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What The Rebels Propose

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Fiuiu the Kfcbmond Exami ler, Bept. 25. Tho natunil boundary ni tlm Confedérate 8ia tes in ilio nortli is idong the Missouri lliVer lo I le Misi.sippi; ttenee dong the Mi.-Ri?sippi ti) ti e moii.h l iho ü; thenco dong the Uhin to the Viigiitiii line; thenre ;ii mg i hts Virginia aiíd Northern Marvl lino lo the Atltinño. The Otiin line is 1 1 10 1 1 n .-. t inipor :int poriion il lhin Irontirr. The ba lle nf Bet lies tlit; quetiifiii of the uní nrnduice ol the Sniitli in the. public opinión of tho woiM. All the re t of the ti.'lilinif thüt has oucnrred, r th:it wil] huve to 1)0 iloni', will hu :t n ore content for bnundttrie. '1 hu bouudar.yi thoreul isme in Mis-ouri; that is ihe twne lsi in Kentiicky; il is ihc isue in Norihweste'ït Viifinit, nml it will Böoll bo the isMie in Alaryland. It is u nottivorlhy fact that al' the country íor whidi future hoctü'uios wi I Ihs oonduuted by (hu South, luis becorne disputad gronnd bv tho nciioh of its (umi inhabkaiils. In Missouri tho peoplo ere divided, large portions of Ihein esponsing the causo ol llie Lincí In govormnent. In Keniucky the i OHffe w s tin; eiirti'íj tho counsols and aid nf the gullunt mms of that Stale rare lost tothe South by tho ireaohery of it.- demagngue und its Dutch. In ! Western VirgtMii the Heasiún politi ciar;s und the Ile-sian inon .1 i 1 ihosame barl w ik. In Maryland ihe tren -on of the Ilir.kseM ai d tl. e Ilossians brought in upon Sou'.hern hoil ihe jróder and iht) desp t. In Ensteril Virginia, where Hiubwun and lies MaiitHin unfnruiiiaielv liad for u fitne iull HWiiy, tho impoitant Fortruss nf M mh'oo, whiuh wiiiiIi] now !x; wnrth a lullliou ii d.iy U) U?, Was sun oiulcred to the Yaiiki.-. s. Southurn iiuloi'-cndiMice is ttlrendv itehieved; butihii wir umiiiiiU bivoMKt lilltil o shall havo rci:nl!i]iK''i tl llie BÓuthcrn liriitory lii'-h b;iclv sim lendirlcd lo tt:; invadur bv i-out lieru trailort. Until tye aft:itl have pianitxl or bniiiiers ulnng ihu naiuial routines uf i.ur otiiutry, tlie war must i on. II id tliis ti-rriioiy nilt been liHM-iy reliuqnished, the ar wniitii llave aire dy bejii iided. All tho life, and irensiirè, aiui sirkne s, und suÖelinir, whinli it shall liiüiueí rlll oot our coi.fiirv, will luí upon tho miiís oi lbo base uiun vvlm boïrayed .huir :.alivt- sni!, iheir lucnes and l.carthslones, to the mvadtT. I is iiilu (o 'hink of poHce linlH we sl.nü have ri'(joi;qiiered tlie Mirroudoiod counlrv linir .-imili ol ihe bnumlai'V Wf II: ve definud. Ciö")ïl'iipliioullv, polillCiillj' imd .-ti aloirically KeMllluky is a ir1 ot llie Soiiiri. wliich .-ho uiniiiit atiorii to surrondtT to mirtliurn o mitri'l and jur!sdioti'5. Wo laniuot afliTii to h:ie iinainarv hiMindurv liieswilli :lie Viinkt'er'. The line ■] Ki'UtlH-ky and Trinics-i-ir is lo( i:it,iiuible In nmïk b.twci-n Nci'h lid South. Wilhoin ii h.Jd, natural line ( sop;il'atin like tho ! u;ie;.l Oiiio IJivcr, ili birier populu 'ion i)l the South vvoiild be as cutple ely demrl izid tiiroiigh all luiun; liiin', as esjjerioiice has proved it. to hive been 'iuiin tho events of the tive inontha. Th social systenis and thw iloineslio