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"SCHOFF & MIL LEK A RE STII.I. ON HAND at tlieirold Stand, Vo. 2, FrankKn Block, #ith complete asscrlmeiit of Books and Stationery, PEKFUMEUIES, FANCY GOODST WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, 'SIIADES, ROLLERS, 7 r-v CORD3, TASSELS, GILT CORXICES, CURTAIN.S, IIOOKS AND PI NS, ! STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever oöbred in this Market ! and tl.ey would suggest tothose i o pursuit cf anytbingin SANTA GLA US' LINE tliat they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purehasing from this stock, as ach purchaner gcts in üddttiuuai present of Jevelry, kc , Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. StW ThftTtrntt that theirlong oxperipncd in sclectin# gnods for this inM'kct., un i si i let attcatiOD to the wjintn of C ui tonners', máy entitle tbem to a liberul sbare i Patronage. Ann Arbor, Deï. 5. 18Ö0. 7T7tf 1861. 1861. FALL & WINTER GOODS KOW RECEIVINC AT C H. MILLEN U Co's o HA VING to pny CASH for nearljr nll kinda of ücxmIs piircliasi-d in Ni-nr York, we ure neceesiirily oliligi-d torestrict our credit system here. Oonsequently we hall offer our Fall Goods for Cash, at a very small advancc on the coat. C. H MILLEN .t CO. Ann Arbor, Sept.24, 1861. 819m3 Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN ÍS Tiüi VOENT for tlir followini first fliw cemMolM: IIOUE lAüsTTHANCE! COJllMJï, ol' N'ow Vork City. ■Capital and Surplus, $1,SOO,000. CITY FIK E INSIÏRANCE COMFAXY, of Hartfont.-rnpilal and Surplus, $-100 UÚO. COTINEiVTAIi ISSl'BASCE COMPANV, of New York -Capit.l and surplus, $100,000. Three-quArters of the nt'tt pnfits in this Company ia liivided auDUitlly aaiong its policv boltart. C MII.I.KXAnn Arbor, December 13, 1860. 6mT7S NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accumulated Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J C. KENDALL, Vire President, PLINY FEEEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED wilh UeCnptro11erof tho State of Hw Vork. Diviloods average 40 percent, aunually. ASSSTS. Cash in Rink, 31,355.4a Irtvcsteij 'm securltie,creatl uiuler the laiTsof the Statd of N'w Y.rk and of tlie 0. 6., 25?,S70.73 leal Estáte aml Fixtures, Nos. US and 114 Broodmy 132,450 04 Bonds ftnd MortagesdrawingT per et. intprpsl 5ï3,dv8.oy Kotes roceivetl for 40 per cent. of premiums on lile policie-i, beat-int; iuWrwt. 676,315.86 Quarteilv and ormi-iinnual premiums, due subse„uént to January 1. 18fiO 20,550.38 rnterest accrucdup to Jan. 1. 1860, 3S.4S8.7V Rent accrued apto Jan. 1 , 1860, 1.7OS.34 Premiums on policios io hands of Agenta, 26,44 .19 $1,767,133.24 Drs Wells and Lkwitt, Mcdrc.-.l Krammers. 74St'f J. G1LBEKT SMITU, goTt Conway Fire Insurance Co., Ot' Conway, Mass. Capirnl paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), 269,963 12 Liabilitiee. - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rokers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. Pretident. DIRECTORS. } S.WmTNEY, L. HODMAN, W. ET.I.1OTT, Pl HOWI.tNn D -. Mc:OII.VK.y, K. T. MOKOVN VVAIT ltK.MRNT. JOSIAII AI.I.IS. A.H BU' I.ES W.U. DICKINSON, W T. CLAPP, D. C. ROGER. iiii Arbor K-frrences: Dr. K. WF.M.P. L. JAMKS. WHO F, BNOCH JAME.. RAPT. O. f. C.OODRICH J. W. KN1GIIT, Asrent. Ánn A.rbor, Michigan. TUE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 8500,000 „„,, „ the HEAVIEBT, SlïE-T and BEST [nsuranco Co's. in tlie U. 3. Iusures on r?sfnable terins, and al ray ny promptly. Theie ia no bettcr Kire Iiimiihhc C impaujrMo ney Wantcd, W li o irill LemlMoiicy1! ÍAM RF.QUFSTF.n BY SEVERAL PES80M8 !o obtain mJney fur tliem at Ten Per Cent I itere st, (Or More.) For any one willins tq ln-1 , I r;in nt oncj Inrest on gaña unencurabwea abuntlant BLAL ESTÁTE lecuritj Hiiyfninw of money and see that tlie title aud sycurity itv ai.l RIOBT. The borrowor pavíog all expenie, inclmlinft reCoiSft, E. W. MUWiAN. Ana Arbor, Gct. 7.18W. 715lf General Land Ageitcy PERRONS wantlng [wmi.oi reldencen n oroeo Ano Irbor, can by callingonmo .elecilroioa líit o f o ver 1O Parras Fnr Salí! OlVurlouf alzea trom .1, te 130" acreiia,eb ;(ome as good ganTÍnthi Oonnty.) Moretfian SO Olfrlili: ÍIilUM-s n-.SlTUy,rromtw" 'íundred to fourthouando innnh: Knd ornr 2 O B. CJ I I, D I X G O T S ! Amoniíthefarme are the Kíahcpítarm, í.'ÍOOacrea, tho Potter fnr'n, in (ireenOat, t'"f Placefarm, h j 4. ) acre, theRlanrton i'i Junk fu rm a, i n Webttor; th Htub'ïs, Vichael Claiy, Newton Bccftn, and KalUhd 'arm. in Anp rbor: J-KiniíIey'4 lamí, in the tlstch anl Hik tarint iv I.odi:the Patrirkr"layufarm In Freedom; W. H, Davlon. B. O. Raker l and Hui-k' farm Indylvan. Mot"l these .mí many otbers can be ilividedto cutt purobaaer - v E. HOiOAIV. AnnArbnj. Jan llt 1 R.V: 51 S_p W.MOEGAN, Agent lor Mut uní T.ifeTnurJinceCompanv1, New York. AocuinulateriAiMetft, .... $5,350,000. the Icrwlini? UX& Iosurance Company in tbe U. S. KuiúIt4iiKoter Ufe Iniurancc Cnmpany, Xew Vork, - a fïrst claB xnfe - terms reasonuble. línmlxdili Fíre In-surunce Company, New York. Capital, with surplus, $'00,000. lVuiia Marine & Fir Insurance Co., IVun IU. - hníf i S'o. 1 Fire Insurance Co'i. 7O7tf Capital, ... $500,000; New Remedies for S P E R VI A T O R K I? GE A HOWAftO ASS()EtATÏOi, PHtLAÜti-HHU. A B$ neralfiui fuaiüniiou tstaúUsbrtt by pe rialevdfrwwe?it for tht relief nf the S'rfc and Distrestttd, njfUcted with V'Tuh.nX. and Chronic Ditensrt and esperxally for the Cure of Dtëtasts oflltt Sexual Ortf,tntt MEDICAL ADVICK vea grnlis, by the Acting SurVAI.UABLE RKPORTV on SiermRtnrrlifa, n.l other Dí-i-iii1! of the Sexual t)rL(nns,Hni on tbi NEW HKMKDJES eniplftjèd i thp Dispcnsai-y. seni in sealeJ lett(1f enveloiu-', free of churlo. Two or thtfi tAmpn f"r postado aceptable. Addrens, Dr.J.SKlLÜK UOL'GH. TON'. Haward Association, No' 2 S. Ninth St., í'inlndelphla, Pa. íyQV&' Oval Picture Frames ALT. SEKS, STYLE8 and PR1CES jut receivcl and íorsa,lü oheapat - ■■ - CHOFF & MH.LKR'd. l!O.c.2-,, 7ft,f f- - JjJJJn. ölu Cv-Cj VnQ ARE WOW OPENING, DIRECT FROM PÜBIJSflERS