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RIS DOK & I1ENDERSOFS fíimsaz THE GENUINE O WJ? O V ES - v wieli t,o cnll the alteiilionof tlie publia to tliis celalrated COOKIIS1G STOVE! Wlii 'h is'llio only porfi.ct, stove mnde. It -n-ill do n:orc l usiiu'ss tit fi mie tliird lesa fuel tlian nny o t lier HT OVE ruade. Trom tistiinony givcn by the persons rot'trroil tobelo,.on account of its duiabihty nnd Fuel Saviïig Qualities, it, has proved snYÍng froiö Twelve To Twenty Dollars'. per ycnr. W would refer ycm to the following list of PERSONS WHO HAVE THEM IN Ó&ÉÍ Prof Tappan Ann Arbor. l John F. Miller, Ann Arbór PrOf.'Woud, " J. Ciilbcrtimith " Prof. W!c!wB, " .I.T. Aulla, Prof. Doi,S ivs, " JoBpto Watts, Aliihcus r.lcli, " r.Wilkinson, wJd. R. Martin, " M S. Dentón, " Rieh'd Hoopw, " O. Hawklns, Hgn.B. F Graógrr" C. A. Chapín, lnynnrd, " Chnrles 'ihayor, " F I, SlïDblnS. " Mnvtin Clark, ' I B.Wilnon, " S. BotBford, A A.Town. Mrs.O. Wplch, " Thomas Wood, 'ttlield. Un.E.T.Wlllianw,'' Alverston bnuy, V Hiapin. " Jacob Polhemm, Boio. C.H. Wood, " K.C'.Goodale, " foaepk W. Woodj " Mr. Feller, tShavon. We linvo on liaüd n large assortrnent of the best kinds of Cooking, Parlor nd PLATE STOVES, añil a general assortinent of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, and Bent stuff fur Carringe worl;. PurticuUr ittenlion paid to fitting up Envetrougli nnd Conductor umi all kinds of Job work don ut the Bhorteat Kotioe. K1SD0N & EENDEKSON. Ann Ai-bor, 18B1. OYE and E AR. DR. F. A. CADWELL, OiEUMOT. ON THE KVK AND EAE. Foï Benlïif ■. nlimlnisa, nurt aiUlcftcts of Siglit anti Hearing. DR C. REINO AKEGUI.ARPhyiieHn,wlthTWENTY i iï iR-í' exclusive praotiee in Uu treatmentof easos of the EYK AND KAK. will be foun.í riifilñl to give relief or eïuCt n cure in any case within the noch I of human elrïll. . . JVo charge for an ezamlnallon or arc opmuin, or for unUCCMful services. Db. C.'s Treaiis oh the Etk asb Eah, of 800 pp., contuining refersnees, IsutimoniM, Descriptlon of DisMim, Cate, nd other important matter, Mmrtrated wüh i'ut, to bn bad zratis, by seuding 7'eK Ceñís to pay poütage. Addrew Dr. Cadtili SS Eandolph Streel oof oer Deaborn, Uniciio, 111. lyTC8 Great Reduction in the Price of SINGKR & CO.'S Standard Machines . Wtllknown to he the B(st for Man ujacturing Vurpose. No. 1, Stiindnrd Shuttfe Machine, fornerly sold at 90, reduued to $70. No. 2, of ame kind of Machine, for inerly so!J n $100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is tholx'st Machine In tb e world for Fimily Sewinfc snfl l.i-ht Hauui.kcturiiJg Purposes : tvitk Uemmer,) umi beautifully ornamented $50. Tbe Nüs. 1 anti 2 Machine are of great capa city and appiicatti ii fr manufacturing purpoaesi. OurNo. 8 Miichinesare especially aüapted to all kinds uf Ugkt and 1m;ivv Leath Vuik, ha Carriage Triairnlng, K""t nl noe Mnking Hame8sii,l!ak!nfir,etc.,to. They areof extra ais, and mitta i;n arm long nouab t ' cake t aaü :iic!. the targesi site daahes. Tlifre isacarcolv ariy pari of aTrimmers' stitching that cannot y done witli t hem i lian by haiifl ; Ko,tüo(tlie avine ol tiiiie Bn.l lubor is ve-y great. Theiableof these macb nes ia 21 inches lonand theabottle will hold BIX huii-.