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The Lancers

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progresa for quartering Col. Iíaxkin's Regiment of Laneras on the grounds of thegoveruinentat Dcarboru. ïho grounds and buildings are admirable íor the purpose, and wo havo woiu'erecl that they have not been called hito use before this. L5T The o:-der ful the eavalry regimentí of Col. Kellogo to procecd im" mediatcly to Kuntucky bas boen revoked, aud the regiment are to remain at Gra-id Rapids until fully ariiied and cjuippcd, wïen they are to go to Missouri, lyfT The Pontiac Oatette intimates that Ex.-Gov. Wis.nuk Ls a caudidato for Senatorial honors. The St. Joseph Trateler deelares iu favor of Ilon. F. W. Kkli.oíiü, of the 3d district, bclti-r knowfl as " tho war horse of the pine woods," a man of infinita lungs. Candidates are geuiug nuroeroua. j:" S.m IIoiston isreported dead. ITu inay bc, but wc want other thmi fobol testimony before crediting it. Tho rebels have reportfd hita as giving in his adlii-'.sion to the Southern Coulederacy, tut we havo uovcr beücvcd the charge. 53 From Kichmond thero comes a report of a little engagenjeut ut Mattoras between the forts, Ibree or four govwi ineni steaméra and a single rebel steaüi r, in whicb tlic latter did wonderfull thipgs iiid Uccle Saia'a boys did - n'thing We dun't bLliuve it was ïnuch of a fight 'i'iio deetion in Detroit on Tui.s-.iay ri'sultcd in tlie BUOCésa oí (Lo eníirc Dèmbcraxio City ticket by from 500 to 700 iiKijority. Suvon óf the ten Aldermen .".re Demócrata ïhe vote was about 2000 sbort of a fulljone. TInUopublicuiis atbribute the result to the eflect8 of the five-gallon luw and the Sunday ordinance. EÏPTlie New York Stuto eloction took pl.iuc on Tuesday, and the Buccesa of t!iu Uuiüii or Pecple's ticket ia claimed by a majority of 100, (JOU. Dickiusoii, fur j Attoruoy General, had nearly 17,000 majority u New York City. SO Wsi. G. Fargo, Deiuocrat, was clcctcd Major df Buffalo ou Tuesday. E3P" It is roported tbat Gen. Wout. has resigned, we Buppose iu consoquence ot' Gen. McClut.lam being promotcd to the comuiaud of tho army. We fear that the report is true.


Old News
Michigan Argus