ANLt Manufacturera, a N'ew anü Ccmpiete stock of I-AW & MEDICAL BOOKS, School Rookt, Mitcellancous Books, Blank Boeks. Jan 8TATIONERY! Wall and Paprr, Drax-iMjc and Hathcnuttfatl Imtrumcnts. Music, Juvenile l.ibrarie,Kuvetopfs, Inks and Cards. tffi-ï'frSnSBSifffliVirFir i, 1 17 f GOLD And alt'otner kinels o) Pens and Pencil.i ' Wiiulo-r Coraice, sliades and Fixture, POCKET CUTLEKY! Altai cvevythinix p?rtaïning to tlifi tnide, and more to whiohüiey wuull Lvite theatiention of the country. In conducting OUT business, we sliall i all thnt can bo done,! tliHt no rcasonubte man, womun or cliiM shall fin'l iiny fault. Ve posftesR tjnoilitles wblch will enablc u to supjily our stuiiiei's at tlie Lowest Popeible Figures. We prnposeioiKillfor READY l'AY, ata smalladvaoce. fff expt'cta proflt pn our goods, but Ca$h Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wi havp cni;ated the services ol JAMES F. SPAI.PIN"O, hercfnre are prepared to furnish Visiting, Wedding and all othcr Cards wrUten to order, with neatness and dinpalch, hy mai' or otlierwlsc. The "KMl'lREnoOK StoiíBj'Ms manneel by agnod 'crew,' n.l ;liey wül alwrivs be found on the "quartt-r dfok," ready and willtnt; ló attead to all with pleasure, wUo will favor them with a cali. líemernber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann Arbor, May, 1860. 7J(i ANT0HE1Í A ARRIVaT AT THE $È4È W0JJ) AND RELIA BLE IÍÍm1ÉÉ CLOTHIWt EMPORIUMü ftjísr O. 3 PHCBNIX BLOCIC, MAIX STREET. 7Jricxx. 'WAGNER, h,iBJust returnwl f rom the Eatern Cities, with a larg aud lsii able ntock of FALL AND WINTER wVicb he is now offering at uausually XLO7V 3PHICES! AiDong bis Assortment may I)e found BROADCLOTIIS, 0AB61MERE8, DOESK1XS, & VESTINGS, of all dehcription.', cspi-cially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! which he is cutting an1 msking to order, in thelatpst and be.-d Btjteft, together mth a superior assurtmeut of READY MADE CLOTÜING! TRUXK.S CARPET BAG?, UMBREI.I.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numcrous oiher .irticles usually found in simila: efttablishmt-nts. As ANEMPOFIÜM OFFASHIO: the ffttbféariber flatter hissMlf, that hialong experiencc aml ijeneia. sticcess.will enable lum to gijQ the groatesi atinf:icliou toall wüo mitj trust biiuin the way of manufaaturfng tr:tnufuts to oiUtr. TCUtr VM. WAGXER. Ho for the IMEmmoth Cabinet Ware Rooms. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TTAVi: JLST OPENKD IX THEIRncw and Elegant War e-It o o ni í KAST SIDEÜF MAIN STREET, ANN AHBOR A complete stock of ROSEVVOOD, MAIIOGAJSY StfS OF PARLOR FURNÍTURE 1NC1.VD1XG SofuSjTtte a-Tetes, Mahngany Kose-Woml, Black Walnut, l'linn aod Marblfl Toppeuï O 1 Qïl f IS K ifZÍLIlgr ROiKW'lol'. MAHOGANY, BLACK M'.U.NtT, FANCV AHÜ CO1TAGE CK.UIl?, &C, &c, &c, &c. -a. -wri s 9 F.lfgunt MIKROKS, BURF.AUïSSKCRETAUIK'3. Complete BKU-ROOM BüTS, 1NCLUÜING LATEÖT STYLES, -OFOf the best quallty and IMfTannt Material In Fact thoy Have Kverytliiug with whioh to furaiuh PAK LOR, BOÜD01R, S1TTINÖ KOOJI. OK K.TCÍIFN, AND OUR CITIZEN3 NE KI) NO loiiger go to Detroit or efrewbere to fiud a largc aburtment. This FURISTITUKE musut bc sold and will be sold at V E R Y LOW FKICE8I t&r a cvery mnn and wife or going to be vrift COMK AND 0EÜ. Tlieyalao have a 11 E A USE ü A RE I AG E, An1 are always ready to att-nd to tlie burtal of the ñmd in thc Cit.v and adjotnlng country. W.ire-Kui'tnnast síde OÍ Min Strte , bet ween Washington and Liberty 0. 11. MAUTIN'. tim739 Cg.B. TIIOMPtiüN' Hangsterfer's lllock. DEA N C O-, TNVTTE attentlon to thcir ncw ttock coroprising all X kinti C. octcery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures andHou.íc-funushiní goodi.all of vb!ob they are olleí ng At the Lowest Possible Iiates. FrDOh China To sctn fnm f! 00 lo 2 00 French China ilinnrr stiis from Ï5 0 to 7 00 Stone china ÏPa (iets friTi 3 50 to 6 uu Stunt) ohin tünner si ts froni 8 50 W 2 iH (i,i -s Kevotonfl lApM oomptota Trom S"} to fl;'í Murblp Kcruafn.' Ijjinps toniljlitcfrom S0 tn 10 00 Fluid LaiupH Trom 18 to 62i 4ÉJ" Lamps of all kinds altered and repaired. Suromer Hill Nursery. THE0D0RE R. DuBOIS, pROPRIETOROFTHESU.MMERHIM.NURSERY.ANN 1 Arbor, Mich.,is now reaily tureceiveorflernfor i'all and Spring Setting:, Hi orders fof l'ruii and Ovnamenlnl Tree, Vine, Sli rit MféXc, will befiimdf rom the btsl l-Iaslcrn NursTiVs, and hïüperKonal atttntiuu will bc civcu to t: e paleottuo aiiUUliiigthesnino. Having bt-direuUrly eilucateli the N'ursery busint'RB.he is confident that with prompt and close at tention, and Kt riet honeaty and intt'grity.lif wlii b able to give satisfaclion to every oue cuniiding tlieir orders to hTro. All iarmers or fruit growern will do well togive hima call befure order ni: througli othcr piirties. He would refo: tu many citizensof thj City and Cüunty who pnrciiaseti otnini the punt Ppring for the (juality f trfci brmi-lit en hy hiin, ph wUai foi tlie jjood urdpr in j B-fclch '!■■ ■■: p" ■■;■■■■■' (r;' 80mC I GREAT BARGAIJiS i Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. O j 71 HAVE AGAIS' RKPI.EMSHED Ol'R STORE W1TH i I r tilt uioal splflidiij Stock of E2r O O X SJ , thnt WAS ever oflVrel in any one establishment ir the t-tJiU', all ut' which we otlcr lor slow as can be found in tïie Union Wc want Moncy ! mi will raakt Great Sacrifices on Anyihiii wehave to obtain it, not otcepting OLD NOTES AKD ACCOUNTS We cordially iavitf" ALL CASH CUSTOMERS to cali and examine our Gooda and Prlccs. TTe als invjte our Prompt Paying Customers to cnroe .ind Imy tlieir HuppUsH for the Winter. To (host Bawlil'ul unestbat are iXeud to eull, we oay to theuijtak. courufco SIüZjZj Your "WIIEA1 vrithoutlonger waitii g for bigher prictome in, tild scoren, and then at such pricos as will up all lsses It is hardl; aeccessary to eouraerate our Üooda, for We have Everything! A !arge assortmoct nf CARPETIXG, CRObKERY DRY GOOUS, MEDIINES, GROERIES, PAINTS, OILS, IIAT, CAPS, BOOTS, SÏIOES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &c,, &c. (71Mf) MAYNARP, STKBBIKS 4 1VILS0 O . BLISS Still in the Field! ■WITH A LARGE STOCK ov GOODSin mv line direct froni New Vork. Boston, and tba Manufac turers! I hare juat received a !ar'tí an-1 well .