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UNi'AiTAfcLEL.EÜ at'CCLSS SECOIÍD AliRIVAL - OF- Or O O 3E SEsb i -AT TliE- ( A. P. MILLS, PUOPEIETOR. Ged bongbl Rttdef pauic pricrs, And soïd at prioes thnt willmake hard iimes come again no mort ! Facts for tlie Fcople -OF"W ASHTENA "W - MfD- ADJOTMING COUNTIES ! Aik] Üicir nurecrons ques'ions ansvorcd. Whv in Evrryhody tradiny at the "BANNEE STORE? ' - Becuuit A. P. MILLS, the Propvirtorof tliat Establishment K&sjot returuud lïuui tKu Eatlero Citieswi.L thu Large&U Hanchomest, Cheaptot, auu Mud Aitruatiwi Ütuck of SUAPLE ANDFAKCY DI1Y COODSI uvor brúuglit Vo tbjfcpart oí the State Whjf is Ertrybody pleastü with Ai Stock? Recruce falsstrles :ire more beauttrnl, qmiHty bf-: pnces luwer tlian at any otlier storo u tlie cuüiity. Why has ht alteays Sonuthing JTU) and Chcap lo Show? Becmn h hae frieod cooaected witft on e of the lar Htfh ■■■- in S'e ïorl . who ia eontinuah 11 HOOHING BOÜKD" for cheip I mi in tl, is 's. ! cuosequitil ■- Lomere cm always fiad ora NEW CflÈlPand DESÍUABLL rí'7í s s?ii 33 mitfiA Chcaper titan Ihs rest'; BecauM lie has a buypr in the city all tlie timp to tati iidvMiituift' of the coutinual cbange oi the m i n that wal Ijuys hiI i .;!.■-.! .c-r Iüuu uilifl. caoj útil tLeí I ■ ra lown to the XjOX7ürJ3X3'ï' "SXL3l-'CJX-i33fi3 Why (hes fie seU Ladieg' and Chiidrens' Shoes sr, much chtnper han was tuer heard ojby the oldesi Shoethakt9? Beea-iuM He buy hit ïtoeft En ïan ï of ihomtakers, " the uianiifiicUiver.s, f'ully -;5 at wut cheapr tl.;ui th New Yui'k Jubbera .--c'll them, and much Uellttr vork thfti tbt.'v uaüriilly Leuj 'ihiü ooutvo snablei him tu stili i betUr m Gaiter for 35 Cents. than othera ellal 50 eeatn,cl a, betterFSKDGAlTE] at öü ceaU, thftta ütliem hu ai 76 cuw. 7a Ac eny ais and Caps? 7m,1 ihoab) thiiik be bas stacks jf them, eRnuprli t( the9tate, alt pricea lowrcr than vraá bver Llardo round these porta H7,y6 tis Tea so much bettrr for theprtcm pay ihun ijOu jet at otiter pOice 2 HraMaP he : ■ "'i It, atnï givcabi eiuLumcid the beuc-ltuf rea] yoo í 75 ■ TEA FOR 50 CENTS. It Ea a Wüv e bs Kot IVAir thoultt you on to qrl ynur Cí OTHS ar . have Ihem Cut or Mude? To the BAXSEJt STORP, wh' I ■ unfiirlcdfor th Pe , South jiiiï at Public Square, a few loon wMt of Cook' Hiitd A. P. r.IIT.T.S. .!.in 18. Vin. ". V SaiüFF & MÏIÏ Ö l RE STILL ON' HAND at tbeho'.d itimd, No. 2, Franklin Bleek, with the maat complete aascr:u.2:.t ol' Baolis and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GÜOD--, WALL aXD WINDOW PAPERS SHACES, HOLLE RS, COEDS TASSELS, GILT COUXICKS. . CURTA INS. IIOOKS AND PI NS, STEItEOSCOPES & VIEWS &e. Ever ofiercd in this Market ! and ii.ey would suggtat toüioa w pura uit i fanything ,S' A N TA C LA US LI 3 1: I luit they can secure Doublé Christmas Present ' by purcbaïng from Piich purchaser gek madditionaJ .i-L-cent ui Jew;y, c., Kanging ijivalue trom 50 cis. o $50 ir'sT" Tiicy rfcHt tht th rl oo.j, -,; tj , ,„ , et Hnd rttHct attentioa ty tÉe wafttof Cuslomers, maj1 tut iile tbia tu a liberal sLar W ■■ oange. Aun Arbor, Dft, 5. 