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; -1 OATHARTIO Í; jS.t PILL8. L . c?' E ï - ;i coniphiiniiig? Areyoaoutol , . . , -■- ' oilt'i', witli your fiysU'in derangdd, nul youf fcelings unf Ln c p Hhh ooinfortableï Xbeee sympgdlLWAUKiE1' Í Hifi? toms are often the prelude to (1 i, '■- Vi ' F In seiïons Ulnerc. fconie lit of TBÉtbI-JiSÍ U (dcknea is creeping ui'un yon, S2 " H and shouUl be ivertpd by a L "olEí I t"1(ly U8i of tli riht rcm.Nft'fl f cluanae out thedinordered liui C k N5o. Wmi mor - purify tlio blood, and tb ■ RuÉ ct tn0 1'"! mov 0D "obfrPp Bak Bpluct1(ï 'n liealth again. ■ They Mimulate the functioDS Bg of the body into vigoroun ac... '■', ■ tv. i:':: iiy :!..- system froxn tlio obfltractlons which make disenso. A coM settlos gnniiiwhttro iu the body, and obstructs lts natural fuuctions. These, if not reliured, react njwn Üienufelres and tUe Burronndtog organs, proIivin genera] nftsfiavfttion, Bofferlng, and diaease. ín fliis condition. oppreised by the ioninoments, talto Ayer'fl Pink and neo how dfrectly they rostore the Datura] tu: t ion of the syetein, and with it tho buoyaat feeling of health n;iín. Wbat i truc and so apparont Ín tliin tiivinl and oommOQ complaint, is also trae in ntany orthe deepHh ftted aad dangerous dtotempera TJio aamo purgativo effect expela them. Causwl hy similar obsfruciji'in and djnogunaitfl of tb" naforal functions of the body, tlioy are rapldly. and many of ihein aarely, cured Ly the Hairiü Boeftltl Nono who know (he virtues of theso Pilis, will neIect to omploy thóui whou sufleriug from the disorders tLey cnro. menta from leiding phypioians in somo of the piincipiiL cilios, aud froin other" Wöll knowu public persons. From a Forwarding Sferchanl of SI. Louis, Tkh. 4, 185Ö. Pti. Ayer: Your l'illn nro Iho pararon of all that is in medtolne Thoy Imve ciiiü'I my little ditughter of ulceroim sorefl upon bei1 hands and iïvt thut htul provcd íncuiablfl G i ■ m u Hor mother lias been loiifc gricvounly afllicted with Molclies and plmplesjon her kin and in her balr. After cur cliilil ww tuted, bho also tried your l'iüd, auü liioy have cured her. ASA MORGRIDQE. As a Fnmlly Physïr. From J)r. l ÏI' ('artwrii?tt, JXew Orïeam Your Pilis aro tlio prince of purges. Thoir excellent qnulüi Burpasa aoy cathartio we possen. Tbejr are mild, but vciy c-rt;iin and effeetnaï i'i thefr actfon on the bovvels, whirlt makea theui iavuluublo to u iu tho daily treatment of dl Ileadaclie,Si.kIfcaIaclie,FLuï Stomncb Vüm Dr. Edwurd Boydf Baltimore. DkarIIi'.d. Aveu: [ eaanol aaswer you what complaints I have eured wltb your Pilla bettor ihan to gay il tttat we ever trett with a pnttativt ncHcine. I place great depeudenco on nn affectual cathartio in my dally oontest wltb tl i ■■ :is I di your Pilis atford us the best we havo, I of cuurso vatue tbeni ïilghly. rrrrsBt'RQ, Pn., May 1, 1855. T)r. .T. C Attr. Sin T havo boen repeatedly cured of the Vorst headaehñ n:iy Itdy enn have hy a dose or two of yutir Pilis, it seema lo ajrjbn from a lbul itonuohi which tliey cleanse at onea. Youra with great respect, Eí. W. PBEBIiV, Cterk of Sltamtr Clarin. 