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Proclamation Of Gov. Jackson Declaring Missouri Independent

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Tlio General A.seinbly of Missouri, the recogpizod pnliticaï department of her gorernment, by an uct upproved May ICTth. 1861, eotitfed " An act to autberize the Q-overnoi oí the State of h is.-duri to suppresa rebèllion und rebel invasión," has vested in the Qov ei -nor, in respect to the robcllmn and invaxion no uarried on in Missouri by the goverrirtient and people oi the nonhern htated bod their aihes, tho authoritj "(o take sueh int-asiiros as in his jiidgment he may deern necefsary ar proper to repelinvawoo, or to put down Bueh rebèllion." Now. tlurifore, By virtue of tho atithority in me ywtèd by aid net, I, Clttiborne F. Jackson, Govroroï the S;;ito of .Missouri, appealfng to the Supreme Jude oí thé worTu ior the rec1 f iny iiilciilioDH, auil finnlv beli'i(i;r tfl;t Í uu heri'io cunVriirr intv effeci tiie will oT ih ■ People f MUióúrii di hereby, in their name, by their otithorily, aüd on tbeir behalf, and ub' ject :it :ill time to their free and Uobianed, und publish this pnnisional declar'atíon, thát by the acta, and people, und governrpoDt of Mi.-s') iri, 'h, and ougbt to b, totally diiwolved; and that tlio State of Mtsouri, :is u Sniercigttí Free and írtelep-ndent Ilepuhlic, has fuif power to lovy war, oouclude peace, contract aHianoos, establi-h commerce, and dn all other acts and things whicH indupondunt Stut (ís may of rigbt do. Publixhed and dedared at New Mudrid, Missouri, this tilth clay of August, in the yoar of our Lord (jigh'ocn hundred and sixtyoDe. ' CLAÍBORNE F JACKSOX, Qovernor of Missouri.


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