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SPECIAL NOTICES' The New York Society. AXN1VEKSABY FESTIVAL The second Anniversary of the New York Soeieiy will l ci'lebmted in the City 01 Ann Arbor, on Monday evenixg, Nor 2üth, 1 The Annual Business and Social JK-el ing of the Society will be held at the Franklin House, at 7 o'clock P. M . and :it 8 o'olock, P. M . ihcin ml) is ith tlirir wive nn'' frieuds wiH di..e togethtr at tiie same pluoe After the sloth shall hnve bc-n removed. Toasts, Sptechea, and good music will be iu order. New Yorkera by birth or deeeent are invi ted to join the Society and particípate in the fes ivitirs of the occasion. racmbf ra of the Nt w England Society ave especially invited to particípate. Tick"la to the D.nner can be obtained at the Book Stores at ihe Post Office, or ol tither of Committee of Arrangements. H D BRVNETT, ) Committee E B POND tf J. H. IHJRLESON, ) Arrangm'Ls Ann Arbor, Nov. 7th, '61. A CAED TO THE ETJFFEEirïG. Tilt' KfcV. VlI.II.AM ('OSGlIOVK, whi'.r IftbOllOg as B IS.Í9B iouary in.fapin. wa eured of Contamptioa, whn al otber meacs had faíled by a recipo obtained frniu a, lee roed pbyticmn rJding tn tbe grtat City of Jeddo Tliis recipe lias cure-1 gn-íit DUEibera whowere eufferinj ir. mi CooampttoD, BroehitisreThrogt. Coughsan Col l--1, and tüe dobility and uervt ub Ueprt'sion oaaiied th?se diitordera. DMJroftHOt in'jjinttins etben, I vulsend tb recipe wbih J liiivp brouylit btme with mt', to all who neeü it fieu üf cliarge. Addrmfl Rsv. W.I. CO3GR0VE. S23yl 49 Faltón Avenue, Br-t klyn, X. Y. rrWIiy i it thftt liOOFL.NDS GER MAN BITTEÜS is perferred to all oü-y nm edied tor ilw eure ot diieftset t.f i he Ni rvoa Sy5t,-in? Simply beoauae it ncver faili to per orín all that is lai-i of it. Raad the iid veriisint'iit ín anoibr column M24w2 paiZE POI1TKY. Let bmist i f ueodi n war, And MmlieU 'unf thi'ir veet quitar, A nobliT m.v hv.arl is fl'lud- Iu praise o! ilKKldCü'n ftiatchleKpills. Their cures are found in every land - Amiil feul' nowi - and Imo'a sauda ; The oo Ir mu worln- ttw ppamñll, Produce! by IíkkbicK'sí raatcüleas Pilla. Does flisease affiict yon ? never loubt This cli.irm'ni oompoulld will MSSh it out, And h-iilth 15Ú11 ionr j trm lili, lf yon fly 01 once, lo Hekbick'b Pilla. They're afe for all - both oM an! young- Thtir praises re m ei-crv t'ti(u ; Ilireao, diíhrnicd- no louüer kills, Since wc aie blesf il wlth Herkick s Pilla. Put up with Kngllb. HpanUl, erman and Froncli dire tiim. Prlee '5 cents ptr bux. Snga coaitá. Sec a'lvertiseiuBiit on tliinl page. 8U4 New Medical Discovery. For the -peedy an 1 permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges BnTd, siruii"', "'1: Affection of the Kidneys and Bladder, bieb hHi heen um4 In u.wnrds al ONE HÜNDKED PHYSICIAHS, In their private pmetloa, wltta entire bucccss, Bopevafl díngCuRKM, CopjjbA, Cafuleb, or my coropoundiiither lÍELL'H sPBOIFin PILLf, ure spftedjrln icticni.oftcn elTectinga in :i few days, nul wii1-;; jk cijre fa effected it i pernuiwtt. Tbey are pr6pAreafr(ini feiitiibl6 cxtnctfl tlial in hinmUs od the sy-.'.