--elected assortmeut CLOCKS, WATCHKS, "JE! -V7" E L R -X". SILVlill & PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table ard Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And great vnriety of Yankee Notions, to. I wouldcall particular attentiun to my Iftrge stook of SPECTACIjES, of Gold, tril ver, Steel, and Plated, with PER SCOPIC GLASS A superior art iele, and a great variety of articles in the "OHBAP for OA.SX3C. rcrwne bavsng diffeult waiches t fii with fflasses, cgn Ue ACCommodatP as my sfeock iw lurre ind complott., 1" S, l';irticuhr attoi tlon pairt t the KEPAIRING of ali kin 'i.s of Imuü Watclie, huüIi as Making & Setting New Jewels, P1NIONS, STAFFS and CYLISDERS, also CLOCKfci, AND JEWELRY, NVatly ïïpairt-d and wairanted. C. BLISS. Auguèt28, 1SCP. 768t ISTEJ-W" Gr O O 3D S . WINES & KNIGHT Are now recchingtheir SECOXD Spring and Suminer STOCK OF GOODS In coDsequence of the Great Pressure in the we havo been enabled to purchaac many kind of Gooii at our own prioes. Vfc can sell most kinds of ÜRESS GOÜÜS for LESS THAN WAS PAID POR THE SAME KIND OF GOODS in Ntvr Yorfr MIX WEEKS S1JVCE! We invito the attention of all to aninspejtion of our stook. WINES &. KNU.IIT. Mny 10, lf6l. UNPAltALLELED SUCCESS SECOND ARRIVAL - OF- &c STT3VrisCEDR. Or O O X -AT THE- Banner Store, A. P. MILLS, PROPRIETOR. (ïiods biflgil nnder panie priors, And sold at prices that tciïl ma];e hard times come again no more ! Facts for the Feople -OP■W-A. SUTE 3ST .A.-W ADJOTNING COUÍNTÍES ! And their numcrous questions nnevered. Whi is Evrrybnfhj trading at the "BANNER STORE? '-Because A. P. MILLS, tbc Propriet r of tliat Establishment has just retuniod trui llie Eiislern Citas wnh the LargcsU Haiufonmed, Cluaped, and Most Attr activa títock of STAPLE ANDFANCY DRY GOODS! ever brought to this part of tbc State.) Wit y is E eer y body pUastu wük kis Stock? Because hissfylps ire more heanittul, quality boiler, and pnces lowcr tlian at any othor sture iu tho couaty. Why kas he always Somtthing New and Cheap to Show? Becauseh.'ï hasa friomi with one of tho larmsi hrv (iuo.i-i Mnuftps íii Sew Vork, who U contlnualjf " HOI) il iy O HOU'D" for bDrgtinsand tbelats tjlea, aa !!:■■ nppftr from timo tu thae jui'l ulitis wiy kofps hini .supplieii with s 7 les, nw coa.sequ'intïv custuiïK'rs cao always limi soinethiog Fre&h, SEW CIIEAPand DESIRABLE Why does 'ne sell $0 much Cheaper than the rest? Bf'causft he has a buyer in the city all Hip timp to tilt ■dvantage of iho oouUntuÜ ch:inge of tho m.irket, and in that wav buvs his goods much chcjijfcr tlian oihfjt j cu, and thet he m&rlu liioni down to th LiOWSST FIG-UR 33S Why does he teU Ladics' and Childrens Shoesso much c'teaper than toas ever keard oby the oldest Shoemaktis? Because hp buys hiï stock in tnc lani of;ers, ol the mauufacturers, fully 5 per cent chcapcr tlmn üu Kew Yofk Jobbers sellihem, uud muoh botter work than t hcy cnerally lwep 'Ihis courso esablfta htm tó sell u better Gaiter for 35 Cents. than othersseïl at 50 ceutsnd a botter F0XKDGA1TEP at ÜU cents, otbers sell at 75 cuuts. lías he any flats and Caps? Yes, I fihouM thïnli he has stacks of them, enough to supply the State, :t prices lower than was everheatdoi rouuti these parts. Wliy is kis Tea so much b'tttr for theprtcc pay than you get atother place ? BecAuse he takes cars in selecting t, aud giveabif custoineis the benefit of a real goo.l 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, ItisawayLc haf Rot Where thould you po to get ynur CLOTHS ar.d have them Cut or Made? To the B&NNER STORE, where the Teople's Bunnor i? unfurletlfor the l'eople'sgood. South side of Public Squiire, a fowdoors wost of Cook'i Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Jun? tS, 1861. 766tf PATEKTEL November lst, 1859 -- TUE itEASURES &: BP j A, the distance -"Allltw. b 'Y5í r.íund the Xeck. illl Bto B-the Yoke. M f 'JJMAQpV 3 to C the ïleeve. jf Mf'""m"Y""""jÊk D to D, disto'oiM ƒ yj around tho Body I Jl , . J. - I the Arm pits. P ■ f ■ Ö ■ J E to E, the BLLOIJ'S Patcntci) I mpt ovetl Ficnch Yoke SHIRTS. PaTENTEDNOV. lat, 1859 A New Style of S irt, warranted to Fit Hy sending the abovc moasnres per m.iil w.' can gtfar antee a perfect fitcf our ucw slyle of Shirt , n ml retuin by fcxprew to any iart of the United 8 tatas, t $12, $15, $18, $24, &o , iec;, per doaeo. No ordr forvarded forless than iiulfa-ioz. n Shirtn. Also.Importersana fcculer in MEN'S FURNHIN'G gv, tnwieitnppHeti nn the annal terms. BALLOU BROTHERS, SO:Jtf 40J Broadway, ïfeif Yurk. LOOMIS & THIFF, Succea.sors to Chapín A Loomis.andCbapin, Tripp A Loomií ■■ o - - I'VHE atore (irin of Lomnis fz Tripp havincr purchaspt thf entire intevcst of the foriner compau'Vs 1 continue the business at the oíd stamls, irhere they il! rcftily, od theshortost notice, to ft 11 all orders in the line of Castings and Machinery, in the most workttanllku munner, and on as libera terras any Other shop in the State. Arnnng the vari ous articlefinanufacturtd by n, we would enumérate i STEAM ENGINKS of all kimls; Mili Cüearing anti Fixliires, wrouclitanJ cast; all the various castinu for mak ing and repair ing Ilorsc Powcrs & Thresliing Machines such as are at present, or have formeriy heen in uso in thiF part of thtt State, as well as all the vmiioon klBdftftJ casting? and machine work ca lied for by anl meclianic inthis sectimi of tho coun ry. of ali the va.'ious patten, up In sizesand prices. wil] be keptconstantly on haud, got the most modern and improved stytes. Thankful for fnrmer patronage to the oll firms, we would solicit a con t nuance f rom oíd CHsnda.andaniftl by all wishinif forauythiog inour line of business. L00MI3 ie TRI PK Ann Arbor.May I8th, 1859. ÖBÏtf A. DE FOREST, AIvys alundin l.ov lárices HAVI(i KKMOVKM MYSTORE to the Enst ido o M:t'n stroet, ntl dour north of Guilerman'.s. I ain noiv FOCOlving New Goodtf] CompnsHlg all kini's of GroStTWL Kruit s, Kxiriicif, ülasBwftc, Lamp, LoolüOS G!a.