevelaud & I ilodo Rail Road. wlth At Detroit - With Grapd Tronk Hailvay, wit] Western Kaiiwaj,, with the Detroit and Milwaukee, At Nlur.1 ÜBUI Se R. R. Caoesiso- With Trahu "itc, New Albany acd Louisville. At Chicago - Wílh Chicago and Rock Island, Mihvat;! i, Burüntrton und Quine}' - North Iway - Chicago, Allon and St. Louis, Illinois Contra], and to all l'oints West and South. J8f Tr;iin-: are run bj Chioago time, whicli is 20 minutas slower than Toledo time. jfMír J'. ■ ' ■ accompnny the Nishl Traína on this Route, ejPatent Ventila tors and Du imiuer Tr uqs. iiïr ïime and Faie the same as bv any other Rai' Road i JXO. 1). CAMPEF.LL. Ocnr-al "uricriutendent. THE GHEAT ENGLISH EEMEDY Slii JAMES OLAUKE'S Cetebrated Frmalc Puls. PEOÏSCTED JfÉ L E T T E E F EYEOYAL V; Wulfet PATErT Preparedfrom a prescripticn of Sir J. Clarit, it I)., t'hjsiclan Extraor&nmrg to tk Queen. Tbll invulmblo mcilcine 3 unfai'.ing in thi care of nl! nfiil and düngerous diseaRea to which tlio foniRl' 3 laf titution ia lobjeot It tortórate al} oices and rt r.OTfi all (hitrnct!one, nd a ppMdy cure may be rtlied en. Tü Minnncn LADiEa ■ s::it3i. It wiil, in a fbort time, bring od . the moii'.Liy pcriod wüli rgulsritjr. E.-ioh butt), price Oca Dollar, btf&rn the GOTCnïBjani la, to prevent counterfeit. Thsu Pille tkaul'l n;i fif t&lt'n Ly ftmolti dxring tt FIRST THREK ilüTHS of Prtgnc.ncy,as tkít art trc to briKg iiscarriuc, bv' at any otinr Itncz the) ! coye. In r'1 msi of Kerrous nd Srmal Alhcüem, Plit i: tte CacU and Lfrnbü, F&tiga on b'iiit ossrti'ja, Faïplta 1M f 'ie Hïurt, Hjstirion. nnd Wfii'.pa, Uws F'LI! vrW ü euro wbon ia oüor ooiaus have bilid, taj Ithnugb pewcrful'Mly, í uot costáis boa, cc".r.= lümcny, or any ibic j hurtful ta the 00CBt;tn1.:wa. ful! dírecUoos ucoupvy nc.h f aeiagü. 3o!e Ajeut fcr tbs (olted State anl Ctaa-J, JOE JÍOSES, (Lal I. C. Baidvln ei Co Hochoiter, . T -j;,:c sid C pes'-igo t'junp nc!cil to nuy aa Ageu irtU kcwre abottl of tit Piila b ttsra 6 aM bo GRT-CVILL U FuLLir. Ar.r. ' rrr, laa by a. MOTHESS RÜAT3 T i 1 . er," CiaotiiiiH i i1uhiob in favor oi Ehat wavld ren ■ .■ ; i. Wis . , . ■ ;■■ ir i"n:i. i);;-.:v TkKTHINU : . ■ i:i favor of it ] □ - "uv Ufe, bwt . i . ■ ■ [fl V' Ë THJKB 1 : ■ . ■ ■■ t ; ; ■ i can't do it Öee ■; ;-■ erti emei ■ FGUZE POETRY. Lot Cl '■'■■■ , A ;i ' 'i - - pill i. Their ■ ida ; . ; ■ ! UiS. T.vs ■: - ? never doubt "■ oat, Au 1 ,;■ : 'i ■■■■(" Ii jpi Ü i' on::c ta i;-':: ■ 're safe P r ■■" I i s 0 ; í . , .... ,' - qo toneer klUs I n ,. - : Ella. fi"=T Pu1 -.' vrith man and a ptr box. fta Cüatvl See i ■ i "; nfcon thlnl Ppo8üi New Medical Discovery. For the speody an I : "'■ of Gonnorhea, Gleét, Urethal Discharges iravcl, Btrlctttre, hihS roTtó o" iAtf Kidnv'js and Ji'ladder, "J a en aeed by upwarda of ONE IJUN"DRED PHTS101AKS, : :e, wlth frntite hoc ■ I ofl v, ( ■■■!' lULBS, or any ooiupouud "bbll's speoifiö pills, aro speedy in actinn, nftea eíTccüiia: a Cnrö la fi andTvhen ac.uce is effected it is perma,gec;& They ure 1 ■ extracta thal :■.;■■■ hai m ;. i , ,:.. : .,.■,,:!..,, r coated, all i '. ■■■■.■ of ííVí is WCrstartj vh'tlst uslng (hem 5 nor t'illn. I'RICE OSE nOIIAR, aadwill I tl I "; by atiy adveitisofl Agent, on rceipt of I I [ïsls in ■ ■ -"AN, Iinchi'-lor. X. Y. , Í.l-hí ril -ccnt ÏT k t EWON%?o D t' . ■■ ■ M ' IMPORTANTtoFEMALES THE HEALTri a au ■ ■■ i F v. OMAN I8fl( BtÍQnally ui peril i!' slie is mn. 1 enongh to oegleet nr mal! rent thoso Roxúal iiH'"1'::-:'1 ■ i" '.vhicii two(liinls of h ar - '■■; nre moro or less bd Mï. ({!!■ i.M.XV riï.l,-. prepircl Épena tho samo formula uiiicli tho nvpntor. ':OP.KI.1US L. CHEESEMiN M. P,,6f ÍTéw-foVlc, has for Iwcn+y years used successful!}' in an extended private frsctice - immediatelj' relieve without p:iin, all dfstiarbaoees of the poriodical diaobfge. wheiher an i ■ n or Bappïesllon. They net tike charm in r movÏDg the pains thai acccmpany difiicult or immodera to mestraatwn, jin'ï axö the only safe and relïivbla remedy for Flushes, Siclc 1 ■ . Pal pita tion nF the Heart Piervcus 1 . Broken '!■ oftpleasant e ad dan of as aonat ira-1 eonfliHon "'' " ■ ;iS ïn iho trorsi cftsea of Fluor étbua or WhitéP, they f-fïect a Fjiocily puro . To WIVE8 and IVIATtCWSTS. ; !. , '. ''H ;ive nlle-cítl :ts thö Oi:1. means of rewrwiBjmtett'öpted menstrua tloö, bat. IiATlE3 MUST BK.Vtl ï% ?IÏD Therc Ís ov rnndinon "f :' ■ ' . ■ . -Kirh the PiUê mnnot hr. ■■■ i PJECULIA R RESULT. Th rerred to PU EGXA yCY- ■ '. MZSCARRIAQE. Suñh ii the i t-endency of the medicine tortstor the scrutil fimcthvs to a normal con'Uiion , tltat even iho reprodttetitt of natnre canüat rt '■' U vat he u$t [, Bos - .ho Price Que Dollar cach Box, f.ontain 'm ,- 50 Pillt. 