3111OUS Disorders - Tjlver Coxtipiaints. From Dr. Tkeodore ■'. of A' w Yörk (Üttf. Not only no yonr pillsadmlrablyadapteil ( thcir pur pose as an aperlent, Kbt I flnd thelr beneflcïal ettaotê upon tho Llver very marked indeed. They have in my practice proved more effectual tor tlie cure of biliotu omtlian any one remody 1 oan meutiou. I sincerely rejoi ■- tbat w bave ut length ;i purgallve which is worthy the coufideuco of lbo professtoD and Lh i sople. "DlÜ'AHTMLNT OF TUK lNTKi;iiR, Waahjngton, D. C, 7ih Feb., 1868. ƒ Sin: I havft used 3 oiur l'iils u my general and hospital practico ever niñee y uu nado tliemaud cauuol hesítate to say they are tlij best: catbarUo we einploy. Their regulatlng action on fno liyer Ifl qnick and Úecided, conöeQuently tbey are &□ adñilrAble ren u meütfl oí that orgán. fudí ..!. í bave Beldom 1 1 bilivus di 1 bat it did, not readlly yield to them. Kralerually yours, alo.nzo Iíall, h. u, í'hysiclan 0 the Marine Hospital, Dyscntory, Diairlioen, Rclnx, Worms. i'i J. O'. Oreen, qf Chicago, Your Villa hav had 11 long tii;il tu my pin ■tico, antl I 1kM them n esteem oaoneof t)ie best aperiental havo ewr fotind Their alteratfye effect upon tira livor maltes them an ejueíltrnt remedy, wlien giren tu small doses for bilious djstnti rf and tli wrhaa. 'l hete nigar-eootlng Ilu-in ?ety acceptaUe aud cyhveuicnt tot tliu an of woinen and cbttdreu, Dyspcpsla, Impurlty of iiie ZSlootl From Reo, J. '. Bima, Pusiov of Advent Church, Jtoston Dr. Aren: I harensed your Pilis with extreoTdinary iu my fauily anti ikinou Üiose 1 am oalled to viít ín i!.;ii 9. Te regúlate (lio orgatiü of digestión and jiniiV the blood, tlioy aro toe . . i -' remedy I liavo ever known, iiid, 1 osa ooufldently recommend thirm to my (rienda. ' Youn, J. V. 1UMES. Warsatt, Vyomlnff Co., N. Y.f Oct. "i, 1S55. DsáB Pin : 1 am iisin your Catbarlic ['illa In niy practico, and flnd them an excellent purgativo tocleau&cj tho aystfin aud purify the fountáina ' (!' llnnd. JO1I.N O. HEACUAM, M. D. Constipa t Ion, Costivciir. SupprtHHíon, RbeumatlsiU) Gout} Neuralgia, lrop sv, 1-nr.! l sis, FitS, tic. 'From -.';-. J. J'. Yauyhn, M,ntrc.a.l, Canada. Tro imich caonot be said of your Pilis fur tho cure of eoBtivertest. Ifothersofour tVaíiinHy have fbond rlicm as effieacioufl aa 1 bave, Ihey shouid joln me in proelaiming it for tlio benefit Of tlie imilfitiulc?; who sulTV-r f ruin that cotnplüínt, which, althougli bad enongh In Etself, is the progenitor of otilen th:it ara worse. I believo cnsto origínate n tho Uverbut your Pilis atïvct that OJg&n and curo the diñase. From Urt. E. Sbtart, Physician and Mdwife, Boston. I fiml 0110 or two irtijre doses of your Pilis, taken nt tlie proper time, are excellent pn motires of the natural stcre ti'in vhen v-ln.llyor pmrtRiUy snppressed, and also very effectual to cteknte tho ttomadi and expd vjqrmt. They are so mncli tho best pbyale we havo tUat I rocomuicud no other to niy palíente