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AYER'8 Sarsaparillá ron purifying the blood. Aüá fat Uw npeedy cure uf the fIluwhiK cnmpïalnta: Korofnia and BcrofnJom AflTectionsfsteb hm 'i'iiiinïi' -;, UlcvrSf Sores , I'ir tipi ions, Plmplca, J'uslulcs, lÜoltlica, lLoU, Iflíiíiis, mul iili Batial liseatn. Oaki nu, Iiid., 6th June, 1869. J. O. Av:i & Co, Ueiittt: t f'-l ii my (tulj to acknowivilgu ulial ymr tuiMU]uiUtit luw dono fur me. II Hvi uk hiliuiitfd ii Hvrofulutia initcti u, I ha va Biilforwd IVoni it in vartous waj'M 'i veam. biinielíinei i out in Uli'öiH uu mv liatHld and anus; euOieÜtiiefl ft turned iiiwui'd ttnd ülstrejwnl maat lh stomauil. Two yeai-a ik" 11 Lrnkv 4it mi mv hwad uut) cuvtmi my eatp tuitl t-jiiM wiiii smv. uhi.ii Win putti tul mul ttmthnonie buyond iltsfüilption. I trlrd iminy medicines añil wn al j-l: . ï -:.i 11 n but without niin:!i relief froui anv tlilng. Ju fect, th dlritirdurgivw wuiite. At leiigtli l wh icjolced to rátul in Uur tjir-pi-l Mi --i-ii!'. ■!■ Hrvt yon luid pri'pfirod Bil alh-raiiw (S;if.--;Lj';U"ilu. f f 1 klItiW Imii! yuiit' ivpnditluu thai ;niv iiiin„' yon miidd kiiihI Iw w-va. I wn to CiiH-fuinHUnUgot it, mul uwhI il tii! U cured ma I rook lt, ua yon advUt. In humII üuawiof u twupoonfttl oveva monlh. hihI turad thrve boUias. New rihI licwtltliy ifciti smrti IffgHti io joriii n in k-r IliuHcub, whidi o ft er a whilö fi'll X My skin is now clcw, mid 1 knuw by niy fealingN 1 1 1 ;it tin dinfjiM htu umie froui my s si cm, n cuii wel! Ih-Ik'vl' ihiit I l'i-j wlittt I hui Hftying tvlien 1 U-ll yon, that 1 hul tl yon to lm ime uf ili itpostliM ui Lho age, uii'l leiuttiu evr uratelully ïuuii, Al.riU;l) lt. TALLKV. St. Aïi( hony'e Flre. lïosc or l'i sipelns, 'l'clttr mitl Slt llhenin Snlil licad, liin wurm, Sore ïLy c, l)rayjra Dr. Itobcrt .'. Prvbl w.iu-s (V,.ni Pal'-m, '. Y.. 12tli Sept., IS60, ihat, lx; Iihh cwred un Invetérate ciwe !" Ihop&if, whi'li Hiif;itriM-il Id terminote httalty, ly tlm )eisi)Vfiiiiii 8e of M i snp:irill;r lintl KIm u dmigeroUi Malignant Ert -ifn'l.nt hv hirffa doses nf thfl naiiiaï ny he cures tlie cuiiimun Ernptirm l It couttantly. UioiH'Inxtle, Cloltre or Stvellvil IVcclc. Zeblllon SIm.hi ..f l'i.ii.rí, Texas. WritM : 'Thn-e bottle8 f jrour Hnrimimiillti en red nm frotu n '■- i-'w - v hiileuns BwtMlHg on tlio iiL-i lt, whirii i liad tmOorad foin over two yenrs." rtciif-nriliorn orAVhil ■ (hnrinn Tumor, Utertne Uit t-rntÍ4iiiT JNinnle Oímciiscm. Dr. .1. lï. S. rhannliifc, of .New ïtirk City. wrltn "I most clifnrtuily c(niiIy wbli the roqnentof yrtnr Hgitit Ín l Raving I lnuV PmiimI ymir KnrnmrÍílH nwl nxcellent alIcintlM! in t hi Mimi'!' ns Cntlt)HlntR fot' wllldl we employ nncli it iwiiedy. imt 'spm-lHllv In ■■ ■inf IHêêcuü of tho Strofnlf.iiñ iIIiiiImIh. I li.-iv.Tiin-,! niruiy InveterIit(! cases of liCHt't irrllOCÜ! I'V lt. and WMtlfl wlirlu IllH COIDpUlul waH -.■iiiscil liy tilcrrulioti of Lho nltrtt. Th ulcerRtlou ltsstf wiiMHioii uTi-it. Nv!liin„' wlllilu my knouleApr eqnnl it i"v IheBfi Rmmln ilcnttif-nienta." fódward S. Mtirrnw, nf Newliury, Aio-., vvrltes, UA danperoiis otvirum tumor nti rno of 1l ('cinalcs in mv fiiniily, whlch huil iWfled uil lho mnudien we conld tmiploy, búa at lmiKfli '"'-''i PoniilUiIy eurwi liy ymir IC x tin et ofSarftimrllln. Our r-ltylclun thmitftit mtlilnfc luit extirpdtion could üflbrtl relief, but lie fulvhed llm nial c.f yoiir SarsRporlllii ai the Int irsnrt befhre euHlntc, mui it novttd pflec trial. Afler inUiniyonr lemedy oigbt wcüks n u symptinn of h diwifl i puihIiis." Sj-pliilis mul RlercnrlRl Dlseasc. Nmv Om.i-ANs. Angmt, If69. Dr. .T. C. Arn: Pir, I RtioarTiilly comply with Hip ioqiit'.'it of yonr jittt, mul rnaH to y mi Home of tin eflectf I hiiv! ii'ali.cil wiili ymir Sti a:uilli. 