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Dear Sir

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I a:n in leceipt of vour favor of tliis date, and, in reply thereto, 1 have to say, the diüiculties oí' our ( try nro such as to loare but littlo hopo ' (indeed I seo noae) of a pcaccful adjustmout of theni. I was among those who ' hoped that civil war would be avoided by ' corupromis'e. I thiuk a compromise could havo been made without natiuual or individual dishouor. 13ut the titne for compromise is gone. aud we must adopt J our aetiou to things as they are, and act upou realities. It is the duty ofailgood ' citizens to support the constitution, as .' that is the boud of the Uniou of tiie States. Preserve the coustitutiou, and ' the Union is perpetuatcd. Overthrow the constitution, aud the Union is ' stroyed. For one I would not '' consent to a disEolutioc of the Union, or considcr tenns üf separation." With those in rebellion against the govcnimer.t, I " have no compromisos to make - no tenns to offer, other than an uncoiiuitioual submission by them to the Union, the constitution and laws." To maintuin the constitution, and for uothiug else, I am for a vigorous prosecution oí the war until all the people in all the States shall submit to them. lir tliis purpose, aud no other, I am ready and willing to give the President all the men and inonej' he may mjuire. Civilization aud Ghristiauity demaud that we sbould aceompany the sword with propositions of peace. Let that proposition be, submit to the " Uniou the c-otiL.titution, and the laws." The " freedom of speech " aud the " freedom of the press'1 are guarantced by the coDStitutiou to every American freeman, and when I have declared for the coustitution I have declajjed for each and all of the provisión iu favor of the san. e. Planting ourselves firmly upon the constitution, and Uniou, and the laws, we invite the co-operation of all who are for them ; and it is our duty to resist all who oppose them. We know the fact to be, that there are those who are for the prosecotion oí the war for other purposps than the maintenance of the coustitutiou. Let them take the respousibility of dividing the sentiment aud actiou of our people, if it should be divided. I am opposed to all uuion of parties, whcre the basis of t''at union is spoils. I am in favor of a union upon the consüiuuon, the Union and the kws. A union upon tliis basis will save the government. A union for spoils would aid in its destruction. I hope you will excuse this hastily writteu reply to your inquiries. I Bare given you my views frankly, at least, if not in good style or taste. I am truly, your friend, SV. A. lilCHAKDSOX. Hon. C. A. Warri:n.


Old News
Michigan Argus