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ecial1stoticjr3;:han SüíjtherS & -1 NORTHERN INDIANA liAU.UOAJ). 1861. HMEK ABRANXiElTEXT. lBGi Ir bow run oa thu ro.i'i, íucáays exccpi L-'ave fnledo rr ("W. ;,;n :■! '. 0' A M.. and 'M'. M., an i vi;i A r Lm al '.'. ó A. . troit icr Chicflge t 7,"! 5 A M. rnl P.3Ö p. M A i .v:n ,r iu Cllica) 0 ;■:■]■ iï ;, ' ,:.(i ;■ M. ml 7.1 A. M . i.n: ;i A,! I..ÜC ;it 7 :.l. ,".'.1 At Ivé at I. et rolt froia Toledo, at C:6Ö A.M 6:05 '. . Leavea Dutyuïi for Toledoat7 J5 A M., and6'3OF. Arr'.vo ia Detroit froin Chicago at 6 05 P. M . an16;5ft A. H. ' :■. In in TMerto fonn Chteagn 4, Cd p. M rui(H 30 a 11., an I v;iü air line tl klö l' M. ■ e Jnckxon r-r ToU-do at 4.45 AM.Aiul 1 ,5 P. M, Arnvf [rum Toledo al .S.;Vj A M., and 4,20 1'. MCO-VXhCliO.W. At r-)LEDo- U'ith Cleveland . Toledo Rail Road. with Wabasb í . Road. At Detroit - Wftli Grand Trank lïnilway, with Weatern Railwuy, also. rith the Detroit aod Milwaukee. RaUroad At Mew AtRAJiT k Salem TI. R. CROSSING - With Trams for lafayette, New Albanyacd Loul ■t Cuica o o - With Chicago an-i íock -!;nvl, Galena, 1 ■ ■ ■! o, Burlington aad Quiiu-y - Vorth ■ .;!..■.-,, y- : hicago, AHi q vnd t. Louía, XUiooie Cen' ral, art.l to n.11 Pointn Wedt an i Bouth. Sfif Tiiiis are run by Chicago time, wliich ík 20 imnatea Mower taan Toledo titos. ipí , T' tent tíleeping Cari nccompany 1he NilH aa.Salsbur'ya Patent Ventila .l:i-ters arn u-sed on all Suvnnnx Tr i ,n. IWe and Fara the aam a by anyothorRai! Road Route .1X0. n. CAMPPÏOL. Gene-al 8uporiatendnt. FRIZE POETRY. Lot C)ii(i!;,n - buast i í ileeüfl in war, Aiifl M A noblfiT tin tn i;iv hrart is li'!i-d In praUe oi Hw::;ucü's iratchless p!lls. Thefr cures an? found in erery laad - Amid Rubsia'ri pdow; - ;i,' M'rïc'a sands : Tlie vou Iroun wark i - i tie i ip irii Gil. Produced by HsRaiOK'a match lyss lilis. Ioew dl waf affiíct yon ? nnver doubt This charmintf oooxpouad wil! search it out, Aii'l healtb ayain your tyttem liil, If yo'i fly af orr io UiCuftiCK's Pilis. ty Put up w.t.i Lnglifth. -panwL, Geftaan and Froaefa dlreitions, .' ents ptr box, Fuga Coated See advertisement on tnird page. 604 Important to Ladies. D-. .IOUN n.U'.Vi' V, baving for upwarl" of twert year rtev. tod hli tire Pxclu!velT to the ui of ITemulo IDitiioultifS, ané hnvin; ! 1 ti tu..u .in :, ui ca e e.iii.rmii the aüücte I o aouiKl healtb, bas now tntire coo0deiiee iu (tSering publicly lii.s "GRU'SlT AMñJRrCAN R1TVTEDY" DB. HABVBY'S CHROSrO-ÏHEEüIAL FEMALE PILLS Wuieii i:.iv n -i r ■, .■! i..:;.. (whcu Ihe directiona beeu B'rictly follüwed,i in reviOTing 'litf.c ilt;fs ari.