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Kentucky And The South

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Louisville, Sept. 10. Late moveniants of Federáis in Ken tucky crcíite considerable counternation, fc-uuth Tcnuessee papers deruand prompt nction and s;iy Kentucky's neutrality has been abandoned and calis for the earoest effort tn snstaiu what th'ej culi the true pcople of Ki-ntucky. On tho :!(1 inst M.'ij r General Polk issued general orders for all officers aud Boldiers n h;s department, on furlough, to report theinselvea witTiout delay. Richrtiónd papers of ;,lie 5th inst., eontain what purporta to be a reliable estímate of the Federal foiec in and around Washington. The total s put down at one hunared and twelve thousand. The Atlanta, Ga., Confederacy of the 5th saya : '■ Thèrè ia little doubt but that the Confedérate govermuent in the lato receipt of dispatches froni tho'ComniiBsioners in Europc, found that the teu or of these represeiited that Franco, Englnnd and Europe generalij', were greatly ngitafcd on the American question, and that the recogniton of the (_';nfederacy by Europe would be shortly accomplislied." Southern papers coiuplain of the fact milllions are sent Xorth by banks and capitalista of the South tbr the purpose of buying thebonds at depreciated value, and say it is equivalent to giving money to their enemica to prosecute the war. A stampedo of families took place bout the 4th inst. froni Fernandina, Florida, under apprehensions of the peopie of a bombardment of the Ly tlie Federal Scet, wliich now holds a Mrict blockude of that port. The Savannah News of the 5th, rulds to this statement, that the whole coast of Florida is blockaded. In an ariielo ou the capture of Ilatteras, the Memphis Appeal of the 7th, jnakes loud complaint ot' the il) efficiency of the Military Board, and expresses a fcar that the military leauers are too much engrossed in the prosecution of thé war in Virginia to óccord to a neecssary degree at tention to the sca-coast and Mississippi Valley coast. Guard companiea are increa-iing along the Georgia. South Carolina, and Florida coast. The Crescent of the 12th coDdemns the Military Board of Mississippi for iuaetivity in not adding to her coast defen ces. A dispatcb to the Nashville Gazelle says Brownlow and son havo been arrested at Knoxviile, by Zollicoffer, v Naehville gentleman iüforms us. Ostensibly the charge 3 iur circulatiaar Helper's Book. A Kichuiond dispatch to the Knoxville Register of the 5th, statcs that the Quartermaster's Department at Richmond had become very actire of late. Largo coutracts have been made lately for camp nd field cquipage to tho amount of oae hundred and eighty thousand sets. Gen. Polk bas igsued the followjug proclamation : Tho Federal governaicnt having, in defiance of the wishes of he people of Ken tucky, disregarded their neutral i ty by establisliing camp depots of armies, and organizing military comparaos within their territory, and by constructing military works on the Missouri shore inimcdiately opposite aud commanding Columbus, evideutly intended to cover the lmding of troops for the seizure of that town, it has become a military nccessity for the defense of the Confedérate States, that the Confedérate forcea should oceupy Columbus in advance. The Major-Getieral commamling bas thereforo not feit bimself at hberty to risk the loss of so important a position, but has decided to oecupy it. Iu pureaanee of this decisión, he has Ihrown a suñicient forcé into the town, and ordered them to fortify it. It is gratifying to know that the presence of bis troops is acceptable to the peoplo of Columbus, and on this occasion he assurcs thcm that every precaution will be taken to insure their quict, tbe proteetion of their property, with personal and corporate rights (Signed) LEÓNIDAS POLK. Columbus, Sept. 3d, 1861. 1 1 1 ÊÊm i i


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