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$n-gtic íOirfrtnTD. W. N. STBONG KALL, DUSCKLEE ■ PO., "ITTHOLv-1-l I-' ü" RETAIL dtalM in Dry SoodB, Car" wtmgs, F!orOl I loílu, Feathrrs, Pa erHangiogs, and a general assorlment SCFurBishing Gooíb, Xo 74 V, ,1;im1 Avenue, (VruTOf lamed t., - - - ltTROlT. Mi, h . g,,Onlers oüettóJ an.l promptly attaded to-ï EOOyl PAYMOND'S Photogrn pille ami Fine Art HAlA.lílY Xus. 2S d 'JO: JeSnuo Avenue, DETROIT. fhotpgri:l.. I.irefizc, cilorwl a ila, eaHoet, iniper), líela Uwtjpes, : gmrrfötypes, Ambrotypo, etc. tó-CAl5D riCTCRlS by the Ik ,r ThoS ï. O. O. F. ITTASHTEKAW LODGÈ Xn. B, of the tadependent W otkTof Odi feWows itíeet at thirldg Robt, ïvepy eveniqg, at Yi ü'cU-ck M, V. K. JONES, N G. .!. F. Sr.ilPlXG, Pcc'v. B..-Ö SUTHEJBLAiND & BIST. [TÍHOLICSAIJi AXH UKTAII.ii roerás aod Conama8i(ii VV Merclint8,Kastide MainSfreèl Áfln Arbor "drTiieíssk, Phtskiax h 8BW3BMI BesfeifoDj te4e 1 i profcssicml ervice t„ the cilizení of Aun Arb -x wi icinity. Office in Mack'B NoW BuildiDij, Slam trL't-t, Aun Arbor tlich. X. B. Niglit calis prouiply attendcd to. TVVITCHELL & CLAÜK. VttObsbto and Coanaeltora atïAv, General Lite aoí I ii, insurance ageat. OHicc in I 'ity Bll Wuek, n Hurón St. , Ann Aíbor . promptly madi ndreinitt'',! and special attentton paid to oonveyancing i.. s.TwnriiEij., rítótfl E. P. CI..VKK J. M. SCOTT. MBROTTPE & PlfOTOnHPH Al!T!?TS, in tl) f fOOtnS formerly occuptod !ty Oordtejr,overtí.e store of Öperrj i Hoore Perfec 1 BatisfactiQn guarautccd. wines & kntghtT" DBALEKsin stajile, Fancy Dry QosdB, Boota nn Sbooa, &c. &c, MainStreei Aun Arbor. MARTIN &THOMPSÜ. FrRMTi'KK WAKK-RonMs.Pcaler iflífffifciniiaof Furituru. &c. New Block, Mam 3tret. KISDON & HBNDE RSON, I KSin Hardware j'fitovM, how Faratahmg 'goode, J Tin Ware fcc ice, New Blocli, Maiü Slroet. A. P. MÍLLS, Dealer in Ptaple Drv Qtjodï, Si ot and slioen and Reaáy Maje Cletbing, li.inmYtivit .i.u .trbi.r __'_ te A BE L, TTOUNKVS íc CoüSBBLLOItS AT I,AY. aild &0ÍOÍ(orH 111 Chíiueery. Offlee te City Hall Bloek, oyer Webster ; m,í Store, Ann trbor ' KÍÑGSLEY te 40UGAK, VTXOENST8, CounselloMj Solicitors, and Notaries Public, have Books uw Plata shoving titles ofall laade n the xjutóyaadatíend tocoareya i ■ I ting ■ l in ;u.y jart of the s:;it.-. HficeeaataSÍe Èhe Square, Ann JAMES K. COOK, TrsncBOTTHB Piucx. Office aearthe Deoot, Ypsilanti, j SffelMjian. ■ ■ Wm. LKWJTT, M. D, Physiciax & ÖCRGKOS. Office at bis residence, Kortb side ofHuron gtxeet, and fl hou e West oí División itreet. Aun Ai Iht . UOl.lIEIi, MAlfóPAOrcRER aiul dealer in Boots anñ Sh'n-s. Kx eh:in#fc liluck. 