-inj IV m Obstrnetion, or Stoppage of Nature, or in restoring the ytem to perficl heaïlh, wl foiiiig frma si'ival Areitcnoss, lyuiwa I r ui t!ie ÜTEB1.VE OlSASX. A!-0 1) all IM-CïOl IMfflllITY (111 N'KHÏIU , l'UiJ-TBiT' )V KT tkekjs, 1'ALPir.iTi isa. ík., c , vli cli arolhe lorepunnira r.f more fMTious discaw. vi_ These PHU are verfirtln ha mlrm on the amMitution, and mnV b, laken hy the vvsl de'ïcate fi'indle wtltri caushtg di'reUfa.t ,.;im i I limtbe' ei .: i-t enKtliramg, Invigma. : i-e t ring the y tem to licaltliy c. nU'.n, ' ithly T:''rimi v . no nii!li;r I'rnni v)i,i the er, not bs taken durlng 'iio Brit tlirco 't four mon'.hf at iri:!inc'. th iu !i sa{ jit r.ny I 'S CO '0 Pili l'ri -e Or,(! Dclltr, ac 1 ire -.vül b" soi.t by im:! pr-'iail byanyaclvor , tiso-1 Asoit. fn eccipt of the m f i:r.,.-:''si-i:. J. RR i N-, Roehester, N. Y , -al Art ut. a & L. BUIONEAt', Dcctoit, V.'bolcÊalo AgS't frr I il-oulin. - ice,f IMPORTANTE FEMALES TUF, HSA-LTti & u ■--" F WOMAN U eontmunlly mi peril il" she i va i I cnough to n g] c( reat (hoM sexpal ineguUiritie to whteb twothirda of her pea re m ire 01 IkR. CHEE EMAN'Sl'IIJU-1, prepare I from the nu ■ ■ 1 whicb the invenjor, rORXl Llüfl CH MN M. r.,i: NTew-forkj li 1 for twenty y . emled prr fítei ructiee- immediateiy ■ . s.whelher arixlng fróna relnxatïon r suppreBton. 'lln act like chnrm inretnoring thepainsthai nee rapnnv diffteull or 11111 iderate me straation, nml are the onlyaafeand n?1iabl remertyfor Fluhe he, Prftun te the Loins. '■ ■■. ! al] t iti m fïprvcua Tremors, II; tericfl, Ppasms, : ■ U'p :iri'l otner unplea&tni ■■■■■' us effeetp of an onnat iral oonVtion of tbs ■ ■ ■ ; obh In the worst cases of Fluor Alhns or Wuile-, they '-iïect a speedy eurp. To WIVKS and TVTATROTsTSI . !ü I.Süi-1' nffe i'' as the nnly 1 LÍI itïonns of renewinjp interrnpted menstruatkin, hot. LADIKS MITST BK AR I ÏUIO Thcre is one '■■'■■■on of thefcmnlt rys'ct Ji tohich thi Pi!U ra-'vnt bc 'a!,-rv riln-it proJucT.ff " PECULIAR RffSfc'É T Th rr.wt di'i n rtfern -f to !■ Pf' EQ&A ATT- the ret, MT8(!A 1'7'IAGF. Surh U the ílTíSÍJtí 6' l,mh 11 nj f tJu medicint ton star the serna} fm ctionë t" a '■orinal eau titiot, thñt even the reprnduct'ive poica i)f nature cMntot rtfittt ?' ;;■ ■" ' ■ "■ on stnting vhent and when thetf shonlê : Box, - the Pri. f. Out Dollar eaéh An, tibnlaiitiug 50 PHt. . ,., -.i,.! t ■ ■ had frpp of the ent? PiUs ient bi mail promptly, ity pncli n; pr:ce Lo any . : . 80I1I liv ! 'i: n ' v. . ticx JHlVfiS. rroprtr ' n Ceetar-St . Nea York K ir lí b.f M VYX".',1:!! fiTÊBBINö ie WIILON, i ; i :;.!.:: k i LH tí. :tíAT EAGUSH BEMEDT - JAMK8 fl-AHKK'tí ïciït-alrH Fsaalc iii!. t. LETTEKf T.L ?