-l't BdUttl quuntitVl ttoead. 'lliciarge I miichins woiku asíalas auaall oue. We wowld ai'k for onr 1-ettei' A Machines, the specialftttution oí '.-t blakers and Desa Makers, and all tboae wlio wam Macbinep for UgHnuMufaelvHagpurposes. Tiit-y emboUy tbe pridciples of the ltsndard machine, making likethem. thciinc"b)cked sitch, nul are dfstiaed to be ascetebrated fpr Famii.y Skwixo azd ''íí manufac' ariug piirpoftaa as our standard ma.chine s u&t fur munutael uring in general. We have always "n brui'!, HXarviNü oaUoks .sukiwwt I INK3 AUD CuTI'U.N TUUKAU, U NPUUI.S, BJÍ8T HACUim Olt in bot Ües, etc, etc. We manufacturft onr wn NeedlfS, pod would wam all persou-i nning ourmacb-iuei nuttobuy anyotliew. W küow tliat tfaere are needies sold of thi most inferior qual'uy at highr priceu than wecharge for the beat. 'i'iip nwiik's Mjni bi are noanufactureti esiticïaUj for our ma i i' ■' -1 oqd ucedtemay vender the bal imcaíxi almnst Ifatfetf. Our cuatonaern may rot a;surcd tliat allour l'riiiu-ii Offices are fiirnisi.ed with the ' germine icticle " In cast1 ui' m.;H purehaties, th muoej muy bd sunt in posta re stutmpís oí bank aotea. Correspondent will pleaae wrile their nnmes dtatlnctly. It la all m;i"rtaiit tht we shuulü, in eacii case, k&off the Post tifficej Countj, am3 State. Al persona reqnjring infnrmation about Sewingr Machiueii, tbeii oi.e, price'a, worbing oapacities, and ths bost methodl óf piirtlminfr, eau obtain il by seiifling ti us, or üiiy of our Branch Oificesfor a copy of I. m. BlOgW Sc Co's Gazette, Whicli is a bwutifni Plotorffcl Paper tñtircly derotftdto tbu subject- í a"' bcscnlgratis. We have maíe tle abore RE0ÜCTIOK TN PKIOES wiüi the two-fuld view of beneüting 1he public ad oarf-:elves. Tiie pubHc have been swiudlefl by spurinus machines madfl m unit&tiou tt ours. Tne uil-ihI in them, f rom the iron casting to tlic spnalUat pfict-, U o poor (;ii..nly. Tbeit nnl.ns li:ive nut the means to dn their wtorfe weil. Tln- nrehiilivraj In secret pUwses, where it woii!m ba Imposi Ib e to have at their comtOAndÜie propermecfaanical appliancea. It is only by doing a prent buHiiiesh ,and baving'exte&ftive manufact urmg astablishinpnis, tha1 ood otachíties van hv mide at inodora tpriecs. best deaigued machines, RAl'I.Y HADB, are ulways tiitble to fföt oi.t of order, and are dura lo cose considerable tfoubíe and mor.oy to krop tlicm in repairt ïba ii:i!i:i(.s to be lonketl for in a Machine aw : cur taiiity of correct acticn al all ratw o speed, Rfmpltcity of constructiun, gi-wit Anrabiltt, ndrapidity of operattun, wrth Ln9t labtff. Machinwto combine these esscntfcl qunntlei, iroufi he mude of the beat me:al and HnlAhtd to pcrftction. We have the way aud means, un ;i grand Male, t do this. The purcliasers of Riachinw. wnose r1ily 1 rfail it mi v conéern, will Bnd tKat llmse bavingthe aborequalïtieB not only vork ell at rapio! aa irell u dont ratei tf 3 pee '1 b ut tosUongef ÏBthfi anédtpmslUle working order. Out amohines, ii made by us, will earn store xo&ay witli leas lab'ir than uny othera whether in tmitutiun o' onruor not, Infact, theyarOohwiwrthna nnyother machines au a gift. 1. M. SINGKH & CO., 458 V-t adway N -w V(irk. Petrolt OOicr. 