-in . tnA aeTf nauseate the itomftch or impregoate th bthjand teinv uar-eoateil. i.his s taateUamMed. Sochanl-eof dia is necatnrg whils'. usingthem ■ nor ioêa tbir utiaa imcrfe v with buinea.1 pursa ís. E icli bnï cntain six Juzcu WUl. l'Rlth; ON'E DOLLAR, andwülbcwnt y n'l po-H'''1 b.v ny a'WeitiRed Aizont.on rcept of themnney. Solü by Urujgiats m Alin Arlior Nunegi-nuinewitbnut my signature on the ripper J. BItVAN, Rochealer, N. Y., Ocneral Agent. H. k I„ RIMONEAÜ, Detroit, Wbolesale Ageutu for VUtbliao, "? "important females , THEHEALTn rtAD i.lüE OF WWIAlf i Iscoiit.niiKÜv in ir! f he la mu. I enoegti to negloct ; or maltroat IIiom sexual ne(?ulnr;tiea to wliich toi lluros of liprses nre non or les subject; DR. CHEBPtBAN'S PILIS, prepnre.1 froj' thc RifH! formula wliich tlioinrenff.r. Í'ORXKI.IKS L. CHSESEJt'.N.M. D.,Of New-ínrk, bus tal twentj veain used suceessfuüy inaiiratíoi'.i'ilpriTBÍevTactice- iiirnolliitc! ; without pain, all üatiirtanccs of 0 periódica! sebarge, whether analnj fran relaxation or supproson. 'ihey act lik :i charm E:i removing the pains tljat cc. mpany dlfficult or tmmoderete owrltriMtioa, and re the; and reliablo remerly for Flashes, Sick _ radaclio, Palul In the Lolns, Back and Sidel, Palpita tlon f tha lCi-nrt Nwvooa Tremors, Hysterie, BpMio, roken ?lop nnl otnor unpleasint an.l ' ' n n nnatural conrtitioii of the sexual functionsj In j „■ ironl M of J7r ■ ót White, the eBeot a if-Mv cnrr. To WIVKS mul MATROOS. a.CHEE KM .' rii !.-' ari' "i'V i lai the only safe , ( of nnewingiDtprupte4jmeitruation, hut. I.A.D1B9 MUST BRAK IV MISiD Thcrt in onr maíllos of the femóte instem in lekict the , ''iUü ra'ivo_he lakfi iri-hoiti pnductng n PECüLIAM i 1ESULT. TktemMHmrtfimiUtiPltXQltANCy- hc muil, MfCMtRlAGE. Sueki 'h' irrrsittiblc ninmj of the mtdicint la ratun the. anal functhns to i normal cnn'litii'i , Hat even the rtroduahe power . ■ f nature caHünt resist ü. ' ( Ezplicit dirrctioriH sttithii? when, and rnhen thry Rhou7d ot bc usrd, niih Moh üiix,- lbo Price Oue Dollar cach trz, p.ontaining 50 FUlf. A v.iliialtlo Pa nphlet, t" be liad freo of tlio Apentp. il] trut ba mail prnmptly, by enclosinc; pnce to any Mnt. Bold by Druggitd irfnpral y. B. B. HÜTC1I1VGS, Prnpr'etnr. 20 Cedar-St., Nm York. or "aio by M VYVM'.l) STEBBIXS áj WELSON , and REN VII Ui ie - ll.l.i R. THE GREAT ENGLISH BEMEBY. Síií JAMES L.ARKE'0 Ceicbr;t(ed Frsnale Pilis. PROTECTED êvj L E T f E K P BY ROY AL %jf% - "'. 'i ? .; - L& PATENT Prepared from a prcscnjiüon of Sir J. Clatlct. il D., Physician Eztra;rdinary t th Queen. Thie invaluaM rafedlcintf iminfailing in th cure of ui: ïhOM tiMiiifiil and ilangor.uii difleaie(( to which tb fomftl l )niJtitutv't i suhjet-t. It ixiííerates al] excewn and r moven all obstructionn, and a rpeedv curo :aay be rtlied on. TO 91AKR1KO t,ADl!