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ÏSöï. 1331. FALL & WINTER GOODS NCW REOÖVIXU AT O H. MC t LEW U Oo'l H ::.(; lo pny OASII r.r nesrlyull kin. is il G'Hxla [uirohii8fl in Xiiv Y.irk we kre iM-t-i =■:.!■! l_y oliligd tureslrict nor credit sysli-m hire. GollBvqilellvlj wu tliuli oftr our Fall Gcods for Cash, mí i vi ry BDiall ndvaROO "ii e coíi C. H JIILLKN & CO. Am. St-pt.34, 1H61. tilüm3 SCHOFF & MIL LEK I Ui'. ."m.I. OS" ItAND at tlic-!i ■oMS'lali.l, PJo. 2, Franklin Block, -.■.h t'n-m.i.-t ■■■m] 1 - - 1 ■ OylsyilmCBl li Bcoks and Stationery, PEUFUMEBIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL aND WINDOW PAPERS, 8HADE8, UOLLEIÍS, CORDS, TASSELS, GIÍiT C0RNI0E8, GURTAINS. IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offured in tliis Market ! ;iH'l woald .suggfsl tothoselD puisuHcf;tnythingin SA UT A CL A US' LINE (h;tt tliey can socuro a Doublé Christmas Present ! bjr pnrcliasÏBg from tlusaiock,nH cach purclinser gets nu ddttlonal present of Jewelry, firo.j Uanging uivaluo trom 50 ets. to $50. fty Thpytrat thát tUsicloag eqierieucQ n selecüng joods' for tnis markot, tinA strlct atteDtion to the wants M I' í 'u-t miers, may ent Uk Hit-m to a liberal .-lia re o.. li ! onage. Aun Arbcr.Do". 5. 18G0. '"'tfE Insurance Agency 1 C. H. MILLEN Ts TUT. AGRXT foi Uw foUowin flral clans companlo; HOMI5 MÜsURAÜCBl COMPAKTT, of HaU Vork City.- Capital ini.l Surplus, 81,5i:0,000. CITY PIUE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Bartford.-Capttel andSurplof, $400 000. CONTINENTAL I.MSUHASCE COMPAM', of Now York City.- Ca plfcü and Surplus, 1100,000. Threo.qoarters of the jiett proflta in tlns Compaof i dividod apnuaUy nmóag lta mtiev holdera. O-H-MIL.L.BN. Ann Arbor, Fjttembcr 13, 1860, Gm7"8 NEW YOK1C LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accurnuluted Jan, 1860, 81,707,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLTN", President, J 0 KENDALL, Vice President, PLINY FREEMAN, Aetuary $100,000 DEPOSITSD irtthtlwOngyptronerofthe State of New York. DiviJc-oili average 40 per cent. annlially. J. S S E T S . CkhinBiM, 31,355,40 invente") in (eourlUw.ereatdd unr tnelawsof tlie Slate of New Vork and ofthe O. S., 2J8,8T0,Tfl RenlEstat and fïxture, Noe. lMudlM Broadway 132j4o0 oj Bondsand Mortgagodrw!ngTperct. IntcrOBt 683,9989 aired for 40 per cent pd mioma n ufe poUoios, liearing iatereot, 675,315. So Quarterly an 1 öemi-annual preminin, ilue Bttbsequent to l,l80 20,500. accrued up to Jan. 1 , 1SC0, "riS'S tentaaccrueduptoJan.1,18 .. ."."l-' i'l-eiaiumson poltolMlo haudrj of Agonts, i',H.. i.' SI ,707,133 .24 nrs WEtia and Lwnn, Medical EainïL. . -K{ J. UII.HKI'.TS.Mmi, AjriMit Conway Fire Itisnrance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Oapirnl paiJ up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - .- 16,440 03 D. C. Rogcrs, Jas. S Wbitney, Secretar?,, President. DIRECTORS. J S.WII1TNEY, L. 3OD.MAN, W. F.I.I.1OTT, AP IIOVW.ANI!, D P Mi-nlI.VHAV, K.n. MOltOAN IVAIÏ BEMENT, JOSIAII AI.I.IS. A.H. BU'XEN VV. B. nlCKINSON, W. T. CLAPP, D. C. ROGER3. Atin Arbor npferences: Dr R. WEi.I.S, 1-. JAHE3. WTKïE, tíNOCH JAMKS. OAPT. C. K.OOODRICH J. W. KNIGHT. AKent. Aon Arbor, Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. éapital, - $500,000 of the BEATIEST, SATÜST and BEST Insurance (Vs. in t':i U.S. Iasure on reaaonable term, and al ay pay promptly. Therels no botter Fire buanne Cbmpau. Mo ney Wanted, Who wi 1 1 JL e u d M o ïi e y 1 IAMKEQUESTED i:v m: I1KAI. PEES0N9 to obtain m ney for tlu ui ut TonPerCant I: itere st, (Or More.) Kuranyonc willinï tn Icml, I oan at once lareat on l.unoncumbored abuudanl BEAL ESTÁTE security tnyKumi of toopejand aeoUiat_the tltle mtd secmitjare au Rioirr. #y TUS borrowef paling all eipemea, Inclndlng reAmiÁrbor, Cct. 7.18S3. 715U General Land Agency PEK SONS wanting forms.or rosidencedn orntMh Ann Arbor, can by calling onroe selectfroma liet ufoTor 1OO Karms Cor Salfl OtTarloUÉlze8trom :ï,tc 1300acrcetiacb;(aome at good asiny i nthis (-'onnty.) Morethuu so Dure'llng iiouses u ïiiaity.f rom two bundred to t''ch and ovfir t O O P-UH-ÜISG LOTS! Amingthofarma are the Klehcperanti , l.lOOacrea, th(ï Putter líirm, i n (i-r(Mi (ink, t Ho i'lucct arm , h , j 4J)acre8,:hclil"ndonnn(l Jcnke Curras, i 0 Webster j thl .uli'w, Mlchaol (ilaiuy, Newton lionffnn, and Falluhai Farma. in Ann Arbor; J.Kingsley'4 farm, inPitlaflcid-the llateh anl Hlck larm In l.odi:thc PatrlckClayórarai In Froodorn; V. 8. DarUnn, I). fj. Bkr a and Bnck'a farms InSylvan. Moetnl thnso and many üthors can be dlvidedto ault 1 B. MOÏGA1. AnnArboJ.Jan 1 . 185B 13 7 V. M O EG A N , Agent for Mutuall.ifelnüuranccfompany, New York. AeoamulatedAneta, - - - 5,350,000. the leadingLUo lunarenoeCompany in the U. S. Kutckorbockcr Lift Insurance Companj, New York, - :i llrst cliiü safe. Co.- term reasoimble. Hombold) Fta Insurance Company, New York. Capital, wlth alarse surplus, ■ ■ $200,000. Peoría Marine .V Fire lmuraoceCo., Pporia 1U. hotv i K'i. 1 Fin: lnaurance Co'8. 7O7tf OaplUI, - - - 500,000; New Remedies for SPERMATORRHtEA HOWAftD AfcSOCUTION, PHILADELFHZA. A Be nr.volri't first t tifint èstöbltêhed by special cv do wmc.nt for the re'.ief of the Stek and Disirrsscud, aj}iir, ' Viruteut fin tí Ch row te h'.o :asñ!t a ti d espcctally for tht Cure of Dfauuu othe Sexual Or.i, MEDICAL ADVÏCE glveo gratis, by ti"' Actlng Burg6OQ . VALfUABLE RBPORTS on SpennftlorrhoeftTaii4 other Di i-ji-cx of the 8WcuaIUrganB,o4 da thfl N'KW REM gDISS employo4 In Ube DupeuMrj, (tent to sealod Lettef enveloues, ftee of charge. Two 01 thr stampa ror poitageaccoptablo. Addrefti. Dr.J. SKILI.IN HOUGH TON, Uoward A.s.sociatiun, No 2 S. Nmth St., l'hilv(Jülplíia, Pa. lyouöMRS. NASH, Oomerof í'iith and Uuerty itreeta, noarly oppoalte Uro rL-sidt'Dce of Kev. Mr. Corm-lius. tí20vS j# pi BOOK STOREoSj Ij )p}H.