1 f-p" nf thp '. PüIb ?cnt ép Jnoü provrit?- iv Gnclosin prwe Lo any ■ I '■. r'etnr, ■ Torh. pi Rnle by KATHARD STEBC1 i;N,ar:d r.KNviï.!.:; & . n Li ïï. Important to Ladies, Dr. JOHN !■ ría of tweriy Kv:W [■■ ■ '.■ to tlll.' treatmtutof Feinnle DifficuHies, :"n'l liijvlng ■ . ■ . . cte i to sm:ii . now en tire cooiidence i; publicl j '■GRSAT AMHlRrCAW RBMEDY," Iïi,. HABVEY'S CHROHO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. HOOS have n removÏBg ■. ■ sin ■ fr m Ob3truction, or Btoppage of Nature, i'ri.irc-i Ferlng from e-pivjii, A ; reu, Tre . or othev we ki in all es ■ ■ rox, Hys. nf more ha-mlre$ en the GonHiiutiovt aiid mty &e toben by the moet iii .■:-. r'. maft mth ■ i ca ts i ■■:; ■, ,-, -7-,-;it tho sam time thej i CHASsj ly -t engthening, ii ng he system to al ' c n lit'on, and by bringiag on the cq mtl Ij period ■■■ i :i r jularity, no matter from wha1 c ns raay iriso. Xhoy houltl however, not be takoo dui-ing the first r four months pi . . fe at aay other tirae, as miscai . Each bftx coutaiüï CO PiUa l'ri-o One Dollar, and aired witl be ■'■-.,: by m-iil prpaH by any auvet ■' t . on : eceipt uf thje m ü!d by DruKgistj in Ann .r'jr.r J. 1ï:;v x. Roche r, N'. Y , fien eral Á--n'. H. Ie L. SIMüWEAU, Detroit, Wholesalö A Michigan, 80 'if THB PUBLIC SCHOOLS. rpiIE FALL TEBM of tfa :,or,lp of 1 tbiaCitj will open onMundaj i and continue 14 weeks, n is ■ ia their place.s oti the iir.-tt daj oí' the term, ■ bcols wLH reroain as beretofore, txccpt ' a the Primary ríihín thefoUowiug ti-rnlury will b: n-quired lo ■ ii 11 V;ir-l b' ' ■ Streetsan'l N :- . atjwete and the EUver Road l .,.-; . ■ ■ . i .■,,-.- atreel , öeul h i n Itou' r sUeet, the. .Cc; Bast io district - neludüig resident s sioea of Streeta nmpd,-ra : ■ o ipted. JÊ-jgP" :■. , : (vr ,ti.v; yea-.s ola wíl The foll . ' ■ ranneat of tlie pevenil . i berei ofora antiooac d, hare been adapted, and the especial attention of par re in vil . ■ hem : I. Pupila ■ ■ ■ eomraencetbsir attendance prOtdpi ij' :■!..■ ■i punctual m tlieir attndaiiee ; to o 'ufona to the regafauotiö ol tne school anl tto oti ■■ pronlptïy al] the direcli;ns of t!. ■ tod order and proprietj of deportiaení ; io De diligent ia I ■ i,and kin anl obliging to Bohoolmatei tb refrain entirely l'rom theuel proi improper langm u person and attiie. II. Pttpilfi Of WT to attend the Bchool establiieü in ihedivu-U-ü ot the district li'.'i' III. No pnpil preparing hïs or her lwons in school shail be : ■■ usuaI iit.v.■ i ■ cept by Rpeci i trenta or guardián or on aocouiit of biclinenii ; - and pupilsper■ . to prepare thír les ds ■■ I liaH eater atthe openmg of the t-'-'-Um or at rectas, and (aro r.t reeesa or cl se ol iesion. IV'. Atiy p;i lly tarcly or traant, or guiüy of open dlsobetlionee or in a.orwho iüduig'S in tli; iagc, or who in;i l,i s us of tobáceo In any forra lio luk, er wl: repurte-i lo L i lian and to the school Hard, an'l hall be sabjeci to sutpensí n V. Ei !1 be abeent Jour k-.1f t,,n..-,. ■,, ,,■ t ■ OraHimar chool who d s x hd f da y , and in the Wai d Öchoölfi '■ i.iü m ■ -'ilfda'j, .ti four eoasecutire . given in porsun or by irrttten aote, ■ i I i ho teacher iIkií the frba aoe were cau-rd by blaor hei own ■ ■ ■ i te 1 b tam i lai ball foi l'ftit Uts ur iier Beat in school; and Ibeteaohu fr&U hirthwlthnotify Hu1 paraat aad l ■■ ■ tuapoad No pupil ■ ■ ■ ' tu i he school prior to thecommeneeraent of Ihe ensuin i uwfactory as. surance to tlie Boafn that the pupfl will be puoctual iu the futura. v i .uy pupil who plinïi bo guiHy oi inj uring or ;lt? ; ie schoot propery, hall pay all .lam ■ in dul'aull thereof sh ■ iol, ai:d miRsioti oi the I VII, Other n men1 and dis' cipliiie of the rtspective be fremtimeto time adopted and announ.ed by the teachers thepeln, eöttciually to earry uut the ruleB aad rf-gulaUoaa prescribcd by the Board E. B Ï'OXD. 8ecy. of Buarci. Aug. 8th, 1661, ' ' MANHOOD How Lost and Hov Restored. Just PublisTied in a Sealed Envvlope% L GTÜRK O$ THE NATURE, I AND RADICAL "LK...A1UKUJÍÜKA, or Seminal ■ .-, Sexual iJ obilify, Nervou 0118 liducing imn.iUMicy, and Mental and Fhybicül [ncapAcitjr. BY ROB J. OULVERWELL, U. D. Autkor of the 'Green ÏJook," c. Tho worlii rotio' author, in thl '.ceture rlc.'uly p ■ ■ con naque n cea i iay bo effeetm without medici d ■ al dangeruuseurgical operations, bons''3 üi'-tru ra i ■■ out a mode or cure at oiicü ceriain atnl pffec whicb ovcry antTercr, do matifM wtmt his ■ "erpiy, privately and radiodÜy.