-8Pst TubU'Cutler.v, ilverplatüt Üooda,&c., LOWEK v HAN EVER ! French China Tea Set, from C V) to 18 00 Krench Chin D nn r Sets. fronl 20 CO to 30 00 ston China IVu S;ts, fvnm 3 00 t 4 50 Btone China Dinncr Sfti from 6 50 to 1SÖ0 Ileautiful UUsiiOabUta. 200 prdaun iilass Kcrost'nt' L'imps fronl 37 to t'O M:tible Kcrosoiu Ijtuip.s frum 75 to 3 0'J Fliui) i,:nn['s frum 36 to 50 Ker".seiie Oil, poiul qualil v, 8üc pergullon All othñ (i'wl :it (-'orn'spoii'linjr pricPR. 8jg ljimp of all Uiuls Itereü and lepairod. Peoplea -Store, TU'Jtf A. DeFUKFST. ' - I 200 Cordf Wood Wanted ! pnOPOSAI.-: for .iplivoring Goc.1, Souni BARD WOOP, 1 n part seasoned jt rul :i pnrl grci'n, at the diffe.i'nt School Hoiisph in the City of Ann Arbf)r, in quantlltM from 10 to 100 Cords,nrc"licitei! bv the EoMwl BonrJ. K. V. IfOBCUN, r vu. c. vijumiKis, ;UjnlAnn Arbor, Pppt. 25. lf fil . 820w3 REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. (3 A A acres of land with a well of goat n-ater, anl a ZUU living prinp, Bínne UoQie. h:nn anl new sheU, ainl H':nl relian!, nntl fíe hnnrr1 anl fiftv norr-s iukproved. The farm iKilniil in the town óf Soio, and south of Mr. noyden's plains, andfour and a lialfnils „ froc Ann Arbor. " JUMA JH'RIUY. WW. MITRRAY "cio.Stpl. C4, IMii. 819 GREAT. GREATER GREATEST BAIíGáJNS EVER OFFEREÜ 1859. JSq1.95Á [ n tlii 3 City , ;ire uo w being ofíereil at (1 CHEAP.CLOCK.WATUU, & Jewtilry StoxonpHK SlibscriW wnulil;:iy tn the cilizonfnl Ann ArI. hor. i' pflrrücultr, nd thi? reit of V'nhlrnw fVunt. insencml. thal hchnsjust LMPOHTED 1)1 liKC'lLV from KUROPE.i Tremendous Stock of Watclios! A). ofwhkhhn binds bimnrlf to pil CUKM'KK ha, cfln be bouaht wra' of New Yoik City. Open Face CyHlutaf Wmchestrnm $6 to $] dn do Lever do do H to 21 lïunri'ig Cftee Hn do do 14 to .'J.' do do Cylindcr do do 9 to üt Gold WHtehes trom 20 to 151. 1 .ave aldo tnc CELKBKATED AMEll'CAN WAT CUES, whïch I wlll roji ter S35. EvaryVvttch warrantbd to pertorm wc 11, or the moiii-y retundid. CiacUe, Jcweïry, Piated War, FaneyGnods, Gold Pens, Mus'cft] instrumenta and titrlogi, Cutïery, Ac., and in fart a varirty of vnry hinu uoually krpt jy Jcw èfari cnn bc hnogbtforïhe uext nincty rity is! vi f O W N 1' R I O E S ! Persons buyin? anythint: ut this w-ïl known estab liHr.rno ut eau rely &pnn Ltitig good rxnctiy ar rep d, orthrmoney refttided. faUrnrly nd se cure the best bargaim ever nffcred In ihii :ity. One word in regard to Repair ing : We nm preparad to rnnke any reuniré onfinn or com mon Wutches, vrn to m-kinec ter thfi en tire palrh, i f nct'ssnry. Rfpirine -f Clockn ard Jmvflry hs uaunl. Also t'i1 min.rïtcturinii oi RING-5. BROOCÖS, or auy'hiDtr rNïs'red, from Cl;f rnia (oíd on short notiv. rnsrnvic in nllits branchvsexernted w i:l n.nt ncgB m.: ■üi-j'.iti'h. J C_. VTTS Aèu Arbor, Jan. 3Pth'8nr. 7LJW IIORACE WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 n r o a t w a y , K f w o r k PiilIlshvr of Mu ie aiul ïltmks AND DKALKK IN Pianos, Melock'oiis, Alexiinclrc Organ Organ Accordeons, Martin" oelebratod iindothiT Gnitnrs, Violins, Teiior Viols, VioÜncollos, Accordeons, Flut ruis, Finteo, Files, TrianglePj'Clari mett., Tunïng Foi ks.Pipo and Hammer, Violin Bow, best 1 1 alian Strings, Bass Iü8trumenta for Bands, Piano Stuols, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. 13 la. o o t 3VL xx S i c, ['mm all the pubbshftrfl ID the V'. S., IVrtiuiV Bantia8. mil -Mo'K-rn Schnnl, findaJJ kinds of In9trnotion Bookp Tor the above in.tiunn-iits; Church Music llunks, Uusii elegantly bound'; Music paper, aadall kinds ut Mu tlerehflndteO] A t t h c L O west Priccs. New Planos, At $1T5, S200f $i'2f, $250, and up to SOO. 8OOad ïLin-i l'iaix's iVnin $-.5 tp to sli.u; New Helodeoas, $-15,' S;o, ST-S $10'. and p to $200; Heconil ilaod IcUnh'on frem $M) to $S0; kxandre Orgnns, w!th öve -i"[ r, $160, iiinf Rtop, $188 anfl $325; Ihlrteen ntops, $00, S'J7.rj anH $300: tiftt'n stop.$:20 arnl $;i"ñ; A liberal dhtiouní to dnrgymeo, ChurcUes, Sabbat h Bchoob), Swifiuuicfl and Teacher. The Inuie Buppliod at tlie usual tradt discoufits Testimoniáis of Che Hornee IVntcrs Planos muí Mclodroiifl John He-areil, of rnrliutgc ■ New York, wbrt hs had une of (he Horact Watera l'i;ui-s, nrriteit&ii folio wr: - .V Criend of mine wishes roe to a piano 'oi Iht, she lites tbe on yon w4d me in DeecnnVrj Ï85ft. Mv piano Is bocotnintf pOpolat in '-hiv pl;icc, anl 1 tl.ii.k I eta iptro lucw one or twn more; thcy wül be uure poa hir tliao any utlier makt).'1 '■Wü have two of W&teïs Víanos n uso in oMrFemïnnry, one of whicli h: been severrly iesud for tlire' IfeaoB. Oñ tre can tetifvtn tfaefTffOOd4)uaUty tind durabilily." - Wnod . Gregory, Moun CarroUt Til, "II, Waters, Eq. - l'K.viï Pib: Haring uel one of youi Piano Fortes for Iwo yt-ars past. I havo fbnnd it a verv superior Instrument. AtONZO Ckav, Principal lirnoktyn Wfigtètt SttnutVf, "The Piano I receivcI from you continúes ! gire ;ttisfactiíin. 1 regard itaA one of the bont infttrumeots in th placo. ' JlOaa U CLAWKB, ntarlrMovt Va. "The Helodeon bas safely arrhed. I feel obrr-.i f you fory cur discount." J. M. lltCuRMick, Yarqn fjtvilleS C. ''ïiie pi-uo was iluly recoived. Tí cam in excelleni qondition, and is rrv mach admired bymy numoro'jf family Accfpt mv thunk.s for your promptuoss." - RoitKKr Coopüb, Warrenham. Braatoed Co. Pa. "Your plano picases ai wel!, It la the be1 one tn om coanty.1ïj- Tu 3ía9 A. T,.niA?!, fnmyhcWoi Ga. ii'o are vrry much ooflgci to you fot híunni; 9cn ■teli a fino tnsirumcnt for S-50."- H..k,M:m) &: Co.. fli.jfalo Dcm'cra'. 'The Horaee Watew I'anoíJ are known ataiuong vt'iv bost V aro i'iiableil to spcak of ídsIim ments with conti-Lcnce. from Rifonjl knowledKe "f tjipii excellent tone anti ilurable quality." - ft, Y. Evangelist l4We eau Kpe:tk pf the me,riis of the llnrace VVntert) pianos from personal knonfledgo, ft bjïng the verv tine' qualfy."