-üiO tiio O Ty AKKXOWOPKNT.C. Ilili.iT IIIOM 1TR1.ISIII KS ASU M:mnl:u-fi. .,. Mtr ftOd ComjlOtO Stook Of JLAW & MEDICAL BüüKS, Scitool Dook, MUcellancous Banks, Blank Books, rfnn S-ÍATION3EHY! WnUand fflndow Peper, Dratrlug Wil Hiitheitiatic) tnxtrumentii. Muftfo, Jurdniltiliibraricij, EiiTfclopex, [ufcsand ('ard.. GOLD And all otlier kind f Pens and Pcncils ' Wiudow í'ijniií'e, t5hjidM umi PlxtorOi POCKET CUTLEKY! And everythinj? portuining; t" tbc trailo, and more to whiclitiioy winil'l iiivitt' the attentiou oi hv cniilltlT, In cnntluctiiicf our bostfluBSS) vee shftU d atl Ilmt ran In' i]nui',"s(i Unit no rcasoaabltí m;m( wom&n r cltilJ sim 11 fiii'ï nny f;ui!t . Wy possess facilitics wJüoli viU enftblo us to Bupplj StoilHTS Ut tllO Lowest Possible Figures. Wfl propose tf sll (Ot V.i' PAY, at a small rulvance. Wc expect Q ïrcilit on imr gOOdfl, btlt Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wo lmve rogued Uia mnlcw "I JAMES K. sr.M.MNii. herefóroaré priarid t" furm'sh Visiting, Wedding and all other Cards wriUcn to order, with ncatness and dispatcft, by mail nr ntherwisc. Tlie "F.mi'irkTIook Store," is bianned hy. ,1 goort 'crrw,' il;! thoy will ai'.v.'.vs bc foiiml nn lliu "quarter deck," riad) :i:;'i wllling toattendtoaü witk]leMiiretwho wtU tavoi tlRMii wilh a cali. Kemember tho "Empiro Book Storo." JAMES R. YEJ5STER & Co. Ann Albor. May, 1800. Jf ANTOHER A &ARRIVAL AT THE ájNl ff0LI) AND RELIA BLE ffflË CLOTHIWC EMPORIUMü rQ"ji, " S 3P xa: as i i 2ï: blooic, MAIN STREET. IWm. "VV-ALCJ-KriEJiO., linsjust rotonwd from the Easterp Citics, with a Inrg: and irMiable stock uf E ALL AND WINTER Q O E X S 1 wlich he is novr offering ut unusually ZLbOXTW 2PR.ICESÏ Among bis Assortiment may be found BROADCLOTIIS, 0ASSIMERE8, DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, nf all dcscriptions, OSpfci&Uy tol F ALL AND WINTER WEAR ! which he is oatttog wiel roaklng to order, In tUe latestand beat sty lea , toget her mib asnptrioi assortment erf RE AD Y MADE CLOTHING! TRUNES CARPBT BAOS, UHfeRELIiAS, and Gentlemen's FurnisMng Goods, witliiiMnnToissiithor artxlcs usually fonnd in sbnllai eiitablishmcnts. As ANEMPOxHIÜM OFFASflION, the subscrlber flatton hlmself , tfcat hls long exporienoe and Rcoorai suoGOMjWill en&blc hiaa i (flve tho grontcsl iatlsraction toali irho may trual himtn the waj of manufaottiriiiK gaxmenta to ordi-r. TGinr wm. wacnkiï. Ho for the Mmmoth Cabinet Ware liuoms. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TT AVE JUST 01'EXKI) IX THEIR nra and Elegant War e-R o o ni B EAST SIDEOF MAIN STREET, i-IMIvr ARBOR A OOmplote st.icl, o!' ROSEWOOD, MAIIOGAJNY PARLOR FURNITURE INCLVDIKG 3ofiM,Tta-t-TaiM, HahMiuur EUxe-Wood, Black Walnut, l'liunanl U&rble iDpptd OgKOlTUK 'f O IL H SY ROSKW00D, MAIKICAXY, I3LACK WALMT, FANCY AND COTTAGE CHAIRS, &c. , to., &0., &c; Jt-. SHS 9 Elegant UIRROfiS, BURKAU8,SECRErAHIE9, Complete lir.IMSOOM BKT8, 1NCLUDING LATEÖT STYLES, -OKOf tbo beat qnalfty and DUTorenl Hntahai In I'act tLey ll;ivf Brerytbillg wtlh wLicli to l'urnish l'AKLOR, ' BOUDO1R, S1TTINÖ BOOM, OK KlïCnEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO luDger go to Detruit or olfewbete to Bnd ;i largo asoort ment. Tli is PITRNITURE musut l)i' -!'! apd 11 be sol! nt V E R Y L O W BRICES! f0í Lel erery man and bis wlft r gomg to bo wift COÏÏÉ aNü ■!.:'.. rbeyalflo ham a AVI 'A' 6' A'iíJ. í?, And ar always v.-.As to ai!, ml K lh buriül uf the deai) In theCStvand iidjuliiingïountry. Ware-Room at Bidt of Kaïn Stnat, ltwenWlihgtonand Liberty O. 11. MARTIN. BmTSB CJ.B. TIIOlll'SOX Hangsterfer's Block. DEA N Hfe CO-, INVITE nttentiou to tlifir new Etock comprWng all kinds oí Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures indHooe-farnililnggood,áll of which thi-y areoffei Dg At the Zowest Possible Eates. Frnoh China Ten rota frmn Í 00 to üfi 00 Krcnch China Sloner net frum íí ' o 70 (10 Stone china Tea seta fnrni 3 60 t" toa Stone china dinner si ts from 8 SO to M tiO Glaas Cerorono fjiuip oomplete froin '' ',-, to WK Marble Keroneni' Ijimps compU-t: l'rom SO tolo 00 Fluid Lampa flrom 18 W 6ÏX Iiin of all kinds altorej añil rcpaireil. Summer Hill Nursery. THEODORE R. DuBOIS, i) tOPRIBr0R0FTHESÜMMERHIU.NDR8EKT,AHN J. Arbor, Mich.,ls now cead; toteoeiTeotdepsfor Valland BprlWS Setlingr, Hla 'oraera for Krü md Smameatal Tmbb, Vtaus, Shrnoífeto. willbeílíedf rom tbe beat Bastero Nnneriea, and hlaperoonal attíntion trtll be glven to the leleeuon andflllingtheaame. Hartng bentregnlarl; eduaatoillB tho Nursery buaneBS. he is oonfldent tnal itn prompt ludéloso aitentlon, and trlet honoaty and lategrity.he '„ü beable '■ ■ ■■ BatWaotlon to ererj uno conliduiic thelrorden i" hlm. . VllfarmenorFrnlt gTOwers plUdo well toglve lmn a callbeforoarderlní throaghother parbe. He wottldrefertoraanj ollizenaol tbe City and County „lm purehamd of him the paal 8prrag tor tho qualltj ol tree brough ton by hlm, aa rrellaa Un tho good urdet u wblchUifyirorewoelTed anddeliTerefl bü4mJ GREAT BARGAM AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. 