- TÏia LÁctore trill pjrov8 a boon io thjueands and Lhousands. Seat uader scal to any aödresa, pnsi prid. on tbc recoint uf tv.-n ptistito staraps, by ftdcli'eMÍnír Dr. CH j C. ' ' w TDrt pw ,886. TL- 'i Gícat Kcduction in the Pricc of SINGK-R & CO.'S Standard Machines . IVcll known In he Urn Heft for Slanttfaeturing furpostf. Xo. 1, Stfinclnnj Shiittle.Machine, ' inei'ly sold at L00, redticad to SVO. No. 2. of same kind of Machine, for ïnerly sold :it 10!), reducid Ui $75. SINGER'S'LETTER A MAOI{[Nr-: i i he n orlj Por r;uuilv .'eu : i uuuing í'urpofle.: iwith Hemmcr,) aml : : i! , ■ are of great cupaei: y tn3 ■ i . u,,r N ■■- ■ r :-l-, ín , iu . ■ . .: i.i1. i .i h n arm loi ■ . any pa 1 1 i a 'i i na ■ ; ca nnut r done wlth than tlmn bj hand ; so, loo, tiio savijig , tímí ; u- laboi W tcj íreaí, The lableof 1 ■ i 1. Tfatí Uirge i i suiuM on ■-■ ur JLctier A Maclúnes, tbeape'■l.:'.,i ra ftnd tre - M tkei fl , and ;. 1 i tlioso u'i'.'i waot Machines for light mtvnufaeturing pur ■ ■ ■'■■:■ : .■ uf the i 1 tlO iutOi'lOCl Píí -i! Oh . :i i. ' o be as celel i ■ ' Skw'ino i il 'íí man ufact uring purpo idard na■ uring purpost n U (JAI ÜRH ,811 K TWT-T li KPOOLS, Bltet tUVtKSl .1L ill bottlefi U. i etc. . r..ul wottld warn :ill : ; ■ . l' know ti. are ti le - of U i most inferior ■ ■ i . e tbe frí. ; I ■ . ■ les Bolcl i-y iis aro roanufactured esptcínlly f r Dor ma 1:1 nep. .1 Sad necdlcmay rendir the bist machine álmosi f; i Our ch ■ ■ i rost aïsured tbatallonr I rancli sino acticle " of malí iJurclmst i, lUe ta . seat tn postage ■ . - '"■ ■ ■■ writc tlicir ñames dísiii ctiv. It id íil inportfuit vvp shuiilil, ineaoücascj fcnote í: ijöff" A.l peí ■ n about Sewjng . . ' ■ i] icities, aud tïip-bj uendmg to B Fora copy of í. M. Síngor & Co 'a Gazetto, ■ ,'oted to i ect- taíü hcsenigraiis. jjSTWohave i ■ ■ ■ i t WWrttICE? ;viiii the ■ publicandour . ■ . ■ ■ nado Ln uní tation of ours. i' e métalín tbtm, ■ I be Mvi'Ulost ihíc( ís oí poor Bot thc m mus to do their ■ o have ;(. th r cora ; ■■: v ' eloing a p ■■ ' . , . i . ■ hiñe i can b ■ ■ , . "■ l)K, are ■-■■■. . ío cose .':■!■ f-iintv o! ' " ' ImpHcitj I ratfi.n,wi Ii1 I " ■ ne thcw cPDtlal ■'alíl!1'1 .. Weuvc rHewayaodmeana,on , I o do thls, , , ., concern, w:ü ... ib..' eiI""' nct nnly ■ i ■ ' ti i rking I . . i ii .n ni' nej 'hurx whcibcr m HlitHtion o oumiornot Xafaet, theVi bnn any other inacb;ncsuaagft. ' I. M, ïINGEF & CÖ., r aíMiiy N'itïntk. etroit üiMce, T8 Griftvold Stveot, oppoite tlie ■ :ce. 81 Itf M. H. GOÖDEICH, Agi'nf, Ann Albor. Important National Works, Published hy D. -■ CO., 346 AND 343 BROADWA.Y KEW YORK Llowing rnr];s ,iro gentto Subscn'iCTsin any pnrt oí tlití couiriry, (;i]"in receipt of n i i,v ■ ÏI1Ë CRIVN YCTOPICDTA; A Popular ! ■ . : : ■■■[ by . . riters in all branches of ëeieneee, Art . ' Liia n ■ ■', ■ : ' .! ing TöOtwo-column [., ii., ui., iv. v., vi , vu., vin ■ ■ ea ïy, oach e d ■ ; ... Back. The New American f'. '■ r v.ii!iut beI witboni beiug pedan+ic, comprchensivi bút saíBciently dètaü ersonal [;ique and pivrty prcjndice, fresii atv' ' l . complet' . i ery lm nortani topic tvithin the scope of human íuíelligence.- betopic ap ti. tlie pw ■ lafest r' . . ce with ■ only of t] ■■ the living. It is a [ïbn-rj ■ A HIDGKMBXT? OW THE O5' COiVOIï ■ a .... ... ■ months. . Ilülf :■■ A rAYitï'ri:-■ ■ OP-fiDtá.ORDEBATKP Furm :. ■ i boobö1, : Leven copies will b lent at out' expi □ o tot can To Aficnts. No otbei ffi rk I 11 the i i ntt Tirtn kn . tiers. Anti .■. b ISöÖ, G602acn1 ■■■,■ Ttios. Wbksht, agent at Kíune s Smlths Dook ti tu, ípsilanfi. J i LD 35 IN THE IÍÍGIIT PLACE. Herrick's Jugar Coated Filis- TT1EBEST FAMILV Ca Q'-1-- tiiartic in the wcïM ■.f .., ""%, v.ïp twenty years tj live millions. ot' personn c annuully : always give tion , coTitain notbing iujurious ; the prinjt-j' ei i al pïiysifciitua ;tni - 1 ns in tlif l'nion ; p 'antly coated witli sugiir Large Boxee 25 cents; . y üv" boxes tur 1 dollar. ■ '- Fulldirectlonswitheai h TT.TjtIlAEB, T.KÍVY CorNTY. 1 Florida, July 17,186ü. ' ƒ ToP, HiutiuCK, Albnny, N Y -y Dear I.-;toi :- T ■ pf th e vonderf ui effect of yovt Eited Pilla en my eider díuiftlitr. Fcrthroc pearj rfie has b en ■ i a m iierangcmen,t : b, whieh has ■ [od. W ben !n Ner : , a ir cnrf !'