1 li;ive enred witb lt. In mv prartlce, Himt of llic cotnpluints ff ir whirli it is rarnmmcndwf, nd Imve fmmd ük eflectfl trnly wondorfnl ii the euro nf Vhmvttl ml ftlrreurial ï)ia?ns?m Oiipufmy piitluntn lirnl Syphiliiic nlcera In hin Uiruat, wliicli were roiimiminfí ÍiIh [míate nml tho top of liis mout h. Vuur ftirwiparitla, RteIlly taken, cini-il hitn in Bve week. Anothw vrnti nltnekd bytoeoii'Jaiy Byniptonn in IiSh niwe. mnl lh nlcenttlttn hnd eaten tiïï;iy :i finsiiltiinitlt; part ■!' il, HO tliat i ln'livc Ilio disorder wonld oon midi Nis bralii mul lili lilin. Hut it ylelded to tiiy itdmininliiilion t.f yuur f-arsiiarilla : Ilio ulceiv hualwl. und U wi il Hguiu, nol of coiirst) tliout some dlKftglirKÜötl hi liis I'aiv. A iruiuan ho had heen titüiliil tor (hu Haiue (lieimlfi y iii'k ury was atlftVliflg fruin this noisiïii in lu-r bnnef. 'J hey had twemttfl so peniltivo tu the wt-jiiticr tli.'it en a dftuip dny nlie Boflered t-xcruciatiox pain in lier Joint and bom h. Mil. Io, wiu cuicd etiiiicly ly your iartapnrilia in u few wetkn. I know tVom itn (uroiula, irbtcli vour agent gave m, tbat tiiis treiaifttlun from your Ixnoratory mtiHt Ik1 a great remedy; couauquently, theae trnly rvmarkabla nwritt willi it iiiive nut Bui'prutt! nu.-. I youra, 0. V. LA KI MER, if. ï). RJUuinatlamf Gaat, I.i tv Coni;ilQint. ÍMKii.Mu mi., 1'h-]mii (■■., 'a.. t (h .liily. ISW. Dit. .1. 0. Ayhi: Hlr, 1 Imve Uhmi ntilicted wlUi pnlnfnl duunic lihmmtititm l'ur a long linie, uhl.h bflílled ilio BklU of phyfii -i.-uifí. mui si nek to me in B]ill ot' all lho reuiL'Uk'rt tcmild Htid. until f trlwl yonrSiuitfipivrllhi. Ouo bottle cmvil iih iti two weüks. und reatored iny gvnfral Itealtli 8i iiuirli ibat I am lar lietlr tbun lu-ii-ro I was attacked. J tblukUuwoutleihil medicine. J. KKKAM. Jules V. Götchell,of ít. IíOuIk, wrttttn " ï havo íieen atllii-tud lor yeurs wltb au aflretitn ■ (!■ J.nn-, wlilcli tli-Biioyt.-.l niy liiülili. J triedèffrj ÜtlngHtideVery thjng faiK'il to i etïtit f me ; and I have been a hrokeu-down man fer soote ynis from uo otbertau&e tliau dcnniyeiun.tuj' the l.itrr. My U-tuVeil ptiator, tiie lïev. Mr. l]'.v, adrinecl ine to try your Hmaiui iila. lieeauge lu Kiid hu knW JOM, and uii.y thlhg yon inado waa iroi th (rying, lïy the blwwiug of God it [laacnred uil, and huxu pnilfled my bla d as to niaka a n w man of ino. 1 f.-i-l yoauH agatn. 'J'he bt-Bt tbat can be suld of yon In uut hairgooti enouglt." Sclilrrns, Canter Tumor, Kifclürgemeut TJIceratioii, Carlea tti&d KaJcUuüoh of the lioiii's. A great vailety ut cm liaveiieen reported to u wliera euteaof Ibese Kirinidablu cumpliilnti) have rnu!ted from II ie une of tltla remedy, lul BfHice lwie will lint adniit tlnin. Souk; of them may I' t-tuul In uur Auiertran Aluiaunc, whk1i lbo agent helw uauied ara pleaaed to fmulsfa gratis to hII wlio cali l" r tlnin. sy , Hclntii. !ul; , IVciiialift Many reuiiiikabta nr s t tbie uffcÜi nu have hftO made by the aU rallve ix'wer vf thi uitHlii ine. It Miuiolat' ■ lite vital luinii ijs Inlo %i runs mihii, and thoa ovi'irnnifs ilisonlfi1.