18fO. 777tf D. L. WOOD & CO , ■ AT1 JC17 OriN'XD i. LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING L SUMMER f löCl Having purchaseJ their stock at rnucli Us9 than tha usual prites, Oiey ure irepared tt offer GKEAT IXDUCETiËNTS To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Tbankful for pnal favors tlicy -yVA Lo ever ready to ehow their Goods and by fair r.nd liberal di'aling'hope to receivo their ful! n e of the public pntronfige. West si ie of public square. Ann tHo.i App' 1841. I N F I ft M A R Y Witheet Bock Wtodward Ave Dttroit lira. S. J. UAAFHA'Vtttt A KA1NAUD. DOCTOIW gen. rally i I Cunan mp tien U incurable , be i u' it QwmwtfrrMf Mlt Cliii doeB l Qiukti it U'lie. V n. .1 ■ .'i i ■! ■■ ■. ... ft' ir ka mi b job uil day und m f - po 1 rii.' uriLt-rml thej will tw ■ e.i it n-.. ,,...!■■ . !:■■ ,ü U:;;, Vuu V.;ait ít. 1' U ■ ■■■ II ■ U ■ wllO tliMiiliglJy ■ ..-jou wiU get yuur urk avhi thls me di,Sörenc t b fouad ín :;, ■ . 'llic bi;nl-r iu ■ ■ uz , mi ib hysic, w' ,,-',, èose. And ;t ; ;■ i mi a iviti' l:iic i m-:t - ■ there ís aiiulur cian uf tn n, , wh -:. thej i ■ ■ re e !n ht , i , 8o tl í.) ,i s uní want u, .ir uju to healti;, accornng i have ' n' v t- ivmfnibei ti s at t ild proncuoc tbnt nei sable r !;]'-i. iis, 1 v Borne Dew hietit i o! whicti he ■ ; ■ '. ■ ater logenity üt lii ■ n wítl in'il'1 .r i'i what no ctl er can. Ex&Ctlf í m;iy b .-..i iu pfryüíC. Aüd títU iá Vb ■ ■ )] great huccímm ftt all ) the ra hi I icl of lomtinptiun. Ev hftvlftf; i íog toa I uug-Uetev, . ■ !.!:(■ imtur ni ib ll t .4 t ;m- by h;iv n-:1 .- i ■ ' r i 'DiL.n"p1.i' ü a jo mu r : i ■■'■■]■-■ . ■ , .; ii )-;■ v U y i f. , . ■ !■■■■ I ■ S i 01 i blS m ii.m Il-gu . i mighi ■;■,■- j'íu numbcrtí npon uutabia if cert tientes ('rom mn and ivomeu giren oreï te tío [i i ■■ to !:-;i Itli ■. . ■ ,' " . ..i,.; ti"U . iu' it h :r . ■■ . . . - ' i i ere, fbr i 1j l car.Iiut. ín . ■ ï i I fcumion ncnse. li tlic Cousuinü.,!'.;; (■).)■ hl.V, ■ .: _. tri 1 of ray kll iu tL# ■:i re of j ; riml Vjwilanii, and Ano Arbor, ■ ut. 3d un-í . [j . '■ . . atríi, öth.. vné '■' i '-■■■;. ■ l me, Us wíil b found at hís Luug Iniinnaiv iu.I tti uit Iy773. - - bkdxpfricn i '. !íurs ai i : ij, paréMÉlfe Ui Llic ait 11.,-u oí . -:00TíI!N(r SY.-RÜ'P? _ FOR Cfil . ETHTNÓ, Itirin II ■ .ittion- will illny AlJ 1'-' i , :. . SURE to REGÜLaTE the B0WELS. '■■ end up i. t m tVtr , it v;:! give rj-t t: youraoivoH, ;."!;. 'í fin.) IkmiIMi t_ vour Infnnt' , el ■ ! ... [yt ove . iV. ;:' 1. 1.1 i a M . I . l i . . i r t . r í i . .' I roieili.-;.- M.VI-:i UASlf KilLEÜ. B A, . : i (T . ( IKK, ulna t mí'U' usef] ■ ■ : i in't; nte ftf liI ■■■.. . :.'■ vbu i , 'i t. ('n tite ctutrary, !■ . r )- r ti' n-. : n : .-; :ik :n ti ruis ■ J] ' ! ll:H' i';.! elVci'ts aml lllt'il.tï ■ rhi.-.. v -,.; á tíúa mattir -W1IAT K iq ICN'OW.' .■ - '■ (■ -' exjjiAáco, JSDIIEUS . : ííí'k 1 ÜI I ILÜU.CT n' VVHAT f.'i 11 . . : .. . . ■ .v itt-tulK ■ l'.ir T: nt i ■ ■ ' : .