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F8RE! FÏRE! WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS Insurance Oompany . CASH CAPITAL &SUIÍPLUS; i OVMSrï. SSOOjOOO. W. IV. STRONG, Agent Ann Arbor, lïnrch, 20, 1S61. 792tf LÏFE II!SlIltAlN'CI:. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranca Company. Accuraulated Capital, - 83,500,000. W[I,I,IN3DRÈIJVE3 for any amnunt lint exwedmg SlO,0.Xl tor tlie wholc torm of Lile orfov a term of vears, un the most invorabli1 tonos N. 13 The Companv is purt-ly mutual and the policy hoMers get ail the surplus over UiO exart coat of usuranob It aoctjiiKi'lates tlif insnrod in the settlement of their premiums ON UFE POLICUES, ir dednd, by taking a nflte f'T one half the amount, Ucaring interest at ftix percent, por aimum. Dinidends are Declared Annnalhj! and niñee they nw araount to HiKrY per cent on the pretn;un, -ash and note, and are mcre&siug tliey may be applie-1 to cniicel thetiotfs. W The rates of premiums arcas lw u any other rcsponsible Companj and tho largii cumulated fund of $0,500,090 is seourely inveatod, as may be seen by refereuce U the statement made aocording to law, on ulo in the office of the Cuuntv i']irk,ai Aun Arbor .Bt JAMES GÜODWiN', l'rest. QtrrB. PiiKi7S,Scy. ForpartlooUreapply to .IAMKS C. VTATSON, 7(J3j l Agent at Ann Arbor, Bloh. NEW YOKK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Aecumulated Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS ERANKLIN, President, J. C. K END ALL, Vire President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED with theComptroHerofthe Stilt of New York. Divideuds average 40 per cent. aanually. ASSETS. (WloBuik, , $ 31,355,49 lnvested in securitie, creatfo undor the lawsof the State of New York and of the U. S. , 258,870,79 Keal Estáte and Fixtures, Nos. 112 and 114 Broadway 182,460 M Bonds and faortgage drawing 7 per et. interest 583,908 .39 Notes received for"40 per cent. of premiums on life pohcies, bcaring interest, 675,315.85 Quartrh' and inii-aunual premiums.dne subsoquent'to January 1, 1S60 l0'?? Tnterest accrued up to Jan. 1, 1860, 80. Jt" RentsaocrueduptoJan.l, 1860, „H?í I'remiuma on policies in liands of Ajen J, , $1,767,133.24 Drs VTelis and Lrinn, Medio! Ejaminers. 743tf J. G1LBERT SMITII, Agent Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN IS THR AGENT for the foUowfng first class companios: lili 11K INSURANCE COMPANY, of New Vork City,- Capital and Surplus, $1,500,000. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ol' R.rtford. --Capital and Surplus, $400,000. CONTIXENTAL ISSURASCE COMPANY, of New Vork City.- CapiUl and Surplus, $100,000. Three-quarters of the nett profits in this Company in divided annuully among it3 policy hotdera. C. MILITENAnn Arbor, December 13, 1S60. 6m778 Couway Fire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Cnpinil paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Oash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilitios. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J 8.VVFriTNEY, L. 3OD.MAN, W. ET.L1OTT, ASA HOW LAND, D C. McGl I. VK A Y, E. D. MORGAN WAIT IÏKMKNT, JOSIAH AI.LIS. A.H. BU'-l-EN W.H. niCKINSON, W.T. CLAPP, D.C. ROGERS. nii Arbor Heferences: Dr. E. WEl.I.S, L. JAMK8. t. DOPGK, BNOCHJAMES. C'APT. C.S. nOODHICH J. W. KNIGHT, Aptent. , Ann Arbor, Michigan. THE PEORÍA MAEINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 8500,000 one of the HEAVIEST, SAFEST and BEST Insurance Co's. in the Insurefl on reasonaMe terms, and al jf&Y pay promptly. 'fbere is no bettc-r Fire Ineuranc Compauy. Money Wanted, W h o Wil 1 LendMoneyl IAM UEQUESTED BY SEVKRAL l'ERSON'B to obtain moncy for thein at Ten Per Cent Iaterest, (OrMore.) Foranvone Óllng tn lcnil, I can at once nveat on íood uñencumbered abundant REAL KíTATE speurity any sums of money and see that tho title and security areALL riüut. . The borrowcr paying all expense, includinRreCArln8Árbor, Gct. 7.1859. ' 'ot'f General Land AgencyPERSONS wanting farm, o r resldencetln ornea AnnArbor, can by calllng onme oleclfroma Het 1OO Farms For Salet Ofjarloueslzeitrom 3, te 1300acrcüoach (lome aa loodatanyln'.hisOonnty.) Morethan O Dwcliiig Houses n'.hliClty.fromtwo hundred to fourthouanidolarieach;and over Z )M BUILDING LOTS! Amonctherarmsaretho BUhcpsiarm, 1300acre, the Potter farm, i n Green Oak, the Placcfarm, au i 48)acre.theBlandonaní Jenkí farms, n Webater; the atubb, Michael Claucy, Newton Beegan and Fallaba, farmi. In Ann Arbor; J . King.ley'4 Ifarm, inPitt.tioid-theIIatch and Hlck farm, in Lodijthe PatrickClayufarra In Frsodom; W S Darlkon, B G. Bakert and Buck". farm In Sylvan Mo. o theo and many otbers can be divided to .uit purcha.eri E. W' MO 1GAN. AnnArboj. Jan l.1B5fi __ rr W.MORGAN, Agent lor Mutual Ut Insurance Company, New York. AccutnulatcdAüset, - ■ - - o,J50,000. the lcadinit Ut Insurance Company in tne u. s. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company, New York, - a first claas aft Co.- term reasomible. HumboUh Kiro Insurance Company, New . ork. Capital, with alarbe surplus, - - „-",', Peoría Marine k Fire lniurance Co., Peo "1- hntb x No. 1 Fire Insarancc Co'8. ilijinnn Capital - ' grYat bargains Zn C LOTHIN C ! ! At tlxo Cleveland Clolhing House Iluroii Street, a few doora West of Cook'E üotel, ANN ARBOR, MICHV Ia consequence of hard limes, and being comprlled to raise meney .n some shape, we have concluded to sell every thing in our line, consi8ting of Clothing, Hats, and Caps, GENTS1 FURNISHINO GOODS, Sfc. At whatever price they may be it ever 80 little, This is no time to stand for trifles. Profits is no object at all! Givc us a cali, and get jood Goods AT YOUR OWN PEIOES! O" Remember the Place, Huron St.,5 doors West of Cook"s Hotel. A, & C. LOEB. Ann Arbor, Jun, 1861. 