- ■;:& PATÏNT ■; a pr?snpím &fSt $. CliTl:e, M Ú., Physitian Estra '& nar it t& tte Quetn. ■ U ■ ' ■ ■'■ ifl ahfiúUng in tb cure uf ín TAiis diaease to wl,i_h tb fnm!(et It poiiervfttfi hll exGHR and r can mar fcs relied on T 9XAKR1KB MDIJW tltwlj saited It will, in b hert tira, bríng ot. larity. 1 - ixa tbe Geren "■■, ïo prevfnt cfiun.oirii. 7.'if(ie ! - fztiiiti dssrinff tkt IStST THRÏ.L MO&TfíS Prejnansy, as ikay r re :j riaj ub Miics-rrif.e, lv' i? a.iy cíiír Ííkí í..c r foc. ad Spmal Affections, riï: ïi ,lit exertir.D, I ■ ■ ' ; i 'ntPt, these ï;:: wil ■ f. cure wheo rü oth# raeaus hAve faütd, ftvi h powerful nmetly, ds uert iron, calonao ; ■ te the cosfat.. . ■ .' - tb tToitod r.txiea aai Cfiaada, . rLU 1. C. ÖaIdw;u&Cov Kuchcêtor, K. Y $1 DC aad 6 poatage Btsmpi enclotéd tn auy aa ' ■ ■ jJ-'"' [mw a tí f1 f '■ ■ 1 -tan I öold bo GRKNVÏLL & FÜLLER Ann Arbor, and Ij Druggistá -n evii j town. MOTHEflS READ TI3I3. Tbefüliowingisan extrací froai a letter wrltten by thepastorof ;i Bapti t Unurch ■ tlio "Jonj-n] and Mes.-ener,"' Cincinnati. Oliftr, and spcafep roibmes in ftivor '-I that worWrt'Bnwned medie n ■- Mus. Wins. OOTU1NO XRVY KOK ('H1LDKKN TfCKTHUTG : ':Vf8&eHD :, ! .■.■.ti.-nivüt ín your columns of Mr. -. t'i''i:% nip N'v wc Dvei aai' in favor nf a ; ;t ir. ni -.[ e fi ■ hefrr1 ji uur tiff , 'bu . r 1 V" ir p ;i'l r-. 1 hal lilis f no W ITTO HK Ál L IT t is. prob . be inn t successful rae ! euips if th ñtiy. ''■■ ■■■■ it onp of 1 : ■ n l t iosf 'i' v mr reader b 1 U.lw b ibie can'l do Ü bitter than f 1 y 'n n - ipi !y " e il ertiseme tn inother -ol Wew Mecical Diseoyery. Fo; tbe pee ly ai reol Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Eiscbarges íÍDivtl, '-tr u i-, und Affectiona of the Kidney and Jlladdcr. w eb been used b.v npwaitlfl uf ONE IlüNDIiKD TBVSICIaNS, in theír privaí ■ .... . S8i :.-,,,, r ,.. ding Ccrebs, Copaiba, Capeles, or uy eotnpound bither BELh'S sPUClPin '1LLS, are Bnwdy in action,tift(n e(Tecting e ■■; ki few dayi . and wh(-n acure ñeffrced h permnnei t Thpy ar prep 1 re M 1 ' ■ ttj ba 1 h n ha 1 o !hp sy.-N; . 11 .;■■■■ 1 . nauspatf the ütomnch ■ mprpg nata the bivath ; and 1 ■ n vivara r-poatcrl J nnNii ii. p is a 1 ''■':. Vochangeof dut ü nrcesxary iohils usvv them ; nor '1 '■■ berrac "11 interfe ■■ with busiae - - ■ 1 i : . Et! ■ ■ 1 -x losen Pili. t-'RICti ONE [lOIXAtt, anl will li"(-nf by mul po f ;.-;! ! b_v any advertíec . !. ' ■ ■■ ■";■; oi Uie m iafy. Sold by Uru'.;-is in Aun Arbo i1 Nunegenutne nríthout nty gigoature on the wrpper J. IÜIVAN, Rochwler, X. Y.,í#ener] II. í; L SIMONAÜ, Ddtruit. Wbolesale Agentfl for HiehlffHD, ' 8 ■ tf Washtenaw Mutual Fi e Insurance Co. ■iclnry wil] be foi 1 Api on 1 v laj , al An 1 Arbí 1 day, nu.i t. Yp.silanti un Kridiy t 1 1 late suct? Farmern a-, may wi-h tu become mi hab'ers. H. KE" NT Ai:n Arbor, A iy. 16, 1S61 THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 1HE PAUL ftHii ol theseveral I'ubltc Schools of i v urili opeu ou .. ■;] k j Aufr. I9th, and eonble tii.t cíe ioZíitm be 11 theii ■ . . . i. tue ifiin. 