-■ti'-B,. n.'LÍL'! wH bv "ini n ii.'tiiii ,r lutu'y ni Obtfli aUr -yru admJnid ■ n .1. This ropamtion ■ htiunof on .f the mint KXI'KMi N'l.i) a.i..( f !■. ?l.l L I. .l!!r!.1 n New Inj',ni, añd lias btou Ubed vritb JílVLií :ili..;; pci r i ;' ín THOU8AND OI-" CASIS. . ' fruía r-i:Ji, but nvi ríiti. thp -í . i'ïkI ííe t.p :n í ■■lury tu .. cía It wr.íl almukt úutaBÚ :RIPnf(Í ÍN TIIE tO'JFIí. AIrt) WIND COÍ.lá ■ !jniH"i'.ji li :, B'b't'h if rj.' t su'-1(''v ri'iiiu. :.í-, ib. I : .'.;.t!i U".' lly it tl.è 1 KÍ-'J cuj i-,!. 1 1 1. Bll ca-M ut . V -KN, TV ] : lARitHOCA ÍN Clin.iHl H, wlioili. i :t ■- r tn r n r ■ ■ ir .luse. Wn iTotild Bay t,h eren n t1 ■ r v.lm h -; rlílr! ruSftíiic r 'in ; i) . ir I ■ iíí - ! u MT lyt tíOS. Tiit ! i:i Jl i iqtS F ■ ni vm t sulT. r n.' Childf iniít tre!il thnfi -Vi-.-. Al'. vl.LTLl.Y - t. fullow 'i ■■ ■ if r'nii-ly i:sM. Tul1, (Hert (TU fol inv ■ :■. ull bottl, N'io' ; ■ ' ■-.- s'ini1.. uf Ct'HHd s l'EIK1S . Ne Vu . . ■ l ■ the ou'sidí' ni ' r, 1 mu lUgfMit tlie Vi riil. ;iImí"i í;í ■ 13 ca r siini. N'. í. Ni.V :"5 Cl Nl'S l'EB ITI.E !■ r i ' i ■ .V On. li7TÏ. Por the Spoedt and Permanent Cure of ScmincA Wcakness, Nocturnal and Din,a EnUssions, Jiïcrvoutt avd General Dcbitify, Impotcnce, and all IHoeadea ar ix-.nrj frota. Solitaty Uab'Us or Sxcéssive fhdutgence. ÏTMIEIÏE are bhousaadi of Yooho Mcn, na wt-ll ns Iiddtji X Aued aml Old Me.-í, who are eulfering to soma üxt fpora the abov disua.-'e. Ma i , efliapa, ar oot itw&r of their true coodüfou, or ivheu awisftince ia relly iieede-l. Fur the benüt of sach, w heren ith jive a few of the mort [ eomniim symptOflM, viz: RVuirnwu ' ie al titnU, Pai in ÍJM e' aad A'wfc, LUmiu of Siyht, üuU aoJ liei : Leforc the By ." tipil ti n of the ilertrt, Diwffiiá, CftM Y ! Mfnutry, QoiifuMOH ■ ƒ,- c, Dfípraatoa of Spind, Aventón to Society, Distrust, Tünulitif, He. tor each aal all of ttiö aboT9 vmptqnai Umh rtuiediaa wil! foutul a "vttigll B:lllll." Tliuse remdIic3 embrace three prwcripticnMi A boï if Pástela, a box of yriwtM TVatc 'í-'s and a box of KÑilf fbmc WK, all itf whlch have Important olflmi to per f rui nd sliouM be used togsthor n avery case, Tboir m enoriU' otbcr niodv's uf treabaeut inay te bUtJ m SAIow9, via: JK3" Thejr dïminiah tho vioionce of íexiial eciíooint. %&" Tliuy i.umciXmtöiy arroat ociáruai aud diurual ! tons. jfcThev remove waknes, cauaiog tba raiu C assumo tliüir imtni-il timp aad vi or. l'huy stren.theu cite cnunituüon by ovartfomlas ♦usiltibiüty aaJ geaeral weakuesB. ff3-TUey enliveutho spi -its, whiöh ar(i ni-.lïy dspr86o, by expeUiog all exoitin oatves fmta the systum. f 4Öv Üiair invi.'-.riitiit prwpertiea fthey reitor Ut patiënt tohia natural !h-:i'l!i a ■ ■ i nbood. Í jfïT1 'i'liev euro whLMi all other meaos Imve foild. . They cantata Mercury, no OjHUUt, uor aauUing thnc oan iu any eveot prov iujur J8L5"They ai-e ua-v and pleasant to ose, and will not iut far with tbe patient'a uaii I ' asr. If5" They eao bo used without gustúciuu, or tnowlodg m eTeu a rouin-in;U!.'