- Christin Inuuistncer. "The llorace Waters pianos are ouilt of the beat nfl most ihorouiíhíy swoneg material. Wehasenodo bi that buypri can ftu :is wolKpeAapa better, ti thtütban at any otberhouse in the Union," - Advocate and Jourunt. ■ ' pianos and melndeona challenge eompariaou with th tincst made anywhei-e in the country." - liotnt Journal (Horuoe Waters1 Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich an! even tone, aml powerfat-.V. Y. Musical Reen. ';Our friendiwill Snd at Mr. Waters' Btow the verv best assoriment of Musíc and of PlanOf to be fouml in Doiled States, and we ürge oüjr soutnern and wetitern fren'ls to trive Wro a cali wheuevcr they gotoXev York." - Graham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell. 100,000 Issccri I ten Months. Tli nnprecedented sale of thlgbookhas Inducedtbe publisher to ahl souic 30 new tunwándhyOMU t Ltl presint sits?, without nxtra charco, excejit on the cbeap edliion AflQoog tUemany btautiful tunes and bvmnfi adtietl mav be fuun-1:- "I ought to ÏOve ny motber;" 'O Vïï be "a siJll(i child. indeed 1 wül." Thene and efW othern from the Bell,were ung at the Suii'hiy School Anmvevsary of the M. B. Cliurch ut the Acadetoy of Mqric, wilh freal ftpplause The Ik-llcoitaius neariy 200 tanes and lymasand is one of the best ooüecboni everlRoed Prici lic; $löperbundrcd,po8tae4cElegnDtly bovrnd, embossed gilt, 26c, $-0 per 10!) It hafl beeu ialrmiuci-".! nto many of the Public Schonts. The ií publighed !n arañil nnmber entttled Anirersary nn.l Suuday School Music Bookg, Nos. 1 , -'. S, .v t, in order to accommodate the mllUon : price íc i per hundred N'o. 5 wül soonbe isitued- conuneueement ol another bnok. Also, Revival Music Boo.-is, Jo, 1 ie i. price $1 k $2 per 100. ndstage lc More tha. 300,000 copias of the iibove books have been isued the past etgÜteen months, and the deman'l israpirlly increiu-inir PublisheJ bv H0RACK WATERS, Aent, 333 liruudway, N. Y. Publised by Hora co Waters No. 333 Ilroadway, New York. Vocal "Kiml Wonls can never die;'1 ilTl. e Angels told me s.;''? "Wilds of the W-st;'' "Thoughte of C.M;'' 1 (tiva ine back my Mountain Hume;'1 "Du y Oreüms;" ■Tantlv Oock Robín;" "l'm witn thee still;-'lct naooesj1 "There's no ilarilnü llke niïne;" "ÈSaifch Jme Lee;'1nr nf tliLv;" "I'-no Ion ving thee in Sorrow;'' "lïinl Of Beauty;" (tlïöme of our birih;M "Orave (.f Rosabel,' aud ■Wake, Ia4y, wake,.1 price 25c each. 1 fNBTRCJntNTAt, - ' 'Palace ijiinlen, or einc;!ncr HiH Polka,1 40c; "Swinghïg Schottische;" "Mirabel Schottiaeh-" 'Thomas iïakerV ScuottiiChe;" "Picrolo?mni Polka, 35 cents eaob. The abOflpwCMhavebeautiful Vignettee "Wdmvor Polka;" "Arabïan Wai cry March, the ve ry last; ''Vassovíapna líoim-Ils Mazurka; "Real: Hit Porfía'" "Crinoline Wnltz." mul "Lancéis' Qua rtrille," 6c uach. "The Empire of Keieh's Quadrille;'1 a new dance, and "The Hibernlan Quadrille," ."Kceach. Many of these piece? aro ptajed by Baker'fl oelebiated ra witíi greal apptrnae..É Maiíed free. A larjjolütof FüieljíH Musical half price. pianos, Ic!odeoi)s and Orgntis Tlie Horaee Waters Pianos anl Melodoont foi dípth, pority of tone aod ihirabiiity, are muorpawed. Pneea vt'ry low "Ñ'cnrt Hand Pianos and Melodooos f rom $'25 to (ISO. Music andMutiiccl Instructiniw of all kinls, atthe lowcst priccs. E10RACE WATERS, Agout, No. 333 Bmadwaj-, X. Y. Testimoxiai-S;- (The Iloraoe Waters PiattOa are known as among thevtry bpst.' - FvaiigtUst. "We can sjieak of tlieir iin'iits fmm personal koowledgc." - Christian Inttliigcnccr "Xothingat the Fair displayed greater excoURncc -"- ChtiTckman. Waters' Pianoü and Ueloeona cnmimrison vttfa t lie íinest inado anywhi'rein tlio cüuu'-rv.'" - Home Jaurnal 71tf Irving'S AVork6 - Kational Editiun 'PIIIS Fino Flition of the Works of WiBBlttffOX Ib I rúa (including the life of Wn.shingUi? villbc pub. ished for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY la Montliiy Volumos Priee $1.50 Pagable on Delivory. Btanlifnlly Prioted on heavy superfino papes, of th vet y bwt cu ility, and substantiitlly bound lu Iiuavj bevellt.''l bo;i:ils. OEach Volume illustral e witH Vignottet i on Steel nnd Wuod. JJ Kníckorbocker's Nevv York, Sketch P.-Mik, C'lotb. Columóus, 3 voIr. 1 Bmcebridgc Hall, Antoría, Tales of a Tra veler, Crayon Miscellany, ( Capt. Bonnpvüle, Oliver Goldsmith, S Mahoiuet y vols. Grenada, ' Alluinibrrv, Wolfert'a Uoost, Life of Washington, 5 rols. Salmaiítindt. ThtsMition will bfj aold VXOrrSmOLt io Subscriben ind will be ifreatly supior to any over bfifore Ifauo l, vii y haudsovno set of theso unlver-iilly popular work. - i'1jk'?'1 nithtn tlifl w nns oí' all. v. PUTMAM, A-;t., Publiabw, i ; lij WiMiiii Stroet, NíwYor ' Pv,.: : AYER'S CATÏÏARTIO L3Jc'iKJijjÍS coniKlainlngl Are jou outo 55jflÜ!BH onlvr, wiih }■([■ fsu.-ui dt ffc. ■ "KmtnrBffl niiiKeil, und y uur luelingö uup KlcÉnlUBBi coiiiiurtultiu? Tlu-so sy tti]fJM'LWAUKlEP toius iv oflcn tlli pU'ltldC t.t M v -■ wj' KiSttri peiit8 illneiw. uinc lit of [Vggfc-UjJ'BPBH Bioktiess i. crei'piiig upuii you, : iC(y .' tflfl am' lmoull 1 a verted by .1 k. f 3VbI ."J Nmely u?c oí" tito riht remkCOÍq i il cdjr. Tiike AyiM-' 1'ilN. .-nul r clranae out the diburdured liuI htSaH Huns - ptuiiy tlio blood, aml tfPy i' Es iaW Btiuctril in h'-.iith agnlo. AfcJO, ej BBBbbB 'J'll('.v KLitiiiitnto Mie fnnctiiiiis '■flK0Kg& r llie body uto vigoro 11 ■ ík"JaaWJgi tivity, puiity tito syatom from obatructions ffbich nuiko divise. A colil aettfei Énmewliere In the butly, and ohrrtnieiif H natural fiinCtíoiifl. TbeSO, if uot relieved1, renet upuii theluwtvefi aiid tlio MirroHtidlii&wgans, producing gneml njtgmfaMon, vufluriug, tmd dlnense. W'hiii En tliin coudlHott, npprauoil by lh dömiigPiueiïtit, take Amji's lll. nml f Iww dlrectly üiev restore ilio natural itctlon of tlic fAiem. and wlui it tlio buoyant föelttig nf IhmIiIi n)fn.