601m3 ; RK NOW Ol'KNJNii, PIRB T KKOM PÜBIJSflKBS i AND Manu facturero, a New and Complete ntook ot" LAW & MEDICAL JJOÜKS, School Honk, Migcellaneous Iionks, Blank Book, ian statioktbry: Wall and Window Paper, Draviag and Mathematical Instruments. Music, Juvenilo Librario, Kim-lopes, Inks and Cardf. GOLD And all olher kinds of Pens and Pencils Window Cornice, Shades and Kixture, POCKET CÜTLERY! A ad everythiug pertainiug to the trade, and more to whichthey wou ld iiivite the attention Of bhö country. In conducting our business, we sball dn all that can he done,so that no rcasooable mau, woman or child .shall Qud imy fault. Wc poftMU faciliííes wblob will enable us to .supply our stomers at the Lowest Possiblo Figures. We propose toselïfor RKAOY PAY, ata smalladvance. W expoot a profit on our gnoda, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wo have cnsrasetl the services ol JAJIES F. SPAI.DIN'i: , hereforeare prepnred to furnish Visiling, Wedding and all olhar Cards wrilten to order, with neatness and dispatch, by mail or otJierwise. The "Empire BookStokk," is manncd by agond 'crew,' nd tbpy will ahvays be found on the 'Lquarter deck,J reody and willing to attendto all withpleasure, wlio will favor tlitiin witll a cali. líemernber tho "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May, 18G0. 7Jg ANTOIIER A & ARRIVAL AT THEPOLD AND RELIA BLE HWp CLOTHIWt EMPOEITJM!! +0W JEL KT O . S :E ü CE5 3ST I JSL BLOCIC, MAIN STREET. has just returned from the Eaatern Cíties, with a largt and deairablc stock of F ALL AND AV INTER JGfr O O X 2 WAich he is now offering at unuRually LOW IH.ICÜS! Among hïs Aswortment may be fouud BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, DOEÖK1NS, & YESTIKGS, of all descriptiona, especially for FALL AND WINTBE WE AR ! which lm is cutting and niaking to order, in thelatestand best Btyles, together with a superior as.sortruent of RE AD Y MADE CL0TE1NG! TRUNKS aVRPET BAGS, UMBRELI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numerous other artïclee usually found ia similar eHtablishments. Aa ANEMPOKIÜM OFFASBIO, the aubscriber 3a t tors hhnself, that hislong experience and general success.will enable him to give the groatest satisfaction toaü who may trust him in the way of mauufaeturing garnieuts to order. 769tf WM. WAGNER. Ho for the Mammoth Cabinet Ware Rooms. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TTAVE JUST OPENED IN THEIRnew and Elegant War e-R oom EAST SIDEOF MAIN STREET, ANIr AHBOR A complete Htock of EOSEWOOD, MAHOGANY PARLOR FUBNITURE IWCLUDING Sofas,Tetc-aTetes, Mahogany Rose-Wood, Black Walnut, Plain and Marble Topped ROSBWOOD. MAIlOGAN'y, BLACK WALNÜT, FANCT AND COTTAGB OHAIRS, kc, &c, bOr, &c; Elegant J1IRROIÍS, BDREAUS.SECRETAROlS, Complete BBD-ROOM BET8, IXCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -OKfê Kt W S Á % Of tlio best quaüty and t)iircront Material In Fact thoy Have Kverything with whicli to I'AUI-OR, BOUDOIR, S1TTIKG ROOM, OR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longer go to Detroit or elsewhere to find a large assortraent. This FURITURE musutbe sold añd will be sold at VERY LOW FËICESI y Ixrt every man and hia wifo or gomg to be wife COME AND SEE. Theyalso have a HEARSE ÜARRIAGE, And are always ready to attend to the burial of the dead in the City and adjoining country. Vare-Ronmseast 8ide of Main Street, betweon Washington and Liberty 0. M. MARTIN. tim789 C.B. THOMPSON1 Hangsterfer's Block. DEA N CO., TNVITE attention to their new tock comprising all 1 kinds of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures andüouse-furoishing goüds,all of which they are offer ing At the Lowest PossihU Rates. French China Tea sets f rom 5 OC to 20 00 Ftenob China dinner scls from 25 00 to 70 00 Stone china Tea sets frrnn 3 50 to 6 00 Stone r.hina dinner seta frora 8 Ü0 to 20 00 Glass Kerosene Lrunjis complete from 37 }á to 62 i Marlilí' Kerosene Iamps complete from 80 to 10 00 Fluid Lamps from 18 to 62L JJST Lftmps of all kinds altered and repaired. Summer Hill Nursery. THEODORE R. DuBOIS, pROPRICTOROFTHE SUMMER HILL XURSERY, ANN 1 Arbor, Micb.,iri now ready toreceiveorderRfor Fa II and Spring Setting-, Ilis ordtTH for Fruit and Ornnmontnl Tn's, Vinea, Sliruh.-i,;tc. , willbe iilied from the oeHtEatstcrn Nurscrics, and i,1 ■ "u:i I ui] ui will be given to the scloctum and fiüinirthesame. Having beenregularly eduonteil in ;hc Nurscry business, hc in confident that with prompt andcloso attcution, and Ntrict honesty and integrity,he will be able to give fiatisfactïon to cvery one conliditig theirorders to him. All farmers or Fruit growers will do well togive him a cali bc foro ordening throngh other parties. He would reter to many citizen of the City and Counly who purchasedof him the pat Spring for the quality of ir"es brought on by him, as wellas foi the goofl ot'Ut in hkh tbfy vrererecctTd and 'Iclivcrvd 80iiu3 "greátbargaíjns AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. i we have ao.u.v P.r.n.KNrsiiKD OüKSTOr.i: wmi u the mort aplendtd Stock ut' GOOBS, Hint WAS ever nflVrpi1 in any one establishment in the State, ftil of wiiiirii w6 oflèr for O&O&] OÍS (P IS O E) Q0 O 1 is luw ia cJin bo found in tho Union Wc want Money ! ind wiU mako Great Sacrifices on Anjlliing wehavo to obiain it, not exefpting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS Í We invite ALL CASH CUSTOMERS to cali and examino our Goods and Frlcca. We alst invite üur Prompt Paying Customers to coma and buy iheir supplips for the Winter. To thost Basbl'ui oucs tbftt aro afruiil to cali, we ñ&y to thum, tak courage SETjIj Your "7H3ïSjA.TP without longer waitiugfor hïgher priccSjOnme in, old scores, andthen at anoh prieefl aa will m iko np all losses It ia hardh neccessary to onumerale our GooüSj for "We have Bverything! A large assorlment of CARPETING, CROtKERY DKY GOODS, MEDIIKES, GEOEEIES, TAINTS, OILS, ÍTA.T3, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS. &c, &co &c. (715tf) MAYNARD, STEBBINS & WILSO Stoves & Hardware ! llSDON & HENDERSON Have now in Store a large msortmentof Hardware and House Furnishing All Tork willbe sold asCIIEAl' asat other Establishment in Michigiin, They have gotthe Best Assortment of Cooking PAU LOR AND l'LATE X3T TUIS STATE, And will sell them Cheaper than THE C ÜEAPEST, Pleasecall aivl sce. AU kinds of tin waro kept on band. Particular attentmnpaid to all kinds of Wliicli wlll bc ilone wlth NEATNESS ANDDJSPkTCU. , 4Vl'laM cali and see tbtir STOVK ROOM la 2d story of New Block. RISDON k HEKDERSON. Ann ArW, Jan. 5, 1801. O. BJLiISS J Still in the Field! ■WITH A LAEGE STOCK op GOODS - in ray line direct from New York, Boston, and tbe Manufacturers! I liavc just received a large and well selected assortment CLOCKS, WATCHES, J DE3 32 X. DEt TT. ] SILVER & PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, f AtkI ft grent, vnriety of Yankee Notions, tc. I would culi particular attention to ray large stock of SPECTACXjES, of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plated, l with PER SCOPIC GL ASS . A superior article, and a great variety of articles Ín the '"oKEAF for CASH. Persone havsn difTcuIt walchoptofio withglasses, can be accommodated as my stock is larje ftnd complete, 1" 9, l'nrtifnlrr attention pald to the of all kinds of Fine W&tobM, Bo6fa as Making & Setting New Jewels, PINIONS, STAFFS and CYLINDERS, nlso CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, Seatly Repaired and warranted. J C. BLISS. Aupint 28, 1860. ÏOStl PATENTED November lst,1859. , THE MEASfKKS Vw Eafflr ( A, i tk' distance L W8L round the Nock. NP M " B to B the Yükeƒ B"""" """ t'iw D to D) distantie :,'.ƒ]■ around the Body 1 hJM in %w _ ■ the Arm-pits, ij X ■ i i ■ Öl Et" E, the BALLOU'S Patenled Improvctl French Yoke SHIRTS. PATENTED NOV. lat, 1859 A Mew Style of Shirt, warranted to Fit By sending the aboveraeasnres per mail we'canguar anteo a perfect fit of our pow iyl of Shirt , and return by exprws to any part of the United States, at $12, $15, $18, $24, &c., cc, per dozen. No order forwarded for less than half-A-dozeo Shirts. Atoo.ïiuportcrs and Dealers in MEN'3 FURNIHIN'G COODS. ötS. Wholesale trarlesnpplied on the usual terms. BALLOU BROTHERS, 806tf -iOJ lïroadway, New York. mowRü & loomxs Hnve Removed to the STORE RECEN TLY OCCÜPIED BY C. MACK , Phcenix Block.East side of Mnin St., AND a HAVE In Store íigB&igP A I-rS STOCK GSíip OP BOOTS $c SHOES Of every descriptioD which will be SOXjX) OKCU-A-IEn THAJN CAN BE B0UGH7 IN Tbis City. Also a largo assortment of HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all kinds made in tho mest Fashlonable Style BT COOD JUfD EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, -ouuFBENCfl CALF BOOTS aro NOT suni'ASSED this eitle of Niew Vork City, and are warranted not to im Our STOGASAND KIPSa are marie of the beat raaterials Our stock of Morocco Bootees for I-iilit's in the the bestin lown, with heels or without Wtf Malee to Order, and ne ver mim ofsuixna tho first time so give usa cali and we will show you our stock froe of charge We have iwcurctl the services of two Expprienccd Journcymen,who do ourmendin in thelVcatC8t Marnier, aud oü shortest uotice. Our motto ia Qtiick Sales and Small Profits. Thankfulfor past fa vors we hopebypayingstrictattentiontoour business tu merit a liberal share of your patronapp for the íuture. Rememberwe are not to be "Jk ItfOORE & LOOMIS NldW GOODS. WINES & KNIGHT Aro now receivinglheir SECOXD Spring and Snmnier STOCK OF GOODS In consequence of the Great Pressure in the we have been enabled to purchase oiany kind of Goods at our own prices. We can sell most kinds of DRESS GOODS for LESS THAN WAS PAID FOR THE SAME KIND OF GOODS in New York IX WEEKS S1NCE! We invite the attention of all to an nspeaüon of our stock. WIWES & KNIGHT. Siay 10, 1861. SPRING GOODS. RICH GOUDS. BACH PIERSON HAVE just opened a large and well seleeted stock of sering; ca-oocis. [atest stylcs and patterns including POPLINS, OHALLIBS, DE LAINES, TRIMMINGS, SUMMER STÜFFS. DOMESTICS, STAPLES, all 3arefully eelected, Waranted to please, and for sale cheap. COME u&.JKTX) SEE. BACH & PIERSON Maroh 26, 18K0 973tf Oval Picture Frames A LI-.S1ZES, STYI.KS aml rRICES just rcccivcd and ijL for ale ebeapat S5CIIOFF & MILLEE'S. 28, 3W GREAT. GREAl'ER GREATEST BAIiGAIKS EVEK OFFERED 1859. L)1859In tlii3 City, are uow being offered at thö CHEAP,CLOCK,WATOn, & Jewelry StoreT1HK Stibscribor wouldsay to thecitizensof Ann Arbor. iii particular, and the re6t oí" Wjnhtcnaw Rnuntv in señoril, thm hchaajust IMPOIU'ED PIREC'TLY irom KUROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watclies! All ofwhlob h(? bind himsfilfto Bell CIIKAPKR than rnu lm bought wnst ot' New Vork City. Open Vnce Cyli&der Watchee Irom $6 to $]0 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 Hunting Caso do do do M to X do do Cylinder do do 9 to 2e Gold Watehes from 20 to 15Ü 1 have also tDe CELEBRATED AMERICAN WAT CHES, which I wlll acii ttr $35. Evfiry Vvatch vvanantud to perform wel], or th money s-efunded. Clocks, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Fnncy Goods, Gold Peni, Musical Instruments ant Stringa, Cutlery, &c., and in fact avariety of everything uaunlly kept i) y Jew dors can be boughtforthe oext níncty dayu at youe OWN P RICES! Persons buying atiything at thU well known establiatime titean rHy upon getting gooda exaet'y as representad, orthemony roi'unded. rallearly and ee cure the bost bargains ever ofïered in thif City. One word in regard to Repairing : We are preparod to malie any repairs onfine or common Wutches, even to making o er the eutlre watch, il' tinc(6itry. Kcpniring of Clocks and .Imvolry as usual. AIho the mininftÉcturintr oí RINGS, BROOCHS, or aaything riesired, fi-tmi Onlit'ornia Gold on short notice. Enprnvina in allits branches exeenied withncat nctja and disjmtch. J C. WATT3. Anu Arbor, Jan. 28thï859. 