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Probable Murder

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The carlicst pPEeri througb. oarstruots bu Wcd.iesday niorutDg foui.J the dead . buily of a man ljkigon tlio side walk of ; Mavnaud, Stebbins & Wir.sou's store. The body was immediately recognised na that of Joiï Lnnl., a:. Irishman wU known to luargr oí our oitizous j nes liad beu. werking on B farm, in Northficld or Salem, durmg the Suuiiikt, but fcruomo weeks had bcou stopping iu the City, ljaving " a bit of a sprce," as dne of tlio witucsses befora the jury of inquest expressed it. A oareful surgical exammatiöp of the body, sliowed tbat be came to his death by a single wound just . over the left temple, a gash about , and-a half iuciics long and cut to the j ekoll. Dr. hjtwvn'a testimony was that it might have been produeed by a nar4-ow dull hatchet, or mure probably by the edge of a board or a club, the death btin" cuiised by the uoncussion. rI'he wouud bied profuaely, and tiic side-waik ; was well covercd. Inxes is gcnerally spoken of as a quiet, peaceable, iooffensive man, without encn-.ies, though ono cne;;:y, a bottle of whiskey, was found with him. It is uot yet known that he liad any money, though rumora are afioat that quite a sum was paid him that day. A jury was impaunelled before Justiee i Fi.NCiiVB, and the evidence developed somc circumstances which may lead to a solution oi the mystery, and the detection of tho criminal ; but as the iuvestigation bas not yet been completed, the jury having adjourned from eduesday evening until to-day, it is hardly proper for U5 to detail the clreumstances brougbt to light We believe t a foul murder, and hope that the authorities wil) inake every ef fort to bring the man or men coneerned iu it to justiee.


Old News
Michigan Argus