[n. Whnl is trtta umi w apptWDl in tiiii hivinl atlfl ominmii COIliplitillt, i ftlau tniH in many of ilio ltH) st-jvtiïii mul ititugernna ilbtBiu-iwrs The nme puiutivr! eflWt í-xjm'N tliKin. OotlflOli Iw allltiluc oltstrncii ds umi iltir.ingi'tui'iits of 1 li" luttunu t'unctions of tlio body, thoy firo r;i(illy, mul nmtiy ot" tbem Biirely, enml liy :ln; s;uii" nitMHi nona wiio kuow (lm viitut-s ut' tl --s Vï. vrlll neglct to cmploy Uiein wJton aiiflforing tVoui tbe dfaordwi thr'v curá. StjiU'iii'MiN fmni Iwidlñic pltynicbina ín 011 ftf tlie prilH-ijml clUul, iliid iiüUl oUlW WU tUlOWU public peisona. Finma ForwardiVQ Mtrchantf8t. Louis, R6. 4, 1850. Pn. Arm: Yonr Itlh we Ure iwrngon of :ill tluit ís gront in uioiiiciiio. 'Yw.y (iav cmvl my Uttle dnugbter of nlceroiM OTM iifHin ii:nnli ïtii'l ftí.t Ihttt IhuI pfuved bienntbta (br yNtra. Hor mutlier bna been long grlevously uOlii-tcil witli Itlutclie.-i niitl ijniilwon in inul ín bar liafr. Mier oiir chiM wiia tuiyJ, ho bJm irlod yuur Pilis, mui t J 1 Ly havo cui'uii v. ASA MOUauiDGi:. As a Fnmily Pliysic. Fnm I). ■:. II'. (UrtwitIil, w ürb-ms. Tour Pilis uro the prlncfl ff piirjgeü. Their xcvtlent : qnnlitltJd ÉüfpnH my ctkthniiia aw wmhb8. 'l'lroy ara '■■ mild. hut vciy ci-iiiiin mid elT'-rt unl in tlitfir flctlnn 01 1 the ! bowvlv, wlflofa liuikeS thvi invahmblu U i;s iu thu iluily ti'-HÏ.'in-tit of lise;ifio. IItntInchc,Sl( ltlï ntlnclic.Foul Stomach. l'rom Dr. iáfoard iimjd, iiallinwre. I)!',r 1ïi:i. Avc.k: I ciintiot niMwer von uj!ml cotnpliiinls I Intvo cure l wit li 1 ril u Imttor fmrti t ri aïllhat wt ever trt'tt nWt u pnrfjttipts mrdichtt. I pla-e pvoitt Ipïtl dciit'O Ort Mi ('OiTiiiiil lathtrtiü hi my duily caiitMt wlth dtoense, miij heliwiiwHH I ilh ttmt yniir IMHa affunl u the : best wc Lave, I oícauRo v;Uin them lilghly. riTTsmutfi, Vn.. Mar 1, 1R55. I. J. C. Arnu SIr: T havn Imph repttattHlly cnred of tlio worst h-ittlnt:tf. aiiy Imdy 'niii IlilVO bv n 1'no or two of yuiir IMlIsi H Mteinu tu riso (Vum 11 U-ul MoaMbf v. Iti.-ii (hoy ílc:iiHM iit mira. Y'jur.4 niëi giwit lötfpoct, ED. W. PHRMjR, , Steamer ('tari w. milous I.ívcr Compluluts. Pmrn Dr. Wmxitrrfi Bdl,fNno Cfy. Not cmly aio yonr PMN ndinirniilv afinptnl to tiielr purprwQ tis uu uH'i'iont. I ut I f'ui'l Itii-ir li'lli'Í(Iill flTí:t v upotl the Wvot very nnirktil IihIihhT. Tlu-y Idivö 11 hiy piacUca proveil nmro efiteliwl for tho euro of b.fious cmpUnttis tlmn iiny unu rumnly I enn menüoü. 1 alncen ly rrjüictj tliut w btiTu ut [.t-ili a purga! i ve wlilcli in wortby tJio couflkluuoe ot ttiu pnrvi4uti aud tliu pttplt'. Dkparthbht of tiik Intkkior, "i WuliUigltni, I). U, ÏUi Ivh-, l.ri(í. J Sin: I ïmve eed ywur Illlx Ín my geuem] mid liiMplUl practico u ver sime yo umdu lbvHifuui cauuul bwdtM to ■ay Uicy aró I bu buNl uilutnic w ttiupluy. 'i huir n-gulailug actiuu 1 n I te livcr b qulck mid docfded, cuusequiutiy ilu-y i au luliuiítüflo m iy Ibr 'ivnuijgLiiMiitS ot tliat úrgaii, Imlreil, ( Iwvu huMoiii ruiind Kcnmruf humus h í 1 lutlimle thiiL iL rUI nut H!:nlily yii-lil tu tlicui. l'iiiU-iiJiiUy yumv, Ai.iy. . HA I,L, ,M. Jf , l'fisicmii t'J' tlit Matine Hmtjiiud. Dyscntiry, Dlnnlian, Itclnx, Woims. è'ïom Dr. J. y. u.ctu, tifUttaqo, Toar Pillfi havo huil n loug irial hi my [tmetice, nml I liuM thfiii in i'dtuuiit iis uiiü ot' ihe hesi HioríoÍlU J have ever Ibiiiid. al lenitiva e(Tict upoii thu Utot iniikca tlniii un exraUmit rtíineiiy, wbeu givtrii Im siiinll doses InMutas dysatkrn and din ir ftau. 'J lu-jr BligHl'-onalIlig DnnkM tht'in vriy ncrfpluljlo aud cuiivuniunt ïvv thu u&u of WOllíeil Blid chiklrcn. Dyspcpsla, ImpnrUy of tlic niood. JVon I.lV.J. V. Iunes, itstur i'j' Adrad Vhtnclt, Badun Dr. Ayi:r: ï lutveiiwd yonr Pllto wltli exlnmnlluary racceai In my buiily aitd uiiinng ilium I mu c;i]iM tu iít in tUntreak Tft r%ulatg the urgsiis f dlgvatliiñ and purify Lbo hloixl, ihcy uro {bu vi'i-y bwt retnedjr I have w kimwn, iiid Iobíi cuuftdcnily recoinnieiid tbum to uiy liieiidd. Yuiits, J. V. 111MLS. Warsaw, Wjomliig fo., N. Y-, Ort. 24, 1865. TEn PlK : I ;uii liwilg yin C.itliiirlii: 1'ilU ni hiv pmoUce, aiitl timl ihein un mECullnt purinUre tu dcauno lio Bystt-j aud vnrify thc fimitiuiu .' Uoad, ' JullN il. MKACUAM.M. D. Coatl[ntIon,Cof tvtiitse, Bappression, Itheiimnt, Goittf Kcm-ttlgin, Uiop ', I'araij ii, Pit, etc. Fn.m ÜT.J. l Vatnjlm, M.hIwI, Gnwtla. Too much ciiuuot Ín sjiÍ1 ot your l'ÜN fur (hu ruro of ewftKWSf. Jfotbvra (f our frnlomU; h;ive ntul tln-m au pfficnclnin aa I have, th.-y slnml.l juin me u )troein[iniitfí it tur ihe b.nWHoi' tbo 'íuiíllihideti wlio sulll-r froni tiint coinplafnt, irlilch, alt houh iMid Diioiign In htwif, is tliu pmgMiltut óf tJibi'js IbaL -re worse. 1 bW-vo &stítoto In tiio livcr,Lut yyur I'ills ulluct tlmt oran uut cure thc diüeaso. Frrrm Un, t Baart, Ffrysicfan and MUheet Bntfan. I find ono or two I:u-í_'d doma ofyAtir PIIIp taken al (lio IÍiiiQ,ftro:exeellpiitirt4iinflveBaftbeffenrJ wecrciion %vlien wh'iily or purUally fliippressoil. umi nl very effectunl to etntuu tlio sltmtudi nmt fxim wuniit. Tliey are so mncli tlie besl liyaic wo luivo tfiat I recomiucud 110 oilicr to my utktlents Fí-om A Ifep. ?r. Haiola, bftfte Utílmdid Epis, CfmrcJt. Pi UHK1 IIOIWR. P;ivíiiiimh,Cn.. .Tiui. fl, lS5f. Ifonoitrn Sin: 1 slu-uld bo linm-attnl for lti3 retlef yonr skill I.-is brouiit ine if 1 iltd not report my cow to you. A coM Sfttlcd Iti mv Ihiibctand brrniglit 011 exmtciíid'npr iiftimfjic ]thntf w'm-h ndod i" chrmiia rfirtmia(sin. NotwltnsbtiidliiK I Imd tbo héyf of pliyidelAns, Míe prew worst) ntid worM, tinfil by (he anvfce of your excellent :ient Ifl l!tltini"re, Dr Mckfiriti. 1 trU-tl ytHir PMN. 'i hefr eftVcta vera slow, btit mre. Py perseveriug in tito use of tlu-ni, I atn now cntii eíy well. &I1T4TB ClMMBKI, Patón Tïonsc, Lu., fi Per. 1P5S. Tn. Ayrii: T bnve ben entlrely cured, by your WH11. pf Jthtumtttíe Gmt - :i puiuful disease tluit hád ufllictcd 1110 tornear VINCKKT SL1AELL. 4MnKt of the PíIIr in nnirlíct cont;tin Mcrcnrr, wiihíi, altlnniRli 11 Tfllna1Ie ívmedy in skllfui lutada, la danperniís in a public pul, team tho thradful consírquenres that QqneuÜy éllw its inwiutions ufe. These contitin no merciny ur mineral substjuico whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Propared by Dr. J. C. AYER 60 C0., Lowell, Masa. Kïaynard, Stebbms & Wilson F.