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Tho Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Accurauhitcd Capital, - $:J,500,000. WII.LINSCRK LTV-KS lm mv Jinranl net fx üng .'... vi ■ : the whole terra ofLjf orfor term ui' years, on the ipost favorable terms X.B l'h'j Omp:iny MHllvíy mutual rui'l the polioy holden get II ihc surplus over tbeentctomt "f touiance It acoomodate lln Insnred in the aetwiomt ol thoir pramlua 05 UFS I'ül.lCIEs, f dwrired, by tainsr ■ nute fir une half the amount, hearing interest t U per cent, l'cr annum . DividenJs are. Dcdared Anwtaïïy! muí milico thay bow ftmoaot to fifty per cent on tlie Jreraiutn. cusli anj nnte, aml are uicreusing they muy be applie.l to Simcel thenntes. &$- Tlie rftte.s of premiums areas low ac any otlier re sponsibls CofBjmnj k'1 tlu hutre ücoumuhiii'l fond ol $3,500,000 is si-curcly invewted, as may be seen by refeiBoe U the tatement made acoorrtingto law, os flle In the office of tbo C'ounty Clerk.Rt Ain Arbor.-ff! JAMES UOODW1X, PtWt. Grvli. TiiKTSwcy. to .ÏAMK3 C. WATÍO, 76al jont :it Ann .Vrbo' i Important National Works, I'ublishetl bj V. AITLETON & CO. , 146 ASD 348 BEOADW4YKEW YORK Tfte fotlo-.ting tf-orfcs are -ent to Subscribcrs in nny part rf th-j country, (upöB nwlpt et Uil price,) by mll T11H NKW AMF.IIIA1V CYCXOPEDTA ; A 'opulnr Dictionnry of (ienorcl Knowfodge. Edlted by UB . IUX.I, ideil bf s numeran telect corp of writersinftH branches of Sciences, Avt iiid Utortntr. Thtt wort i Uêlngpublisb41ni ncheontaiiiiHK7SOtwo-cohimn pi., tv, r.,Ti..vn_viii.,ft ix. u-e now ready, each cotítaíírínj Dear 2.8oèoriginal rti :1e. An additlonftl foluiM wffl b pubttthed oncein ibout three montlis. # Piice, in Cluth, ,8; Sheop, S3.50; Jialf Enssi, Í4.50 ucb ' The New American QyclopwiU II fO&dx Wtthoui ÍW oj) mpfirfleial, tearaed irithout betag pcdohlic, f"'!"1-i.-nsiv. bui ufficieotlj detiilod, Dreefrom rrti pqu vnd pívHy prcjucíice, fresli and yet accurftt?. ït ihs ïomplete statement i.f ill that is'knaAvn upon ercry important topte witbin the scope of ímuian ÍnteUlgefiC.-" EVWT important article in it has been apcciully wntten For its pafleM ly men wlio are autlioritics upoi the topic nn wblön 'tiiL'y Bpeak. Thoy are fe qnf red to bnng talk subject u) tn the present moment; to state just JtOW it stands nnio. All the stivtisticnl informuiion .'■f froD f ïi(1 latest reporta; the geographical aocounia Keep pace wítli the latest explorfttionn; liistorical matters innluile tïie freftheal ust views; the btograpbical uotit-es eda ak n"t only of the den d but also of the living. It is a hbrary of tscir A HÍOriEMET OF THEDEBATKS OF CONO RK 88 Being & Politica] ffiatory f Üie United Btates, Erom the nrgamxation f the Brst Federal Congreásin 178'1 to 1S5O. RWtedand compiied by Hn. Tho Ilaiít BKNTONjiviin tiic Official Recoi'ds of Congrets. The woik will be oompleted i 15 poyal octavo vuluni''s of ÏM pages eaeh, 11 ofwhich oow ready. Anadditional vc.Uuue wlD be pubHshedonceinihreemonths. Cloth, $8; Law Sheep, Half Mor., $4; Hall r;,]f 94.60 each. A WAY OF PROCÜBTNG THi:CYCLOIM:riA OH DEBATKS Form :i club ui' toar, and remi', theprice of fourbooks, widilvecopieiwillbeseat at theremittera expensefor oarriagej or tor ten subacribers, eleven coplea will b seut at our expense for oarriage. To Afcentw. Nootberwork will so liberally reward the exortione of ygents. Ají Aóbnt waktbd in thisCocntt Tfirme made koown on applici tion to the Publishers. Aun Arbor, Siarch, . 