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Importance Of The Hatteras Victory

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John r. Pórnej writes in thia way to the Plliladelphia Press on the probable consequence of tho recent victories on the North Carolina coast : Washington, Sept. 1, 1861. At last, the flank of treason has been turned. The reverses of the American arms seem o have been sent upou us ouly to teach us the great lesson of adversity, and of calling forth popular euthusiasm iu tho loyal States. The wisdom of the admiuistration, in providing for an attaek upon the traitors aloug tho whole of the Southern coast, has bueu nobly responded to by the courage and eudurance of the anny and the navy. The gallant aiiair at Halteras [niet was, it must uot be forgoUeu,the tirstopportuuity presented to our noble tars to show that they were ready for all the dangers incident to a defeuse of our flag against an ungrateful eueniy Nobly havo they fulfilled the expectations of their countrjmeo. It is estiruated that by this magnifícent expedition we have so effeotually scaled up the enemy as to prevent them from makiug Cape Hattera3 and the adjacent eoast, for nearly three hundred miles, the secure rendezvous for piratloal expeditions. It also depri ves them of that valuable interual commerce, by means of which they have been enabled to supply Virginia on the one hand and North Carolina ou the other. With the Chesapoake held by our fleet, and Fortress Monroe and the Potomao held iu full and alniost unmolested possession of the Goverment forces. and now a vast extent of coast on the North Carolina boundary seized by our fleets, and held or menaced by our ariuies, vhat is to prevent those advance movements towftrd the far South, so loudly demanded by every consideration of the natiomii i and the national honor ? Virginia, which has beeome the great baso oí" tho traitors' operations, and upon the soil of -.ïliich has been tbrowu, iu undisciplined masses, thousauds and huudreds of thousands from the Cotton States, sufijred eufficicotly befüre she lost the intermedíate Commonwealth of North Carolina, whieh bouud her on oue side by railroad and water to the Üulf States, aud which connectcd her with many communities on the other side. Now that Virginia is almost efiectually elosed in - now that tho rebels nan receive no aid from Maryland none from the froutier counties of Pennsylvania- none from North Carolina, the whole coast of whicli ia to-day almont entirely blockadcd- Western Vinjitda Ie comes a drategic point of the Jughest importmet. Now Eastern Tcnnessee may look up with sorne hope for succor. Kuutueky may be emboldouod to strike from her gigautic limbs her selfimposing or neutral fetters. (It may bo mentioned incidentally that the sawa influencos that awakon the patriots of Virginia, Kontucky, and Teunesscu may reorganizo and revive the patriots of North Carolina.) Uut beyoud the Border States (for it must not be forgotton that thus far the whole burden of the war has fallen unta them), lies the greator question of meeting the traitors in tho Gulf or Cotion States, and of puniahing them in their strongholds. They have sent forward nearly all their available troops to capture the capita], and to subsidize the Uriöü men of tho Border States. They will hereafter be ealled upon to proteet their coasts, and uudoubtediy thcir in land positions, from the oyal fleetg that will swarra iu their waters, and the loyal armies that will swanü over their soil. Gradually "ort Picketw has been Stro cned ; Key West, in the sam i latitude, held, and moro than oie of thoir strong points seoretlv and eilcntly occupied.- The mouth of tlie Mississippi is meuaced by our men-of-war Fort Pulaski, in Georgia, will soon bo in range of our guus, and the Texas eoast, withiu easy sailing or steaiüing distauce, will be seized by our naval and mercaatila marine - all the inora easily that Ben McCulloch and bis bánditti are off ravagiug the fair fields of Missouri.


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