7Ê4w IIORACE WATERS, A G E Pi T 333 R r o a (1 w a y , N c w V o r k Fuhllslicr of Music ami Musïc II ook s AND DEALER IN Pianos, MelodeonSj Alexandre Organ Organ Accordeons, Martin's ceiebrated and other Guitars, Violins, Tnor Yiols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Pifes, TrianglesClarionetts, Tuning Foiks,Pipe andlTarnmera, VioIinBows, bcstltalian Strings, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Btoois, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. JS 13L O O t TtX 11 S i O, irom all the pubhshers in the U. B., Bertini's Huntiii's nnd Modern Schoo!, andftll kinds of Instrncttmi liook for the above instruments; Churub Music Books; Musi elrgaiitly bound; Mu-sic paper, and all kinds of Musi Mercli.üidisi.', Att heLowest P rices New Pianos, At $175, $200, $'225, $250, and up to SSOO. Secoud Hand l'ianos from $25 up to $160; New Melorlcnns, $45 $60, $75, $100, and up to $'00; tïecond Hand Melodeon from $30 to SSO; Alexandre Organn, with üvc stops, $liiLj Dlne stops, ïlfiö a ml tó26;tWrteenatqs, 1250, $276 au 1800: tittofii stops. SöSiO and $37."); A liberal disoonn to Clergymen, Churches, Sabbath Schools, Semiuarie and Teachers. The 'fradc suuplied at the usual trad (Usoönsta Testimonial of tlic Iloracc "Waters Piano and Melodeons. John ITcwett, of Carthage, New York, who has ha one of the HoraccWaters Tiancs, writeüax foUmra; - "A friend of mine wishes me topurchase a piano fo lier. Bhfl Ukea the one you fa-old me in Iteccmber, 1856 My piano is becoming popular in luis place, and I thiuk can introduce one or two more; they will be more popu lar than any other make." '% have two of Waters' Pianos in um in ourSem nary, one of which has been severely testad for thre re&rs. and we can testify to their good quality and dura bilíty." - Wood & Grofjory, Moitnt Carroll, Til "11, Waters, Esq.- IIeak Sir: Havinpf used oneof you Piano Fortes for two years past. I have fonud itaver superior Instrument. AUSBO (íkav, Principal Brooktyn Hcigltts Seminary. (iTlie Piano I received from you continúes to gïve saisfaction. 1 regard it as one of the best instruments ín the place." TjJGBln CLASES, Charleston, Va. "The Melodeon has sately arrivcd. I feel obliged to you fory our liberal discount." Kev. J. il. McCoiïiiick, YarqucsviUcS, C. "The piano was dtily receiveT. Itcame in excellent conrlition, and is very much admired by my numerous family Accept my thanks for your promptness." - r.i-üKKT Coopee, Wdrrenham, Bradjoed Co. Pa, 'Your piano pleases us well. It is the best one in our county."TiK)Mas A. Latham, CampbelUon, Ga. "We ave very much ObUged to yoa for having sent sitcb a fine instrument for $250." - IíkaxKjIIeld & Co., litiffalo Democral. "Tho Horace Waters Pianos are known aaamonthe Tery best We aro enabled to speak of these inslrumeuts with coufidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone an'l durable fua]ity." - N. Y. Evangelist. 'We can Bpeafc of the merits of the Horace Wl anos from personal knowledge, as boing the veiy Qnesi quality." - Christian Intelligcncer. ''The Horace Waters pianos are ouilt of the best anti moSt thoroughly seasoned material. We liare no doubt tluit boyera can do asvoULperhaM better, at tfaJJthan al auv otht-rfiouse in the l nion." - Advocate and Journal '. Waters1 pianos anti melodeons challenge comparison with the finest made any where in the country.'' - Home Journal' "Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of full, rich an-1 even tone, and powerful - N. Y. Musical Rewew. "Our Orienta will And al Mr. Waters' tore the very best assortment of Music and of Pianos tobe found in the United States, and we urge our aouthern and western frtemls to give him a cali whemrver they go to New York." - GrahanCs Magazine. Warefcouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, 100000 issned In ten Sfonths. Tlie unprecedented sale of this book has induced the publisher to addsome 30 new tunes and hymns toits present si zo, without extra charge, except on the cheap eilltinir Among the man j beauitful tunes and hymns added may be founil: - "I onghi U love my mot her;" "0 I'll be a good chiliï, indeed Iwill." These a ml eight other Erom Éne Bell ., woxe sung at the Sunday School Anmver. sary of the M. K. Churcli at the Aoademr of Uusto, with great applause. The líell cottains nearly '-Í0Ü tunes and hymne, and is one of the best collections ever Ismied. PrCee l:?c: ?10 per htinlred, postage 4c Klcgantly bound, embossed gilt, '5c, $20 por 100 It bas been iutroüuced [nto manv of the Public Schuols. The l"e: is pubüahed in small nombers entlüed AnnJ' rersary and Sunday School Hoalo Boolca, Nos. 1,2, 3, & 4( in order to aeoominodate the mllllon; price f'2 & $3 per ïundred No. 5 will soon be is;ui.'il-commencíment of another book. Also, Re%-ival Music Books, No. 1 & , price $1 & $2 per 100, pottage lc More thaa :ïOO,000 ;opies of the above books have been asuftd. the past eighteen months, and the demandisrapldlyinoreaslng 'ublished by nORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadway, N. Y. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New Vork. Vocal, "Kind Word s can nover dtej" "The Angels told me so;" "Wilds of the West;" "Thouglits of God;" 'Givs me bck my Mountnin Hnme;1' "Day Preams;" 'Dandy CockRobin;" "l'm with thee still;ltPetuames;" 'There's no darilng like mine;" "Sarah Jane Ie;':"Kver of thee;" "I'm leaving tnee in Sorrow;" "Bird of ïeauty;" "Home of our birth;" "íírave of Rosabel,'' and Wake, lady, wakes' pitee 25c each. Instrumental. - ' 'Palace Garden, or Ringing Binl 'olka,' 40c; "Swinging Schottische;" "Mirabel Pchotisch;" 'Thomas Baker's Schottische;" "Piccolomini Polka. 