6B03am v Be THOS. Wwoht, agent at Kiuue ; SmlthH Book Store, Ypilantfc BOOTS $c SHOES MOUEF. & LOOMU Are now receiving a larje assortment of Bcots and rihoes and RUBBER81 Wliicb tliey propose to sell 50 per cent helow former pricea for cath. Men's goo5 Kip Boote, from $l,rO to $3,00 Men'e good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1.75 Ladiee' Gaiters, from 44 to 1 25 Ladits' Morocco Bootees, from 75 to 1,25 Añil an endless variety of S'mail f-hoes from Fancy BaluioralH to Infanta' Creeping Shoes. "We ave nlsoManufacturlng all kinds of WARUANTED BOOTS & SHOES ; Mens Fine Freneli Calf ISoo 8 Pcggcdaud Leved. Po crivc Ql fi c:ill beforp purchafiirjr tsrwlirrp. M v-p arp bonnd 11. 1 tu be undersold. Qp'HliPAIRINa JJONi. ON SHuET NOTICE.-ftjr MOORS & LOOMIS Min St., Ann Arbor, llich . 82Utf ROOMS TO LET. ClOOn niiy Roi ms ti.lct in qnii't part of thf Citv, r near Uie Uaiveraity- For paxtfottlri inquire at the írgs Buok Btadery. SPECIA L KOTIC ET O CUSTOMBBS. LI.a■eountfl over six mnnths m be nttkd Ht once. Cali at the offlw and iay p A well nelscteU stock of New Uood Cbeaf tor Cash. SMtf liATNABO .SÏKBBIN'S & WILSOK. Oval Picture Frames ALLSIZES, STYLE8 and PRICE3 just receivod iinü fordilu chc:i];it - CHOFF & MILLER'S., "stf WA5HTSNAW MUTUAL FIRE 'INSURANCE COMPANY. ' I HE Spcret:irj will be ut Cook'i Hotsl, in tb City cf I Ann Arbor, onTbureday of i-acli week, until furtber noti:e, readv to receivcnew nranbers. 11. SJiSSX, Sec rot '.ry. Octobcr 93d, 18íl. 824M TIEAL ESTÁTE FOB SALE mn "rrr "r 'imi1 "ith " weU ol P:1 ww "n1 UU hvlng pring.rtone brane, barnand new rtiedn, u&dgviidi rehará, and ne lmnrtred ana Bfty aeren mpruvetl. Thefarmi8ítnatelili be "v" of S!o, nd Boath f -ir Boydn' plftina, andfoaj and a half mil fl"mAn"Ar; '"■■■'■ JCUAMÜBRAY. WM. IÍÜKRAY. 8io, Sept. 24, 1SC1. 81Sc Cava'.ry Hor3cs Wazited. BVIiON GKEKN want to buy X00 CavlrT Hornet, I 1 and ui Cash (il rUiimnediatdy. Ann Arbor, Kot. I th, 1 (il NOTICB. ciHF meeting of the Gprroan Farmers' Fire InsBranoeCoinpiinyof WanhWnawConaty, -11 ba hrtd at the dwellirsr boude of Jacob April, in ñcio, on Monday Dec. 1-t. 1 ■fü.ot lOo'olnok, A. ■■'. J G.'Kocu Seoy. JACOB JEDELF, sn., President. Dated.N'ov.tílh. 1SC1. Hogers Art Associntínn. 4 MEFTIXf! 01' tl"1 Rogfr-i Art AmoeUtWn ftt the ■A elrctlonof otter, nd Uw iran-acüon u sucli otlier boUne : m , v iMemo.1 HMur ,1 be h W at th office "f the SeeroUr&on Friday, Novcmbi-r ljih, at 3 o'dock, l'. ME. B. l0N'i,3:cretar}', Ann Arbor, Not. Cth 1801. 200 Cords Wood Wauted ! PROPOSaM lor aeHvnrtng Roei, i'mn ■ HAM woon, a nart MMonei "■! ü pMI erjea, at tlie (iille.ent Saboof Houflen ntlicC'iiv i( Ann Arsor, In uantiiios trom 10 to 100 Corda, resnlicltedbj the Sohool lioard. K. W. SÍOKO4N. 1 ,. WJI. e. 7U0RHKIS, ƒ m Ann Arbor, Pept. Ü5, It6; . B203 A. DE FOREST, Always altead in i w i'iKts HAVISG KSMOVED WT'STOWï to e Kt Ido o Ma;nst.