.! Ï too to W yrnir piíl. '■■ fullead OOBfldeoce n ihtf jaagmeüt of my rriÊod, I obíained a supply oí Mossrs, Ban P i . , Part RoW, New York. On returniníj home. I her t rent mei. t , and adminiterei5 your ícop ment in her fw : i ■:, digestión . . ■ ■ : !. nnir,orm;i;ie:.t healtb has becö the reault, We useil leB t] rher ent'rely well. I consider ihe aboe r juát tribute to yon as , i i, and trust, it will bu thecaftas of inducíng I beir famiíj medicines. I riTiiain, Uear sir, wlth many ilianks, Your obod ent werrant, S) ' . MüBrnsox. Henick's Kíd Strenglliening Piasters cura ín five faours, pafns .and vreaknMfl of the breast, Bidé and back, and Kheumajc Oomplaints Ín &n eqaaUy -!:■ pl ]'■■ . Sprñ.nl on beau tí ful traite laml Bkin, theirune subjeets tho wearer tú do tacooveaioce, and cach one will wer frum one week to tliroe nmnths. Frice 18?.Í emis. , :■ Coi ted Pilla nr.d Kid Plaatetí are wW i parta of the Uoïted ■ btahjed by calnng tor th?m by tb'eir full naroe. " lyï(J5 DR. L. B. HERRTCK, & Tn. AlbUJ, N. Y. A. DEFOREST, Alwys altead i l-ow Írice3, HAVIXt; ÏÏKMOVI-D MY srORIÍ to tho Eafl fide of .Main Btrect, ne doornorih of GöftermaB. lam now rèceiving Kom Gooas, com] ■■n all kinds of Grocoriei, Fruit 8, Exi ract-Sj Gl&ssware, Lampa, Lookiug GlaseH, Tablc Cittlery, Goodi I.OWEK k HAN EVER! Frencb I , frora Êt SO to IS bO 1 ■ ■ Dnn t fc-eta. froBi 20 r0 to 'ó( 00 BfoneChine l'oaieLB, örora SM to 4 50 Strme China Dinner Sets i'rora 6 50 ets, i froni 37 to '0 iíaible Kerosene I,;uu. from T8 to froto Irt to óo Kerosén ■ . uality, 8Cc ptTgallou orrcBRonflÍDg pi lc k. l.auips of ]] kinde alteredand tepaired, Feoplca atore, 793tr A . Dn FOSEST. New Remedies fok S P E H vi A T O 11 K IJ CE A . UOWARD A l'HïA. A Bc nevolevi ÏJtMitution tataklithtd hu tpecial endowmi vt relltf of the Sich and Dia : Ckrnnic Dseases, and espttmaUy jbr tht Cure o■':■: Seznal Orgnvs, UEUICAL Ai . . b the Actin ■[■; onSiiefmivorrhcea,anfl othT . I of the Scxnal Orgftnn,Hnd on thf NEW REM:. i'l ! !■' ? cnip!"v ■ ■ of ehappre. Twoor tlire tump ffir ■ LUN BOUOHTUX, U N'o - . -N kiitli üt . , Pa. 5y8O5 ,OTl(; E !y,p" v,"iFF. r.AUIO'.VNA CüO'.VL, b%virg left my bed iYl acd l'iit! ó vritv iit juM i ie or proi dons ure Kwbid arboriK or ron ray account as I sfcaïl pay oo debta o! her oon'.racting MARTIN CHOWL. Salom, August 2d, 1$61. L12v3 Ayers Agüe Cura Sarsaparilla FOR PUBIFYING THE BLCOD. And Uie ppeody cure of tho CoHowIng coniutnlnteJ Sorofii la aiïil Ser o ful omh AflVct ïois,sclï n s 'V t mors Ulcci'Sj Sores, ICrupt ions, ■ Pimple, PnutuleiR, Bltchesy iloils, Hlu iii, aml all Wit ín Dlscnses. ■ 0AC1.AND, Iii'l.. Gth .June, 1S50. J. 0. Ayer & O. Oonte : I fee) it my duly to acknowleUge h( y uur trai'Ra pat-i Uit bas ijmi fur ïms Iliuinj: i:i1iciit!"l a Scr'fuloiis infectlim, 1 liavo Bitflerud iVom t in Turlous ways for yvixn, $metlmea it bnrat out In Uleeis in iwy liautfc anti arm; wnnttümei it tmned Inwtud mul rilsU' me at tb Htomttuh. 'l"wo i it i n !;-■ Ollt "ii 1 1 1 Ix-iul tttl 1 ut ]. .1 my srnlj) umi euro wltli one ëomi. whlcli vin pnittful aml lotitta 8 bcyond tlescjiptkm. I triwl numy iimdtuíties aitd scvtnil physlciuiift, lint w i t Umi t ihucIi i uí iel' froui any tbliig In tact, the tlWtU'igivw vvuine. Atlengtli I whb ri'jnketl to reail in tlw U i i'.'l Klnttengor tlint you Imü preimrwl Bti ;iltt-ta!i" (SiiinnimvHln), f p l kliew fitmi yotif Cttputa Ho tliiit any JOH iiüul i HiHSt U gool, 1 t'Ml tf GincfliUtUiiUHlgot it, mul iWBtl t, tilt t cui-ed 1 took it, :is you adv lu, in ttniull doses of ;i UMtnpoonftil ovti' i ni'intli. ktuI itsed nlinost throti hottlüB. New and Itoailhy skin Boon ifOgitH tu finia nnder the ocub, wliich uflera whjle ft'll off. Myitttlii is uow elwir, aik) l kuow hy my IVflitis tl))t tlif (MüOttne litta (tone fmm mv nyntem. ïon cun nell beliovo tlmt I Kael w!it I iuh myhig wkcti I tll yon, Ehat I holü yon t be one of Uie tt[wtlM of Uie ge, I aiul ruinaia ever grutoliilly. SToum, AUTitl&D li. ÏALLKY. St. Aiiilionj' Fhf. Tïosc or Kryslpelas, 'I'cli er uïil 8nl t Jí hfi mu y Se ii i tl iEi-ittl, lliiifjjM (iriii, Sovo lij es, Órojisy. Pi-. Hobert M. Prtbic writoa Frem Batan, N. V., IJili Popí.. 186D, Ihnt lie lum en red nn Invetérate caía of Drop;, wüieh Üiitátoued te termtiiata fittallr, by tba perseveriug useofour tíiirsapftrilla, aiid uloo a uaogroui MdUgnanl Erixipelas ly larga dOJM ot Uw mm; says ho cures tlio comtnon Sfuptiont ly it constantly. Broiicliocolo, GoJtre or Swelle! Ncck, Zolmlon Bloan f Proiqwct, Texiw, wrltw : "Tliree bottles of yoor BarsnpnvlIIa cured me IVom n (Jfi'rc - íi liuleous üweïllng on ilio Beek, wlitch 1 had stiireied fioni ov-r twu yoars." Xencorrliosn oriVliUaOVnrfn.ii Tumor, Uterino Vtveratlon, FemAl Dlseascs. Dr. J. lï. S. Cbfinntug, of New Vork City, jrritea ; " I most cliporfully comply with the reqnmtof yowr n gen tin Biiying I have foutid your iai-iiparillii a most excellent alterativo in lbo ntinierous cniHplalntn for wliieb wo employ sucli a r6mwly( lut eftpeclully in Fktnale IHhomm of the ycrofuluus dliiiliests. 