Fi'cm the Ha: Dr. ITawU$,of (he Methodist Epis. Church. PULAflK! ElOVSK, Savunníili, fí;r.. Jim. CL I HoijoRKi Sir: I Bhonld 1).; ungratéfnl for the relief your fikill bas bronght me if I did nofc report my caso to you. A cóld B ittied i:i niy limbaand brought on excrucinLing nfttr'ifffi'ií pain st wnich ended ín chrotñc rietoitífr íism. NoiwlmstandiDg T had ili let of pbysjdanet the diseaae grew worse aad norte, ontU by Uto acivico of your excellent aent in Baltitnore, Dr. ftfa kebsle, I tried your Pilis. 'I b ■ -i re ;.IuVj hut sure. lïy porseveiiug ïu tho uso of tliL'm, I toa now entlrery wcll. Sknate CriAsntrn, lïaton Rohro, La., 5 Dec. 1855. Dn. Ayix: ï havo been entlrely cnréd, byyonr PUI, of Rhcumutic Gout - u painful diseasc that had affllcted me for yearf. VLNCJENÏ SLIDELL. J8O Moet of tlie Pilis in markot contain Mercury, wblcb, althougli a valuable remedy In skilfttl lmnda, Ia daiiKci-üus in a public pill, from tho drcadful I quonres that freqiiuutly folluw its incautious hbc. These contain no mercury or mineral eubst.nnco wliatcver. Price, 25 conts per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Frepared by Br. J. C. AYEE &, CO-, Lowell, Mass. Mayr.ard, Stebbius & Wilson, FARRA: . ruit. 809yl J O. BüItRILL, TraveUtDg Agast. Hiñe Factory! a. J. sütiii:rjlaim HIliieGunSboptotboNewBlockhBn■ 1 r ï ■ 't the 01 tn -econd tïoor, w htn he ia prepared to "lí rnleb Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, po..;hcs Game Bags, and Everj otlicr artidc in Ijis Line. Cln the in-'st ronsonahlr trniB,andto ïo all kinds o REPAIRIKTG ! the hortfsttiiulccanillntlie best mannel r. ■.,_■; : ' 'uil assortmont (ivf78 eP on hoI1i' "d nlade t0 orIer. City CSieap Lumber SasJi, Doors Blinds, Plaste? Paris, Grand Bvo&r Planta-, Water Lime, Nnils of all sizes, Olass, Pdhd and Putty, Lc, etc. , B. DeForest, HAVIKt; lnoreed lii farilitiM for doiig busi1 ti is Yard and Sfc ck,l i, wiUi tK bos. largesl ind est :. ivertn thle mirtet to r,i;_,l y tl ■ [pec:Uoni ■ r.ottn not t c'ils'1 ■ delivi'ry ! wiil nat ánd 1 ■ yta h,i tbwill gethi lewhe,foi wo prosume that other.illollaelow asthcy can : o . All iüüds of Timlter, Joisls, ,ml 3oantliog, rino, Whltcwood, Basswood, Hem' lork. Planed and M?.tched Pine,"Whitev.'Ood ish 'looi ing. ri-'ncclm'lrouiih PW '"' Wtltewood : ■ iet Posts.üuliandt'cdar Postt andl'icketi A nll kil:ds. Pint fatl), anïi llüjiieuiooö t. -f! Ptnf, ahasi Whliewooil Shlngle, Barn Boards and Barn Ploor Plank, P,lnelWa.j"t, 1 ind tbin stuff, Wagon and BUGGY AXLES aad TONGUES, Koxmid Uody Lumber.Maplo l.og Timber, Hit-kory, Oak, Ash, Sim, Beech, Ofi''l:.iiicknoCB,widthJ ni:the,&c.. &.C, Piaster Païis, and Piaster of 'allkinda. UftiliS ot all aizee, te., &C. SASII. DüüRS.