ÍS It in puculiarly uiti. It wUl, in s thort tinw, bring od tho monthly priort with re;alañty. Eaoh bottle, pric Ona Dollar, lars the Gorernmeat Stjuup of (Jreat Britain, to prevent ccunterfeite. TUsse Pill$ tkould nol be taiitn by fimnlft Aurinff ih$ FIK UT THRK& MU.VTHS of Prigxtncy.OÊ Uëf ari ture to ttring oa Slitcarriitgt, u en etkw Urn! (. art iaft In itU tuu of Kerroun and Spinal AiTectioni, Pin In IL Back and Liaba, Fatigue on llight exertlon, Palpita tiun of the Heart, HytWricn, and WhiU-, thete PUI wil) Uact a care when aD oüial meani hare feiled, ui ■Jthongb a pewerful remedy, do uot contain Iron, caiooel acüincnj, or any thing hurtfol te the coostitntin. f all itrrtioM accompary each package. Sele Agent " the l'nitad Staten and Canada, JOB M0SE8, (Latei. C. Balduin ti Co, Rooheitar, K. Y - $1,00 acd 6 peatage alampi enctoied to auy aa Aj os wlil nmn a bottl of fee J'üU b; retan Sold be 8HKSV1IX & FÜLLEK Ann Arbor, and by Druggists inevery towu. MOTHERS READ THIS. ThefoUowingisan extract trom n iflter written by the pastor of a Baptit Cttureh to tlie "Journal an.l Meenser," Oucinnali. Ohlo. an.l .-neals volumM in favor oi that norld renowned raiili-n - iw. WUIBlow's -OüTBIXG ;v:;ui' ros I 'iiildrbn Tücthing: ' '-Wc seo an advertisement in jour columns of Mrs. Wlnslow'sSoothingSyrup. Now wc nevw Mida word In favor of a patent medicine before In our life, but we teelcompellfdto say to yuurroadere, that this is nn huniliuï- iv i: HAT1 ri:i;;n IT, urn k..w it to uk au it It is. probably one of tbc moitt aucoeaafu] medicines of the day, beeause it is mie of the nest. ad t hose of your reaétü rho have babln can't do it betterthun to 1 y in a irfpi lv " m' nivertweniei i in -inntlK r column Important to Ladies. Dr. JOHN 11AKVKV, having for upwMda of twwty yeare devuWd hH profesional t me . xciusively lo the treatmentof ITeinn'.e DiftioultieS, aml havinB succeedenin lüouíKDíl i ae m nanoring the amicted tü mud healtli, hus noiv entire conQüence In offenng pubiicly li is "GRBAT AM3HÏCAN RT1MEDY," DU. HABVET'S CHRONO-ixíEIi .tiAL FEMALE PILLS. Wnich n,-vt r yet laiie'l (wuen tas OlrectKmB have been srk'tly followed,) in removing diflicultiesariMng from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, r In restoring the ytem to perfect henlll , -hi;n suf etllig from áPÜÍAl AFFr.l'riü.v-i, PBOLAFHC8 Cros!, TH1 V'jiiTKs, or other we kne.-soi the I'türink Urgaxs. Alsn ii uil atMd ol I :i;ii iiy 'k Xkkvocs Prostration, Hys tkrics, Píuttatiosí. ÍK. kc. which ure the forerunnfr .1 miire nerkrn' disraw. a. Wwe P3I '■'■ ptrfatlp iamle'8 on the r-'iistirjiiini, and mtiy bc laken by the most de'icatc fernile wiih'vit aursiiig lustrest; at the iam Lmo they act uk a chaxm Ij itrengtheaing, invigmaing.and rest ring the sytíém to a lu-altliy ooodit'on, iiid liv briagiog 'm the monthlyperiod wlth r g iji.-ii.v, no matter IVoni what e use the obítr uction n, y irise Th v ahould. however, vol be aken duriqg tht? fii-ai hrceorfour innn'.liinf pregnancy, thnagb safe at any oth'-i time. as mixcarriase wuiüd be thn rtjKttlt. Rach bóx coctaina 0 Plll Prlcé One Pnllaran'l rhen denifed wil! !■■ eo1 by m iü prepald by nny adrex : ■■ i .v.M-i;t. "ii ".