1 TVE JIAVKAGAIX MTI.EX!SIIi;n OCR STORE W1TB V tin.1 un i -.; HpUjndtü Stuck ut' O O 3O Ss& 9 tbal WAS over oflbrèd in nny one (isliiblUIniu'iit n State, :iü of whicli we oiU-r tor OAOKI OÖ3 (P K @ I HD O H islow u can be fouiid in the Union We want Money ! mil uil] make (Jreal Sacrifices on Anyiliing wehrtve to obtaln it, nnt cxccpting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS , We coitUully invito ALL CASH CÜSTOMERS tocallanrl examine our Goods and PrtC60. We als invite our Prompt Paying Customers In come añil buy tlipir HonpKaa for the Winler. To tliosf BuHfUl ooentbat are afraid tu cali, we sv to üum, Uk. SOSXjXj XX7II3Elïk.T? ■ithi.utlDnger waitii;gfor blgher prici,oome in, oíd Kcores, aud then at Blieb jtrirps as uill m ike up all losse It s hardlj ueccertsiiry to enumérate oui' (Joods, for We have Everything! A large asnortmeut if CARPETING, CROtKERY4 DRY GOOUS, MEDIINES, GEÖERIES, PAINTS, OILS, HAT, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS. &c, &co &c. OZ&(L(L A KI O1H QJJ@S (715tf) MAYNARP, STF.BBIXS & WILSO O . BIiISS ■IBnmnnmmrmOTnrcn:ii!mnitf!mimn:imwii'Xfirrn;í'!i;iíii:iiii!! Still in the Field! wma a LARGE STOCK of GüODS in 111.V lino i1irc-í fVom New York, Bosion, and the Manuiacturers! I liave ju.H receiveil a Iui'üo tn-1 woll selected aa.wrtment of CLOCKS, WATCJBfES, j js3 %?w e; Xj x=l "y. SÏLVEK & PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And ft groat vurioty of Yankee Notiona, &c. I wonldoall pnrtieular attention'to my large stock of SPECTAC'LES, oí Gold, fciilver, Steel, and Pluted, with PER S COPIO GLASS A supffior ;irti"lc, ami ft grpftt varioty of nrticl(.'.s in Huí '"cSBAP ftr CASH. Persone havsn diiriiult watohwtoflo ffithgláMAft, can be ftflcommodated as my stook ís butge and completo, 1" 8, Pftvtíoulrr ttöDtlou pld.6o th REPAIEOG of all kinda of Fine VFatchsacti u Making & Setting New Jewels, 1'JNIONS, SÏAFFS and CYLINDERS, also CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, Xeatlv Iïrii;iireil ui'.l wui ■nu.tctl. C. BLISS. August 28. 1S6P. "6Stt KTJbJ W GOODS, WINES & KNIGHÏ Are nOW recciving tlicir SKCON'D Siïring: and Slimme t STOCK OF GOUDS In consciiuence of tho Grcat Pressure in the jVCOTT33Te" EST wc havo been cnabled to purcliase many kind of Gooda at our own (trices. We can sell most kinds of DRESS OOODS for LESS THAN WAS PAID FOR THE SAME KIND OF GOODS in New York SIX WEEKS SJLJVCE! We invito the attontiou of all to nn inBpestion of our stock. WINES &KJN1GHT. May 10, 1861. UN PAR AL LEL, E D SUCCESS SECOND ARRIVAL - OF- cSc STTlVCTvCIEZR, Jar %& $T& .'& ËL9 -at THE- Banxici Store, A. P. TdILLS, PROPEIEÏOS. Goojs 1)3 a ff In, undcr pan ie prices, sold at prices that tiill make hard times come aijain no more ! Facts for the People -ov"W .3 Xi O? E HST _V "W - JND- ADJOTMNG COUNTIES ! AnJ tlu'ir numcrous questions nnswered. Hy Evcryhixhj trading at the "BANNER STORE? '-Becauec A. P. MILLS, the Propriötorol tliat Establishment has just rcturned from tlie Ëaslcrn Citicswnh tho Lar g est, Handsomest, Cheapest, and Most Attractivc Stock of S r.YPLE AND FAKCY DRY GOODS! ever brought to thls part of tho Stilte. J Why is Eoerybody phastcl urith his Stock? Hecíiusí! hlsgtylea are mor' bearuttful, quaiity better,iLd prices lowor tban at any other store in the county. Why has he always Something New and Cheap to Show? Becauseho hasa friomi connectcd witb one of the largesi DryGond HousesinKen ïork, who ld eODtlnualj 11 BOBBIÜQ U O i' 'XI ■'" fr -h-;ii bargaiiuand I btyles, aa thoy sppo&r rroro time to timo and-In tbis waj léèfips him aupplied wilh ■tylfc, and c:iácquíut;v cusÉoowfb cajk&fwajta ftnd BonoothlngFraBh, 1SEW CHEAP and DESIRABLE Why does he scll so much Cheaper than the rest? Beoaun lio has i buytr in thö city ;i11 tlio time to takf Avt atago ol Lho coni ii ial ■ o on irkt t, and in th.-it way buys his (jooda ömcTi oheapec than othors cin, and ther h naarkn thora down to tho WA y foes Ac ieZ Ladies' and Childrens' Shoe3 so much cheaper f han toas ever heard obij the oldeat Shoemakcrs? lic buys liis stock in tne lanO of ihoemakers, of the mamifiicUirrrs, fulh 25 por c?q choapor tlian the New Vui-k Jobbers sellthem aod much botter work tlian they gonerally ket-p. This courso Oiuïblofl liim to sell a bettur Gniter for 35 Cents. than o Uiers el] at M con tí. and & botter FEDGAITÉF at iücL-uts, than othurj ftell ut 75 cents. Has he any Kots and Caps? Yes,I ahoatd thinl: ho bas Bfacki) of them, enongli to Rupply the Stato, at Drices lower than was Overheardoi rounathose parts. Why is his Tea so much bellet for theprtce pay than you get nlotUer place:? Reciiuse he takr-s grmt oove In seloctinfl it, and givehis cu.stümeis the benent of ;i roalgood7S c-ni TEA FOR 50 CENTS. ItUawaylie hasxt Where should you go to gel your CLOTHS ar.d have them Cut or Made? To the BAXXIÍR STORE wlirro the I'eople'a Baunor ti unfurlodfor tlio Pooplo'agoodi SouUl sido of rulilicSuuiirt', a fewdoon v.est f Oook'f Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Juna IS, 1S01. Iiwtr PATENTED Kovember lst, Ï859 __ THE U&ASUKES' J--, L laanñ the Xcck. r Z4 B '" B lho Yuk0' ypr"' """lw D to Di dtotanoo j around the Doily J]f hm f-,, fl tho Arm-pits. jTl m i "!■ EtoE, tho (k length of the BALLOU'S Patented Improved Frcnch Yoke SHIRTS. PATENTEDNOV. lst, 1859 A New Style of Shirt, warranted to Fit By Bendipff ; 'jl' ftbove neasoreq per mail we cao afuar anteo a perfect fltof our oëw siyloof Shirt, and rettnn bv expresa tonny part of tho United Suites, at $12, 116, $18, $24, &e., ftc., poe dozen. No order forvrarded forK'ss than half-a-dozen Slnrts. Also, Importen and Dealera ín MENS FÜRNKHING UOODö. 4. Wholesale tnwle nnpplled on the usual lentas. BALLÖU BROTHERS, SOiïtf 403 Broadway, Mw York. LOOMIS & TRIPT, Succi.-!sirs to Chapín fe LoomiSjandCh.ipin, Tripp & Loomu TIIF. above firm of Looxnte ft Trtpp hiivinj? pnrehasw the entire lutereet f the Cormev compañías wít Continue the buslneaa al theold stands', vrhere fliéy wil! be reftdy, on the ahor test nottoe, to fill all orders in th line ot Castings and Machinery, In the most wnrVnuuilüa' manner, and on as libera tor nis n.s anyothershop In the Btdte. AniongHhe vuri ons articlwmanntácturca by as, we iroold enumérate STÉAMÊNGJNKS of all kindjtj ï ï 1 1 (ïearing and Ftxtiues, wrouffhtand cast; all the varióos oaatinga for making and rèauug IIorseFowers AThreshing Machines sucli aa are at prosent, or have foinn'ily ï'i-n in ks" In thiB part of the State, as wel) :i- all tho varloas ktndj oí oastingfl and nutcbloe work uiltcd for by farmers "and rin'cli;uiics inthls teotlou of thé country. of ali the vaious pat tenis, ap tn Bizesandpiicefl,wlll be ktptoomtaatly on hatul, -;ut tlir most modern and improved bt. les. Thankful for fonner totKeöld flrms, we would sollclt n contükuance from old frionds.and avriaj bv all wishinir foranythtns in our ltneof basmeiu. 