ú BL1NDS, ■nadebybaod toordn nslo-ns factor; prltfea. on the fhorteatnottcè by tlie beatof orkmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bille ofall dnscription in tho nbove building lint tunilahdothehorteatof notloe.for We have MM Otttiing Regular!;;. A ful' min perfect aseortraent of ihc above anc other kiude of Uuilding Materials Constantlv ouhftnd al th, lowest possible ratei Cali and be Convmced. A few rods snulh fmm R. R. Depot o% Detroit Strei't.Ann Arbor, MUsh. ROOFIKG. N b - I am now operating E: ten3 velj j in the Patent Cement Rov. na j. I DirCHING NOTICE. rITK l:DKKSIGNKI) „-11 offer tot ialo et public anct in tó the loirest bidder Ddthesecond daj of Ortobfr, 1861, nf 10 o'olnrb A M. at th house of William ' : ' :i. lf7:i-5 road on MidiüDS 10 and lü in .said Tüwn . lom. JACOB PRESTON, ) Drnin W J. B STAHK, [■ ComtnÜs. ! : II PRAY, j 81uncr, Freedora, Aupas! coib, i imCHlNG NOTICE, pHE trXOEliOVET) wil] oflbr for s.-i at public 1 aticti-.ii lo the Iom ■ on t-he thïM Ur of 1861 at, 10 o'clpek A '■'■ 'II t1"' '-""' : ■ ■■ ■■Ji. 107 1-4 ■! uu sectioüH 14 aii'l y in said Townshiju ui [;'■.■. ■ "■ PRR6T0?f, ') Drainage J. B. STARK. J. Commlatl 1'iiAY, J Bioners. BÖlti; 1801., Morrgage Saïo. DKFAT7LT bavinq been macto m tl)? sunditfonofA Morí I i'1, AugUtftllft K. lililí :iiiíl wifo " i. guardián ftr Gcrtrufle Fletoher, datodthe flrsi ].■.- ofYebrnvtrj] A. l. lsíi, aml recorded ïd the ol .-i Wanhtenaw County, m l.fbof No. 19 of Mortjragea, on pagea 6i and 70, on Bral üaj of Haren, A. D. 1858, ai two cHoloek ust. A. D. 38- nïnifHratoi , wltfa th wiUaniwxel,of thee ■ rtrude Ku-tch. Acrom I -'t!), A. I. 1861 . at ■ n'cltx k a. i. wbich áVault the power ■me operatin ; ii in-Mi uti'.i ;i1 hiw to recover tüe I .-=.,..., m. [i;)rt tbereof : mi1, iursuni of foorteen hundred and eèventy. ■ ■■ then on, itii.i furtber ii to become due thereon. , ■ , .. .. thereforé hereby glvenfhai mi d Wortgage wiñ be f on closed by a sale of the -. tu-wit : All taïu tract orparcle of Tana known and rtoüeribed ns followd, io-wit - ccinoifiicniiï on tlie west line of Main 8ti ath of il;e nufth-cast corner ol 1 numbi ; I k No. íwo noríh o( ■ tbree.m the City of Ann Arbor, andrunoi ■ Hel nrl hthe Dortnlïneof naidlot, ;w 1 renty-two teet -■ . . r - tb we1 end of ntd lot, thenco Bouth twi . ce easl parallel with fir ■ two téei then Main two fëet t the ptadof beE at public vendue at khe ■i'M, in Ano Arb r in oaid Countyoo thesevenfh dayoi December next atnon. ETJNG LET, AdmiDistrator with Wil! annexed,of Gerfrode Fletcher deceased, E. ff. MöRQAd Attorney. Dated, Ann fcrbor,Aug imIi, a. h. iSGl. Mortgagc Foreclosure. Dd made in tlio paymtnt nfjthe ■ ted by James If. Morris arfd Mary 1". ::..- :',[,', da■ of July, A. IJ. &b't , . ed in the H ■ Of Wj{s])tflia-.v. n i,il„r ' at pigc 679, oc the sec nú ■l.iy oí - '■■■ ifíeen minutes pat 8 o-'clock . A, J4, power of sale containcd ín sala :ii]ii DO snit or proi iving havipg ii -vu instituted n law t recover ' nortñiffe or any part Ihereof, ani tl.L-suin o' fourhundred and sixty ii-uiL' now claiñaed to be eon. Nótice i nereby jtch, thpt %ij0 by a sale of the mort. t t-w'ít: All t tract "r cel ■ v, -. tó-wit : lïeiM part pi the uorth-eat qnartrof sect4pa No. twent v-m n totfnship No. tv.o Houth of rangv No. o!x eastj togjnoing : fhty roía north of apoinj