1 IwiTe cureil iniuiy Inreterufo eoites of retiöonlioen by it, aml vom whéfe tlio oornplalnt was oansed by tUceration ol' ilio uterus. Tbc nlccration it-self wassoon on red, Notltlng witbin in y knouleilpe oqnnlfi it for tiloso femulo tlernugemenU." Edward S. Marrow, of Newlmry, Ala., irrites, "A dnngftroua nvavian tumor one of Iho femaleH In my family, wlilcli liad defieO til tlifl reinotlisa we conltl wnploy, bas .it lengHi ln'-ii poinpletftly cttroil hy yowr Extract ot'S.'irBAptU'llIiu Onr pbystcliii thonghi noMiIng bnt extiijintlon eoulil afTorn relief bnt he n'ivispil Iho trial of yon? Sarsaparilta os tlio liut ieori txbrfl ciittfRff, and it provod effect nal, Aftor inkingyour remety eight waoltf do nymptnm of tlio b t ftmaïns." SypltUis mart Mercurial D3sease, New Ortkahs, SAtti Anpnut, 1859. Dn. .T. C. Ayhr: SIr, I ehaerfnlly comjily with tlie roqnest of yonr Pffent anti report to you ome of the eflects 1 havo reaHzed with your SnrPapnrltla. T liava cni-f'i] tritli 'it. In my practlce, most, of tlio cnnipliiinlH for nhlcli it. is recotitmeiiihid, anti have fbtind its cffi-rts ti'nly woml'-i ful in the cnre of Vnteiral md Mercurial VitPattt One of my pa tienta hnd Pyplitlitie ulcers ín his throar, whlcli were consumin; his palate imd tlio top of bis inoutb. Vour Borsnpnrllla, steadlly taken, curc-il 1 1 ï ui in livo wooks. A nother xms nttackecl ly secondiiiy syinptouiB in bis nose, and the uk-ciiition lutd en ton uway a cousIderaUle nart of ü. so tlmi I btííeve tija disorder would bi on reacli fila brain and lill hhn. Uut it yieldeii to my admlnlat radon of your Eanuiiurllla; lbo ulcera heatat and ho is weU again, uot of counw ivilbout some dlsilgnmtion to bis la er. A wnmasi who liiwi been I treated lor tlio une disorder V) nieiénry raa sulTcrinjï I jVv'"1 W l1' ison 'n 'r boBCft 'ilicy had boconio so kb Bsilve to 'i'0 wsather ibat on n ctnnus &n,y site auttered pkcruciiu;.1 T"'" 'n lw joints and bonea. 8be, too, was cured tniiiv.'v i y vtuir tarstiparilln in u few weeks. I know ft'om iü io;''1'1''1, wliich your ngont gave me, tJmt thia Lrparatlon fro..: JLT laboratoty ntwt bc a gfcat remedy: contoquently, tüCo v UiillIllllll resulta with it havo uot lurprtead nieFraUrnally yoiira, O. t'. Í.AfJMER, II. D. Bhcumatism, Gout, iavcr Ccmpïnl INDEPENDEN OS, PrCKtUU t'o., a.. (.'Mi Jlily, Wi Bit. ,7. C. Atír: Bír, I havo been aflllcted wítíi a p..:'iful di ron le iil utuotitm fór a long Ume,whicli batQecI tho skill of pl)viri;uis, and sitíele to me in suite of íill the reuiediiM I could II ud, niitil I tiied ymr SftruaparllICL One bottla cuieil me In two weeks, and restoied iny general ' healtli ño inucli Ihat J am far better tlinn tníinre J was ] attacked. I ihink it n vroBderftil medicine. J. fitJEAM. Julos Y. Getchell, of St. Lwils, wrlte: '; T havo heen fifilictctl lor yeara wltb va afftclion aj' lh?, Lirrr, wlilch clMtroyed my healtli. J Iríed eve ry tlihifí, and every tliing fiúled to relievu me ; and 1 bave Úeen a !: oken-down man for nomo yeav fi'otn no Other CAXM6 tlmn áevangemwt of the, IAvrr. My beleTed piUltor, tlie l'rv. Mr. Kspy, ftdvi.ed me to try your SarsnpariHfi, DocfVtffle he Bfttú lie lír.ew yon, and any thinjrypn jmule was woi th (ryiiig l!y tlio blcssing of (jod it lms cuieil me, nml luis no pmified tny liiood as to moka u new man of me. ] freí yotmg ngain. The best tliat enn ba w&iá of yon is not liníf good cnungli." 8e1tirrtifl}Caiier Tumors, ISiil argén en tj t Uiratioü, Caries uzktl üixfuliation of 1U e Boncs. A great varietjr nf cases have lcen reported tn tuviien cures of these fbrmidable complainh) mita retultéd (rom the uso of ! liis reinedy, but onr spato Itere will not artmit Ihcni. Somo of ihpin may Ite inmtd in our American AimaiiftC, wliich Uiq agnntfl lietow n tnn.J ploused to furnish grtitla lo I! wbo c;ill for U10111. Dyspcjisirt, ïïcr.ii. Tïscnsef Fita, Epllrpsy, Melmielioly Neuralgia Man y cemmkabio cures oí (lief nfíecfiona Iibt beon mudé by tho alU-mtlve power o t Ihi medicine. Jt st mulatea tito vital fimctionn into víoiouh HCtinti, and tlms ovsrcomea disorders wliú-li woulü be suppoPt'd lieyniíd its reiwh, Sucli n remeily lias Ion;: leen n ■tuir"l ]y the D6ceesities of tho paople, and we ure cuijOdcnt LiiaL Lliia will do for tlicm all Unit medicine onn do, Ayer's Clierry Pectoral, ron Tin; KAIMD CURE ov Concias, C'olcls, F í Itií isrt, IlonvHenesff, fiosip, ISroiK' Si ü iís, Iik ipit ni Con8ttltk tt ,tíll , a 11 ti í"í)l" illC lifl itf of t onsiïïtiptivc Ia( ieiits tik n C v a nc ciï S to ge & o f tlie Distase Tliís Ís a