3 LOOMIÖ h TR1PP. Ann Arbor,May 18Uk, 1S59. 697tf A. DE FOREST, Always ahèadln l.ow Prices HAVIXG REHO VED MY JïfToiïF. to the Eaat sido o líalo t.iri't, ano doornorth of Gultennan's, lam nmr recelving New Good, compnstng ;ill kinds of Groeeriev, Ëïnlts, xttactp, Glassware, Lamps, Looking GIftssMjTabluCutlery, euver-plated Qoods, se., LOWER '1 HAN EVER! French China TeaSetü, from 81 SO to 18 00 KriMich Chinii DiimiT .-ts. trom 20 CO to 30 00 8toneChloa Tea Sets, frum 3 on to 4 r.o Stone China Dinner Si tn, from B ÜO tol650 i'.,.u:t;fni QlawQobleta, -u iwdowq (lass Kerosene Lamp from 37 to 00 .l;u bic Knnst'iH' I-amps fi-oin 76 to ;i 00 Flnrd [.nmi.s rrom "8 1 50 Esntaene OIl,goodqoallty, 80c pergsUon All othar doods al jirioos. #L- l.'imusof all kiiKlsnltcreJand loiaircil. l'eople .Store, 7'J9tt A. De FOBgST. 200 Cords Wood Wanted ! PROFOa&LS r deÜTaring Goed, BuonJ BARD WOOD, a ;,.nt ae&sonod &nda pari gr it. the dlffoent Bchool Roimoa In the Citv cif Ans Artor, In quantltica Erom lo to LOO Coidí.reolcltedby the Sohool Board. R. v. M0RG4N, c Ann Arbor, Sèpt. 2b, 1861'. 820w3 KEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. (inamjof lun.l with a wol! oí good wattr, nn,l a cUlJ livinu' spring, atono houw, barnana newahedfl, andgooilori-banl, ainl cnehundrett ami öftj aci proved. Thfcnnlaltoaedin the town ofsoio, and ■oathof Mr. Boydfljj'8 plaln, and four and half miles from Ann Arbor'. MCBRAY. w.M. mihi:av. Bolo, spt. '.'4, I6üi. BlOwq GREAT. GItEATEK GRSATEST BAIiGAINS EVEE ÖFFEREÜ 1859. PLp.1850, In tlii 3 City, are uow being ofle.reil it tha CHEAl'.CLOCK.WATCH, & Jovpelry ffiJtoxorpilK Subscribe r wou Idea y I" tbseltlzennol Ann Ar1 bor.i't particular, inl tlifl rot rf Wüsttrrn.r.v Coun'v Ingonnrnl, i!il hehaajaat IMPOKFED [)i RECTLY irom KyiïOPE.a Trcmendous Stock of Watches! Ah of which li" blodi ;,!t.í-.-;i toPil] CHEAPEK tlmn cao hr bongbt wpet of Nnw Vork City. Open Face Cyliader WKChea trom 6i to Sio dn do lov(;r dn do ft to xii [luuting-Cwe 'i do do 11 to 35 '1 i do Cyllmlcr do cli I to i!g I CoM W:iti'hes frcm 20 to 150 i I have hIüo tno CELKBUATEI) AMERÍCAN WAT CUES, which I wlH sr;ii Itr &.i. Kvcry Vvateh wnrrautt-d to ucríbrm prell.orthe monoy ralunded. Clocbs. ,Ti-.v( y, Pifkte 1 V'tirr', f':my Oooile, Gold Tona, MiisictílIuatrui'K'i.'.n and 3 1 tinge, Cutiere. X-c, .anti in factfljorlety of eTerymíng oan1y kcpi y Jcwelrrs can bc boughtfor lie nest nincty á.y& at vuur OÏÏN P 11 I C E S I Persona buylng fliiythïng ut thts wpII knnwn establisbnoè nl mm relyupon geitfng gooda exactly as reprpstintd, ortfaemospy rafuüded. cil!fiirly and se core the best bargalus ever olferedlit lbl City. Ono word ín regard to Rcpairing : We are prepared to mnke nny ropfiirs onfine or comHKUl U'iiTh'S. t'V; tl [.. .■ thd OUtÜTO '■■iiti'll, if nftGCMfiry, ïirpitiHnrr of Cloclia nnd .!-wi ',■,- ,, nsunl. AÏh the manufncturlne ol RINGS, BRO ICHS or aaythlng doslred, from California Gold n short no' tto. f:nrr.-i;'i in Muts I ranches excented nithnent ucöS and dispatch, J C WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jn. 28thIB59. ïi'Jw , ■ HORACE WATERS, AGENT 333 Broaüway, V c w Y o r k Publlshci ofMitslc uk! illusie lïofks AND ÜKALICII IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexancire Organe Organ Accordeons, Martin 's celebrated and other Guitars, Vtblios, Tenor Yiols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Fluí i Flutos,Fiíes, TriQDg]ee,'Glari raettp Timing Forks, Pipes and ifammer, Violin Bows, bet Italia n Stririge Bfiiea Instrumento for Banxl, Piant) Stools-, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Si la o o t VtH xtl S i o, (Trom all Uw pul niil Modern School', (intl a'.l kinds of Inslrnction Books tol the above instrumenta; I bui h '■:■--■ Qook; MnÏBic diogantly bound; iliibic paper, aud all kiniU of Music Mcrcbandise, A t t h e Lowcst P r i c e s. New Píanos, At $175, $on. $225, $250, and op to $son. Socond Band PianM Proin $36 op to $160; New Melodeosf $45 , SfiO, $75, $100, : ni i-p to $200; Second Hand Mei from $30 to $80 : Vloxa ndre ( 'rgans, with five stops, $160, DtneatopR, $185anr) $225; thirln stops, $260; $ . $300; flr ' ?ral couul to Clorfcyini'ii, ( hurches, Fabbath Schools, r n i and Teachors. Tlio Trade eupplied attbeuaual tradö Testimoniáis of tlio Hornee Waters Planos j.imï BZelodeons. John Hetrett, of Cartha re, N'w York, who haa had one of tlin RoracoWatert nanos, irrltoffU followa: - 'A rriend of mine wishes me la purchase n i ',■ her. She likn the öne you sold me In December, 1856. My piano ís becoming pöpulaf ift 'Ais placo, and I Úiiuk I can introduce ono or two move; tkey will be more popular tliau any olher raaliè." lWo have two of atérs' ríanos in uso ín o'irPfPitnary, one of which lia been scverely tested For tïiree vcüvs. and w t'iui tcstify to thoír goort qnality aixl durability." - Woou .V: Gregory, Mouni Carroll, Til. " U, Wafèi, ï'-'i. - Dear Sir: Haring uso-l one of your P . oo I Óríea fot twoyears past. I have fonttd it ,-i vory superior Instrument. Aibxzo Öb.vt, Principal Brooltlyn Heighte Stvnmnry. ieTho Piano I recet?ed rrom you continúes to glpe Batiefaction. 1 regard itaa one ofthe bestbwitranietrta in the place." FAXES U (Xarkk, Charleston, Va. "The Helodeon bas Bafeiyarrived. ï teel obllgétf tO yoti fory oor liberal discount." Rev. J. U. Yarquatviltt'.S, C. "The iiïiino was duly recoivcrl. Itcamo in . QODdition, and is very niuch a'imired bymy Dumerom fuinily. Acce] I mv thanka for your promptuess." - Robbkt COOPKB, Wárvnihfim, Braajoed Co. Pa. 