1 he !;■ . . will rv: ís in i;h ! rim irj . attend 6th rt ar I ■ elu ■ N" r .. ■■: r . Leí ree1 ■ .i'. j tie liiver R a 1 l-i-i tu i'i c.i r .. mi i 1 ch' r r 't1 to í.ív ■ eet, !..' ■ diátri :t lim t - aclu ■ : ttn eu di m '! . ife t ■ exc 'pted. yfN'íCb ; . ■ : . ■ eyea-nuld wiil btiadinitted. 'i ue i" ■ . , , . , ■ ti e g ivernm -rit of the ClíOl 1h itiaj . ; , : . 1 -i - i 1 -;- i f . ■ 1 - , 1 . fore ann a Ldoptud, .-iu-lt-u1 especial at. : ■ ; 1 i ■ 1 ■ .1 : i . 'i', . .. . . nce tbeir atti 1 pro.jptíy at the bginniug ol ea'ch term, aul be regular and puoctu&l in tUtúr alten lance ; to e-Jsfonn ta ti 11 ui tbu ach tul uní to oby prompti al 1 "i: (l if ■ .'-;- - of tbe teaciii m ; to observe gtíod or li r ipriety m deportineni ; to BeAUigeDt La Mu. y. r i.'C ful to Leaohersjun i kío .11! obb fíog bo ucbool'" ■■ to rtrfraín itii-y trom the ueof profane or ÍBtproper iaagaage, and to be claaaaa'i ueat iu peon and attiie II. Pupila of Wjri1 Rcaool deparftnenta are requirl .. 1 tii Rchool etttabÜfllieü iu lUedivibioD ui the . ffhere tbe re III. N'. pupil prepuKng his or her 1 ■ :-■■ urtual time of closie 1 by - pee al w ritten 1 ■ quesl ol parenta 1 r guardián or uu ao&Hint "i bickawt ; - and pvpUspeimitted to prepare ihv r leu out uf sobui 1 ahalJ 1 a■ i"n or at icc'-ss. a 11J 'tave ■■. Aon. IV. Any pupil who is bufcbitaallv tardy or íruant,or gmlty of j 1 ,. :;ií i'üí . or u ." l.i the tisú of pro aneoi who maken use of tobáceo in tny (arm durin or vhoge general enJuc íb injurioushallbe reportad lo hr dian and to tlje schoul B Kird, and dlxall be nubjec , nsi n V. Urery p ipil iu ] be ablenl faur kaf dayg, and iu the (nmnui f el Bhall be abeo nxhalf day, and in the Ward cboola . úfdasf, .11 i.. woeks, without an 1 ■ ■ , tutor guardián, giren id perwm or by wntteo aote, BaiUt'yinfj ib %t that the abncncea were eauned by bisorbei own or by üicknesri in tue famHy Pbal] fort'eíl kis or neat blichool; and th kll lorthwltli notify thepaient an 1 the B rd tUat tUe pupil ib su ed No pupil tii ig su ' real i ed í i ' lio &chool prior to tb ■ ■ imnienceraeni uf the eniilog tei n.i, unk-ss the pareni or guardinn shall su ranoe tu the Board the pupil wili be pi& tbe tature. l Any pupil who Rliailbe guilty o! iñjurjBgorde fiuÜBg 1 1 , shall , 1 v nll 1 ■ , bt re arlmi't-ítíimly bj permtswiíin i rtie ■ VII, pih#r rule f