remedy bo imiversalty kftown lo Kurpon any other for tíKo eme of tlnont and lung complalnts, tliat it ia ueeless here tn publisb the ei ídence of lia virtuef. lts nni-i valled excellence for roughs and colds, and. its tmly wonderfn] cured of pulmonnry disíase, have made it known thit)"trhont ilie cívilizod imtions of tho eiuth. Few are the eomnmnltie8ror even families, amoní; thim who have not uine personal experleHce of itseflectp - gomo living trnphy in ihfir luidst, of iis victory over the Bulitlo and diutgefous disorders of fïie throat tmd lungs. As uil know the dreodfhf fataüty of these difonlers, ;uid as they know, too, the efferts of ihis remedy, we m eii not I do moro than to asMfre tlrem tliat it lias now ni! the tues tliat it did have when Biaklng the cure wliich have won so itrongly uprni the oonfldeoce of niankind. Prepared by Dr. 3. C. AÏEE &, CO., Lowell, Kasg. Blaynard, Stebbins & Wilson, FAKRAXi), SHEtEY & tO., Detroit. J. H. EURRI1.L, TraTelüsg Agent. D. L. W001) & CO., HATE JUST OPEXED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, Fot the SPRING A SÜMMER of 1861 Ilnving purcbased tbcir stock at mu'eh Int tluin the usual prices.thcy are propared to offer GREAT 1NDUCEMENT3 To Cash & Ready Pay Buyn-s. Thankful fcr past farors tlicy -vill bc evor roady !o sliow thelr Gtoods and by fair and liberal dsalinj'bopa to receive tbeir full sliaro cf the public pntronnge. ■West, ui ie of public squnre. Ann Arbo.1 April 1861. Miile Factory! A. J. SUTÏ1ERLAN1) H'.nnvot'hip G'i 'i ShöptothNnw R1oc!ï"ïi Hntuu Street, sfiutli oi Coiu [ Ui n r ui tijCcconc 8o-ir, wlierc iic is prepared to !': rnish Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Fasks, Pcjhcs Game Bags, and EVerj other rticfe in Lia Líoe. On tfao moet psaconahlp terina, end tp dyo nll kinds o tbetbjitostiivlce.aii'lin the bcel r.iauuei ', 'i.-i ■■■■;■ a wJ trpt v l.aí ere o. r. te orir. PRINT IJS G ■ OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST REASONABLE EATES. We have roeent ly purcliasoj a ïVCXG-O-XBS ROTARY CAED PRESS, and have adiied tlie lftt'st styles of CarJ Typt-, whicli friables us to print INYITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISIT1NG CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, 4c. n the nentest st3'lrs, ntid ns clieftp ns any otber i.ousc in lUc btuto. Wc h4 1o pre pared to print POSTEES, IIANDBiLLs, BLANKS, BILL I1EADS, CIRCÜLARS, PAMPIILETS, &c TH-E ARGUS BOOK BINDERY is in cV.nrge of a FiRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, KECORDS, JOURNAL?, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufncturcd in best sttle t New York Prlces, Periodicals of all kinds BOUXD IN ANY STYLE. Old 33ooks Re-Bound. All Work warranted to give cntire satisfuction. E. B. POND, Prop r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main fe Hurón St9 Ann Arbor Marble Wor&s. X Batoliolcier F AS na hand a fino Mtortawnt of Aracnc:in aud 1 TA L I A N MK Li B L E which hc U pveparcd to raanufacture into TOMB wf MO TABLES in illtheir varifii, and in a WOBEUA3CUKE mannpr. Haring had cowiidernWe experiencs in tho husiupsy ]w Qfctton liin.sulí fnat hu will bc abiete p)a all who my füTor ma with their oiv'erf. His jirices L O W AS THE L O VEST. iboKc rishine any thiüg in mr l'.no iro respoctfullv in'itcd to r..ill D. C. BATCllLLIlEK. Aun AilK.r. May -0, 1861. 801tf TOR WHICH I W1LX TAV CAiH OR GÜOD8. Cash or Wool not refiised on, Notes, Jt;'ï rccount due tn1. ?o ploasö fetcb on your Cash or t Ano VJi-iT.niiilS.lMl. ' 05 8,776,994,6:50 I VOLUXTEIRS WAKTED!TO ASSIST fg THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! Vliite foll;3, or of wlmteVcr color, enste or íüilivity, wii'.'tlu-p'ried, tingle or of doubt f ni coBDtxiou, will I mlisto.i ia the 110M0 cause of EMANCIPATING TUE COMMUNITÏ - FEOM TH- THRALDOIKI OF HIGH PHIGES ! and will fecoive thcir oülfit nt tiia Extensivo FurnisliingEstablishtaent -OF THE- G V I TE R 2lANi ,S HEAD QUARTERS! Laving becn establisbcd for the LAST TEN YEíiUS. our knovrn rule of warfarc is an Uiidi snscd Dcslrnclioü OF ÏIIGII P RICES! 3B11 O 3T8. C Xj O T II X 3XT Gr For all jges! 8x and Condltions! ín eonsequonse of tlio very flit tering enoouragemejit vhicli vtp havo vee ived í our location in tilia eiiy, T' e have iccreüsei our Stock of S U M M E R CLOTHÍIC! To meet the domnruls of onr cu$!.omers, arw hnving bccome more folly con iroci thrm ever, tlmt onr mode uf dealing, na i olv: nt ihe Ic.vtst pos9blu ratos for i tüe only truc pttin; ve will continua t: serve tbe public ns heretofort during fch1 Coming fnll nml winter. Our Stoel; ennsistB n every variety of KKADY M A H E CLOTHING ! Tirin und F:tiry CI.OTHS, CáSSIMKBS, SILK, AND SILK VELVETS. A liirge lot of GENTLEMEÍfSFÜBNI3HING GOODS, wliich are :;11 wnranted DON'T PAIL TO OXjIL..1!!? Or. 