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- It is allegcd that Ex-Minister Faulkncr lias uot been arrestad un a charge of treason, b'it tb at lic is beid aa hostage fur the aafetv of Cungrc-ssuian ■ Elj. - - Ilon. A. R. Roteler, late RepreKPiitiiiive from Virginio, has been arrested and couveyed to Gen. Bankê' lieádqua ters. - Secretary Welle adviaes a Wirg of all tlio Suuilicrn porta by nroclamation. 1; ougbt tn hnvc done befare. - The Pcnnsylvftnia State Teachers' Associatïon bns resolved to present the goreriiuicnt wit l :i rilicii eununii. - Gov. Rnudall, of WigeoDsitf, goes (o Rome, viee Gou. Kiug resrigiied - Tlio stntement tliat Garibaldi J:a been oficred a Major General' commiasion ia deuied. - Ex .Senator Owin Las retired to private life - in disgust. - A gouthern agent lina beon oaptured with orders on a Liverpool house for L40,000 worth of army aupplies. - Tho VVestoheitftr (l'a.) Jsffertmian was Kjnelelied by a inob on Mouday niglit last. - Piorce Butler was arreste! in Pliiladelphia on tho I9th, suspectod of trcaaoD v suppose - It ia estimated that 75,000 troops will reach Wanhingt this week. - The Virginia oonventioa bas. de creed a división of the State. - The ordinanoa oreating tbe now Stutc is be votüd upon ou tho "2-ltb of Uclober. - The new State is to be ealled Kanawba and will costaiu 38 eounties. - The Fire Zouaven are being re organizud at the Battery, N. V. - Col. Farubara succesor to Col. lillsworth in couimand oí' the Fire Zouaves, iuis dicjd of bis wounds. - The arrest of Win. B. Hoed, exminister to China, is reported, denied, and reported again, ilu ie ander suspicion ot' boiiig in leügue with traitors. - A. L. Kitnbull, editor of the ü.erx Co., (Mass.) Democrat, was tarrcd and feathured ou Monday night last. - 70,000 letters are muiled daily at Washington. - Win. II. Wallaoe lias beon appointed Governor of Washington Tcrr.itbry - Senator Wüson has been commissioiicd to rai.5t; ii regiment, with a battery of flyin:; ariiüry Httached. - A report is current that the printteer Sumter !i:is been captured. - The tuwu of (-ouiniercp, Mo., was oaptured by tbe rebels on Sunday last, ld recaptured on Mmiday night. - A camp of Dstruotion Ims been ordercd established at Indianapolis. - Hon. T. A. It. Nelsou, of Tonnes seo, has boen arrested and is beid a. pris ouer at Richmond. - Mr. Bridge, rccently elected to CoDgreea from Tenncssce, has been arrestod by tho rebois, while en route for Washington. - Jas. S. Wadsworth. of N Y., has reluctantly(?) acoepted a oommission as Brigadier Cieneral - Mayor Berrett.of Washington, novv Pólice Connnissioner, refusea to takè ' the oatli of allegiancü required of officials. - Gen. Wool bas taken command at Fortross .Monroe. - It is rejiorttd that the steamer Rannibal City, with Federal troops on board, Ikis h-jen lired into from Commereo, Mo., md suak. Three handred of tho troopg wero taken prisoners. - Gov. Mngofün lias sent comTBissioners to the President to d'emaud the witbdr:'.'.v:il of Federal troops from Keutucky - Alo commissionsra to insist that tho ueutrality of Kuntucky bts respeotod, - Governor Magoffin might as well keep his córamiasioBera at homo. lic should be wariied by the recent eleetion. - 3000 Confedérate troops are reportod sick at Culpopper and Charlottesville. - Old Sana Ilouston is reported liviug in (juiet and biding his time. He takes no part with the seccesionists. - A Confedérate States mesgonger has been arrested with $200,000 of Bank of Kuglaud notos. The ywere made j ayable, bo'.vuver, to thu raesseugar's order, can Dot be uscd. - Augustus C. Bradford bas been nominated for Govenior by the Unioi) State Couvention of .Marylaud - A, S. Paddock has been appointcd Secretary of Nebragka. - At tbe last reporta there wore 375 siok"Bnldiers in tho hospitals in and near Washington. - Gen. Anderson left Washington on the 19th to take charge of his command in Kentuekj'. - By order of Gen McClcllan nll tho camp women, íave two nii'scs to each regiment, have Iioju sent from the oamps opposite aohington. An indication óf warm work ezpected. - Beaurogard and Johneton have been reinforeed by froaa 15,000 to 20,000 men siuco the battle at Manassas. - A Surgeon of U. S. Dragoons taken prisonor by the rebola i i the battle near Springfiebi, M! ., and si m; o ; escape tf, sujsthat Bun. McOullpeh bas diod of his wounds.i - BeHuya 0000 killed and wounded i a low csiiinatu of the rabel loes. jfT" Dr. TuN.n;uiT, Surgson of tlie 4th Michigan Regiment, h;is been trnnsferred tn the First Michigan, end Dr. v. E. CiiARRE, -of Dotrogino, has boen nppninted 8argeon of ihe 4th. Eev. Arthür Edvtaojis, has been np pointed Chaplaio ol tlie First Michigan, lie a a moinber of tho Detroit Conference of the M. E. Church, and a y ou ng man of goefd ability, with social habita calculated lo make hirn popular with tin; regiment. J.ieut. D. A. Wisii hus been appointed Qaarter Manier ot tlio First Regiment. He has been t:ied in tho positiuD and iven good satisfaetion. E3T Orders been given for Col Brodhead iind Cd. Stockto?j to ènch i by oniistment or transfer, five üompatiiea of their regimonte, and proceed rmHiediately with ifaem to Washington; loavihg the Lietit. Oolonels in charge of Ölling up the régimen ts. Hl ■!■ il ■ 15J It is aonoonced that Hon. James Shields, of Miiiucsota,. foniïcrly of II IInois, has been couiiiiissioned by tho Prusdentas Brigadior G-uneraV Oen. Siiields did gall int service in tho Mcxican war,! and his many friends will rejoico that hc entera tho sarvi co. It will bo a fortúnate brigado that he takes eommand of.'


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Michigan Argus