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Hon Andrew Johnson In Newport

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Yesterday was ;i day which will long be remcmbered in this citj-, which was crowdod to an excess rarely wituessed. - Acoording to tho announcenicnt already made, the Union organizations of the city and country assombled and paraded mider the commaud of' Captain Swaiue, U. S. A., and Ira Root, Esq., Marshal of tho Pay. The proccssiou comnienced to niovo at 2 o'olock, P. M., and after passing through the principal streets, drew up in the Court House square, whieh was crowdod witli ladies auxious to see and hear the erator of the occasion, the patriotic Andrew Johnson, of Tennesseo. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ilawkins, of this city, who nominated Judge Irwin, Ohairman, and tliat gentleman, after a few prefatory remarks, introduced the distinguished Senator - Before delivering bis address, however, he gave place to Mayor Ilawkius, who read, amid a perfect thunder of applaus, the following resolutions : lí Resolved 1. The eziatiog war was foreed upou the country by the disuuionists of tho South. '-' 2. As our fathers ' pledged their livcs, fortunes, and their saered honor ' ;o the foundation of our Union. It is as littlo as we, their sons, eau do to make the same pledge to maintain aud defend it. " 3. In tlie language of Gen. Jaekson, ' Our Uniou must and by the eterual, shall be preservad.' " 4 The Mississippi river, its mouth and all its fountains, the country which lies between the Atlautic and Paeiiic, the lakes and the gulfs, must all beloug to ouü aud the sauie people ; and that too uuder the governmeut of the United States, or in our judgment, war, with all its solemn and untold horrors, will hang upon us and our ehildren to the latest genera tiou. "5. The governmeut which does not punish treason, aud oannot suppress re bellion is not worthy of the name. " 6. On the subject of ' sacred soil,' we would say that the sacred ' soil ' of Keutueky is only ' sacred ' when floated over by the stars and stripes, and as to ' neutra!ity,''With the h'ighesl respect to everybody, and intending no shock to delicate and sensitive nerves, we will say that aecording to our judgmeut, ' armed neutrality ' is just ' armed nonsenso.' '■ 7. Our Legislature whieh meets today, should promptly meet the war tax of $800,000; should disbaud the State Guards; should refer tho case of Gov. Magoffin to the Gomuiittee on Treason ; should rosolve Brcckmridgo and Powell out of their seats ; should furnish to the governineut hor quota of men ; put our loyal inen upou an iinpregnablc war footing, and tipping lier bat to General AndersoD, siiy to him, ' Walk in my Old Sumptet ' " 8. We aro for peace ; every good Uñion man depreeating war , and we de mand that this war shall eease at the earliest possible moment ; tint is to say, so soon as it can be obtained with American honor ; so soon as all rebels luy down iieir ai'ms and treason is properly punshed, and our old flag floats over every :bot ot our soil. The last dodge of the secessionists in this city for ' peace ' is a trap too transparent to catch even the weak and simple. "9. 'We welcome to our meeting our distinguished guest, the Hou. Audiew Johusou, of Tenneseee, now torn and sundered from his dcar wife and sweet chil dren by wieked and traitorous hands. - We Keutuckians, in this vast presenee assembled, promise him that he shall be returned to their anus ; we promise it here, ander that pure shiniug Heaven, by the sacred honor of Kentuckians, and by every drop of her rich Union blood." The banished Seuator then arose and coming forward said that he was here to addresa the citizeus upon questious growiug out of issues beforc the whole country SENATOR JOIINSON's SPBRCff. Mr. Johnson said secession was the cause of our woes. He said: Let me ask any one witliin the sound of my voice, what right they have lost under the stars and stripes. (Cries of none, none. ) W hen and where have the traitors of the South shows any violation of their rights under theconstitution 9 - They have not and cannot make such a showing. I most heartily concur in the sentiments embodied in these rcsolutions, and I say again with the distinguished President and patriot, JacksoD, that the Ui. ion must and shall bomaintained. (Cheers.) JMot like the late President did Jackaon do when danger threatencd the Union. - " By the Eternal," he " took the responsibiiity. But Buchanan lay