iirtjje interna! ■ and 'dU niplioe of the respective bebools, maj be frcmíjuaeto opted :. ni annoiiDCtíd by the teachf r i thcreln, ■11 -re efllce'ualtv1 to carry out the rttles and rpgulationa prescribed Roe Board E. li POND. Secy. of Board. Aug. 8tb, 1801, A. DEFOREST, AtAV.tys ahci;!i:i Low I'i -ces Hvv: :c REMOVED MY BTOftK t. the tfitt rido a n irtb oí Gufternian'a. J an ■ , all kinds of G:or' r '''■ I LooLiDg i.iblfCt '.-ij, Uóod,&c., LOWliK . HAN KVKR! Frenefa China Ten -vu-, [ma #M) to 18 00 . ''liinü D nn r .-t'ls. fruca -"'il . toneCh : Fri ra 3 (Ml I t inoCliiuu D.niiir -, t-, Ircm Si " ■ ilrt. 200 i rdnzin !Vom ;■," to '0 M.iib r0BJ -,, r Fluid umi (r. m j8 t„ 6i) ïi'a i . K3r Lmar-s f o kimls a . ,:rM Great ,t..eductvon in the Price of SINGKR & COS Standard Machines . Wdlknmcn tn le Ihr Ilest orillan ujacturiñtg Purpose. No, 1, StuiiiUrd Shutilo Machine, formei iy s.ild at $90, rediiuofl to $70. No. 2. of saino kind if Muchine, for ; inerly sold ai SiüO, rediiced tu $75. SINGER'S LET VEll A MACHÍN B I -: Machine iu the world f r Kfimtly ■ ■ hlunufaccuring Purposc : tteitn Hernán li.-':iiiïiiiil'y . i ïi - 1 1 1 u' ■ ! í , J $60. i are of greal capacit; and ' r N ■■ ö Mj ■ ■ ..■■ii lier "ii, in Crriae i i; - ; :, ■ '.i.-' il !.■ ■ ■ i!:, i i s MftkiH; , CtC.( JtC. re of ex'ra sizt, auü witli n mm Ui ■■:!■ i i . ; ■ ■ ■ ds a hes. ïhere i-, acaree j V&j iart ofa trimmen1 ■ I ii bfug tlmt cannot i ihan by haud so, too, ibe savfng oí time i ni labor is ve-j fc'rettt. ïhetaweef lb e uiacb.nes U 't inches long, aart the shuttle will . MtnesttH uMinl quantilyloi thread. ï'helargu machine woi ks asfalta si.i ill (inea. Ve would askfor our i.efTr A Machines, tl cial attentioa f Veat M.iki and 1t,.,s Makers, and all ■ . ,, do want Machines fur UghtnumufaeturingpUT' po00$. T.n'.v embody the prii ■ ui the itandard ■ machine, making lihelhem tUe lateriocked ftith, and tned i-i iiv aa cel i r tU-.l für Fahii.v sSsh ing ai il tighi maaufaoi uring purponea u out stondard niachiued art t". f munutud uring pur; ost i o general have aiway on hand, muuujiu oavoka , en K twikt í LIXKN AMD C TTüa HURGAD , OM NPdUM, BBST KaCH.'NK Uit in Ij. 'M i( R, "lC. , OtC. v.v manutacture our own Nrrnlc-;, ui.-1, would waru all -Cl. '!l ■ I I 11 O t tu Ijll V Hil A In T-Í. V f i (uow tltat there are beedlea itotd of thé matt inferior quaWy at higlier pricea Lban w eharg ■ !