35 cents each. The aboiepieces havo benut iful Vignettee. "Weimer Polka;" "Arabiau Wai cry March," he very last; "Vassovianna DonieDs Mazurka; "Rea.i: ng Polka-" "Crinoline Waltz," and "I-incers Qua Irille "25c each. "The Kmpireof Rcich's Quadrille;" a new danop, and "T!ie Hibornian Quadrille," 35c each. íany of these pieces aro played by Bakert oelebrated wohVst ra with great Iilailcd free. A argelot of Foreign Musïc at half price. Planos, Meïodeous and Organs. The Horace Waters Pianos and Melodeons, for depth, urity of tone and durability, are unsurpassed. Prices ery low econd Hand Pianos and Melodeons from $25 to 150. Music and Musical Infttructionft of all kinds, at the owest prices. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 333 Broadway, N. Y. Tkstimoxiais; - "Tïie Horace Wa+ors Pianos are kuown h among the very best.' - Evangelist. "We can speak of their merits from personal knowlIge." - Christian Jntüligcnccr. "Xothingat the Fair displayed greatcr excellence -"- Churckman. Waters' Pianos and Melorteons challengecomparison vith the llnest made auywherein the country," - Home Inurnal. 719tf jving's AVorks - National Editiou rniS Fine Bdttton of the Works of WashtkGton Ia vi.m; (including the life oí will bc pubshed for STJBSCRIBERS ONLY In Montbly Volumes, Price $1.50 Payable on Delivery. autifully Printed on heavy superfine paper, of "Uu cry best quality, and fiubstantially bouud in heavj evelled boards, QEacli Volume illustrated with Vigncttet on Steel and Wood. j[p Knickerbocker's New York, Sketch Book, Cloth. Columbus, 3 vols. Bracebridge Hall, Astoria, TaU'sof a Traveler, Crayon Misccllany, Capt. Bo&nevllle) OHver Goldsmiih, Mahoruct. 2 vols. Grenada, Alhambrftj Wolferf linost, Lifo of Washington, 5 voli. Salmagundi. Tliisfiliüon will be Bold HCLUBTVUT to Subscriber? nd will bo greatly Bnperlor to any erer beforo issued,- . veiy hanasome set of these universally popular work: it thue rlacöil within tho means of all. e Y, PUTNAM, Agt., Publisher, 115N'atwiu Street, New York I I CATHARTIO ■íiB Aro ?n 8iclt) fecii) ani! Ljr Rgbjifel complaiiiiiig? Are you out of f9m I ordcr, w i 1 1 1 your sytstem dojuíW ranged, aud your feelings unh "'Hice WBá comfortablo? These sympdLVVAUKlE' BnB9 toms aro ofton the prelude to $L 's."' v Ft st-rious illneus. Somo íit oí rBBfch-H8-MBffl Bickness íh creeping upori you, y" O"s. "'■■.. , ■ Hb 8D(i should be averted by a V oKn I timely uso of the right remftjT&iZ BBByfl edy. Take Ayer 'a Pilis, and rÑíví''K'Í' [ cleanse out the disordered huC hsfffc, 3teff . M I mors- purify tho blüod, and ib KtWi et iQ "l"a movo on unobF-Cl1 B 'ÜÜA sto'ucted in hcalth agaíu. O. B ■■■R Tncv atimulato tho fauctiona T tH g ' ?UÖ body into vigorous acvBE tivity, purify the system from tho obstructious ívliiih mako dlaeaso. Acold settles Bomewhere íu the body, and obstrnets its natural functíona. These, if not relieved, rcact upou themsclves and the BurrouudÍDgorgans, produeiug general atícrav;itkn, suflering, and disoase. M'hile in tilia condition, oppreased by tho deiangpmente, take Ayer's Pilis, and seo how dircctly lliey reBtoro the natural action of the systom, and with it tho buoyant feeling of health agaiu. Wliatis truc and so apparent ia thin trivial and common complaínt, is aldo truo ín many of tho det'p-seated aml dangeroua dintompors. Tho eama purgativo offoct oxpels thein. Caused by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural functiona of the body, they are rapidly, and. many of them surely, cured by tbo same meane. None wboioow the vírtues of thes Pilis, wDI ncglect to omploy thom wUod suCTüring from tho disorders they cure. Statements from loading physicians ín somo of thO principal cities, aud fxoiu other well knowu public persons. Froni a Forwarding Merctotti ofSt. Louit, ftb. 4, 1856. Dr. Ater: Your Pilla aro the paragon of all tfcat ifl great tn medicine. Thoy have cured my little daughter of ulcerous hdics upon her hands and fect that had provcd incurablo for yoars. Hor mothor has been long grievously atllictod with blotchas and pimples on her skin and in her hair. After our cliiid was cured, Bho also tricd your Pilis, aud they have cured hor. ASA MORQUIDOíE. As a Family Physlc. JVont Dr. E. W. Gxrtivright, Is'cw OrUans, Toar Pilis aro the prince of purgea. Their excellent qualities surpnKs any cathartic wc possess. They are mild. dut ver y certain and efTectual in their action on the bowele, which makes theui invaluuble to us in the daily treatuit'ut of difeaso. lïctt(laclic,SicltIIcn1arhe,FouI Stomach. Prom Dr. kiwurd Boyd, JkiUimore. Dear Jlito. Aver: Icannot answor you what complainta I havo cured with your Pilis botter tfian to say all that we ever trent with a putyative medicine I place great depeudence on an effcctnal cathartic in my dnily contest with didease, and believing ab l do that your i'ilU aflord us thü -nt wo h.t", I of courso raluo them liighly. Pittsburo, Pa., May 1, 1855. Dr. J. C. Ater. Slr: I have beon repeatedly cured of the worst heudache any body can havo by a dose or two of your Pilis. It seema to arise from a foul atomacb, which thoy clcanse at once. Youia with great roepect, ED. W. PUEBLE, Cltrk of Sleamer Clarion. Billous Disorders - liiver Coinplalnttf .Fwh Dr. Tïteodore Belt, of New York dit. Not only are yonr Pilis admirablv adaptcd to their pnrpOBO as an aperient, but I find their beneflef Al effects upon tho Liver veiy markcd iuileed. They havo in uiy practico proved moro efTectual for tho euro of bitious complaüds thau any oue remedy I can mention. I siucerely rojoico that w have ut ïength a purgativo which ia worthy tho coufldence of tho profcesiou and tho people. Department op the Interior, TTaebiogton, D. C, 7th Feb., 1856. ƒ I Siït : I hato used your Pilis in my general and hospital practico ever siuce you mado them, and cauuot liesitate to gay tliey are tho best catbarüc we omploy. Their