pf IntocI i lin' tbrouh Wie centre f Hu ron streel ín I 006 runnir.jï fat (nt t strikes the east li-i1 of said section, trence ireat ■ui'l parallel wil ad Ettreci untlï it strlkcfi tand . Mr-, i-::licriu April 1S4", thebce aorta by said Ful ■ ut thirtcen roda untU it t-lrikes ■ Btreel twenivfour rods to th . ■■■ ■ ■ ol block Xo. 25 on ■ Í Ann Arbor( : j the north WH6 Of saht#ection to the Qorth-caat cdrnerofsj Iheaee bpvth on tho ■ n aoout í'.jrty rods to thf: piar.' of iji iïiüiii. . GOQtainlng fmir acro. wc b me pari (beroof, ;t public vfa.luf at tlie Couri M'u;o in the city if Am Arbor on thö nintb öy of Novemïn r ü-t. at hoon. r.i.l.A ]tU'JFoiai,Mortgagce. E, Datwi, August Mh, A. D , 1861. 81ÍÍM Mortgago Foreclfjsure. Dl on made in the condltion óf a Hortgageexeci tedby WilÜani W'alke.r.andCyJIania . to Wifliam ö. Maynard, riated tbc iwt Iftb day ,and recor,ded in tho Iïeister' Uffius in WrtsÜtena Connty, in libez 20 of Mnrtgaes ;:;;, on uit' iiay ■:" íís date at tjreity-five min;k,p. m by which default the power I fage becomeoperattVe, and 0 ■ ■■-. :i ■■■ i. '■'■■■ liug having Been instimtedat law to recover thé debi ■■ .'. ooortgage or any jtart i of ooe liiiinirei ind iJeTOB dolIftrs bèing now claimed i" be due thcreon as interest tiranice, andurtherSoiiisto Wcomedut tberefore her i I Bid mortgmge wjü foreclosed by a sale of ilie mortgaged premises. towit: All tfaat certain tract or parce! ofland known and ■■ . : wit' !;■' ;. nnd being in the city nf Ann Arbor, being Bve rods wiile oa the uorth si. Ie. f block N" . w:i, n rth óf Eïuron street, raage o&e east, to extend the wbole leugth of wdd block east und west, lat of vil lage i) Ann Ariiiir, ot Rome pari thereof, al fjoort House in tlu city ofina Arbor on the fifth day of October n-UIAil S. MAVXAFD, Mortgagce. ;.. w. ■■ Datttd, JvOj I . i,'a.D. 1801. 8C8td Cnancery Sale. Bi rUer made tinü entere-l in Coiir of the ÜDited Stt-s for the Iis. of J:iEt', 1861 in the i ]i. VTing is complauiaati and George W. Hays and Jane E, Haya, are defendants. I sball st'l'. ai iilir :uic.;i..n, ;i t the Goort Qouse, n the city of Aa ouniy of Washtenaw and state off i, on the Mfthday ofOctober, 1861, at 10 o'clocfc I land fTtuateil ín the vitlage of Dexter, Michigan, viz : Ixit Dumbev ae IJ; also a sí] íp twenty four (-4) ft i the tfesterJy Bid of lot ten, along the Uno .'i Baid Int, twelve rods, r irenty'fowr fc-t hy h .. io i oo. tiie wflstarjy side oi tot ten m block ona in sui'l village. GbO c. r.VLL, Mester in Chancflry of suid Xurt. Xt. P. Tom, Complaiiianl's jlicU'r. Datedf&ept. 10, 1861. 8l7td Chancory Salo. 3T4TK OF MICHIGAN', tuf: (Jibítjt Ooi-rt fob mi CoiwTY of Washtknaw, Elíza A Perkinsvs. Sébrah Per? _ [n Cbanci ry; In parsoance ol a decretal of tho Circuit Court of the Countv oí WashtenaWj n Chancry, made in the abovo . the second day of IVcomber, A. D. cighteen hundred ind flfty-nine and a further order of thla Court made jjj. the sis : : y . a. 1' eighteen1 hun■ i...iy-i :i ■, wlfi !