'Yont [liane picases us woil. it u the best one In out counrty.'V Tho3 ■■■'. Campbdüon, Ga. tEWo are verv much obligod to you forhftving sent saeh a lho Instrument for $260.'- BRAXK,Harítí & Co., Pri eral, "The Horace Waters Pianos areknorra asanong tb'1 vory best We are enabled to Bpeftfc of thoee inatrumentfl with oonfldence, from persona] kñow] -'..■ of thír exeelleni tone and durable qualfty.1 - AT. Y. F.mngclist. "We can speak of ti"' merlts "' Ibe i forac ff a tara ptanos from penwnRl fcnowlodge, as batog the reryflnesi qualiiy."- CAi -intinn {ntetiiLencer. uThe Horaofl Waters plaaosare ouütof the b most fhoroughl) Beasonea material. We baTc no doubt tha1 buy in cando as wcll.perhapa botter, at tblsUian ;it any otnerhouse in the Unioii." - Advocate a'id Journal. Waters' pianos and melodi ja bomparfaon w thoftneslmadeanywhere in the country." - Home Journal "Horaco Waters' piano Forten irf of fnli, rich anl even tone, and powerful-JT. t. fuicai Review. friendo wlH find at Mr. Waters' rtow 11 ■ best assortment of MubIc and of Planos tobo forana In tho CTnited States, and we urge our sottthern a ml western frïcnds to give U'lm a cal! wheneYer they goto New V n rk . ' " - Graharn's Magazine. Warchouse 333 Broadvay M. Y. SabbathSchool Bel], 100,000 tasteed in ten Monthfi. The unprecèdented sale of thls bóok baa Induced the 3 1 new tunosan-lhymns toita present bij, without extra charge, except on fhe,cheap editinn- Among the many beautiful tune-i and hymti m.iv tic fonnè: - "1 onght to lóv my mother;1 "0111 i„. a good chlld, Indeed I will," These and oighl othera from UieBeP.ireM at tUa Sunday Sphool.á sat-v of the V.. Church at the Academy of Umie, wfth greal ápplause. the Bellcortainn Dearty20M inerand hvmns, aii'l is of the best collecttoiu ever issued. w , ■ - 1( . ■ k Elegantly bound. i i loo lt has bfjen Introdueod Min mativ of the Public SchooU. The . è ífl ptiblislíedin smalt nombew ontiued Anni nrsary and Sunday School UtusïcB oksNos. 1,-, 3, Í: 4( d order ■ ':Cl' llu" raillion; prce 12 & $:l per hundred Ko. -r will sai n be Isi nod- conuneneement of ínother bodfc Al, Revival tfualo Booka.Notl it i brice Si ík $"2 per lOOpostage 1c. More tha.i üoo,000 copies pf th niViv booka havo been is-.m-.l the past öighteen monüis, umi the demand israpidly Incroaaing. ] Pttblblab.y HOKACE WATERS, Agmt, a3 Uruulwaf , N. Y. KTo-ott JMvisio, Publised by Horace Waters Tío. 333 BroadWay, ?fcw Yorh. Vocal,"Kin Wordaii omitHY' "The Asmlstold tno so;" "Y:1U of tl' rst;'1 "Thonghta af God;" Qird nsoback my Moontalii Ébnoae;" uDay Droauns;" ( "Ilanitv Coi Robín;" "l'm riUi thee stlll;"Ptm ■Theru'tno d&rilng Ufce min;" "Saiah Jane L;""Et. er of thee;" "I'x lenTingtbee in Borrowj" "Biid of Homo Df out l'irtli;" "6T oí Bobl," and 'Wake, Idy,wak,,prlc Moeaeh. ' LNSTEOMK.VTAL, - ' Talace Garden, or Singing BW Polk ' 40e: "Swinging SohotUsch;" "Mirbl Bohottiach;" 'ThomM Bakw1 Sohottteohe;" "Piccolomini I'niu, 05 each. Th aboepiecehaToUuUfai Vtoettee Weimer Polka;" "Aiabian Wai orj 1 iho TOT last; "v' -ovi.ipM.i Donii'IN Mazurka; "Hflll: n" Pülii-i" "Crinoline Walt," and "Lancera' Qua drïlle "28e each. "Tlio ESnpIroof Reich'a Quadrillli;" a new dance, and "Th Hibarnlan QnadrIUo, (nyofthem pieoe played iy Dakcr's elabraleil I onh'cst r:i with grc:it Mailcd freo. A f largo lot of Foreign Music at half price. i Pianos, Melodeons and Orgaus. llie Horaco Waters Píanos and' Melodeons, tot dtpth, ' '. of tono and durabllity, are unaurpaased. I vcry low Sooond Elan] Pianoa ;r.A bfelodeonfl from 2ti to 150 M lsIc and Musical Instructions of. all kinda,atUia f lowe : prlces. HORACK WATERS; Agjnt, 1 Ko. 888 Broadway,'N. V. Tkstimoniai?; - "Tlio Hornrv Waten Planoa ate knbvn a among tho vorj best.' -BvmgêtUt. w.-.mi! viicniv of.thelr merttsfroia ppraonal i eige."-CkrUtltt Intdtigritctr. "Übthlngat Oio Pair Jleplayed grsatíreicelJínoe -"- Churchman. Waters' ríanos and Melojoona challenge comporhon with tho made any wLcrein the coun'.ry.1'- Home ■ Journal. "''-"f Irving's 'Works - National Editiou ■ mHIS Fina Editloo "f tlio Worki i-r WabbjsotoS Ih , l nxa (Inclodlog thellfeof WaihmgUnJ willbopubished for SUBSCRIBBRS ONLY In Montlily Volumes, Trico $1.50 Payable on Delivery. Beautlfully Printirl on heavy supcrAne papor, of tlic v, ; i..--t it;iiitvï ainl gubstantially boumi En hcav} berellcd !■ i O"Lack Volume illustratod with Vignettet ' on Steel nnd Wood. jj Kniokarbocker'fl New York, ■■■li Book, Cloth. Columöus, 8 rota, ' Bi acebrldge Hall, Aatoria, Taieaof a Traveler, Crayon hflscollany, ' Rapt. Bonnevfllcr, Ollver Qoldamltb, Miihuiii't. 2 volu. Grenada, AUiambr, Wolferl ' I Knost, i.ifo oí' Washington, 5 vola. Salmaffandl. Thlaadltion will be BoldwccLnarffM-T t Subscribcre and will be greatl) aperior to any ever before laauofl,- A vctv hun ■ I' luiivrr-ally popularrork. in tliiia i'liiccd wilbln tho in ana of all. O 1'. H TNAM. A '.'(., 1'iiWislicr, 115 Xassau Stroet, Nu York Sarsaparilla FOB, PUP.IFY1IÏG THE BLOOD. And i"i : Scroftila mul Scrofuious AlTVíí I .ï:ss,snt Ss n Txiiikovëj Ulers sorcb, látuptlong, PimpUx, PitKiitlc, Blotcttea. JJo;i, Blnii&s, and uil Skin JJlscttsrs. iRD, Iml.. 6th June, I J. 0. ArR A ('■■. Qetits: 1 Ceel II my iluty i,, p. knowladge wlifri your 'itrwiimiill fur ino. iijicrlted u Sr rofuloiw in! tflun, I have si from it In viivliuis ways lor years. ttomelhites it. bupH out In I lins on iny Imiittt and anta; Bonietfintw ii. turndd Lnwtinl nnl tlistresseil uio at ih: stumacb. Tura V' Li iftj ti iij v licwl t:il covered m.v ■ I] and ears witli wio torn. wblch wan alnrii1 mul IoaÍ] beyoud ilesci i i í m. J tiicil nianv luedichwq amleei raÁ p!iy.-i''iuii . i ii without innch rollèf-fron. aiiy thirtg. In ÍHct, tlio disorder grow froree, At leugtb I waa rojoicuil to road lu ilij i. .