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Proclamation And Movements Of Gen. Price

Proclamation And Movements Of Gen. Price image
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Jkffkhson City, Aug. 20. 'Jie foliouring proclamation, isMied at. Springtield, lias been received hero : tc Tn tho Peoplo o! }'. Fellow Citizens : - The army ander iny cntinnand bas been organized ander the lawi dl' tbe Stute for the protección 'f' your ImiüL's and fi resides, and for tho maintenance of ihe rights, dignity mid honor -of Missouri. It is fcept in tho field for those purposes alone. To uid in accomplisbing theni, our gsllant Üouthett) brothera have come into our Stilte. Witli thoo we have jnst ichieved a glorioue viotory over the Foe, and 8ct ered far and wide the wel-1 ap pointed army wlic:i the usurper it Washington has boen moro ihun ftx montlis gatherinj! lor your subjugation and enelavernent. Thia viotory ticos a large portion of tlo State Irom the i pownrol the invaders, and restores it tv the protection of its army. It consequently beoomes my dtity to is.-iiire you that it its my önn detortriination to protect every peuceable aml fawubiding c;ii..-ii in töe inll nnjoyment ol uil liisrighi, h. lever muy have been tiis pyiiipnthiw ia the present unhappy struggle, il he has not taken un active purt in the cruel whicl. has been wagcd ugainMt tha good i'.io])!e of th: 8late !y the rntliLfs enemiea whom tve havu just defeated. I there loro invito ;il: good i-itizens to return to thetr homes and tho practico of tlieir ordfnary avocationn, ith tho full j surance that they, their families, their !i(.[iíj-í and their property i-liatl bo carefully proteeted, ani at the aame time wirn all evil disponed persona who inay support tbe usurputions ol any une claiiiimg to be provisional or te;npornry Qovernor of Missouri, who slmll in Hiiy other way give aid or comfort to ihe eneniy, Umi tiiry wil] be tield as enemiesand treuted acewding'y (Sigued.) STERUNÜ PRI !E, Uajor. (;,ni-ral, Cumm ' ikI. Information has been reached bere that Wr88w, Boliviir and.Ocolo Pointe in the i o'ithwest hüve bcv.ri occupied by portionu of Price's army; also tluit the .-cees.-iouists ander Col Staples have galhercd in'oonsiderubleforce in Peitia and Johniiou couritiea and havo taken military possses.-i' n of Wuiren8burg"n i JoliiifiOQ, and Qeorgetwn and Seduliu in Peitii County. Squado and companiert ol men are ccnstaritly leaviog ihe northern countieo und pushing southwurd tojoin the State forceR. - Much excitement exits amo:ig tho péople west of bere, and many ol Uioin are leaving their homes. It i Sillted tl) a Ool. Staples can concéntralo u lince of threo thousand meu and will co-operate in a movement Upon thiö eity, nbould one be determiued upon. We have a bout thirtyfive hundred troops here uoiv, whicb lo:co will doubtleea bo cohsiderably augmenlöd in a few days,


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Michigan Argus