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Gen Fremont Removed "again

Gen Fremont Removed "again image
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The Washington dispatch of the N. '. TYibune, dated, üct. '2Sth . saja : ' On Saturday last tbe order of tlic Commandcr-in Cbief, that Gen. Fremontl should sunender bis couamaud to the I offiner next below liim úui. Jlunter, Í acoompanicd ly a letter of mslructioi ■ to Gun. Huntcr, was sent out by the i dcnt to Gou Curlis, in cominaud at St. Louis, with direetions to del i ver t to Geu. Frcinont, unies he wsis aetuallv in the presenee of the encmy, or preparing for a battle." We don't vouch for tbc truth of the abovc, but if ït proves true the countrv will fcel reiioved that the tliing is gettled. We liave not jninctl n the clamor aguinst Gen. Fükmont, and yct we are hoe to say that if the department has fallen to Gen. HuN'Tiiit, we btlieve it in better j hands tban beforo, - Later days say no such order hasj gono forward ; but we are inclined to the opinión that if FiiE.uo.vr is not yet removed he soon will be. L'■L" ïhrce or four days ago the wholc country was inteusely excited by the announcement thït the private elerk of Commodore Dupoxt of the great naval expeditioo, gatherod at Fortreaa Monroc and in rcadincsstosail, liad decamped carrying with him the maps, charts, and scaled orders of the expedition, thus making tts destination koown to the enemy, and rendering its sailing useless. This report was contradicted ycsterdav, and would seem to have beca ciiculatud without cause. - The expedition sailed on the 30th, fifty vessels strong, carrying 400 guns, about 20,000 land forees, with iurgc quantities of horses, wagons, and munitions and war stores. EIF'The Naval expeJitiou whicb sailedjfrom Fortress Monroo on tho 30th., it ia said took on board ono tbousar.d " contrabando," nniiüd with shovels and p!c!;?. Tltoy will ba put to work on intrenchraents whencver a landiüg is cficctcd. L A fait account of the late battle of Ball's Bluff or Leesburg heights, reports that our forces crossing the river and engaging, numbered 1,853 ; and that tb o killed, wounded, and missing number 953, including 8 field and 44 line officers Tt was onc of the most unfortunato evonts of tiio campa ign.


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Michigan Argus