. Thattheymaj 1' if alï.we Imve flxc-I the prioe óf thé PastoU at (I ps box, and the VüU at b eents psTboxeach. Iu orderlng ras :, in nddil on to th prioe, twelve ata iu stampa saaald t uclocoa fot i-jiaru . jiOituge. iw LADTG9 in want nf a pufo and efTcttw4 ■50 rerau ly for Ti-requltritic-i, SMpjtrgssiim of tli fRj -.Tl ïriw, or any d-:;iv: Hfculiar to their sex, ■l'"r nlwold Be Dk. Qatcs'3 Kkmale Mo.vruLï Í& - JT PitU, lrioe, by naü, $1 and one itamp. ! KIMh -ifcY: (' '■ r ■'. - I' ■ ■■■-■■' 1S s'iouM not b n4 JR& Jfo ' iC1 aá "''■'■'-■"■■■'■'"S: wiU U il- " l"'l.AiAi''s wfHKfrnm iltJwafth, íftwnl7, er any other hmn&ne aa t i . ■ in it ueolarv t avold aa increase nf faftiily, exit a bo without mcurrin daacvr to kealU r constiöttion by t)ie-s of M. I-, CVauj-'i ÍVmcA preetutíse Potede?. Priee, tj mail. Ji au4 The PoVdera enn onlj Lq obtained by addrefiuff tS Qeneral Agente, a blw. , . ■ Send for Dr. Gatkss Private Medical TrcuUtt om 5ftrtil 1 Diu#j. Pkice Tn CaitTS. Addrena. H, O. MILLi"U 1 CO., Cañera! Ajtents. .LoUMTiÜ. lCf. Fop .V by MAYNHD. tíTLBÜINi, A Wil SOK, y?88ia Ann Arbor, Mieh. PRO f. 't.. M1LLEIPS ITAÏH INVIGORATOl ■ rn ZjBAFE AND Ö ON OÜCAL COMPOUJ lor wúOf 1 .1 ruliig gray. EfOfi PRKVLNTINtt BAIJjNKfc i cui ■ l .vlien flier L, LiiV [ IMUL'ÜOte OÍ FÍU ■ .... litUVi' 011 1 .';,'ƒ ■MUÍ, FOKRI '.;■ ■ " AND DANDRÜFV, aii' all - - ?- i ..lp. Ï-T.R ï;Ka;.;1IK IN. ÏHL UAIR, ini. artillé to it an .uni ; . .. i in ... ■ ■ :■ niitná ter thii i 1 i tor fhat i'iie triül t i.nly ui '(.■-s!ir ■ public Of it superior . : -,. reiwiJ in use. 1 1 ; daitdrvft ni -. t autti h il.i hair to vov h. . ■ ;ible rp. pi -ii ,i ik1 ■ , ■■ . ening and tliinOiap, it wLH ■■■■! ic; t ilte ruots, and ■ Wcom ■ .,■■(?:. I Ííi lies a id gen i líiue ir, Nw, 1 ■ ■ turwj '-v the ase t,' tbi Lnvig ■ na mt f.-iilrt?! '■■ :- - ;" I s : tt tostiijinK ■ ■ ■ ■ ' hfst rospectvnt Ihp hairjTcm twrh+ graij -uu ? lutcíít ■ ,: o camm irhrra i1 r ol llu1 'ovibra'ior. ■ . , p i';inp it, ï tUJtí a Liail ■■ 1 is ].-irt .t-nï;i i ■!ƒ n c'-Vin-iifír.' the greint fteiütji 1 1 1 ■ beo ... if ■ w ih the iseJ in any Pequired form r. n to prew eve Us : .. . ur in epiri - bfno 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ (ford rt7ei " kout, as the price' il WÍ lililí lili' TOii Of u'l, b OXLY TWKXTV-FIVr: CENTS per bottte, to be hal at all rehpesUibU; drugUta' and perfumers. 1 MII.LKH w ítn Parnt tnd puardianKtn tlio u pof M In%-!goratfr. iu cnsi-ti " brre ■ ■■' The use of it ■ ■ ha r nuil n mo ca ■ i ted wfih of v'nichïR Etcea m botfe forthn henlthuftbe cbllüau I earohec oí ití' ll.iir. CAFTION. - X ■ r';"--:n'i'. T.OVÏff y'u '-: ■ ' ■ ■ ' ■! ■■ I.. -MIIJ.1 H'S UAIK 1NVM ORATOR, N i ■ m. aud .-;.' l.--i]i xbriu]nel' ■ ■ 'I-i. . , ,'■::- T-. '■■■ i ! P ■ i ,, ■■fit ! fc Mv New &Impróve'3 Inbtantancous Liqufd Hair 30ye hfc xperimpntinp I Ihitp ■ Mack or brown innicnüy -tthHtirthirf to the ïTïr or t'kïu ivarrauttd the b!i ariicif f' '■'■ i-er.


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Michigan Argus