supinely upon his back while the Union was baing frittered away by traitorgj bef ore his eyes ! Slavery was made the pretoxt to break up our glorious Union. There was no right violated, nor never could ba ii' ths pcoplc would abide by the eonstitution. But thank God the people of the United Htates did not, do not, sanetiou tliis unholy rebellion. The leaders of it teil you here in Kentucky that elavery is in danger ; but it is only a pretext to terrify you, and draw you into the yawning gulf of silÈession. lam asouthern man, sharing the prejudices of my section, and I am no abolitionist, büt I teil you, my iellow-couutrymou, that secessiun has done more harm to day than all the abolitionists in the country, put together smee since we were a uation. [Cheers.] Men talk about their rights, wiil yoa go to the South to get them ? Will you teil them in the South to como here and get them for yoiV [Cries of 'no I' 'no !'] Your distinguished representative in the the United títates Seuate - ■ say distiuguifihed, for I use terms of respect tovrard him as I would toward any other secessionist - I labored hard for, I spent . my nioney to print and circuíate his speeches, and I stumped the iritate of Tennesseo to elect him, but I stand liere to-day to disavow those acts. I disown him. He deceived me. The fault was his; f he decei'es me again the fauli will be mine. I desire to express my mii.d hore, which I eannot do in Teunessoe, from which Í am an exile. John C. Breckinridge was not representing Keutucky when ho was sent to the Senate by her people. He was helping to break up the Uiiited States, [tíhouls of " down with the traitor."] I am not particulariy for the administration, but if Mr. Liaooln admiuisters the laws accordiug to the constitufcion I will sustain him, and so will you, my friends. If he does not, impaaoh him and hurl him from his scat, But liu has done vell thus far. What power bad he wheri he assuuicd the reius of governmeiit ? None. Despotism was out, and its maroh was trom the South ! Traitors cry out about Lincolü's war. Liucolu's war, forsooth 1 Who brought it on ? - Auswcr me thai. Why, the South; and let her tako tho consequoncos ! What have they doue ? Proolaimed war. - Now whoso war is it - Lincolu's '! - [Cries flf "No!" " No !" Fightiog must be done ; let us do it now and do it well. We must hand down to our childreu uusullied thi'.t naliüiuil houor handed down to ua and purcliased by tho blood of our fathcrs. - - What kind of a guvernmunt will you have framed by Jeff I);ivis and his myr midons think you, if they should suceeed in Seièing the Capital ? [Shouts of hmi thciu.j I know him well, and his crew of traitors. Tliey are worso traitors and more corrupt than was the llomau Seuate with Cataliue at its head. üisappoiuted ambition like a canker has gnawed at their hearts in which there is only bitterness and hate lelt to díctate their aotions. They are a bogus aristoeracy and cou!d not broek the elevation of a man to tlie Presideut's chair because he rose from the ranks of the pcople. They cou.ld not wait four years, when in the due oourse of things they might have taken their chance of power, but they made the election of Mr. Lincoln a mere excuse for their treason, and if they should sueceed, a military despotism will inevitably take tho place of this free, liberal, and most glorious rovernment. 1 am aa exile - a fugitivo, not from but for justice, and my crime is my feeble eüorts to support the oonstitution ; but if the people of Tcnnessoe oould speuk today, au ovcrwhulming majoritj of her people would shout for the Union ! We want Kentueky, who fought with us side by sido, at New Orleans, to come and do so again, and under the same flag for the same cause - Liberty. If you givc us your help, the stars aud stripes will Üoat over every court house in the State iu a very brief period. [Cries of " We will. we will."] Let me ask you again, to be again assured, are youlientuckians willing to ,'ieo the graves of Washington aud Jackson, and your own belorcd Clay surrounded by accursed secession bayonets? [Shouts of " never, never."] Then again I feel encouraged, and in the name of Tennossee I thauk you, and I thauk these fair women present who have come here to encourage, by their preaenco tLeir soná and brothers, and fathers and lovers, to fight the good fight. Mr. Jolmson spoko for two hours Bnd a. half, with great power and eifcct, thoroughly rousing up the people.


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