■ i The oeedles old by ua are marrufactured esiecJallj Ptu mr m Linw. A bad?icctlcmay ratdtr the bist much'nu almost us'h:- Our oust mer may rest asursd ilial uil our I rancb i Iflicerf arel'urwinlied with the 4 Onuineacticle " , 'Ju. in ucji nctay bsest in . e .stumj), or bank ootee, 01 r, gpi udi ota n ;! I pleasa write theirnamea distii cl - 'v. ii is all inprrtani th í we should, mcacücaH1, tenbw tli ' . ' 'ouaty, Hiid Stale i __, ■ A.1 per una requtring infonaatii □ abiiui Sew:ng Machines thoi ze, pi ices, working capacitie, ud thi ■ f urobaa ny, can ubtain it by Bonding t ., . i ■: ]]_, ol uur B'-anchOfflcesforacupy of I. Jñ. Singer & Co V Qazetto, Wiiich i- a bmutiful Pic'orial Paper eBtirely devotedto the aubject- Jt wilt besent gratis. W We have maJethe abve RFJ)LCTIOTJ IN PP.irK - wiUi the two-fold view i[ benefitii ei oüoui Aeived. ïh public liavebwn t-v i us machines mad ni imitatiou oí our.. ï e metal in them, Ir i.i the ïron cahting to the smaHest fico, i o po i r makers haTnoi the iheans todo thsir work weil. Tin-v arehid away In secret plaoe, whi ï6 ii would bo :!!■- Lo hava at Üieir Wttimand the w er mechanica] apptiancea. li in onlj by doing n prèai ■ i . ne ■! :i l li;1 'i .ii. ■ ■ inuíactuiing es'ablisli:i. !,■ , ihai lm "1 ma chinea can b made at modera tprices, The beai de gned machines, BAULY UADE, are alwaye Hable to ■ : rder, and ai i c ■ ;,!.]■ ii-Diiiiic and mowey % keepttawaJn repniit ■ ■ for ni a Machine are : c i tainty of cerreoi acl on at ni ratea ul ÉtpvedjKÍmplicit.i '. jrir;ii (iiir;iiii;ji y. aadrapidity ol ope ratu ii , 'ilh the lpust labor. Machinen t o c n)bin i qiialities, musí lie madeöf the best nw alain .1 toperftctton. We hare thevayand m :l 'i ; nl BCale, to 1" tlii. The purcbaserfi uiftehinss. whosoaily bread itnia cofieern, will Bnd that tbone havirg tbe abf-vequaiitle nul. only woi'k .veil at rapid ;s welt na ilov raten l speed Jba1 latlonger inthn finest posalble wflrking order. Our machinen, a made by us, will eam ni n-c monpj with leas labor tban any others whether m iniitati'ti ■ !■ nol. In fac;. they are cbea nerthnn any othei macïj n I. M. iNt;i ?i & CO., 458 Fr iftdway MewYork. Hetroit Office, TS Crtftwold Street , opposite Hu Post Office. MUf M. H. G00DRÍCH, Agent, Am Arbof. Important National Works, PuUlished by D. Al'M.KTON & TO., 46 AND 348 BROADWiYKEW TOKK Tlie following works are uen1 tö Bubscriberí ;n any pari ., (upon reeeipt of retail prie,) by mail or ■ pre sa, ji epa Ld : TïlE SMVABIERIAIV CYCLOPEDIA; Popular I 'ictionary of' Uenen 1 KnowUtdge. Ettited In t.Ko. Riplky and Chaeles a. Daxa, aiO 11 j b oumeroui -.(■lect corps ut' (vritera iri ;:Si branched ( Scii oces, Ari and Uterature. Thia wort I lished n a boni octavo voluroi pachcontaiuiag 7601 wo-columi ■ ! . i., ii., ni., iv. v., vi . tai., nu., & ix ure uow reaily, each ■- q i uii ; ni ar ! I clea. An alditional volume will be publjshed once in about üi ree :i tnthn, Price, in CloÜi, S3; Eheup, t3..6O Half Rusflia,$4 50 each. The Ximv American Cycloj aedta is popular without benp superfleial, learned without beiug pedant ie, comprf heBAÍTi bul MJilificntly detailed, freefrum personal piqm and party prejuclïce, fresh and j I accurate. 