7S Qriswold Street, opposfte the Poat oiïice. sntf M. IL GOODfííCU, Agent, Ann Arbor. :"(LD FRÍENDSI IN THE RIGIIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Piliss TEBBEBTFA1ÖLY Ca ""HN tliaitic in Ilie wortd, y -miX irj """W used twenty years ty , -m ' - - annualiy : ahvay.s givo V . v;; satisfaction , contaiu J ing notliing iüjuriouB ; 1 ,-' ' . ■■ i - ■ ■ ' ' . T piitronízt1'! b t lie prin ■ W' c'a' pliysicians mul i. )gLéif fïlegantly coated with Ty l.iirpti'Iiiixcs!8 cent; SIÍ&ÍQÉf,2r flvcbóxes lor 1 dollar. v-.-;; ■ -- -' FulIdhractiOlU willu'atb TAIT..UIASSK, I.EO.N ToiXTY,) Fl. . Hila, .Iiily 17,1860. ƒ ToPe. IIei'.ruk, Albau.N. Y - My IH-ar Doctoi :- I writc tira toln&)imyou of thewonderful tflect "f yoni Sugsr Coted Pilis on my eWer daugbtw. Fcrthvee luis beeu affiicted uilli a billiouB .UTanfccmunt of Uu BJ-stein. eadly Imprlng lier hwillli, ivhitli hul been ütendly failing during tbatperlod. WhoninNo Yort in April last, a friend advlued me ti tst yor pin. Having (lic ful!rt cnnSdBC n th? jndgmwit I ïny friona I obtaineil a aapplv of Mwwrs, Bro Part, ... Park Row, New York. On Teturnlng home. e,cead all athsr trralui-i t, and mlminislorcil yciur Pilis, one eocb fight. Tl ImjivoTfnient in her reeliuf, ODmplexion, digestión, He. surpmed us ají. A ip!fl anil"]iprma:icnt restornt'on to hcaltli li is ■ n the resull . ,1 len llrin Svebnie, aml cnnniderhw pnfrely veil I ccni.-iili-r t!ic abOTC a jnst tribute tn you as a Pliysic n, and trust thal t wlll be themeampfinduolng mniy to idoptyouf l'ills m tbeir family medioine. I rVuiain, deal ir, witn ñianv Uianks, Your üöed eo4 seivant, S. G. MoaiiitiON. Hersick's èld StrengtKerrlns Ptefiters cure in live bour, ]i.-.ins and wrak nc-ss of the I '. sido and b&,M RhelimitlC RontplikMUta B eqnalr short nefttod of tiriic. Spread on bhiiitifo?wMtlai „fcfn (jj, , i the wearl r to Iti) nbOBveniocé, an'l each oút "iU a-r.r from one week to threo niouths. Trico 18 J cerils. Hoi ricS's Soinir Coated l'ills nn.l Kid Piasters ure M ov niiürgtatn nnd Herchants in all parta of th United siat.s Cañad ndPontn America. ml may be obtained bv caim,g tor ih i.y ew amm. " -v. ■ Albauy, N. V. PRINTING ! OF ALL KIND Neatly Exectited AT THE AKGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PBEPAUED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF P R I N T I N G AT TUK MOST REAS0NABLE RATES. Wo liaVé róeéntly purohusail a RtTCÏQLES ROTARY CARÓ PRESS, ■nJ linfc (Meel the lnt'it styles of Card Tjpe, bieh enablos us to priot INVITAT1ON CAED8, WEDDING CARLS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CAKDS, &c. in the nentest i-tj-lcs, and ns c'ueup as any Hlier house in the Stuts. We are also pr?pared to print rOSTEKS, HAJÏDBILLö, BANKS, L'LL I1EADS, CIRCULA RS, PAMPIILETS, &c the ARaus BOOK BINDERY is in