- . I Mi . : -. ■■ tli you luul iiejmcd an alterativo (Sanmtai Illaj, fnr I kiicw frtm ym ■ ■ tion tlmt m,v íhlug you nuídu musí I gnotl. 1 wnl to CincInnaUaiidg I U, and iwwl It Lili it eui U, as yon i'hiM'. iji sniíill donesol a U'afiujbnrnl overa month, tuiíl na itl ulriiost threo LkiUUm. New nnd healtby Skln boom íh-mi lo ti. un ii.i l.-r c;ib, whicl whtlo fi-ll off. y Pkin is now dr. attd i know by mj fcolingfl tlmt i!i - ■ :,-■ ■ ■ ,. Vuu can wel I believe tlial I i wliat I un saylng wlien I toll you, that I Ij i j ii tol oueof theapostUx of thoágo, aml reinaiu over giutefitUy. Youid, AU'ltKI) II. TAIABY. Sí. Aiitliony's Viro. Tïosc or ErVgf pel, Te t ter and S;tlt, ItUeum Sculil iicud, Hing worm, Sore luyes, Dro})sy. Dr. Robcrl I. I'm-M' írritos from Salem, x. Y., 12ih Sept., 1850, tliut lie litin ciired an Invetérate case ot' Viop.ii;, ivnlch Uireaieued Id tormluato fatally, by llio bermrerlng ine of uur Sarsaparilla, ntitl aleó a aauferous MOCtífffUXftt Brffstpeias by largo losc of the une; auys ho cures tlie com:ii. y , . constttiitly lïroiK lio Ir, Goiire or f-iwellcd ATcclc. Zebulon &1oan r Proicpcc Ttoxas, tit'v : " Tkrco bot tlcs of your Sarsniuirllla cmKl dio froin :i GiLfre - n liíüofiis iwelllng nn tlio oeck, whicl i i liad Buflej-tjd from over two ye&n." Lcucorihcrn orWh U ■ O v Arla Tumor, Uterino Vlcoiutíon, Peml lUenscs. Dr. J. B. S. Clmunlng, of fw Ifork Ciiy, ; ■■ I most clu'crfully comply wïtli tbo roquesl of yonr ftgent in iaylng I lmvo (bunu yonr BArsaparilIo ■! iji I excellent álteratlve ín tlio nnmerons comnlaints for whi.ii we employ suoli h i-T.i ily, bul BRneclally in fkmaU Óitecue of tbe Scrofulous dlnlltésfs. i bftvc enred mafij invefprate cases oí ímw )''!-'-';i '"-' irí n:1' boiiw nbore tira compluint was cansed hy ulatrati '- Tho nlceratiou itself was Boon curod. Botblng Itbin my knoffï eilgc eqnala it for thom femalo demngements." Edward S. Morrow, -f tewbury, Ala., writcs, "A iJangeruus ovarían tumor oh ono f tho remates in my fiuníly, whlch had dfied nll the remediea we coitld employ, bai at length been cömpietoty cured ly your Extract of8arBai:u ilhi. Our phyelcian tliongbt DoUifng bnt xtirpatioii cüuIi] afíorñ relief, bul in n Iviaed lh tlial of yonï Surgn)arilla fw tho Ist rsorl before cnttlng, aml it proTH i Rectuat. AftiT íaklngyour raraeSy eight wecks no symptom of tlic dlso . o remalus.1 Syphilis and Mercurial Diaease. New Orleahs, 25th Angustí 1PM. Un. J. O. Ayf.p. : Slr, I cheorfiílly comply wltb tho ioÏneBt of yonr agent, and report to yon sonie of tho oñeets have realized wltb yoür SariparIIIa. I havo enred wlth it, in uiy practico, most of tlio comjil.iinfs for whlcli it is recojooüBoended, Riid have feuitd its effectji truly wondcrful in tbe cm of raiercaland Vercurial Xeaxe, One of my pattanta liml Syplillltlc ulcera in iüH tbroat, whlcli wero consnmlng bin púlate and tlio top ot' bis moiflli, Vonr Saraa patilla, ntoadlly tkn, curetl blm In flve T0ekJL Anothur nos attiiclunl by Becondary Byinptouis in 'u pose, and the uloerntion liad eaten away a conddAroble part of ü, so tlmt l lu.!.. ve tbe di rder wouldf n reoch hia brain aml kill hliii. Bul ic ylolded to my adminlstration ol your Sarsapárilln; tho ulcers liealed, and hj i well agafn, not of conreo without gome dbiflguratioii u his thce. A woumn wbo liad been tiiut-..l tur tin) same (Üsoidor hy itieicury wa BnfFortng from tblfl polson ín ber bonea. Tbey liad become w seüdth ■ i" tbe w.-;itlii-r ibnl n ;i damp Ódj bIiq í aíTéred e.xéraciatlñK pain In her J tutanud uon. Sbe, too, iraj onred ejitirely by your SarBaparilla In ato weeks, l know (rom Ita forutuia, wblcb your agent gave me, tlmt this l'ioinuatKni fiom yonr laboratory must Loa great ijemedy ; cdnsequently. tlíB trqly romarkable n-bults with it bnve not Burprtoed me. Fraternally yours, O. Y. I.Ai;niKRf M. D. Rlieumntism, (ion!, I. i ver Complntut. ISOEPtMDKWO. l'ir-ii ii ('i ., Va., ili July, 1869. Dr. J. C. A tbr: Ir, I buvo boen aflllcted iíli a pataful ebronic RteumaUtn for a loug timo, wbfcH bafllal tho skill uf phjsicíjin.s. tuul stuck to me i" BpJte ofall tho remedies I cdtiM Bod, un til I trled y onr Sarsaparilla. Ono bottlü cured mu in two weeks, aod reetorad nij - health so much UmI J un far better tlian bofera E vras attacked. 1 thluk it ■ wmhIiiI'u] oiediclne. J. FílKAM. Jules Y. Qetcbell] (f Bfc fiOuls, vritei "I havo Wen tflll ted foi' v;iisui!h nn ojiidion íhe LivrtwUU;h i; Btroyed mybeallb. I triedevory thlóandevery (hing fuil-1'! to ](!■■; and I bave bVpp a broken-down man fcr soine yeara from do oiber cause 0mn dtrangement nf Vie Liter. My befored pastor, tho Hcv. Mr. Hspy, advfsod me totry yoitrSanaparlHaí bécnuse be fd kcew yon,, and any tlilQg yon Diado wfts woitli trj ing. Ity (ho bies ing of (0)1 it has cured me, and has '■ purlfled my htood as to nuike a new man of me. I ft-tl yottng agoto. Tho best that can bo said ofyou ia not half pood enongb." Sel I iruí, Cáncer Tumors, Kularjcnicnt, Ulccríit ion, C úrica aml ICxfollutlou of tlie Lom, A Kreftt vaiiety of rases have Won reporíed to us whero cucos of. tliose formidable coinplaint have reatilted fnnn tho uso of tliis remedy, but onr vpace hQra wlll not ailniit them. Some f tboni inay Iju tbnnO lu our A,mertcan Almanac, whtcb tbe agopbB bolow oauxod ue pleosed to furnish giatis to ítll who cali for theni. Dyspepsiu. He art Disenso, Viís, Epilcp■y , M 1 n 1 1 1 o 1 y , ÍVeiirnlgla Jlany ramftfkablo enros of I ;.