11 if a e utaíemeni of all tha1 is knowo upon pvery Ero poft aiii topic within the Hcope of human Dtlligence.- :;.nr;;'Tt Articls in i t been ape aily wntti i ' ■ I np n ' the ti ] i nu which the) p ■'■■ dicy are reqirfrtMl to bnnj Uu ubject up tn the prenent moment: Ca stat just hmr f itands rum. All tbe RtatUtiealinforinatioB f i ■ ■ : aee wlth tbe Uitest explora tioñs; historica! matten includi U Frehe i.iust views; the b ■ . . ;■ cal noticet edt It i:r t only of thsdead hut siso of the living, It is a rv ol 'tself A KIDQRUGWT OF THE DB8ATKS ï tOSGKESS Being a Politica! History oi tin L'niti States, frotn tl tion of tbe fir1 Federal Cor 178 to L856. MitMai 1 .■■ mp led bv lï u l n 1 ; ■■ ; un UflBcial Kecunln ol Congreas. in 1 5 ro.i al octai n rolumí5 ol 750 pageatmeh, II of wbich are uow ready. An i -litio nal rol ü ni e will be publixhed once in three moatbs Cloth, $3; Law tÖieep, Hal!' Mor., 94; Ha] Calf. 4.50 each. AWAYOIPROCÜBTNTOTHECTCLOP;i U0RPEBAT1 V tui a lub of four, ano remil thejriee'of foui ■ I and ftve coplea will be neót al the n mitter'a ex i carriage, or for ten mbscribers, eleven copies will h Bnt ai . riBge. To Aifunts. No uiher work wïll so liberally rowardth ftJiettiori ni vfccuts. An Agbxt wantkd i thm Cocnty ïermt irnulf nwn on applteatfon to the Publiabers, Aun Arbor, Jarch. 1853. fl902ami te Tin.-. Whk.ut, agent at Kinne & Smith Book Ötore, Vpsilantl. SiT1 LU FRIENDO g IN THE RiGÍIT PLAGIÓ. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilisp Q 'ÏA tbartie in the frot-ld, ;r? fivp milliout. of peiannc aninntl'.v : a!vays ivtÜfucticn . enntain j ing notliing injurious ■ Ij i tirdüizHi hy rii , -■ i '■■ EilHnlQtt' sutenis iu Tuien : , ■jt cN.utly coak-it nitli jrU Mipir l.iu je Boie ". 5 cents; ■1% fiveboxps ft.r T ■: fBjBcl Full direct ioiiB wil heacli TAT.T.AnASSB, I.HOV COtNTY. ) . . Jiüy 17, I8fi i. ƒ ToJ)b. Hrbbios, Albaaj, Y - ly iVnr In.cto :- 1 v.ri e th'8 tiinfnimyou of t!ie wooderful ■ ■ ■ i ■ - ■ "ii iiv eider riauflhter. I throe ■ !■■-■! witli a bilííeas [lemognopni lem. ally Emparing her bealth, whicb haa been uteadly i i f thai ppriod. Wlu-n in N'ew if rk In Aphllast, a fr eqdadried me to test ■ Havtng the fullesi copfldence In th judfrme'bt.oi my frioi'l. I obta-i&ed a ■upplvof Mearx, BUthoh Park, .,:,. lU'w, New York. Onreturnfng home. . , usel all uther trpatmert, and adminintfred your PH! , i ne each i ight. Th rmprov meni in her fi c miilexíon, digestión, etc.. surin-ciï u; ji1. Aiapid I resti rt;on to health ha bef n the res uit, I lens ili;in ü v line-, ;ui.l oonttidi r her ent' rely well. T consider the abt e b ju si tribute to you os a Pbj -■ ri , and trnsi thai it will themeafis of tndacing ; your Pilis as 1 beir Family medicines. 