-.t, ne doornortU :. Ql8,ThliCutlery,'-"llTer-platei Goods,Sc, LDWEK HAN EVV 11! HoautHnl UU BOM.. 37 t fn GtftM KNeM Unpi trom J " Maible KeroMnj liinpi frum " " ;J All oth ■■!- ftl 'rveBoPd08 . i he Lotett ;ptcial i)is.patch ! i'o the citizens cf Ann Arbor and Vícinity I 1 INTENSE EXC1TEMENT! Ihindreds wat chin g the jrogress of Daily Jívents ! ! The Federal Army again Victoriuus! 'The Union must and shall be Presfii ved !" " was a man in our fown, líe wan so wondrous luise," Bnt with a!l hls widom, ha was not so wise a that ' ether man," who Ihjm he wanted to buy thu The cheajpest and lest CLOTHÍNC! in ihis marlet always jumpedinio G ü I TER MAN' tí HEAD QUARTERS! i"or 'liilC he knew lie niways got his money's orth. Si'eing 3 belieTÍng nud yju that ish lo e'1-' coiöfi iannd believe. Tlioso tlmt an't ksec ca.v WKt. nnti ns e always m.'iks ir outomers üo'] ovor uod bnrgains. ïcy are rspecia ''y l"vi'Cl' to our snziotH -ut. tlmt they too ry reoiize how "god t is foi-tliun to be wit.'." 09." nd how much ikiisure cun be obtaiuod in tllu onjoymtnt of SPLEPJDID BARGAiJVS ! me nll ye tliat nre wenry nnd Iicavy . a en" - wiili l.'o"KS nnd wc will do our best to lieve vou - gningyoü in re! uta tliu Jinest iitd of Goods ui the lowcsl figures. Grnt lntt!ií ire bonr]y taking place in Iho ilothing li !;■ - win Ie regiment of Jasaimeres. tstiti'.s &c are bing sl:iuülit te: I bv Gen, omiu:i5i- to fit. tlic fusil of ic-ci-iiits hal ore pouring in frotn every direttion, all Bzioua to bava tliuir namsa enrolled ftr n NE AT AND TASTY aüll ! - 5uch as can only be bad at the Quarters of Guiterman c Co. Oneoftlie firm. Mr. JI Guiterjian, having just returned troui Europe wit li n large asS(rlmtnt of Clotlis, Civ siineres and u nice iot of fine Vost liga. nlso a few pieees of fine Bc-aver fur ovli', oats wlii liwe-.Till mnke up toor .er in the 1 itest style, we (eel ccnlidciit that we enn satisfy all. S'TXJJDEilsrTS I We are happy to groet you aga:n ïri our City.after pending yonr vncatio with the " denr old folks' ut hume Be nssurcd we wiel) ynu a pleasant term, and shall Ever be glad to ineít you at the OM Head-Qoarters, o. 5. [L Our former customors, we feel nsaured, will cal! Píe r.s agatn To you who con. e as strangers we ifould Bay o. few wordt) we wisli you to o;il 1 nnd look it our fine Coats, Pants mul Vds we enn do botter ly you Umn ar. y otliet' h use in ihe Cit}f and if yu cal 1 and t xnmioe our ííoods. and try their fits, you will Durchaae nowhtre eUe. DON'T FAIil, TO OSlXjXj j& F Gt. H. DR. JIOüFL A N D'S BALSAEtIC CORDIAL, Fof the speedy euro of Covyhs. ColJs. Influenza, ï'rovp, Hoarseness, Bronchitis Pneumonía. Dísraxes of Uu Bowels. ariMny from Colff, Incipient Con sumpton, andfor the relief ar.d if ut ail posible) cure c tJatient$ in adr.anci-d stnys of the latier áiMote. rpIIEBalsamic Cm-di .1 is entireïy a Vegetable producJL tion, oombiHing the bealing properties oi the Ril stim, with the tnvigoratiojg cjualitiea uf h Cordial, producinga coxnbthat on &o well adapted to the purjjosea nlended, tl. at thers arefcutiew easw of diseaM which wiH aot, at ui eiiMy penud, buceumb to it.