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Another Battle At Springfield, Mo.

Another Battle At Springfield, Mo. image
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í-'t. Loui-, Su::day, üut. 27. The f-ll iwinir itifpaich recctveO leie tl.U evénliijí : Uf i'.j.: .. t ■ -. r. -i íl mil ■ '■', Oc( . '-(i. l':i; t. McKr.'v. r. la 'I ' i, ■■■ eral i Y i-sUTiLiy nf:ernoin M;ij-r ;.;■ nt iliu hoad i.f' iny gimnls, muría a n.os' int eb:ir:t) upen i liodv "f 'he cii-'iiiy ilmwn :u in line of butilo .-mr) in il'fir c;iiup :it Sprínjífielfi, 2.U00 'ir '.'',.'! '0 Ktrnnjj. lio cotí] ' Ii'íhIv routec) l.hein, olunred 1 lu-in fi-fin Ihe tnwn, hoiMeci i!;o Nntionül Htig upíín ti ■- Coiirt Honse, and retnrned iipon a rec! FtuTemênti vvliich 'ho hni ulrdady joined. Qiir losa ia not grytit. 'i'iiis SHCCCSfl: lihlirgl1, IICHIHöl BlïCll 0 VIMV larjfe oi]ls, ir i n II' ox ampio tD'the iiniiv. Ons i'lvaiK'.u Ylíl (ict'iipv Spiii)ffiüld to-tiight. Bi-noi, -i " l-'KKVOVT ".: ni ' tn?ml C"ínWín)dií) r. Fi-'.-moiit's ()v-l;ii;:1iÍ un ii:1.m s 800, Mhjpr Frank WliiLo, wi.ii ivi-üpliü ni Lexington recently, at !i nd oí' I8ü men', and relefed ilo sirk and wouri: ('i'd suldiers after drivins; out snmo ñOO rebels, is a son oí' a prümiheftí lawyér n New York, Fitty prisíínora taken in tíu? battle of Frcderiektown bave been put to work in the trenohea at Qnp.8 Qirardeau. Accounts of Muj. SchofliL-ld, vvho coininanded the baitery io that action, show that ttiin víotory was tho most complöto of any yet áohieved by our army dlirmg tlia war. Jeff. Thompson eecaped on fobt, after j having bis hr.rso killed ander 'i:uiThe robel forco wns aboiit C.000, whüo ours '.vas only 4,00D. A speóiul dispateta to lliu St. Louis Rrpuhltcan s:y? : ÍTi-rnlq.nr1'r's. Wi'.iít'rn Department, 1 V TlaStattoo, Ko., 6ot. --6, 1801. ƒ The fo'lo'Vfing dispa'.ch has been reoeived, arinoüocing a most briliiant v:c torv at Springfield by (Jen. Fremont'a body guard, niimtiüring 150 men. 5 M'.les ont .f Bolívar, 1 A. M. . Oei 2Ó. Oín'l.: -I report respectfuüy that Veaterdny nt 4 I'. Jl , 1 nut in Sprinjífield about 2,000 of thu rebels ibrmed in 'i!io (jf battle. They gave tnö a very warm reception, but your guard wilh ono fceling, mado a chargé, and in less tbán threo mtnutps the ünëmy was complet el ƒ routed by one hni.dred and iilty men. We cleared the ci'y of cvery rebol, and retired, it beir.g near niylit, and not (oeling ubiè t keep tbe place with st emnl! a forcé Mnjor AV'nito did not partioipnté in thechirge. i havo sean charges, bilt BUíih biilliunt unanimity and bravery I have Bever seen and did not ex pee t. The wacery " Fremont and tha Union " brako forth like thimder. (íigno.l) (.IIAí. ZACONI, Coidiú nding Un)) u'uard. Gol. John M Iücliard.son, who rode over to thu vicinity of Springtíeld last, says Zagoni vvasguiiied to the town from the Jefirtrsb'n to tlie Mount Vernon road, by Judgo Owens Tho ri'b"! camp was outs'.do of the city. - Zagoni was compJlod to pass through a lañe and let down a number of' fence rails before be could charge ;n thefoe, thurf drawin their fire. fbero was a good deal of street fighting in Springfield, and tróm the houses. 1vo seeessioni.sts, who ran out of their and ñreu upan the body guard, wero killed. Zagoni was advised of the forco of the rebels", but, he was determinad to have a h'ght. Col. Poarce, said to bo ironi Aikansad, comiranded one of llio rebel regimönts, It is lbought that the cause cif the ipcreased rtbcl force at Sprhigfield, was fi large amonnt oi piunder gathered tbere forsotiM) weeks past, which it is atiited, they m tended to caku south with them, but which will into our hands. The lo.-s óf ei tb er is not btated.


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