í havo heen made by tlie alterath ip n ir oftbf medicine, Itstlmnhttes the vital functiona Into vlgoroua acüon, aml Uioa OToroomea dlsordi ra n hlcb vouln be Buppond byorid its rcach. Such ;i romedy lias long been reiraíred by tbe nccessities of 1 1 te peoplo, and we aro confideut ihat iliia will do for them all tlmt medicine can do, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Fon THB HAIMI) CüHB OF Coniclis, C'o] ís, Influenza, 1Ionrenc$s, Croují, lironclk iíís, Im ipit-nt (nB un i t i o ii , a ii (I for th e 11 e 1 lef of ( oiiMiin pf ivv ïn tienta in ndvaurcil Stnges of the Diücnsc Thla Es a remedy bo nulvcrsally known to snrpaM atw other for tbe cnre of ilirit and lung complafnts, that it is oselon taere to publlsb t]i' evidence of its rirtttffl. lts nnritalled excellence tor cougha and colda, and lts truly wonderful cnrea .!' puluionary dlsease, liavo made it known tlirul:i tlia civili..-l naUons of tb earth Fw aro tho communiKea, op even Dunflte% amona tbem who havo not somo personal experloncoof itatffeeta - eomo living trophy In Uietr mldst of its victory over the subtle and dangeroaa disorders of the thtioatand laagm As uil knuw tlm dreadful fatality of theae disordere.and as they know, too, the effecta of itiis remedy," we need nut do more than to amire them that it bos bow all the virtucs tlmt it dld have wbeti maling llie tures whlch havo won so stionjxly apon the contldeiice of uiankhul. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEK 6o CO., Lowell, Kass. And foi sale iiy Maynard, Stebbnis & WiisoUj FARRAND, SHELEY & CO., Pctroir. J ir. BCHRlLL, Travelling Agent. liïiïe "Factor'y! A. J. SUTHEULANÜ HASrómoTodhlsGuM ShoptotheNuw l'iockinilutreet,outbuf iheCourtUouse.oiittiesocond Boor, whori lic is prepared to fa rnish Guns, Pistola, Ammunition Flasks, PoVihet Game Bags, and Everj othcr article in Iiïb Line. Ou the tnostroasonnblr t['riTH?,i:iulto do II kinds o the shürtcit notico.and in the best msnncl full nasorctnstit alwuys kt-pt od hnnd,ond tnnde to oriler. City Cheap Lumber Sash, JDoors Blinds, Plaste? Paris, ; Grand liiver Piaster, Waicr Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Put ty, c6c, Èc. , B, DeForest, HAVINfi incream'd his fnoilitici for dolig busl oee anJ enlárged liis Yard and Stock, ia prejaicd tbe.proseol saso:i, willi il ■ ind chcatest aeaiOneditockeverln lIiíb mirlcC. to latlsly the re i itlom it n]. Oui motto i u''t to be undorfluld lor cuah on deüvrry [wlll not undertaketofrlïblenthe public byylnj [hat il'-"will getabavedll they buylewhere,foi wo presume that o'.her willsellaslow asthcy can ïft'ord to. All kinds of Timber, Joists, nd Scantllng, Piue, Wliltcwood, Bnsiwood , Hem lock, Planed aud Matched Pine, "Whitewood ,lsh Klooi lög.Planedandrongh Plèeend Whitewood :ding,Feic Toets, OukundCedai rostsandPickets jl' alt kinds. IJJine fatl), oni UHjitcuioob %. ,n Ptne, Ashnni Whitewood Shinglo, Barn Boards and Bam Floor Plank,,andChorry nnd thin stutl', Wagon nd BUGGY AX'LES anti TONGUEü, liuxnud Body Lumbor,Maplo Log Tiraber, Hickory, Oak7 Ash, Sim, Beech, Ofu'-lthlcknosoe,widths andlongthe.&c. tic, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofsüklnds. KTilllSI of all sizca, &c, te. SAS II, 1)0 O BS, ds BLINDS, made by hnml to order as la w as f actor y p ricos, on ;ho shortcstnoticc bythc beatof workiuen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bill ofal! deacrlptlon In tho obovo building Hut furnlshcdunthv' -I' irtetof notlce, for We have Mills Cutting Rcgularhj. fullanda perfect assortinect of thu abovo anl Dthor kind of Building Materials ConsUintly oiilianclaltlu lowestpossible rates Cali and be Convineod. A few rods southrom R. R. Depot or. Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mick. ROOFING, N.B. - I ain now operatiug Hxteusivelj ia the Patent Cement Rooiicg. Mortgagc Sale. DFFA1XT bavÜQfl[ been made Ld the corvlitum of s% fnri ■ - -l bj agüita '■ I' tl and wif to WU1L ' ■ LT'inrli;in for (ii'rtrmk FfstcberJ l. I). 1853 Bivi 1 1 ■ O'.' ani i 'at of Matcb. Ah. L863, al ttro uVInck . !h rjayof August, A. D. 18rator, " th th ■ the satd öertrude FlftíalÚ, ■ ■■ b] -. i it f n asaigiiment, recorded r '■., ■ I i ;na 27th, A ■ D. ISG1 1 't ten o'clock A. M.. 1 whích do'aull the powrt ■ ' ■ ■ ■ 1 Ín ! Mi ii :; :!;c lici.-.'.iiM1 iijn-i iiivu and N'i stftt o proeeeitiug ii.-n :i,.c boen iugtitutad ai lav to recovpr yiediti sccured 'y saíJ Mort page or any imrt thoreof; riw thesuin offoorti nbundred and eeventy. cl&imod to bc duo t herrón, átin further in-tnll: I I i therOOü. Notie: ia ; said Mbi tsogc w II !■■ lorectotcd i ■. ;■■ emfiw, to-wH : AH ; reta of land known and de ■■; Lbed tt-commencing on the weat line ol ■ :■.■.-.. teet Bnúth t' tlio ncrth-catil corner I lal I D, Bfock Xo. two north ol ïluron f ■ ti'r'. n il.r "ity óf At b Arbor Jiïi'l riilifliü.' VW üfil'th lineof Hni lot, ;mhI fctrentj-two fooi il : i west end uf lald :■■ . eouI ;i t ■ ' . tbeneo east parallel vpitb fir ■ ' ■'" ''■'■' Hwrpfrom j-fco Sluin Mpi-t ;, . epfj iv.oiVi-i. to tbe plaesof b (Tinnibffs ■ i ui ptibHc renduB&ttftw : atd Countyoa theserratt ■ i .rVMKSKIMír-XKV, AJrainitttrator with ' ' ' : trmleKlctchci decoof ■''. . K. (.v. Mono ah, Attorncj DaWüi Ann ftrbor, Aug 28tb, A. D. 1SÖ1. Mortgagc Forcclosure, D. tnetít ö'jAthi1 :i,-':l])ih ál ■ rwl ! 0 I itod 0 -l:ti]ii bH. Uorrifl and Sïary P. llorn toKKza BoUford, datod the ) ..'..!. i ■-'.', i 1 recordftd intlm, : '! office intiie coufitj of ftaaktenaw, ín Libct -. oi " ' ■■ ■ ■■■ ti 1 ilay of' J ily, Á. D. 18W, al ñfieen miQutüapast8o'clock, A. W..J .; default power of aole cóntained in snij ■ t ; vi, and no suit r pro ited at Utw t rocüvcJf :. ... ■ r ■! i'v -:': I mortgage "f ; rlmn-Iri il and slxty now clainwd to lo r n. Ñotíco is theicfore hcrebj givcn, tliiït tl Ie .i . tUüt oertftin trnet or pnrcol of Ion i knon o n A fllows, to-wit : Beiag a :' eiiürth-eaítqusfterpf sectfon No. tvrenty-nJnQ i:i ttfwnsbip No. Ivo soutn of range N"o. six east, ï- - aorth of a (mint of nter■ ■ : : r ■ of Qaroa Btrèei in tht city ?( .Ar"i Arbcr :ifne.-:iiil, tlienoc running fa.