chnrge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNAL?, HOTEL REGISTERS, aud BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN AnJ ManufnctureJ d best sttlb at New York Prices, 2?eriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY &ÏYLE. . Oíd 33ooks Ee-Bound. All Work warranted to give entivc satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop"r. Office and Bindery, cor. Msin A'Huron Sts REAL ESTÁTE FOK SÁLE. 01 (U aerea of lnd with well of guod water, n.1 R Z)l livinit spring, tone house, brnnfl new hea, nudeimilorcliarii.and rn hnndnd nb tKfééVSt hn]irovpil. The liimiisaituatertiu the ton of g#B, aji.l si.utli of Mr. HnyilBn'8 plaiii, aa'lfour ud hall miles frou. Aua Arbor. Jr] .„..r,, WJI. MLHRAY. 8sh, Bipt. 24, HO. Bl'.Kvc 1861. Í861. FALL & WINTER .GOODS NOW IUXF.lVlNii AT C H. MltXEN U Öo H AVINO to pny CASH for neirly ftll ki'nds of Goods pnrciinscd in New York-, we lire nrcesiariiy obligi'd' toiitrrrt r credit aysteui here. Consequcntly wc glinll offer 6ili Fall (ïoóds for Cash, at a very small odvance on the cost C. H MTLLEK r. Ann Arbor.Scpt. 24,1861. S19niJ I N F I R K2 A R Y . Fitlter1 Blotk WiOffward Aor Ihtroif, Dn S..J UAXIPKNTHtl t UAliVAKU. TxOCrOKS rally pretend tht 0)T)"iimpli J. ÍL'uraljl'', IhíC uyfl ti' ■ ■ !1' '- tlitliaV tjrfjjj but tuis lioenni t biake U míe. M,n . a J o MI 1;iy and (i I upo i t1 e natenitl vUey wül t yon t never oau b ne m lie wi.j yon want it. !'■ 'v ;vjp!vii'.r tu H...T i ikluhB uirt who lli;.rf'ichl' undertoil'l" bíiu r u yOu il] gt jour work - complfa li'-;l io Ín tln.-i nwptci tíT (" liil! vme flBbH founti in all tr.nir, ftud proit wíoum. llc bnngU-n it mecbdabm j ■ ■ io ti'v, íq the!tgy, mi m phyi cs wfl] "' ínfl fhí ■■-■;. ' ■■ 'M And it w truií lliat they -oould nol lU RÏ1 iba wel Idka thrmspIvoh. Bot Vwtunatcly I r ellí oí nin, md Uteae, wUentJty takü jrour ou-so u Und, Jo '1 jolH ou want ít, or rvitort you to bealtb, ftccofctaf to á$nré. Weltate r.Sy ta r. u.r-iScí u la t unrlerirtn(l wta one pbysician ihoaM wiwuM tKaíí Incurable wbicii anoth-r ean rure. .. _ . ín me-lianics, fe konititfnwH liivd tiidt y n umstkia of superior mean, by sume ne InveutiOD, ot wbiejb b bst) ioifl utfc, fj'r by tlie (tr'lr Ingeiiilj "í U mini, porsfin wifl Biufe ur So wht nt i;tlicr can. . ExMtty "t lllE'T & ■'" il1 And lhis l titv íeftson why 1 hsíve sftti RWM upcch ov ■!( uther m tle twatlaeirt 01 CufDptít)D. By Iiitíi the original genius, Iy ptWReHíiflg tbe l.niw-lUti which enablcR irle to cfpTtv dftt rrtïifte tl nntnrft 'f vi. ■ ■ i i , ■ , i run m' - ■■" B" ■■ - - - - -- fcaeaMiiad by baring such remedien Uv Couatttoïjtiui no (.tlicr Pl,v-t:m níí linrt,makf! buM te ay Ui i have, nd pan effedt a eu of tbts dree bfvotid tb reacb of any othevnwn. To pro 11. n ti" bT k:i t lie rn?;c I miIit fn'vo you numbers uyon ininiLci nf eertfócHtes from men ud woDieQ gtven oer tu ti rrHVe, irho bTe been recui I ni iturel tu licnlth by the pcnarrriog uso of mv r. medií lr Consumptio. Sat !t í not wei a y fat n;f !'