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The University--military Department

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At i BOf8Ío,a of the Board of Kegcnts of the TJoivereity, held. on Tuesday, the subject of eetablishing a Military School in conneotion with the Univcrsity carne op when Mr. Mdntyre piesewtfed the follcwing prcatnble and resol utions: Wheicas, It has been discovered sineo the outbreak of the present lebellion that in this as well as in m:st of tho othei' loyal States, lliere esists a great Hcareity of men possessed ol'suitablo military éduca tioo to diill and [reparo our vol un teers for camp lile and the battle field ; and, Whercas, Tfae present means of turnishing a thorough military education whereby men may become maateta ol the art of war, aro entiryly inade quate to the wants of' the QatioO ; and, Whereas, We now have before us a practical demonstration of the facl that it is uot safe iur any government, bowever excellent or powerfnl, to neglect enlirely the military education of its people, and as a matter oí' econoroy to tho Sti-to, that her troops may beaupplied wib competent officers, and the work of preparing voltiDteero be spëedily and cheaply acoompliabed, the Board of Regent, uiidor the oonviction thjEtt tliis Aork c:n be more eoonomically perionned for the ."State in l "ni vui sity, wliero civil engi neerlog, higher mathematica, modera languaget, uatural sciences, and otber studies connected with a military education, aro unw taught, than anywbere elso in the State, do adopt thu tollowiog : Resolved, That as eocn as tho State fchall add to the Univeröity Fund the sum of 8100,000, from vvhieh the Univer.sity shull derive a permanent additional anoual iocomeot S7 000, the Board ol Begnnte wil! entablish iu tlie TJoiversity a Military School, in which Bhail be taught military engineering, táctica, embracing infantry , oavalry and artillery tactioe, as well as srpping, mining, tho oonatruction of fortifioalinns and brides, and all tho ar 8, sciences and stmtegiee of war. Aller disoussion by President Tappan, Protessor Wood, and others the resolution was laid on the table. The Begeots have ulready establishod a Professoren ip of Military Engineering', and we believe intend filling it nt this pession. And if the Stuto is not prepared to aid in tho establishment of a full Military School as contemplated by tho resolutions, it onglit to give tho Rcgents means to provide an ad ditional Professor, and tlius inaugúrate a Military Department. - The resoluti ma was adopted at tho seasion oí the Board on Wed nesday; aad ü'eo one authorizing the eutiva Committee to fill tho chair of Military Engineering', A. M. E 0. BotntOn, oí "Wiiidsor, Vt., lately espelied frtfm Mi.-ni;siii for refusiog to etiter the rebel servjce is spoken oí for f his poaition. He graduated at West Point, in 18íO, and is highly re.commonJ. ZrïL' Be suro and read tho letter of IVincfi Napoleon, in thia paper. It s a candid letter, whatever you uaay think of .ome of ita views. ii - in U2ST We givi to-day, the correspondene:e between Jos. Hoi.t and President Lincoln conccrning the Fremont proclíirriation. No one will (juestion the BÏDoerity of Holt's viewn, however they tnay differ as to hia concluMions, Read it with care. -C" The rebels are reported as having made an advance rnovetnent Wedoesday oppoflite Washington, and an attuck VVuduesday night was indicated. 13?" Skirmishea are beooming frej quent in Kontucky anti the I tes are running off the el aves of Union ' men, and arresting all Unionista they j can get their hands on. We tnay look i for ome hot trork thcir soon. SPST Br. WK," Bbodib, of Detroit, Inte Sorgeon of the First Michigan Regiment has beeñ coramissioned asa Biigndu Bnrgeon in the Fedrol rmy. IM I I I -I I -W fg" Col. John F. Milebh han bpen appointftd a member of the S'.ate Military Buard.


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Michigan Argus