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A Characteristic Letter From Lieut. Parks

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The followiug friendly and huutorous letter is from Lieut. Parks to liia frieud, F. P Bogardas, of Ypsilanti. Itielimund, Aug. 5, 1SG1. Fiuknd Frank :- My haring expired on tlio first instant, I nul now visiting some friends iu this city, and am leading u vcry sodentary lift;. I pass my time in reading, edeepiag, playing cbess, ouchre, whist or cheekers, as my fancy diotates. I fiad it mucli easier work (it' not so plaasaut) t han repairing ' watches aud jewelry," and it paya about as well, ii' Únele Samuel keeps his word, as 1 uní qotyet "regularly dtgeharged " By thü way, Frank, as I was about leuviug the " service," (uot baring sueceeded well in my first attempt to suljugate the soutli.) an"d liaving no further use íor tho sword yon presented me, I presented it to one of Gen. Beuuregard's aids, (I believe his name was Col. JohnBOD--I neglectcd to takö his eanl,) and my '2Í revolvr I gave to a coinpaniüu ot' his wlioíe haiue I hava forgotteu. I trust yon will exeu-e me - he took sueh a Btrong faney to it thut I really could not reíase him. He was very polite to me, and as I was faint and ery much fatiued, he offered to let me ride hs horea, but t oould not tliink uf accepting his kiud offer, thinking he might have further use for him, but I did accept ot Lis offer of in escort of a dozen armed ïuen to keep off wild animáis white goiug through the woods to a place I sturted for in the niorning called Maaossas. I dou't believe I could have found the way without their asslstanceas thereweiemauy crssroads liabl! to lead a stranger in my situition atítray. I arrivcd at niy destina tiou iibout 8 1' M., and took lodgings at the Hotel de Brtrn. As it was somevvliat crowded L slept on an oak niattress. I saw President Davis, Qan. Beauregard, and ixuuy otbor ilistiiiguishcd genileuien, but was not bonored vvith an introduotiou. They were just takiag sapper, and appc!arel very happy. The next morn'mg L took the ears for llichmond, and hero 1 am. I fidd an unusiuil nuuiber of , uorthern people hcre for this season of ' the year. I think the tido of sumnier travel must have ohanged. .My henlth is excellent, and my frienda nee i have HO ar for my personal sufsty whtle I oecupy my present quarters. I am stopping at :. largë briek hotel on Main strtet near the James river. The wiudows are securod by iron bars, which were probably put up to keep out musHuitjs but ifso their mosquitos must bo very large down here, as the bars are ral lier lárge and far apart for that purpose. A nuuiber uf armed uien gu;ird us ntglit and day to keep off intiuiiers, so we ean slee[i aoundly without fear of robbers or othiT cvil disposed persons Address me - " Lieut. M. A. Parks, prisoner of war, Rïobmoud. V'.i , e tre of rar Department C. S. A." I thiukyou had better enelose by mail to Adauis' Express Co., Washington. Ti-uly Yours,


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