ÏRAX1, SHIlLKY .t CO., Detroit. 8OO7I J II BL'URIl.L, Travelling Agent. ÜTiïë liicTöry! A. J. SUTHERLAND rTAPremovo'hipfiiin ShoptothpNew BlocknHurl tunstrfiet. soutli l thc í'oui t H u e, 01 ti, e secón d loor, whori he i? p repaced to tu rniah Guns, Pistola, Ammunition Flasks, Pct.:hes Game Bags, and Eyerj otlier artitle in bis Lire. On the tn ■! reasonnbl' U:rme.íindtoHo nll kinde o nnni a. 1 HiN g thc ahurten notice.anii t n rhe bst tnanuel REIYfili ull insactmsnt al w:ys opt onhand.otid made toorer. City Cheap Sasli. Doors BHnds, Piaster Paris Grand Jiiver Piaster, Water ! Lime, JYails of all sises, Glass. Paint and Put ty, &!. etc: . D. DeForesí, TA VING 1 tiereneed hit fncilitie for doltg bust1 not-s ciiiii tiiii rg-) 'nis Yard aud títck,ia pre iai(ïd pr ;-ïcii'. uasori, with tic bes Inrtrsl mi ctiea' est seasuned atoeït everi thfi rrurlit to ntisly the reatcnablr sxtieetatiotie f II. Oui motto is not to be undrsold tor cash on delivery wü ) not "tndrtkcto frlgblentbi pubHr byatpg int (■ wil ! srMhavert ii tkay tjuy Ipowhere, tor we presume tbat otberr wiliseliaslow asthoy enn tiord to. All kinds of Tlmber, Joists, Dil ácantling, Piue, Whltewooü, l)ftwüod, liem Dlaned and Matched Pine, Whitewood sh KlooiInp.Plancdind ronch Pinfand Whirewood dine.Foio i'osts, OskundCedai Poets and Pickets 1 all kind. Ttne fatl), anb ÜUjiteinooO C-. .f! Ptne, AshRni VV'illewood Shinglp, Bam Boards and Barn Flooi Plank, laeiVYi..iUt1ioJ Cherry and tbin stuft', Wagon ana BUGGY AXLES aud TONGUEB, [íuXhuü Body LutnberIapk: ï.og Tïmber, Iliekory, Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, Of iU:hicknose8,w(Hhá Hndlciigths.ic.. &c, Piaster l'aiis, and Piaster ofallkind. IVfvillS o' all 8ÍZO8, Sic, &e. 6'ASILDOOtiS.d: MLINDS, made by hand to ordci as luw as fnctory prices. on the hortestnotice by the boiloi workmfn, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Blllr nl:u' 4csrtptlon In the ahoTR building 11 n furnihedi)nth"h irffslnf notlce. t'or We have Mih Cutting Reguiarly. k Tul' anilH porlect assortment of the abovo ani nthiM kituU ut ' lïuilding Materials Constantlv onbaud at thi lowestpossible ratei ' ""Calland be Convinced. A few rodt south rom II. R. Depot or. Detroit Street. Arn Arbor, Mich. Il O O F I N G. N.B. - I amnow operating Extonsively In the Patent Cement Roofing. Morrgago Saie. Dr FAULT h.iv'ne ben mhM m the onnditlaji of Mori.-HKi execufed !, Angostas K. Halt an4 wif i" Wi!;;,.::i s M.ivikip!. guardián firt rtrudu Kletylier, "frVUnriry, ,. . 1893, ad recordtd in r e - Kegister of Deedfl of Washfcnaw Cnunty. in ! r N. 19 nf Urtgne, n jiages 60 nn3 7". i..,1 the irsi .i.-iT (.1 Maren A.D. !-.";. ut ttvou'dtck 1'. M .au i on the twenty Ruth ánf f August, A. D. 1861, asfignfc] to Jamen Kínj -l'y. Administra toi , rltfa th will Honexed, .! tu. est U of tne mM Qertrnï Fleteher ilccjafoi], bv wnifn anigi:nitiitj rccorded a erop. i ró ot shíí! murigage Augnal 'Tth, A. ]. 1861, :it leu u'ekwli A. M-. by uaichde au!t thrpowt-t ile-contaliicd in smd Hortgage bocoroe iiperaliT ; and no uil ir procvetfng haring boen intituiM a Irw v-r Ihedi '■: ..1 Morr-age oi any part ■if ; anl thesum of fourtccD hundre! pnl ♦ventr. no c'aimed In bc due thervon. an! ■ Itio ihrrron. Xotice i thtfefore heteby tri vin t ! : ■ t snirt Vortcapre wil! tM loro i by a sale [ the Morigage preraie. to-wlt : All Ihal ceitaïu trocí or pnrcie of l;.n I known ad dcerrbt a folio wg, to-wit - commencuig on the west line of Main Sln i-t, twcni y two IVet Ftrutfa of tlie north ■( rornPr of !it ntimber Keven, ïllfcl Ko. (wo north 1 IJuriin Streel, Rnnge Ihree.m the City of Aun Arbor n t riinniny wist parallel with ihé nm tl. f neof siud lott ml Iwenty-two f Mt ihertfrom. to Uiq west end of Kñkí lot, thonoo poath twenty-1 u fix-t , t heneo parallel vith Bw lin, and twenty t-.vo feet thc-tefron). t Íhíu ii r tbenoenorth twentxttjrojCeet To the place of beB'.pnina. or soiDfl part tiureof .tt pojbjic reodun at tito , CodtI Houf( in Ann Arborin sjihI County on tbcseveutt dny of Li (.-.muur injxt ut 1:0011. .IAMFKIVGI,EV. Administra tor wïth Will aunoreo'üf UcitiudeFlotche E. W. Uokoaiv, Attonwj. 1 it d, Ai:n Mb-T, Aug 28th, A. I). 1SGI. Mötffgögo Foreclcsiire-. DEFAüLT haring been niale in the pp.ynunt ofTth Malmont tceiired uv a executed hy JnmcaU. Miirrisand tfary P. Mom tuLliza Jïot.sford, dati'.l tlip (ir-t il:iy c-f Juïy, A.I). 1857, anl recordetl in the Kpgiftter'a office 'n tlie countj f Washtonaw, in Libfr N ,23 of mortgagpM, ;t page 679, o: ihe sí-cnd day ot J.iiy, A. D. I857,atflf1een minutes Pum Su'clock, A.-, bjr whícb dófauli tim poner of saje co&i&tncd in paid DDdiigajtc uaiii bpeanoe opcrative, anl n snit or pro[1 ,: ha ving liaving '■-.■:! [nstituted at Uw t' recove? 1 1 la-t nfttalmnt uf h-bt secbrfd by s;i: mortfpigc or nny uit ttit-reof, na 1 thesum tii rour !iundnd and ixty dotluTB atïd sity-tïircc cents bcin now c!a;mfd to b ïu IhiVonn. NoHce U thereforp bereby eiv.n. thnrthd sa . iaort{aae ül foncli s-u bj :i tí of the mortI preml-es. t 1 wit: All tiat eer Ui n tmet or parceï n ! n 1 KTHiwri tin! rtftaei (bttd isfoMown, tO-wH ; lïcing x p.irt north-ea-t lusrtcr orqectifua N'o t'Areiity-QWi in townsHip Ho. two itonth of range No. six tast, begiiiiM'ng at ütalte cgbtj ro8 BOr-tfa of a point 6( ínter-r, t on oi a line tbrough the centre of Bu ron strekt in t'i."pif v of Arm Arbor nforesaJrf, t!u-ncc r&nniitg eaèt un til it tr'kes tbe eal lUe of aM s?btion, thence weni ann parallel wiih wud line and atreet uitiil ït strike land owned by Mr. HiHr In April l-lñ, thrnee north br -.'' r.iücr's land altout thnteen rods nntil ;t stikte PHge t H't, (lience noith by ald ïapft strtet twenty foar roda to the oorth-west coriiOr of block No. ï5 oa l'age k ' rui-l'v !- additi 11 to tJip villngo jI Ann At bot t lence PftBt by the nnrih In" nf saiCection t th uiirtli '.-ixt (oraer of Mlid seetion thence oth r.c tbb en tineof aaid necoD (iiont torty roda to tbe place of bcginnin -, eniit lïnirp fruir acres. 