■ fl'i " hf-rp. fur Ui fact of oBtuD douif wtiai auutlior cnnot cimnot, W evíJeut to ali mon oí' crnniii.u hi'n-e. If the ri.uavmytive wiilhM furtlier ír.of Ihnn tWs, I ran ouly J, como oni satisty yourujlf by tri-1 of uiy íkill m th circ of yoiir CAmpfaH Doctor Cirpmler wlll vi-il VjnHuotl. ira" Aun Arbor. ■ li i r : M- 1 sf'- i - AanArbof, nt took'a HomI. 8d n Jtliof cac'.i monlh; Hawkini Hou, Vi;h.n1!, Sil :md r,th of each mi ■ '' ' i irwinder nr tlie time, L vrillbo toumlat liis Lur. hiürmavj uüttruit l]'.",i TINSLOW, Anexperien ed Han aavl Tomate Phjs'ftí, plMaMU to the attent ion ol matbcrii. lit S00T1IÏNG 8YRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, wiiicli greatív facilitatos tlii1 procer of teetblng, kt ■ottoüng Ui sum, redutiuj :ill nilamiuatiun- wiU allay "ATN aúd spanaodle act-on, anü is SURE to REGÚLATE the B0WELS. pepead upon it, raotUcrs, it v-'ilí glVe ii to yuurhta, and ;Eclief and lieaídi to yonr Tíifaft Wchnveput op ""'1 a"'1 l13 fWs Afl "'r "' ten year, and CAN 8AY, IN CONHÜHfCE AÍ THÜTH nf it, wtmt ire linve ni'vcr Iioni áUl ft t:iy of, any otíirml!:lne- NtVEB HAS IT KAI1.KD ÍN. A SINGLE INsTAHC'E, TO ÖFECT A Cl'BE, tmuly oed. HeT Hd t ti.iw m in-tin"1 of ilirnatisfaetlnti bj any cn wbn ukp-1 it. Un t! coutrsiy, all are dellghtej witb fs opf-r ti' na, an'l pck i" nrn, of cDinnu'ii'lrftiin cf its tna-ic: i eífeets nil nu'iiktU vTtues. We ijwak in tliii matter 'WHAT E LO KNOW ,'■ a(tcr tes yeai exiricnce, AND I I.KDOK OlIR RHTTAT10N FOü THK KU! FII.I.MI NT r WHAT VK HERÍ DlXLAl'.F. ín a!ust every intnc .i-hire tlie ínl'int n suffirna: from paiií anrt hntcir. rt'lift wili be l'.un '77 fiftee or twentj m.nuu- utur iht yrup ia nfimfT;i'itprï'1. Tliis v.tlu.ii'le preparation ia the prescirtiur-of ón of the most EXPEMKNCED nJ KKRUÏL NL1!M in New EnglaaA anl has beeu ufed ifli ï5E W FAILING 8OCCE83 Id THQUSANn OF OAKFS. It not ocíj relieves thecli'l Iftom pam, l.t invlgoraM Ihst'jii.acliun4 tow4, eorrects aciiWj. nJ ma t i- ;ñá fncrgy tu tl.o wholesyaiiaa. li will almort instaua roBcTQ GRIPTNO IN TOE BOWK1,=, AND WINIi COUO AnA oTtTcomefloiiTulflion, whicb if mit p?ïlj rem lod ,„,! in ilc tb. Wc '"lloví' t tli BEíT buJ SUREST REMF.DY IK TUK WOR1.P. in nll case cf i)YJKKTKRY awl UTAHtillü... UÍ CHIUiKI N, wheilnr t arnes !r mm . : . n - nr fr 'TO inyotli'T cuw. W ivouM Miy lo fvery m. tln-r vU" li n child -ufffr njr "rom unv of tlif fiTcsoinil ' ■ ■: '■■■ ut - 1'" NOT J KT YOLH PREJÚ: irKS, NOH THK PKMl'l.irW "F nTilEüs utanit betwwn ymi and ynnl nolfir'nt chilU, and the relief tliatwiU W SORE- YK. ABMil.LTKI.Y - o foll'jw the use of thia medipne. if timcly und. Kuil f-T uinp; will aopninpnny' eatli bottla, N'cnnti:n" lialesf t: ■ f:u: siniile if 1 'UP.ttó. i PKttK1HS. Ifëw-Vurk, i mi tbe outaiJe rapprr, ï-.iiM Uy DrujpeUt-i tbrottgoul the w riM. Prliiclpnl IBce, 13 CTd. r Stitit, N. T. PRICE (1M.Y ■;." CENTS I'EU nol'II.K. Fursalpby Ebtrbacl! kCo. I.r7;l, For the Spetdy and Permanent Cure of Satxnat Weakness, Nocturnal and Diurnal Emissioit Nervous and Ge?ieral Debilityt Irnpotcnee, and all Diseases arisingfrom SolMwty Habita or Excessive ludulgciicc, fpHERE