rfgulating action on tbo Üvcr Ís quick aud dedded, conse quontly they are an admirable remedy for deraiigemente of tliut orgEiu. Indeed, I havo aeldum found a case of büious disease so obstinate that it did not reaüily yield to them. l'raternully youra, ALüZO BALL, M. D., rhysician of the Marine Hospital. Dysentery, DIarrhocn, Helm, Worma. F)-om Dr. J. Q. Oreen, of Chicago. Yonr Pilis have liad a long trial iu my practlce, and I hold them in esteeni as one of the best aperkmts I havo ever fouud. Their alterativo effect upon tho liver makea tbem an excellent remedy, wnon given in Bmall doseB for bilious dysentery and diarrheea. Tbeir augar-coating znakes them vcry acceptable and couvenient for tho usa of wonien and childiou. Dyspepsfa Impurlf y of the Tïlooil. JVont liev. J. V, Uimes, rustor of Advent Churdt, Boston. Db. Ayer: I have u sed your Pilis with oxtraordinary Buccesa iu my family and among those I aui calleil to vieit in distrese. To regúlate the organs of digestión and purify tho blood, thoy are tho very best remedy I have over known, and I can confidently recommend them to nay friends. Yours, J. V. III MES. Warsayt, Wyomtng Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. Dear Sm : I am using your Cnthartic Pilis in my practice, and find them an excellent purgativo to cloanso tho Byateni and purify the fountaint of the hïood. JOHN Q. MÜACUAM, M. D. Conatlpatlon, Costiveness, Suppression, Hhtunintism, Gout, Neuralgia, Drophj', Paralysis, Fits, etc. Fi'om Dr. J. P. Vaughn, JUontreal, Canada. Too mucb cannot be said of your Pilis for the cure of costiventss. Ifothcrs of our fratemity liave fimnd them os offlcaciousi as I have, they should join me ín proclaiming it for tho benefit of tho multitudes wbo suffer from that coinplaint, whicli, although bad enough in itself. Is tho progenitor of others that are worse. I believe &$ titxness to origínate ín tho liver, but your Piils affect that organ and cure the disease. From Mrs. E. Stuart, PTiysician and Midwife, Boston. I find ono or two large doses of your Pilis, taken at the proper time, aro excellent promotives of the natural seametion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very offectual to cleanse tho stomach aud ezpel tvorms. They are ao much tho beet pnyaic we havo that I recommend no other to my paüonts. From the Xcv. Dr. Hawltts,ofthe Methodist Epis. Church. Pclaski House, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, 1856. HosonED Sir: I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill bas brougbt me if I did not roport my case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating neuralaic pai?is, which endeel in chronic rhtumatism. Notwith standing I had tho best of phvsicians, the disease grew worse and worse, until by tho advice of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pilla. Their effecta wero elow, but sure. By persevering in tho use of them, I am now entireiy well. Senate Chamber, Baton Rouge, La., 5 Dec. 1855. Dr. Ayzr : I bave been ontiroly cured, by yonr Pilis, of UheumaUc Gout - a painful disease that had ufflictfd me foryears. VINCENT SLIDKLL. 4 Most of the Pilis Ia market contaïn Mercury, which, althongh a valuablo remedy in skilful hands, is dangorous in a public pill, from the dreadful consequences that frequently follow lts incautious hbc. These contain no raercury or mineral substanco whatover. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEK &, CO.. Lowoll, Maas. And foi sais by Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson, FARRAND, SHELKY k CO., Tletroit. 80nyl J n. BURRILL, Travelling Agent. Rifle Factory! A. J. SUTHERLA3VD HASremovedhisGun Shop tot he New BlockotiHuton strcet, south oí' the Court House.oDtnesecond loor, wherehe is preparéd to furnish GunsPistols, Ammunition Flasksy Pouches Game Bags, and Ever} other article in bis Line. On the mnstreasonable terme.nndto do all kinds o OFl 3E3 JE -A. 1 3FL I 3T Gr the ahortest tiotice.and Ín rhe best man tic i , fullassortmont aïwnys fcept on hand, ond made to orIT. City Cheap Lumber Sas7i, Doors BUnda, Piaster Paris Grand Biver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, &c, die. D. DeForcst, TAV1NG Incrcascd hls fncilitioe for dolng buell ness and enUrpcd his Yard and Stock, is prearrd the present season, with tfce besIargest nd cheapest Beasoned stock everin thie msrtt. to atisfy the reasonable expectationa of all. Öur "notto 1b notto be undereoldfor cash on dolivery wil 1 not undertaketo friglilenthe public bysnylng ïattheywill getahnvRd it they bnyelsewhere, for wo presume that othcrwillgellaslowasthey can flbrd to. All kinds of Timber, Jolsts, nd Scantling, Tlne, Whltewood, Basswood, Hem ock, Planed and Matched Pine, 'Wliitewood sh Klooi inpr.Planedand rouh Pin e and Whitewood ding,Feacb Toste, UakandCedar Poats and Tickets f all kinds. Jmc fatl), anït ÏDIjUctDOoïi %. f) Ptne, Ashmrl Whitewood Shinglei, 3arn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, laekWa.aut.andCherry and thin stuff, Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, oxund Body Lutnbor,MapIe Log Timber, Hickory, Oak, Ash, Êlm, Beech, OfiillthickaoBsefi.wiclths ftndlengtbs,&c. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster fallkindB. ISTa-HiS of all eize, te, &c. SASII, DOORS, & BL1NBS, nade byhand to order nslowas factory prices, on ie flhortostnoticc bythe bcstof workuaen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Uls ofall descrïption in tho above building ïinc rniBhedonthesliorteBtof no tice, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. fulïamla pnrfect assortmont ofthenbove anc thcr kinds of Building Materials ""onstnntly ouhanUaUlulowestpossibleratcs Cali and be Convinced. 4 few rods south front R. R. Depot or, Detroit Street, Ann Arlor, Mkh. EOOFING, NT.B.- I amnow operating Extensirely in the Patent Cement Roofing. Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAUtTJiaTtog been made n the payment Ofgthe last Inatarmeui KOnred by a mortgage executed br 3 ■■■■II. Mortl muí Marvl'. Morris toKiiza Botsford Ahted the lirst daj o{ lul f, A, D. 18S7,and reoorded in' the ■■' nflice n the couuty of Washlenaw, in i iber Nu. -23 üf morteagen, at page 67, oc 11 comí day of JulT. A. H. lSf7, :it liltoen minute past S n'elock A M by wbJch default the power uf sale contained in sid rooitpijie agnin becanu; operativo, and no uit or pro■' ■■vin- heen instituten! at law to recover the laat Imrtalinent ofdebt secun-d by said mortgage or iiny part thereot, and Ibesum of fourhundred and siity dollar and staty -three ceïn viug now ciaimed to bó doe tli rc-on. Kotlce U therefore Scieby (fren, that tl said lnorlKage will bc forcclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premfoea, to-wit: All tliat mrtaln irct or parecí of lanrl known and describcd as followH, to-wtt : rinj a part "ftUiMiortheastquartcr of section No. tventy-nina in tow nship No. two Routh of range No. ríx beginning ata stako eighty riK;ï north of a point of inter■eetlon i.i a Une tbrough the cenlre of Huron atreet in the city of Aira Arbi.r aforesaid, thehce running east until t Btrlkes the eaft of wid section, thence west nul parallel irith saH line and street until it strikes land ownedbrMra. Fullor in April 1845, thence north or said Kuiler V land ilviut Ullrteen rods until i( strikes l'aj;e street, thence north by said l'age Street twentytour roda to tbe north-weat corner of block No. 26 on Page A: f rmshy's addition to the villnge oí Ann Arbor, tbence east by tbfl north line of said nection to the north-east corner of said section, thence south on the fast line of said section about forty rods to the place of beginntiig, eontainiDff four ocres, or some part thereof, at public vMnhie at the C'turt in the city of Ana Arbor on the ninth day of November next, at noon. KI.IZA BOTSFOHD, Mortgagee. E. V.KoMBUI, Atfy. Dated, August Hth, A. D , 1861. 813td Chancery Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Conrt for th O Connty of Washenaw, in Chancery. Before tb Honorable Edwin Uvrence, Circuit Judge at ChambersIntbecaaeol AI1i H Wooil complainaut, and John W. Maynurd, Marï J. Ma.vnart, WHliam S.Maynard, Luther Han, Aliigali W, Fairar, George Hyde, Alonzo Farrar, HenryW. Chandlw, Washington Warren, Edward Lam-luit. William H. Major, j Henry Stono, William W. Wright. Dvight U. Babóook, John Nickolsou , Jame f, Lndrew Eetcbum, Job R Jaiftay, Arthui w, Jaffray, Kdnard S. JalTray. and RichKlidW. JaíTra?, dsfmdant. " It satisfuctorily ppearing tothc undersijfnedrrentt Jndge for the fourth Judicial circuit, bj mHvit that some of the dereudants in this rause reskie out of thi State, to wit: Luther IWia, AWjah W. Parrar, Gcorge Alomo Parrar, Henry W. Chandler.and Washiüg ton WarMn.'reeliJe In the state of Maauokontta anJ tiiai Edward Lambert, William 11. Major. Hsnry Stone, WUllao W. Wright, Dwight M.Batcock, JohnNickolson, James F. IPcrr?, andrew Kctchum, John R. JafTray .Artlmr V. JalTray, Edward S. JalTray, and Richmond W. Jailray rtll restde In thi'Stateof N'ew York On motionofO Bawkbu, solieitor for the complainant, 1 h ordered that the saij non-resident defendant cause thcir appearanre in this cause tobe entered nithin throe nvnitlis from Oiedateof thiaorder. Anditisfurther ordercd that wltbln twenty days tbe complainant in this cause, cause thi order to be published in the MidUgcm Argiu, a oewspaper published in the City of Ann in tlieCnuDty of Washtenaw, nd that suck. publica tion be continufd in said newspaper at least once in each week for six successive weeks in succeflsion, or lliat'he cause a cojiy of this order to be personallr serveil on each of said leleiidants at least twenty days before the timo iTCícribed'in this order for their appe&rance. (A true ccpy of the original order.) E. LAWRKNCE, Circuit Judge. O. IIawkixs. Solicitor for Cbmplainant. Kobekt J. Bakkv, Regfoter. Ann Arbor, August fi, 1861. 812td Chancery Notice. T1HE CIRCUIT COTJRT TOK TTtl! con.NTY OF WASITTMAW, JL in Chancery:- Kobert Kline, Complainant, ts. Storm St MoultOn, Ariel Sloulton, Sybil Moulton, Benjamin Follett, James K. Cook, and Joaeph Folrocr, Adminiatrator upon the estáte of Albert G. Moulton, deceased, it. fendants. Itsatisfactorily appearing to the undersigned, Circuit CourtCemmisBioner, by aflidavits, that the dePendant Ariel iíoulton is a non-resident of this State, on mntion of Alpheus Felch, S.olicitor and of Counsel for ctinijdainant, itis ordered that the said defendant Ariel Bftotuton. cause his appearance fan this cause to be entered witliin three months from the date of this order and that, in case of his appearance, he cause bis aaswel to the couiplainant's bil] tobe filed and a copj thereof to be served on tht complainant's solicitor, within twentrdaysafter service of acopy of said bill and notice of this order, and in default thereof that the said bill be taken as eonfesaed by the aid defendant, Ariel Moulton. And it Í- further ordered; that within twenty days the said complainant cause this order to be publtshedin the " Michigan Argus," a newspaper published in said County, and that said publication be continued in said paper at least once in each week for six weeks in Bncoesaion, or that he causea copy of this orderto !■ jicrsunally served on the said defendant at least twenty days before the time above prescribed fT his appearance. DateJ, Julyllth 1861. D. S. TWITCHELL, Circuit Courf Com. for Washtenaw Co., Mich A. FELCH, Sol. for Compl't Atruecopy, 809w6 R. J. Barrt, Register. Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAULT haring been made in the condition of a Mortgageexecutedby William Walker, andCyllania, nli irife, t'i Vilnam B. Maynard, dated the twelfth day of May, A. I). 