2 dnors Soulh ol M;iyna.rd, icbWinfeWilson's Store, Ann Arbor, .iicli MroRE & LOOMM If UPACTVfíKKr! aii'i it-iiler ín Boott and ,-lnu-s. VI phcenix Block, Main Street, oae door Nortli ol Vafhington. M. (tUIxËIïMAN & CO, ITTTiior.F.ux aní litail (Jealeri and nianufa-cturers oí W BeadjrMadeClothing, Importers ol (.'lutli-, CasgioeBkins, c Na. ó, Nt-w Btoci ■ Aun Aib4r. 0. B. POIíTEH, ' SüR0K)S DBNTISr. OfílCt" corner of Muili SLL 1, aud Hurón streets, i'. Bach's hturf. tlrWWEÍ% Aun Arlwr, Micliigan. Apríl,1859, Wm. WAGNE I : Dkalkr in Kornly Made CtothingGoth, Cassinoewn roíí Vestings, l,a, CapSj Trunks, C;lij. 1 il, -Main t., Ann Afbór. BACH & I'I LKSON. DKALERs íd l)ry Goo'ls, Groceries, Hardware, Ií."1 & tílioe.-i, kc-, Main stn-ot, Ann Arbur. MAYK ATiD, SrEBmisS cfc ( f., Dealers in Drytk (ioods Groceries, Droga klíedícines. lioots & rihoe , c, coi ner ol' Main iüi'i Ann ast Del w che klxchangü, jinn Arbor. SLAWSON & GEEK, rockks. Provjmon it CbmiDisnos Mei-cha8t&,and 'lea.T ler.siu WatbrIamm, Laño Plastsp, and I'lastlk üf ?ARi8,one door Ëast of Coöka Hotel. e bljs, DEAI.EH inClocks, Vak-h--. 3p0&Tj, and Fancy (iol. at the sign of the Big WatCh, N'o. 27, Phtení Block ; J, 0. WÁT18. Dealer n Clocks, Wulclies, Jcwelry and Silver Ware No '22. NVw BlncU, Ann Arbor. T. B. FËËËMAN. BAünra :in'. Fwhioaabte Uair Dreseer, Siain Street, Airn Ar'oor, Mich. Uair Fronts and Curls Uept orislantly on nand. S C II OFF & MÍLLER. Dealers in BÜEoeUaneeua, School, anrl Bbiiik Tïooka Sta tiouery, Paper Hangings, &c. , Main Street Ann irbor. MISS JEJïNIE E. LINES, fpEAGHER OF Piano Korte. Guitar.and IStnging, bein X d''sirou.sof enlaring her cifs, will receivo p opile at he residence of Prof. WINTÜJ-.LL, wbiah beiog near the Union School, will bc very cohvenieni lor sucÉ scholirsattemliug u},u ntay wifth to c the study of rausicin connection with other branclios. T101 hall' to ba paid al the and tliobalanee at the close fo the term. D.BjePORBT. i ïThoies .f aml Retail Dealftrin Lamber, Latb. Phiu V glM, Sasli, Door s, Blimls. '-.,--:- Urne, Oraud KWer ■ r Paria, aad Naila of all slset. A full and perfect a-tuortment of the above, and all other sinds oí building matenal constantlj on hand at the lowegt poe&ible rules, on ittroit ïtreet, a few ruda tV.nn tlte liailroad Depot. Aïso oeïating extensively in the Cemoal Roofing. WilSdTEXAW C8UNTY BIBLE SOCIÉTf . EPO-siTOKY of BiblcB and Tchluments at the Society .t Y. G. Voorli.-is'. "chapïnTwoöd & cö.7 SUCCE98HBP To f-TJ2STT3, CUAFIKTcfc Co MANÜFA-CTniEES 01 AND- ' COLORED MEDIUMS, 'rappins Papor.rtsc. ■UV AI1KIIK 'Hl. H. CA.RDS! CARDSü CARDSÜ! Haring parchased a Rcoolwi Kotaei Diahokd Card vul, a nM,rti,ir.nt of Card type, th Anors Olhccis prepared to print Card of all kinds in the neíteít possible style and at a great reduotioD frorn .orüaef prices, inclüding Business Cards formen of 1! aocatiytiB and prof essiaui, B;iM, Wedding, and Visitii ir CM, ole., etc. Cali íive us vours ordarB nnd see how it : SEWING ÏÏIACHIWE FOR SALE IjWR SAI.E CHKAP a ntw first cJM F.niiily Sewing Mialiim. Wanaated au buUer ín markct. ïerm


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