■ n-11, uti'ler tho din-cttDii of the t'ircuit Court CommUsioner for the County of Waalltunaiv. at public anotion, at tb South or front door of tne Couri B the city ofun Arbpr. on Saturday the sixtb day l -'"ly, eighteen hundred and sixty-öne, at i said ii.iv , nil tbose certain tracts d lying and bejDg in the towhabip f Saiem; In' tl tenaw aforesaid, anil flöscribcd in sail decree ais folio ws,viz: The west lmlf oL tiarter of sectlon öfteen, and tbe west hálf of tbc Dorth-easi quarter of section twenty-tw. in tojtrnshfp one SOOth, of rnngo seven cast, or so much ■ ;n!i'umt. due . .ccree, together with htterettt and costs. ; vii'Ht:.i., iri Com.fot I I WashtenMT O. HAWK1NV. " licít i fof Compfefnain umi Assigiieo Ann A , 1S01. Tlie abo ve sale U adjüür;:. 1 until the 15th day of November next, at t ue santé hour and place, _. Dated I K s. TWlTCIlEli., Cirouit Coart Com. Washtwaw ('o. .Mica MANHOOD Hov Lost and How Restored. Just Puhhshed in a Sealcd Eñvcfope, A LKCTÜRE ON' TUK NATtTRE, TRBATMENT ANDÜAhKWI. l'I ;:: .r -IKK .'ATllUKlIOKA, or imilisl i, Sexual Débilíty, N : r'. Invoiunfn rv Roifnions íaduttiñg [mputáney, and Mfntal Bnd Incajiaeitj. BY ROB. J. CüLVERWELL, M. D. Author of the 'Green Book," c. The wovli)-:' M ■'■" Uli adjnirable Lectur ftoiBhisA-n ëxpcrleBoethat .the awfuf ,., be cdloctuallj r. movct ,caud without dangeroussiirgical oper ; trumtnls, or corJials, pointing certofn f i eaocraal, 0} .-lii.'.i every Buffqror, no ni:itti-r whot li conditioii in.i} Xeaptyrprwately and railiadly.- J"h Lixtuve willlirovea liooata Ikousands aod thou ' Vi-nt un.lor soal to nny a.T.i ' . on the r oipt of to posUge stamps,bj addreMin Dr.OH I C KLINK, 127 ]!,., ;y, Re Y.rk Posi Box 566. TS5 LOOMIS & TRÏPP, Succt'-s)rs to Chapín & Loomis.amlCliapiu, Tripp t Loomu THK aliovo lirin of lomis & Tripp haviñg purcliaset ..1 the formi t coippanie w!ll , tinue the busineaa rit li-.e '-l'i Btml, wK ty wül 'rtatly, uu the shortest notice, to lili all orders in tlie Castingsand Machinery, In tho most workmanlilu manner, and on as liliom. '■ Stoto-Among th Wi „vs nrtiolesmanafactored by os, we uW enumérate TEAMLNGINES of all kinds; Mitl Géarltig anl Fixttlres, ffrougbtand allthe Mirimis castingsfor makinj; and repairiug IIoi-6e PowerB & ïiircshing Machines: aiich as at t présent, or fciive been tn use in of the State, as wetlasall the various km.isof casting :in.l HMohlne oj MJbdforbj farmers ;and mechanica iothis section of the country.. of all tho vm .:..!:.- pattwn, uadto.iiicsandprioes.willbthe most modern au,l lm1 ii.Vi'ii st ';:-- Tlmnkril for forincr patTOage t the oW firms, we i nWfromoMfrlend,anotrUtf . ., a,,ytliing in our !igfg%,pp# Ann Arbor.May 18th, 1859. 097lf New Remedies vor SPERMATÜRRHÜEA Howkii AssociATiQN, rim..m:i,i'HiA. a iu ■ and Áranic Dis.asu, and espKuUly for tho Cure of Dimmu of the Sexual Orgcns, MEDICAL AI -ïCK givon gratis, by the Acting Sur' v Li TAI-I.l RKKBT8 9 PpornmiorrlKt-a n.l otl.or aoc.ptble. A'Wres, Dr J.SkUXNI .)l ( ion. Uoward imod&tlon, No S. Mntni" "♦ delphia, Ta.


Old News
Michigan Argus