1 itiiKiiii, darsir, with many thankn, Ycur obcil ent servunt. Ö, d, SIORRISON. Heuick's Kld Strenglheninc; Piasters cure in five htfurs, pain s and weafcoeu of tbebnuwt. sirte and back, and Rhe4on i tic Ooraplaintij In an oqualH ihori ppriod of Hm. Spreal on beautiful white lamq Bkio, thelrusa nubjectfl the wearer tn do iocom eniece, an-1 eaoh nn i wül wo ,r f rom oae week tu threo munt lis. l'rice KL ei nis. Herrick'fl Sujcar Coated Pilla nml Kid piest r are pM oj I r iffgiatfi ;.n 1 Mefchantfi in uli paris of tho United ■■rat, s. ( na1a aod Poúth America , and may be obtaimd Ijv Alliag for thsm by 'Jmir full lam, lyS05 DR L. B.HERRICK, k ro. Albany, X. Y. LOOMI3 Si THÏFF, SuoMrfcors to Chnpin & LoomiRjandCbdpin, Tripp A Loomis 1HEaboce flrm of LootoIb & Tripp haring tü tht i ■ ■ ■ ■ mer compad '- continu e 1 lif1 busine at th( oíd fttands, where Ihey wiU bf ready, on the shorteftt notice, to f i 11 all orderi ín the Line (.1 Castings and Machinery, in the must woi'kmanliktí manner, and on libera 1 terma m Rny other #hop In the State. Axoong tin vari mis artlcleraan.ufactured by at, we wouldi en amérate STEAM EÑGINKS of all kinds; MI11 Gearing and l'ixtnrps, wroughtaod cast; all Hip various eactlaga I'ni making anfl repairing Iiürse &Thresliing Machines are at present, or have fonnei !- !i-'iti in uso ja thl part of the State, a well mail the varloa kinds i I 1 machine work uliedforby farmers aud tnechAtHc inthis section ol i;n rv bl. a -TLXV &m 9 nf all the wu'ious ]iiitt ras, up in slzesanH priceRtwill be IceptooDstantly on hand, got the most modern anil improved styleit. ThaskM fnr üirmor patronnRc totheoM írnis, ■? woutd -..ilicit :t contínuance from oíd friendg, and atria! ai! wishlng foraaything [nour llneof bunioMi. LUOilIS Jt TKll'l". Ann Arbor, May 18th, 1559. C07tf New Rkmedies fok S P KH l A TO UK il (E A. nOWARti ASoriATIDN'. PHILADELl'Hli. A Be eatablitlifd bv ecial endvmëjtt for th rfiiff of the Sutk and Dittrinnad, nJRfr.trdjoith t-'ric'nii ana Ótronic Düiqaaas, and ttpeeially for tkr. C'irc of Oihiatt of the Pczual Orgnn, HËI [CAL AliVtCK giTn , ratl, by tho Aotlof Surgeo . VALOABI.K REP01 T; on fcraiatnrrliraa. nd othet of tho 8xnn I on th Nl.w Rl M. , hrat ia ira ■-. ñv of oharg. Two or ti t ■ ■i , Dr. J. SK1LLIN LlüTON. AnWclaÜon, ;ro 2 t;. Kinth St


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Michigan Argus