instiuitioiis of tne two U 'iifedfiac;eary too di-siiiiilar and antauonislii: to b divided by a meiely ilmlhemuticiil lini'. Whilo the t vmi pojilulïons ere associated u r der mie pöiiticiil Union, even tlu'ti we had enoiigh of the Un 'i-iLiniuiid fiailroad . We injist Ubtablih our scparalion by such dislinct ImidmaTks that I hut iiisitution will l.avo no furihar esistt no nn tlus coniinent. Th" freornphical uonforinatioii f the o."U!itrv is-ucli that a sniall p rtMn of tho ihat ui northern Maryland- nm-t, of nocossii v, bfiuele'v UHlrorimiiicaij hut tliis poriion must bu ms ble as pa-sible. It. 11 befar hiitter for both Ciinfederates, wit h n view to prevent i iig Iran ds n; nn their revi-núes, that ther boundarv ül rve tlie pui poses of peace betwnen ihoui tnore c-ffectual v ihaii liir&f. iiujriiientnt'uinx óf tlieir itunding nnuies, To the st-cur ly o! thu South, suuh a boundary is ulinnst nei'cs-:nrv. We can watuh ihe ennuiv beltor standing upon tho b niks of tho Oilio than standing on this side i.f high inountain ranges. We shonld noi know how ló trust tho Puníu l'ailh of n worse than Carthagenian eneiny, uniess we wre n a pósiuon to "atoll and f-iil theui. Wo havo siu.ply, thorefore, to m;ike up our minds 1 1 unnquer i bounü ry by an adequate force of men. Our Generáis in Missouri in Kentuekv, .nd in western Virginia f-lioulii bo lurn'med iih arrnies ampio in numbers lo drire the enetny aoross the Missouri and tiio Ohio livers. 'i'hc South has a grput stako in aueoinpüshing ;his expuUion duriiig the prefent souson. 'J'o ullow the eneuiV t winter in o:r country is to loe tho Riipport of the whoie popu'iision of dis triol s of country in wliich lie ill have lus winii-r quarters. In ihnt i'Veiit we huld next bwikoii have nol onlv theenov lo drive out, hut their lioul population ilself in conquer. Our true polirv of dufer.Be lies in ii vitrorcus push for ihe bank of the Ohio. can iifford to-üfler riids un the sout1 ern oaboard, if we tilín sih-cred i i reaching. iih a largo forcé, ihuoDeinv'f on threshohls and lioiuestoads in Ohio itud Peiitii-ylvuiii i Thn, il he lnd,i and lavabos our coa-ts,ve will invadí, pill.igc, und burn lii viii - es in ivt ihation. Unlil vvo shall have reooi'quered the S -"iiher Terriiory llnit ha ben süiroi.dered tn hiui, and planled ourseKtf right upn (be' border of his owu country, Wd shall not bo saté trom his upon our r-outhein 00 st. It woiild icquire an uriiiv ni a mil. ion "Í inn to Ii ie our coa-ts iu mh-Ii a in; mier as lo protoct ihcin trom Unir naval xcinsions-. On th ootitrnrv, 50,000 75,0 '0 men pentratiiig to tho Daiiks if the Oli'n at a ft' different poinis. ill etfi'cnally Kjcure our ciiast fri'iu iiiüie-siou. by fi iiig him alarm nd employmeiit at hmpu, aml by pu ! tingit in our power to retalíate upon him with h venjfo.iDee. Tfiity thoiiBMlld mlditióiuil I loops ouijh tn bo [or'th'with Mtnt iiito Weerii Virginia, and every available regiment and cm pinv in Teiüie'-x-e ai d Ai kansas r nglit to ireeiiitii'ed luto KellllK-ky and Mi Hoiili We havo tiitiül hWmv lBo lllirds o' fhö p'i'seut st a-on of riiiipViign; lft us make up by earnest work in the olher third, for the ind. lonco of thf J)ast.


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Michigan Argus