01 ffOirie pnrt tliereof, ;tt public vonduf at tbe Coi-rt llin-e rb city of Auo" Arbor on the ninth Jny nf Novwnber nesf, t noos.' KI .IZA DOllíFORl', Mortgagec. E. W. íí.ííav Att'j. Dated, August Htb, A.I) ,1861. 813U 1 state of Marvin Cad well. STATK ('F MICHIGAN County of WWflktwiAW, s- At a su-Moii dl tlic Probate Q0n.1t for the Cunty oÉ MTahtcnaw. hulden at ProbateOfflee, in theCltv oí Ann Arbir, on WclnebUay, (lic ninili nay of Oclober, Ín the year one IhutHMuid eight hundred and i.iy-onef . P rt, Tbomaa filo -e, Jmige of Probate In ihc Matter of t'ie Bstate of M;ir ín C:idwell, dect-asod, Amelia fadvetl Admini tr trixofnai; estáte c mes int o '.iurt and ropreTit th;it Rnb tsuoW prepated EO nttoW iier il nul aceuiit a tuoh Adminisi latjix. and asks that t time an-i plu e m.iv be aSKignol for the examiningand LllowiDgof fut-li Hccount, Hii'i th;it n-'tictt Uitreof miy bu giVi-ii tf aü pQi 0001 rni'Ti'-t -l in aid estato, in such 1.1 inner as 'M Cburt hall din e) . ïherimpnn t ii ürtftwd, That I"rd:ty.)he Eíghifa day ol November, next ftt ten oclick in thfl f renfwn, beas-:-i.ffl [ur t ie hearing f aid noenont, and that tho hvitñ at Uiw of aald dfceased. and all other per.íoníint fe&ted in sail e-;tatt;tre reqolred lo appear ata sessioa of Raid Ci-urt. the t belio dt-n at the l' Office, iu the (ïjty cf Ann Arb'ir. (naald (.'outjty, ftnd simw cause, if'any thcrc be, why the eaid accounl should uut bo .n litis fmt'ier Oriered fhat aaid Administratrix yive notlceto lliè petdooa Int retted in safd est at, of the ifii'l'ijcy if satd nccouni , ;ind the liearini? tliereof, by eaotiiiig :í popT 'J'" tliis (tnler lo be pubhsbeö iu the Mich'j?a Argtis.ii DoSrspaper 1 ribteÜ and circulatingm Htid t.ounty of W jishteiiaw, three succe6ive week, previous tosai'ld.iy ol )n aiinj? ( truo obpy.) THÖUAS N I N'DK, Judgc of Probate. Clianccry Saïe. STATE OF MiniïtïW. HÍK CprriTCouKT for ts i'nr.vTY OF Wasiitkn.uv, tliia A iVrknis ra. tiebrah I'cr kin;-- In Cha neer j ; ín pursuañee ". a decrefal of il;e Cirrmt Conti of tha Connt of V;i;.ii-n;tv, in Chana ry made in the abvtf ■ 1 .. Ihe nec nú ilay 't i ecember, A. D. eigbtvea hun Ifc - ■■ ' lit'iy nine, and a further order of tliis Court made 'n autth day ,"f Ktbruary, A. D eighteen hua '., l ajhd ixïy-imp, wïll besöH.under the direct ion OI tlie ( ir -uit Uootl LVmimi.ssioKer fur the County of nublic aucïion, at t)( wuth or front dotir of tlu' t'..i.rt Houw, ín the cityófAcn Arbor, on SaturJay tbe stxtll 'i.iv cf .luly, ciifliit i-ti 1 undien ;tn.l ity-onc.t twi Lve opdoek, n ion, of said day, ail tli;sF cerlMin tracti 'r pareéis of land lying and beiog in tl:e towhsliij of St.i!.i, ;n ihe Oounty "i" Watfhtftnaw a(or#8aidj nnd dejcribed in -;l decree asfo11owstviz: Ti;f tt■ haifof the south-eat quarter of seotlon liftten, and the wwt balfof the Qortn-eaal qua-rter of sectipc ;wenty two, ia t'iwridhip one BODth, of ranpeaeeti east, or ko niuch thoreol tts may b1 necoswiTy to satUiy the nnvunt du apon said decree, togelhcr th [nierest and eo&tj. O s ïWIT ÖF1J . Cir. Court Com.for.tbeCoonty of Washtwfc 0. JIAWKlXs. Sul citor '■ r Coniplalnaui and Astignee Ann irbor May :Ö, IS61. ïhoabovc sale I ■ :. n d uptH the 15th Í43 of Noii st. at the tapte bjoüf and plací. Üated, JaTyeth.Wftl D. S. TWÏTCHKI JLt CSroutt [Cnurt Com Mtaáhtraaw Co., jiich iT Ti: 0? MICHIUAN- The Circuit Couit lor tb. ; County of WftRhUaaw, in ühaucery - In i'arker( Cómplamnnt, T8. Ui my Baualaughi María C. Uau-lmiKh, Charlea Kitcben. and Jkmm F. Atery, Dt.fend;iuts.- Bafim tho i Ion. fidvrin Lawrenee, Circa 11 Judge at (.'lianibi r. U Faiishvctorily appearins to this t'ourt that the ilcfendan's fl-nry B aütiagh, Mar'a C. Bauslaugh nod Charlea Kuchen, uie uun renideutri of thï State, butnie re.-idt-ntsof the ProvineO of Uppt-r Canxttas ( )n uiotion of O . , of Counsel tbr ocmptüiniuit. it i ordcred that Iheaaid defecdant. Heory liaualaugh, Maria C Baulaugb, and Charlea Kitchen, caua ilieir uppeai ancc in thís cause to be enten-d wjthin four nioiiths 'rom the date nf this oiiJer. aud that in chso of thetranpfarance. tliey cause tlieir an-.ivr to th c implaicaat'fl bill t ■ bo liled, and Copy Uioreof to b erved n üifc cimla4Dni'fl soticitor, withJn twenty days after .ervicc "f a copy of nU bill and notie: of this order; and in 'l"Éault tix-r-. . the sakl biil be taken a. confeased. by the said deftn lantn Jlt-niy iiaualaugh, María C. Buatftuch, uk'. Cbatlea Kilchen. Aud itisiurtlu-r ordered. tbat within twenty dnyia the said. oñiplalnaatcaaaé a noticof t -.order to bepublifüed in the Micuitiui Agwj .1 bvwsaaper priated ai the City of Ann Arbor. and thtt thes;i-l publication bj contïnued in Faid paper at last once in aeh eek for si BUCceSFJwe ne-kh. or tlijit he c;iu--e a c-py of this order to be pfrsonally serrwlon ihe said deleñnaoú, Henry B -iLi-.]fmuh. Maria U. Rtuitlaugh. and Charle-i Kitchn , ■it least, twviijv dayB bcfore the tune abvre prescribed, for their iii'iourance, Ana Arbor, ()ctiber 14ih, 1S6I. K. IiAWREN'fifc,, Circuit Judge. A'i'f. RonxírT J. RaRkT, ReRhter. 0. ÉlWKlNS, ISolicitor for Co-nplainnnt. Aan Arbor Marble WorVs. Batcliolder II AS on haQ'la Que assortmeat of Amenciin uti ITALIAN MA BLE whicLheia prepared to manufacture uto T O 91 B yQJ fëSj j TABLES inalltheir varietien, nndin a WniïKMAN'LITCE manner. Qaving had consldernble experïence in the businea he Battera liïnwell that bo will le able to pleaM all rho may f.ivur ma with tbeir orcr?. Uis pricei L O VV AS TUF LOWEST. tbOM wislitnu nny tliing )n ipy t'.n -iri repoctfully u 'Ited to culi D. C. BATC111.I.ÜKH. Ann Arhnr. May 10, 1861. 80U D. L. WOOD & CO.. HATE JUST OPEXED LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING & SUJT31SR Trde f NJ6i llaving purchascd their stock t much U thau the usual pnces, they are prepared t offer ÖREAT INDUCEMËNT3 To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thankful for past favors thcy will be erer ready to show thcir Goods and by fair and liberal dealing'hope to receive tlieir full share of the publio patronage. West sido of public square. Ann ArboJ April 1861.


Old News
Michigan Argus