1860, and recordcd in the Register' Office in Washtenaw County, in Liber 26 of Mortgages, at page 736, on the day of lts date at twenty-fire minutes past eight o'clock, p. m. by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage became operaÜTe, and nu snit Of pruceediüghaving been instituted at law to recover the debt sesured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum of one hundred and eleven dollars being nov claimed to be due thereon as interest and costs of insurance. and further sums to becomedue. Xotice is thcrefore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the morigaged premises, towit: All that ceriain tract or parcel of land known and doscribed as follow.s, to-vif Lying and being in the city of Ann Arbor, being five rods uide on the north Bide of block No.two, north of Huron street. range one east, to rxtcnil the whole Iength of said block east and west, nreeably to the recorled jjla-t of the villaje ol Ann Arbor, orsome part thereof, at public ven?ue, at the Court House in tht ciiy of Ann Arbor on the fifth day of Octobcr, next at uoon. WILLIAM S. MAYXAPD, Sfortgagee. E. W. Mohgax, Atty. Dated, July 9th, A.D. 1861. SOStd Cbancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Cibciit Coürt to tbb HniNTY oy Wasutekaw, Eliza A Perkins vs. Sebrah Perkin?- In Chancery; In pursuance oí a decretal of the Circuit Court of thO County of Washtenaw, in Chancery. made in the aboTe ;ause on the second day of December, A. D. eighteeo iiinilri'l and lifty-nine, and a further order of this Covrt made on the sixth dayof February, A. O eighteen hMBlred and sixty-one, will be sold, under the direetion of :hc Circuit Court Commissioner for the County of Wasb:enav. at pnbUfl uuetion, at the south or front door O# .he Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Haturdajr :he sixth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, at :welve o'clock, noon, of said day, ail those certain tráete )r pareéis of land lying and being in the towhship of Saem, in the County of Washtenaw aforesaid, arwï decribed in said decree as follows,vi7. : The west haH of he south-east quarter of section fifteen. and the west lalf of the north-east quarter of section twenty-two, ia ownship one soutb, of raDge seven east, or so xnuch :hereof as may be necessary to satisiy the amount due ïpon said decree, together with interest and costs. D. S. TWITCHELL, Cir. Conrt Com . for the County of Washtenkw. O. IIAWKINS, Solioitor (or Complainant and Assignee Ann Arbor May 20, 1861. The above sale la adjourned until the lSth ay of Soember next, at the same hour and placo. Dated, July Oth, 1801. D. S. TWITCHELL, Circuit Court Com. Washtenaw Co., Mich. MANHOOD # How Lost and How Restored. Just Pubhshed in a Sealed Envelope, A LKCTITÍK ON' TIÍE NATURK, TREATMEN'T AKT) RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORKHOEA, or Seminal WeakneM, Sexual Debility, Nervousoess and Involuntary Kmissions iaducing Inipotency, and Mental nd Physical Tncapacity . BY ROB. J. CULVERWELL, M. D. Aulhor of the11 Green Book" $-c. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lectur elearly proves frnm lus own experience that the awful COBMqiUínóÑ ofself-ahtise roay be effect u al Iy removed without medicine and without dangeroussurgicai opera tions, bougies, instrumenta, rings or cordial?, pnintinjr out a mode or cure at ooce certain and effect ual, by which every suffe rer, no matter whathis condition may be, may curo himself cheaply , privatcly and radically. This Lecture will prove a boonta thousands and thousandfl. Sont undor soal to any address, post paid, on tho receipt of tvro po&tage stamps, by adrlresning Dr. CH. J C: KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York Pont Box, (586. 785 sEYE and EAR. QH DR. F. A. CADWELL, OPERAÍOfe o n 1 1 ; i;vk and kak. For licnfucss. BUiuïncss, and all dofectfl of SlglU and Hearing. DR. C. BEING A REGULAR Physiciin,with TWENTV YEARS' exclusive practico in the treatment of di'seases of the EYE AND EAR, will be found qualified to give relief or effect a cure ia any case within the reach of human skill. No charge for an examlneJlon ar an opinión, orfor unsucccs&ful services. Dn. G.Js Tkkatisk os tuk Kyk and Ear, of 300 pp.„ CODtftlniog referencfs, Testimoniáis, Descriptionof DiseMOSj 'iises, and other important matter, illustratcd with Cuts, to be hn,ii gratis, bv 'iding Ten Cents to pay postale. Address Dr. Ca' :í Randolph Street coriHTlJcaborn, Cüicao, Hl. ly7C8 Wool 'X7? ante c3l T7"OK WIIICH I WII.I, PAY CASH OR GOODS. F Cath or Wool not refmed on Notes, anil accounts (lue me. Lo please fetch on your Cah op' Wool. A. 1'. MILLS.Ann Arbor, June IS . 18B1 . 865tf - LOOMIS & TRIPP, Soccessors to Chapin Si Loomis.andCh.ipin, Tripp A Loomifr TUF. above firm of Loomis k Tripp having purchaaed1 the enüre interest of tho former compnics wil] continue tho business t thoold stands, where they wilt be ready, on the shortost notiec, to Bil all orders in theline ot Castings and Machinery, In tlio most workmanlike mnnner, and on as libernf terma as any other sbi.p in the State. Amongtbe various articlesinanufacturcd by us, we would enumérate STEAM ENGINES of all kinfis; MUI Gearing and Fixtures, -wroughtand cast" all the various casting for making and repairing Ilorsc Powers & Thresbing Machines sucli as aro at present, or have formerly boen in use in thia part of the State, as wel] as all the varioun kinds of aofltlnga and machine work calledforby farmers and moobanioa inthis section of the country. of all the vaious patterns, up in sizesand prices, will be ieptconstaotly on aand, got the most modern and improved stylea. Thankful for fnrmer patronage to the old firms, we would oliolt a contiimaqci!rromoWfrienl;and trial by all w i-shing for any thing in our liL,"1lppt Ann Arljor.May 18tU, 1859. 097tf


Old News
Michigan Argus