are thousands of Young Men, ns wel] no Mrnm.1 _ Aged and Oi.d Men, who are Bufferiitg tu some xlunl from the above diseases. Maiiy, perliaps, are mt a waru oí their true condition, ur when usistfc'nco ft feaijy tteewt; For the benefit of suph, we lierewith aive n fe t'f the. most common tymptoms, viz: Weaknaa of the BticA and fiwU, Pain in the Mead aiul 3i(fe, Dimnei o Stgkf, Dfttn anrt ■' before the fess, Palpit-ttioiVaf the fleart, DüHmpiUt, Lom 3tcmonj, Confusión oj hha.%, 'Dtprtaaimi of Spirit Afa (o Society, Distrust, TitnidUu, et:-. For each auJ all L the above symptoms these remedies will be fouud a ' Sü vareten Balm1 . , These remedies embrace three pre3eri[itions A hx nf Pa&tels, a box of Ftrfouê Tvnic Filh, and a box uf uiH Tonic Pilis, all of which have important Aeen tu ptnWH, and Bhould be used together i every ;Hse. Their supvriariu1 ove other modes of treatinent may be brieflj KaU3 u iullows. vit : They dimintsli the Tiolence of sexual öxoi'eiiifint. jy 'l'hti'y immcdjately arrest nocturnal and diurual Einta" j8(5" They remove local wnaktjaw, causing the orgauí B MSume tjiüir naturnl tone and vigor ffjF They stvengthen ihe oonstltatioD by overooraiug arvraa debility and pcueral uvuk'K' -. jgy-Thev oiiliveu the spirits, whieli nre ora&llj depras by expelliug all exciting canaes from the system. jjyBy their invigorating properties tl.ey reator Ui patiënt to his natural health and Vigor of manli-ud. tLg Tliey care wheu all other int!aii3 li:ive fiu.üd. They contiiin ,i„ MeranV, no Opium, nor ulrOllnf that can in any eyeut prove injnrioua. flcy Tliey are easy and pleiAftnt to use, and vrul not mtirfore ith the patieat'a usual business or pleaaiin. j8 They cao be used without suspiciou, or kuowledg m tTen a rooin-mate. That they may come witliin tlie reacli or 11 ir lmvi me the price of thu PmuU at S' per boj, and the Pite at 5 cents per box each. In ordcring by mail. in dehtion to th. price, twolva cents iu stampa shonld be noloitd for rotur ps "ï I.ADIES in want of a fJfe and ITectnSI Qk rcmrwly for lijcgularUUi, "f ih. Kt-. 1 .v,.,Sl?;, or any disoasc pcouliur to Ihnr oi. 'Si lr llOUldufl! Uil. GaTESS ÏEMAIE MOMM-f &'w z JT Pilt.3 Price, by mail, $1 lwl ' tni&B. Ciutios. -These l'ills Bhoilld i.ot ba mei "C1! dnrins prrgiianci, aa uiisalriugi will be tto - -ïwfwfron, ill-henh.d-fOTitt, or any other humane and reasonaWo, dm i in-oos■ƒ to avoid an increasa of tannly. cao du "; wlUwut "'";- Tink daneer to health or constitntion y the usf of ir. Lu Cruux't French Prttmüoe Patedcr. Pri, l) aiU, SI m.4 "Theè"'po'wders can only be obtaiued by al.lresin Um General Agenta, as helow. Seud fur Dr. Oítes's r.icnfs Wfall JMI "" S D'utmu. PBIOI T Clan. Address, H. O. illLLEB i CO„ Beooral SfjJy K(t For nis by MAYXARD, STEBBIKSj 4 Wil BOJf. yTSöiu Árin Ar'nor, Mioh. "ÁyZ-. ' MJLLEiïS HAIR INVïGOlUÏOl AN Kl'TErTÍVK. BAFfi AND K' OXo.MlCAl, COMAl KOR RESTORING GRaV HA]U tcits upttipal uw it out . U ui , ají I prevent the tlaii from turuing jjra, FOTl !'RF'KNT:N: TlALPNEiBtnd rnflnj t,liin tSer is tliy lenst partitLtJ of vitaüív vr ivuui" -kIíívp mrf ïenKiiuiuy. FORBEUOTTN L■ """ AKE DAS'DRnT, ntu'. 