'XX. C, For past favors we are prá'eful ti.' all, The e ame forlargeonoa ín proportlufi; And tbose w! o sec rit to cali Bhiill reccivo onr best einilee and devotion. M. Guitcrrnan &, Co. N. Ü. Student ana flil othera wlio ■n-:iní to seo SON DIIK.IM' in1' iikkIp of cnttiiipr will do well lo cali. ín J leave their measure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! Ana -'."r. npl 2S. tSBO 7R7Í UNHARALLELKD SVCC ES.SECOND AIiRjY'.L -OF- Sz SXTITvCEX?C3- O O X -j -AT THE- 33CVXXXÏ.GT Store, A. P. MILLS, PEOPRIETOE. iJi'üJs b;)iislii . .id (M' pau ie pi ie fc j4(Z sotó i pnces tliat tcill mal;e hard times cnme ayoin no more ! Facts for the Peopk -orW-A- E5HTBN A.-T ADJOTMNG COüNTtËS ' And llicir nniceroiis quertions anre?3 IV7 i Etifrybmhj trading at the "BANNEI, STORE? '-Beaiuse A. P. SY1ILLS, the Proprietor ot tliRt E&taWiihroent luis just retumed from tli Eii3;orn Citicswnh the Zargeat, Ilandsomed, C7uajxsí, ana Most Altractive Stock of STAPLE AND FAKÜT DRY GOODSÏ over brougUt to this part uf tiie ííatf. IVAy Eeerybody pleased icith lis Stock? rsecaufe Jiiastytea are more beuttittU, ijua'ity beUer,an3 pnces lotrar thaii al any Dtller store in tlv.' county. XVhy has he altoays Smmfhing Icic and Chcap to Skow? Becnnsehobasafrien.l cnnri-.-tc,l irith onenf tlit' larKi-t DryOonAa UnuwstuN York,ho is c"uiii1} " ROBHiya ROUVD" rot cbeup br( ain d ln '■ ' .trien as thoy appear from time to time and ntUs wy kopa bim aup'plitd ih ylo, and conaequoat.v customers can alivays lir.'l OroeÜuug l'io-,U, ]SEW CIIErVP and DESIRABLE HTy doe he teil so much Cheaper than the resi? rriMTill V' '"' bayer in the city all Ibstime W tadci adrantüg of tk enutinual i ■ martat, nd in thal ;i;. buya i goodt mach éheapier tBn oiIiuie ciin, and he marks them ilown lo tho Wly áofí Ac seU Lailirs' and Chitaren' Shoes so mnch cheaper than was ever liMrd ofby the oldisl Shttmalarft Bacune he buya bis tok In we !nn;l of ihocsokera, ol the manu&ctuiers, fully L6 i-t oont ohei New York Jabbars sell tltem, anA mach butler worU than thi-v pjiicr.illy ki'C[i. Ihis co i blnl to Bell !el'ter Gaiter for 35 Cents. l'.um nihorssell at 00 oenU.and a i GAITEP at 50 ccuts, thau others sell ut 75 ceots. as he ar.y Vats and Caps? fncnïrb to Yes.I ahould tliink he 1"!= 'atk' "t tnpïel ■ ■ ,-i.itc, at BI90M lowcr l: round theafi parta. m, is his Tea e0 much ZT pay than you gel 'w ' n ■ ir, anj rlTethti cullomcii the b'üi'üto' " TEA i'011 50 CEyïS. It isa wayie taf Rot WUrc ahould yen ;i to grt ynur CLOTIIS ar.d have them Cut or Made? To tbc B XN"!'R STOF.E, iVrj5ro tSpJ'j4'a Banncr íf Ut'i:.a feWoors tofGc'. lloteL A. P, MII.I.9. Jiurt 16, 1391. tV F I R ffl A R Y . -■ CV; ! Dttroüf Drs. S. J, CABPRiSTKR & DAIXARD. D' : : n ti ircupabU', ■ [Hof cure H thi Wefcj ■ ij m ;■ I thi .' Wit] t -, ■ , ' i!. I ■ i wil] get yuur wurk kb i In this r peel there is Ll.e pchi ■ ■ ■■ ■ 1o bp 1 '. :. fh iif : . o law, in tln ■ f, and ib i Anl it in I ■ i bi njslres. B ■ ■■! nK-nf n I , öo t b . ■ copf in.; ■ ■ , ■ : tm mb t tl is nel lo ■ i tlmt ■ ■ ari tin r can cure■ ■ Mil n i í w fiich hv as the soIJB oe, or by tbe Rrcater 'iir-i-'v "i hi '.ther r;in. Exactly it htiy bt so te ilij ie. AlW tl'is is tïicr : ■ i over ft 1 1 tlt.r. i ■ ni rñ Om uinption. By liavinj? Medr, ■ fif il.e ■ ■ ■ ;; iUtnplíOO ti -i Ibat I■ ; rmd iliu each ! ■ ■ ■ ■ . . t -rii! : . ■ , j, ■.!::■■■- :i ]:■!! Ül.1 Íí1m'I-' ' ■ : I "VI r ftlí ■ , ■ ti ■ A '■' )CS ] t t'i r Con um i t:'-n - ■;! TÏ i-í i: [I ■ -. . ' 'i-i i 0 I. '■!■. 'i 1 lie iiCÍ oí' OH' ' ■ ■ ' i 0 1 DOt, )8 Cou uní])ivo wtihed Parther tttn ' Iban tliis, I an onlj ur, : y tri I i f ir.y .-kill in tl-w . ntti nr.'i Aun Arbfrr. larir 18C0-01. Ann Arl r, a1 f'uoU1 Hotel. 3d ami IJ ■ Tkifla IÏO i ■ - Y'-:!;T)!. f)lh ind Öth o indei of thr fcin ■- b ffül be f'iuiil , , inaiy ü I ' ti"íí iyT7o Mr?. TOINSLGCT, iiiesptrien ■■'. Kiir n in, lA.scnca ; . ■ ■ . THÍNU sYfiÜP, fo:i CHU Dl . - V: ; . :ikg, ■ ■ i;'_'. !■ V ■ft r. : ■ . . i . .. n_ wijl I n ..nú .fe SïïSE to REGïïLüTE i.e BGWELS. ■ II t, 1 r-, v . ' : r ■ t t) vour clve-i, .-.n-l fin) héaltli to yoiir Ini':int' Wc hr ■ i 'V l I r..,y y IX n II M I. A L rxrfr l.'.n r.l) l ■ I ,.'. IN A lo 1 1 ; ; ■ 'i' a i(ii:. hn - mely n - ■ t i : ut lis■ . fi. '■):■.■ ic :t. f'n 1! ■ c nrri'ry, . ' ii, triii i . m. It r -V. Ji. V K 1 O AÏ,"D 1 I.CtdB IUK [; ! l 1AT!( N til MIK1 ''1' AKF. Il in Mnf iïl : n :.:,■■ !..