- wliidi wuuhl Iw Mipin-p heyind ils rewrh. Mnh a luis loii ln-n n iitlrfd ly Hm fteeeafiltleH of th p pli. alid we art' confidunt il-at thia will do for tluin all ilia( medlcihe can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOB TUK KA TUI CUBK OF t'oiit;!i!i, Colda, ittHnenxaj ilonrcitcsa, Croupi üroiit II iii.H, Iiu ïpiciit onauiu tion, n ii f i fav tlic lielief of 'ns nm j i ve P tienta in n I v ii ii c ■ 1 1 Sí n ges Of tllC JíÍncum'. Tb ff Ís (t retr.fdv un niiiciail v Kimwn to pnrpnaa nny other Tor Hip mie of' llirrat aml hing mplaints. it : iñ nseleM hi o Io pnbHah tlie aïiU-i c of ils virliw. lts nnrivallwl for loitgli aml mlds. ainl it trnly vou'IhThÏ cures of pulumnary dictase, have made it knowu tiirHi(rbut tin: civilized natiotiH of the earlfa. Few aró Uie rTmtnniiUias. or evm familieis atooni; ihmi who hare not buiim' piisnnnl pxpvrif itt-e of Ut effect- ■ ■ome livlug Iropliy in Ilielr midst of its vïetory ovit (he Biilillaii(l (hiMRntiis ( of Hip tlnoat aml luftpi. Ah all know the dremlfnl tatality of tlne diponlero, and as tlu'v knnw, too. tlie eftVctaof ihis reincdy, in ed bet I do more thau to tufitro ilu-m tbat il hu d h all the tues that it 'lid Imve uhen inafcitig the nrw vlikli have won no itrutiicly npmi tlio confidfiire ot' mankind. Prer ared by Sr. J. C. AYER & CC, Lowell, Masi. Kaynard, Stebbns & WjIsqü FARKANH, HKLKY k (()., Detroit. Wfflyl J .II nUIUlir.L. Trivt-Uing Agent. j D. LWOOD & CO., HAVE JVST OPEVCD A LARGE & WELL SELECTE D STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, ForthoSPRIKGdtSUilMER Ticdo of 1861 Ilaving purchascd tbeir stock nt much lfSB tlian the usual pi'ices, thcy aro preparcd to offer GREAT INDUCEÏÏENT3 To Cash & Ready Pay Buy. rs. Thnnkfui for past favors tiic-y -vill be ever ready to eliow thetr GooJs nu J by fair niuJ liberal denlinjj liope to receive tbeir full sliae of the public patronage. West si io of public square. Ann Arboa April 1861. Rifle F actor y! A. J. SttHJJR-LAIYD HASrernovnf'hlGdn Shopt thr Kuw BJockn Huton itret sonth "1 ('on 1 1 Mr vr oitnesecond (loor, wlifn ho in prepared to furniah Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pcbes Game Baga, and Everj otlicr article i bim Lino. On the m '! renaonnblr tcrmr.nno' to o nll kind o the ahrjrt'.ï-i t tivice anllutlio bAt mannei PRINTING OF AIX KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE i ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LISE OF PEINTING AT TUK MOST REASONABLE EATES. We have recently purehasod a E,TJGGLES ROTARY CAED PRESS, and Imve adrlod tlie Infst stylcs of Card Type, wliich enables us to priut INVITAT1ON CARDS, WEDDING CARDS. VISITING CARD3, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. ia the nentogt ftyl.s. and ns cheap ns any house in ihe State. We are also pre ared Lo print POSTEES, IIANDBILLs, BLANKS, BILL I1EADS, CIRCULA RS, PAMPIILETS, &c THE .A.:R,C3-TTS BOOK BINDERY i in charge of ft FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOU RN ALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF KINDS, SULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufnoturoc! in bkbt sitie at New York Prlces, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-Bound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Propjr. Office and Bindcry, cor. Jlivin & Huron Sts Ann Arbor Marble Wors. 33tvtola.olca.ox í i AS un haud :i line issurUnL-Lit ui AincriCiin aud ITALIAN MK li B L E whichheis prepared to manLifacturo into n uilthcir varieties, :uh1 ín a W 'JÏKMAXLIKE mnnner. Haring had coanideiwble Tparleoce ín the bnrtinesF he fUtters htiauwM tli:it lie will be ablo fo pleant all who may favor iaü with their or''erp. tüs price? L O W AS TUE L O W E S T. those wi;ht!ia: any thitig in my aro respectftdlr b -ited to cali t. C. BATCHLLHEH. " Ann Arhor. May CO, 1861. 801tf SE SION LAWS, 1861 rrpiAcra of the lfgiplatcrf of the st(. Of 1 Michfn. inHPsi'ri at thn Hfciiliir n-A Prra "-VsR'nns of JRdl.bin heen vectivci at v.-j oiBoe, od ars readj fvt dJiiribïitloD. faArt,Aog. l,Mtl. itati,.


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Michigan Argus