■.':'. t '.; money Sold by LJrueiriRt in Aon Arbor J. nitY'N, Hocheter, N' Y . General Apont H. i; I.. SlJdoHEAÜ, Detroit, Wholenale Aprent f" Miclii.'iin. s()''f Uur ra h fur llie liiiion! Hcallilu [U Ëftfmie! VTTÍnÍTIOIsr ! IU0 able-botiied steady young men WANTE Í) ! FOR i'apl LB.Biirlioz' ro.ofLanccrs! BIEN O F WA S H TE NA W! Most iif ion have known me fot the last 1" yoars, un ! huw ñ ibis hour o!' uur couatry'B neel, I confidotly sppesJ to ynoi patrlótism in li.linfr me raie a oyof lOi'irup. hrav and tea y young men, UliBg and nv. l tü stand by me ii lighting tl of our beloreA Colon. To sL'CIl MEN 1 p!eige my honor an-1 lifc to see them well treated, umi o ver ordr hem io go wi,.".v 1 wouiil n it bc rearty to eaJ. COMli ON 1 you brave, patnotie boy, your timo hi come, gíreme he opport-nity of provlng 1he trutli ofm words, and I will enlist you in the inu.l dans elTectiv. corp ui thl ■■ any ■'lier eountry'a nervice. , . ■,,■■, and "--i buI qo i, !;■..■ ald. 'or eqnipment is to lic eomplete and every way nlmitar to the I6th r.ngüah Lancera. Our Colonel. Honorable iRTHUB ■■ gentbjman of Indnmitable enrrgy nniexpwienee in military matter, well as a brave nn-1 aneomplishod olficer. His wisli ato make Hegimpni a ote in STery respect, and m ie, BOY l F WASHTtNAW, ia to mike ■ : Lancen ftand A No. 1 in (nat With such men all t deaiwintaftt tin enamj ve in an opportunity to make thrto feel (Lanoera on) ' nl':l ñu-tul ünvW'ii-hii'iiiivv boy are made of Au 1 now i;en latrho have ■■ m "it I , togetorermj : keil leg crape and gel my o Oi 8„ooer you ahow yonr welcome face and igra your nan n the Uustei sou the berter s. ur friend and Captain 1U hke Ir. Fuither infurmatlon as lo Pay, Bcjulpment, e., IR.';-,uU1!n'cÍiinví!.'Vi.''jjVI. COÜ1.D1S Hat Mort Frauilii Uluck, Au trhi.r I, II UUCI1OZ, Captain In Col. . Rankin sl.:incers' c'avalry Regiment. AíTCHLUAN SOUTHERN & iVl NOBTHERN INDIANA RAILBOAD. 1801. bDMUKB ARRANGEMENT. 186i. Irains now run on tliis road, Í?unúay3 excepted, as t'ollowts: Lavo Tole. lo 'or Chicago si 0 00 A M..andOP. 11., aml vm Air l,in ai 9.1 5 A. M. Leave Detroit for Cblcagfi t ".'5 A M. and G.SO P. M. Arriving Ín Chicago from Toledo ai"! I etroit a' 7,30 t M. ani] 7,00 A. M . alui via' at 7.30 I'. M Avive at Detroit from Toledo, al (i:55 A. M., 0:05 P. M. Lea ves Detroit for Toledo at 7 15 A II., and 0 00 P. Arrivc in Detroit from Cliicaïoat 6. 05 P. M.,anil055 Jrrive in Toledo from Chicleo 4,2(1 P. II. and 4.30 A. M„ nnd vin air line at 4.15 1' M. 1 euvre Jacki-i.n for Toll do ut 4.45 A M. and 1 ,06 1'. V. Arrive ïrum Tuledo al 8.66 A. M., and 4,20 1'. IICOXNKCT1ONS. At fOLKiio- Witli Cleveland & Toledo Rail Road.ivitb Wabash V'alli-y l!ul Road. AT Hktkoit- With Granil Trnnk Railway, Ui lireat We '■in r.aiiuiy, u'.so, with the betroit and liiliraaka. Railrowi Ar Hw ai.üaxï J; Saum H. R. CwMSuro- WlthTrslBi for lafayette, New Alb Tille. vr CmCiOO- With Chicago aitl Hoek llnd, Galen, Uilvaukee, Cl ti w Qalnc - Sorth Weel Railvray- f hioago, lltoo uk! .-t. LouH, Illinsli Central, an.l to all 1'ointH We( ar I S.,i:!h. Trains are run iy Chicago tiflie, whloh is 20 minutes sluwer than Toledo time. Patent Slrrping rs aeemnpany the Niptht Trains i.n this Route. SaU'nur'vH [atent Ventila ton n DiMtoriare uea on all Bummer Smim. #- Tiran and Fare tlin tanie ai DJ any otlier Rai Road Route JN'O. D. CAMPBELL. ';encnl Superintendent. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,


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Michigan Argus