-■■ t' n, ■:':..■■;, i: Dl tft 1'UlI t' ' ■' ' Tl í -i :i ; : ■ ' .1 rvf r'i . ríKS n Neiv Ir;:1 t; ;, aDd hafl bffiu ur.d wilL LVL& r; !( rs.xi of casf.s. 11 1!' t '" ' ' : ' ■ : Ttrii . -;. ei t r" , i mi : ij : ii. 1 ï;;g ;n r:;. i . and vrx;) coi.ic '■■'.■ r"in ; i ■ tl e l-i : '! r.l ■! SVC'RI ■■■ i f i.i 'V-: ■ , ■ HU i !;: X, hcili.r '.i ■ f. il' n !.: ''T r:i'.i'T. W . ■ ! : ! ■ t Vt r'ni -' " prOf Uï roun i iu. i ;i ;ti irLs uf_ ' . ït ! ■ ■ ! ■ : ; ii! rliil(!t in.". :' . .' :," ''t ' i ii i.y - to iVil.-r l'r' ;ne oT ',Wt ■ t 'v Bd. i -h botftf, LRUS f: HCBKI!f? i ■ " r'-"i - ■ ■ i '. Prlñctpnl r 1Í ' il r '■!:■-.. N. Y. I EK BüVlI.K r. r ' ■ i.t:.-;. For the Speedy and Permanent Cure of Seminal Wêakness, Nocturnal and Diurna! EmÍ83wn4, Nervous and, General Debih'ty, lm poten cef and all Distases arisiwj froni Soütdry Habits or JSxcessive Indtifgcx'1 . rpiIElíE aro thonsands of Yor.Ti: Mi:n. as wll ns MïDM.1 _I_ Age and Oi.d Men, who are sufferiog to som? exteufe from tlic abovti disea-ses. Manv, fterhu ire Brt kwan ot the ir true condition, or when usiïtance ia really neede-i. For the benefit of sueii, w h "f tlic mort comnon tymptoms, viz; (TVwÍ'íumí o the &v'k uut J.i-nhi, Puin in thfi Heul ntid Xí-?.-, Z w í) SíffAí, D"W and Web before tho ff. Palpitaron af the flmrt, r-t, Ctutof Memory, Coufttaimi ■ ld ■-. D prt ion Syint, A-.-.i, toSvcUly.Self-Distru', Timiditit, eU-, For ach and all of tha bovö svmptöma these remedies nill bc fuuuü a "Sovereign Bilm." These remedies embrace thrce proscriphbns : A bOí of Paítete, a box of livvom T'r.iic '.% nnd a bo of l'vUê Tonic Pitia, all of wliich haTO important office to,and should be nsed togethw in ev rj tase, Thoir mperiorit ove other modes of trentment be brietiy st:itcd :is foïar Thsy dlminiah tlie violencs of sexnn] imoltatnent. jJ5" They Iinmed.iately arrest nocuirnal and tüurïi ittW J9fSTho_y remove waltnew, causing Ui orgrtís í)í assuine thcir natural tone and $& They strengthen tha oftnstTtntion by ovcroomms nor, ons deWlity %nd gemerirf n ikncs. 35-Thev cnliveu the ipirits, whlch firc nmalljr depressea, by expelling al! excitlng Msa from Uw pyptem. flS"By thelr invi-u-atini propnies they TCitore Ui patiënt tñ his natural heatth and vigr of tasnliond. Kir" Tliey en re when all otiier menns have failed, jjarTh-iy contain no H ■ Op'ut.n, nor anytlunj tliat can in any event pr&va tojnrions. jgtjf They ave aasy and plit&ant 1 1 nn, 1-1 1 not 1 titerfere with the patieut's asnal busin tu or plena ire, j"1 Thev t-an ba used wïthont ittafitofon, ar kntrvleclge vfven a room-mate. That thev m'av coma witliin the rcach of ml . ■"o fixa tho price of bh I I ' '!li at " cents per bai each. In onlerlug Ly mi oa 10 tho price, twelve cents in stampa Btaovld be taclosoil Uu ictura rostage . E.. i,4TTË5 inirant nf awft and Bffkctnal &V rcm-i.iy for IrrtffnktrÜi w of ths Jl lftnM " anv 3 I ■ ' '1''ii" -es, nhonWuM Dr. O' 1 - Kemaijs Mosnctr pIU,5. Price, 1 , il anti "ne t:111p.. . ■ ■ - Is shonUl t;ot b nismi tluriii? ; ■'ü'i'isy, as )íiiícarrúíg will ba HM. " ' .. from m-hlin, flefnrmlkr. pr any other humane Knd raJftahla o, Aim t navestary toavoid ;ui Inoreaae of Txmny, win Öo m willioat "i'curring dugK to Iwaltfc -ir eonitirutïon by Uiaaw ol J. L Cr -tux's French l'rei-oitice Powdent, Vtwc, h; mail ft na Th'eso PoVders onn wftly be dbthd W addrwsing th" General Ajrsata, n beliiw. . . Secd for Dr. Üatks's Príwfc 3ftditl ZVwii on StXwH Dheases, Price Tr.v Crmts. Addrc-s II. G. MILLKR L CO., General Afnw. Lo tisviÜ. rr. For 5?al Vy MAYAliP, STKIUINS, yTÖSin Am ArV.or, Mie. 1ÍAIH INV1G0HATÜH. ■ ; Ti'. ", PAFí: .W.' ' ■ '■ CCMl'OUVD JTO3 BES1 ■ ■ ■ nal color w.thng pray. . v m ■ . i'.n1 m l(ast partido of viUHt reeujM ia.tivc entrgy reiiiaii FORRI i I F, arí uUcuta■ ■ . i INi, 'lliV If.MR. ;m-, p.iürfrfoif nn nni:i 1-. for íliin ;'ü-i ono ■ ' v.{ 1 1 IH superior ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ín u-o. I' cleftn m '■ ff an ■ ■ .■ a Mases. I ■■ r i" ÊTT' ff 'u ' ;):!c np. (iota, a& ' n e of V;nk who ] I . ■ ■ ■ ■ r&e ici't t . . . ■■ ■ ■ dii rtAed, ■ ■.. Itb tii, ■ i forre 50 as'' 1 - Irene. 1 'auhn-d toilet '1LY TuENTY-l'IVR CENTS l-, to Vif ja ■ ■ !ri' "d uerfnniPT. i.Fl! nvi.iM iIttnn o: Parfufl fird r,-n' Halr ncliiH'S I" be w,-l.-. Tic v.kc of t 1 rif 1 ir np it rrmowa ■1 vitll ■ '(i, Tíríh nfitl 1 Itiiili T.OT'19 lili I,I.K"S ■ . nía. ' rvinciNcv & tinpr i 1 cotí Zfiquid Hair 'i?ye I híT 1 ',:-nl y r Skin warr.-üív.'i thc btnt TRICE CIII.T FIFTY Cl.Kjn.. DEPOT, ñ'Q rx"lr Sf., Árcw Fw


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Michigan Argus