11 ctn. npon niler'icn of tb '■Vnlh, FOR HKAL'lllMNü ÏH' t i , . i.. .v.pnï tnp to Ü an uneuiu.UeO auu üiiUucj , mak ing t .M.itaud ailkj tl tS te1 C ■ :'ilijy. The grtMt o-lcbrily uut llie inlireiifcittff dertUmd fat ti uueauuUi-vi tiifijaraiiuu, cuvince tw proorii-tui on t i : l 1 Iftoal; ;i'V;irv to natísfj' a rliscerriing public of its superior quauuen over an otlirr prepara nuil at prei-eu in uts It clea'risod the head íui8 scalp irein dandtuff mn rutnvtoi'f ttitfuae. OailPe the !i;tir togTCfWltt' ueiuntlv, iml gh Bd a ricb, isofl , gloiMtjr tiud flexible ap. panme'. ;m i alsowbpn 'he Iihíi' is tnuxeMng aiul ibiuuimg fet WiH giva stronsrth n.l vi-nr t ilie routR, afod restore tb growth to parts wlñcb liare Wet.; bal'), cfcnftttm it to _vít-K1 íAttl rore-ing offioir. Tdereare hun1reds oí Ladina ftftO LQntÍémMi ir. Nrw Toik wh havtf had théir hair reíored liy use of iUis lovlgorator, wben a II otíier preparatfoti had faut t. T:. M. b ín hltí pflirtession lettma mnoiotiable ifstif;'iiig to the abo ve i'ticts, trun, p rsptyi of the hiylifst respecta - bility. It urill effect ualtjr preveni th1 hairfrom turvU-g gray until th'e Látsst priioci (f lif ; nd n cuses wbcr the bair lias changed itsjiolpv, tlte Invipomtfr will withceftainty restore it to ts origina} kitrt pivii-g it a dark, glossy appearan. As a perfume fr the teiVt ani', i Huir ítestorative ii is purti? ularl reooinmn'ivti, hivirian dgteeable friurnneít; and the gr1 facilité p 1 1 . nlRuds i ir (fí'í'.fsiíi the hair, which, heír moíf wflli fh Iimgorátor oad be drescil ín anv reqwffd furm u ba to preserve ita place, whptlier plnin or in cuíls- Viere the freá't ñotiíauíl for it bv Ihe iarlies mi standard taifêt (trtici wliiolt none ouffht tn h without, as the nif# ptueea it wftbjn tha reach f all, bin ONLY TWENTV-riVE CENTS per bottW , to be hal at all re-s'pecta,blé druggilfl" ttd perfumara. L MILLKR wnubl orill thp attpntion o? Tarfntp nd (íiiardiniif to u=e ol hls invi'gorüTor, in esos wii#t the childfttqfl' Holt iícUftes tft íl Vrnk. Vh nr #if fí fai the foundation fqr ;i goocl heiul of hair nsi! rnovrn aíy impuritie tiíat mtc$ lir've heemin uonniüted i'li tai sca!. íIutc1].A-:í1 rf Viti, h 's neressnry l"-tli for thp bfnlib uf the duitland the future ttppnarauo ol it Hair. .('cti).- Xonr (TPnuine " lhmJ the fa f similf T,OV1M m.I.KK!K'intr on-ihe nuter wiavii ei : nlsn, 1-. HHU.J li'S HAlKINVI(;(U!A''Or., N Y. hlowr Ín flip Tn'm. WUo1ós;mo D-]et. 5t; IVv St. md foW byull tlir princi ;' plc Mereliants nnd Pruffg(ts tiiroupl.ont thí world. I.üVnu !; ■'■'■'■; ín urcha'-frsVvthe r,anfify 1 i4wl( i ni' t" preteot ti the Ameritan l'ul'lii my New & Improvod Instantaneous Ifiquid Hair E y e liieb ai ter vpAvs of srïoiitifii1 oxpertmontinir ï bT MrmxgHt tt perfocúou. t ilw black r hrovn ip.tac w Mn'utin' ri tn tl.i' Ilaí' r:?Mi warranfcl th bist anuí' rif tn l"in 1 m px'ter ie. pp'ctj o"lv "ifty ervra. DEPOT. 56 Z3:y 6T.. Vv Tw 1 7b2y1


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