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Kentucky--a Brace Of Proclamations

Kentucky--a Brace Of Proclamations image
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One from Euckner The following proclamation ia just reccived : Tó the people of Kentucky : - The Legislatura of Kentucky have been ijiit hier to the wül of the people; they havo eodeavored to m;ike yóur gallan t State u fortrcss, n which, under the goise of neutrality, the arrned forcea of tho United 9tates rniht surely prepárete) subjogate alike the people of Kentucky and the Southern States. It was not nntil nftor months of covert and oper violation of your neutrality with lafge enciimpmuntH of Federal troops on yonr territory, anrl a recent official declaiation of the Prei'lorii of tho United Htates not to regard your neutral positioo, coupled with a wel! prepared eöbeine to seize an additiooal point in your territory which was ff vital mportance to the aafety and defense of ' ennew-ee, tbat the troopg of the Confederacy on the invitation of the people of Keutucky, occapied a defensiva position in your State. In doing, so the eommander announced bis ptirpoe to evacuatt your territory Bimultaneously vwth n nimiilar movement on the part of the Fe eral forcea, whenever the Legislature oí Eentucky híill undertake to enforce agarnst both belligorents the ííriet neutratity which the have so often declaredi I return araongstyou, citizensof Kentueky, at the bead of a forcé the advancê of wbich i componed entirely of Kentuckian. We do not corao to moleet any pereon, whatever muy bc bia politica] opinions, the agents of the Northern deepotinnr). who Heek to reduce u to ttio oondition of dependeot vassals. We believetbat the recognition of the civil rightn of citizenw is ;hy foundu'.ion of oonetitutiorial liberty, and that the claim of t!;e Preeident 'of the United States to declare martial law, to auspend the privilege of the writof habeao corpus, and to convert every barrauk arid overy prisiin in tho land into a Bastile, is notliing but tli8 claim which other tyrants have aBSQmed to subjugnte a üee people. The Confedérate States occnpy Bowling Green ns a defensive ponition. 1 renew the pledgesof the oonnnaadera of other columns of Confedérate troopí, to retire from the territory of Kentucky on tho mime conditions which govern their rnoveraents. I further give you my own amuraDce that the foroe under mv comniand will be ui'od as aid to the Oovernmen! of Kentucky, in oarrying out tire sti'ict neutrality demanded by ita people whenever thëy undertake to enforce it agaioet the tiro belligerenta aüke. (Sii-n. .) S.B.BUCEKEB, Brig. Gen. C. S. A. Bowltog Gjcen.Sept. 18, 1801.


Old News
Michigan Argus