-t imti) it - tri'.vs tlw eat llae f -;u'l ssetion, thencc weal nd streel miiil t strikes land iMiiii-.i bv Mü'. Fultorin Ajuil 1S45, thenco north by 8a d Ful] . tl thirteen uu's until t '■trilip rth bj mid Page .--'.n-'t-'t tw.-ntj foar Tods to the north-wesl coraer i block N. 25 o rniPby's additlon totbe rHlageói Ann Arboi tire north lina ofaaid íootíoij t- xhê s1 corner of eaid Bection, ihenco gouth on tli east Uno of sald Rectíori &touf lorty roda to tli place '■ . rw. ' r nontfl pari tbereof, ;it publjfl &t tl ■ Ín the city of Au Arbor od tho ointh day ''t' N'm ember tíext, it noon. " Kl.I.A BOTtíFOm, Mor tgagoo. K. W. MoxOMt Ati'v. Dated, August lth, &. 1) ,1861. 813td Estato of Marvin Cadwell. STATK OF MIOHÏGAN ColiiiIv of Wwsljíeaaw, .s.- Al a session of thfl Probate Coorf for tle Cóuírty of ffawhtenaw. holden qj tho Probate Offioo, In the City ol Alm Arborj on VS ednes '■■■'. i li" nfnth la y of Oetobei . lo tho year one thousand elgflit hundred and sixty-one, Pi eteni , Thoma i Nínáe, Jodge of Probate. In tho I I te of Marvin CaáwoH, déceasd, Amelia Cadwell A-iinini tr trix f s;uc estáte, comes intty Court ao tlial aha i&now prepared to render liGrflnbl accou i ImtnUtiatuix, and aaka that td la r in:i_v be aaslgned for tho exaininingand aHotrtngof sucl ■ tlircof mar ■ t'-'l in saïd t'slutf, in sucli - tiall dlreet. TIum', : dj Tlia-t Fritljiy.the Eigtith Uy ol November, next ;t tédo'cloci in the fbreoooB, b#4' Bigncd tor the I lid ftccouot, and that tbo l, and :ill other pontons Idterefeted in said estatuare reqii wé to aypear ata amttón of said Court j Uien t" bo bolden at the rrpbat Offici, iu tht City of Ann Arbor, in s;ti1 Coünty, .ml show cause, ifany thciu lx-, hv the Batd necemnt should not bo altowotl. Anl it is fuTther Ordercd that Baïd Adniinistnrtrfx gire notfeé totbe persons iaterc&têd in uud etftate, f tho : ■. .if gaid accouni, and the Iiearinp tbereof, ly :i cop'y of tliis order to be publïshed in tho Michigan Arguít.w. oewpaper priüted and ccculatlngiq ■ :iïil i 'ounty of WasUtouaw, tbxee BoccestiTe woeki, prèvious tosaid daj of h b (Atrue ■-■;■:■.) TllUjlASMXDE, Judgc of Probate. Chancery Salo. STATE OF MICIIKUX, mi Ch-kt vor tui Coi ntv ov W'A.-iriK.vvw, Kliii A rorkina vs. Bebrah Pr kin- In Chañe r ;■■ ; In puT&uanoQ oí a decretal of the Circuit Court of tle Counti of AJpshtenaTjTf'n CbanoVry.madelntha abovo i the aecond daj of Decrákbetf , A. I), eíghteca buBdxed and Bfty nin, and a furthcr oroex of thia Court wr.wW m the sixth day of Februaíy, A. 1 elghteen hunrtred and sfxty-onq, wil) besoH, ander tho alrwtion t the Circuit Court Comnrfsaioner t'or the County of flTaab.tenaw. ;it niMie auction, :tt tbu iioutb or front door of f f Anti Arbor, on Satuninj the slxth 3a y t' .luly, eigbteii hundr dand xty-i.m.', ;it il thpftc certa in tracts or pareéis "f ïhnd lyin and being In the towhshlp of Sa tem. In ti;'1 County i Waah.tenaw afoxeaaid, and dc;. : The west half i ; iiiartcr of Bection fifu-on, and Uu weal balfof the nortn-ea t cmartor of seotion twenty-two, in utli, of riDge seveu east, or s much thereóf an may bó neo i ïy thsamojint luo apon :üii doeree, togetht r with interest and costs. [), S TWITi . irri f'"m. for thv Ci imty of Washtenuw O. ELVWKIX?, öolicitor for Complainant and Assignee ■ Ai. n Arbor May 20,1861. Theabové sale ta adjoomod on til tbe lóth úay of No..■t, at the same hour and place. Uated, July 6th, 1861. D. 3. TWÏTCHKLIj, 1 cuit Court Con. A aah tenía w Co., Mich QTTE OP MICMICAX- The Circuit Couit for the w County of WaabtenaWj i Chaucery - lm Parker, Coni}ihii,";iii!..v-. Ui nry Bauslaugh, Háriá C. líauslaugh, i, and JtGkñea F. Averyi liefendants. - tho ii ui. Edwin Lawrence, Circuit Julgc at Chambers. n Eatisfactornj appeaTtng to this Court Ihai tho dí-feiülunts, Hénry B . BauHlaiigb. au tchen, are nonresklenta of this lof the Proviaoe of Upper Cna0;i: On motioaof 0, Hawlcins, of Counpei for complainant, it ■ ' (besaiddufendanteHenry Baus: ria c. Banalaugh, and Charlfta lEuWctaea, causo .■ to be entered within four months rom the. date of thïa order, and that in caso Appearnnce, thêy caóse their answer to tho eomplainant'8 bilí to be íih-d, and a copy tbereof to bo . n the compltfinanta sollcitor, within twenty days a f ter 86xvlce nf i copy of saJd lill and ootica f I tn ';' fauli thereof, that the aaïd bill b : ., ...... ised bytbc said defendap-ti Henry BausMaria C. Baustaugh, and Charlea And ti furthei oráered, tbat within twenty daya the said complafni lotice of t ;Is order to bopublisb] . a newspaper brinted at the City of Ana Arbor, and that the said pubEcatioo !■ coutin.;.! paper at least once tú eaoh week Cor six kst or that be causea copy of thi orik'r ■ i n;vl ! v servod -Mi the said dolendaats, Uenrjf -h.Marift ü. Baulai arles Kitchen, before tne tinfte above preeoribed ui thcir apnearanbe Ann Arbor. October i-ith, 1861. E. I.av RENCE, Circuit Judge. Attest, RoftBnT 1. -ter. o. iIawmn.s, golicltof for Complainant. Ann Arbor Marble Wor?s. Eatclaolcaer il AS on luada linu uuiortmsat ol Ataerlcua and 1TALIAN MKUBLE whichhcis rrtjarcdto manufacture into in iilltlieir varietiei,aml lp a WÜRKMANUKE manncr Having had consiierablo experlence in the busincst !io Batten himseli ihat he v. 11 be sbWtfl pieos all who maj taTor me rlth thelr or.'or. His pricea LOWASTIIELOffEST. Ann ArbOT. M.'V 20, 1861. SOU D. . L. WOOD & CO., UAVK JLST OrKNED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods For the SPRING & SUMMER Trade f 1ÖGI Having purebased tbeir stock at much les than tbe usual prices.Uiey are prepnred to. offer GKEAT INDUCEMENT3 To Cash & Iteady Pay Buyers. Thaukful for past favors they -will bc ever ready to ebow their Goods and by fair and liberal denling'hope to reccive their full sbaro of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbo.i April 1861.


Old News
Michigan Argus