-i heftUngand Lile sfiving propertiea. ForagesThüt4 tfae treatment of. puïmonary dueases occuped iiif greatt'r portion of the attenttun i the cifiiiitic of medical wirU!. bui doos squired non cmiijtnce m bintieatmwit fcoj tiiese dkeaseti, tbao the celebiftteiPruí-sian. ir. Haufland, the origntoj the ü.ii.-iinm' Cordiul, úi: w:o dévoted to the prodacti) a ol remdiM 'i-1' woU - ï : t li i nnrivalled. How weil e 1..1 l,the in peopleare abie t.i udge: and w pisitiveïj ■■■■i, ii.;it oo prepara! lona that tiavoev rb . ■ ■ ■ them, have conferrcd the same mnouni "i beneita ud sutfering hum uiity , or ;.,,,, ., ■ ] !■. mnien 1 1 i ■:; irom all clantea etr . as tïw r.-.r-edies ui' Ur. Hooflaod, preparod by Dr. C. M'.ia.ksrn & Co., ut PhiUdclphia. 'i1.,., i'-.r :.l ■,- Ie gned for i cl.iss ot" dkeases more general niül more flPral tban an other to which the people of thia country aie Hubject - those apringfng lVum a '-Jít'í'i' cold.'1' Ti-ut emiaeal authoriiy, ir. lífll . sa vs; "Í wlll notaay tbat Colaa are to our [nhab{tanta what the Plague and Tcllom Fn-r to tln-e ol ut her countrit s; but I can 'iv-r cootideDtlj that they asher in dUease of grejiter Jcompliettjr and mortality tban íhií&elatter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcohólic l'reparaíion. DU. II OFLAND'S CELEBRATED GEMikN BITTERS Trepa red by 08 C. M. JACKSON & CO., PblUdtlpbia, Pa. K :i effsotually euro I.IVEK COMPLAINT, DYSPKP3I JAUNi;l' K.Ciu-. nic i r ïiëtToua Debility, Diaeasea "1 tl Kidnejrs, ;m Ril diseaaea arisiBg Iran a disordere 1 l.ivci1 (ir Stnsiach. Sucb as Con3tipatlon,Inward Pile, Fulness or Bloi to tbe Hear, Acdi I uf tae Sitmach, NauM, Hear ' hum, liaKust fur-Faod, b"ujui ,-.- . r vruight in the St n ,„■', -o irEr ie , og oi Fiuttoriugal thd I „■ ti,. ..■ ;.:!,i.i -wimmlng ol the llead, ilii ibe Uet t, UhukinJ : na iibu na posture, Dim ; ,.' ,.i nri !s b if ra t üight, [avei b ' ui, I eUoiMibj n, Yel. itin an 1 I ' bs i n a in the Si le, Bao ' t h. 1 i; ■■. ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ f 1 :; irningta I i (in.iitivel; j.ic-.iot YKLLov.' ! 11,,. i , iprte ■ r mi ciilhng the ai en ton of the [jublic to tfcin prepari! . duw s ' ""tb a teel ng cf the utmot ■ confidfow m it wirtuen anii adaptatiu to the disaasei ■cl. t ih m uew and r.n ried articii, bul on ■- that luis tol n tvrelve ears' trial before the mcr[canpMiple.nndltereiJUtation n l -au are unrivalleji bv uiy nlmilax prepratiua etottt. The testimony inlta taorgiven by tbe motironimenl and weu-known l'hjaiclani and individunlain all porte of the country ia mmenbe, aud :i car ful perütAl ol 'te Altnana, publk.luVi anniüilly 'n.v tl"' Proptietor, and ii l,c had gratis of any of thwr AgeniB, cannot out oKtify th most rkeptical lhtth rendj la rc,,uy dowrvlng the groat i celebrit; it huobtai ..-. Uead Ue Evldtix'í. Iromj. UcK-tm lirmtn H. I' , Kih r of the Encydopi-dia uf Religión KnuKIrlge. Mthough iiLtnispospfl t" rTW 01 KMUnl Fatent Medicine in general, through dlitrut of their ngredienta and eii. ct.I yet know al do sufficient raawn why i 11 „o m:iv oot tetiiy to the benelit he btUeraa hiimelf t.i have ncoivoa innn any prspustlon, n tlie hope tliiit Ue may thuÉ cuiitiibute to the bVM&t of Idothlithe bon readily in regkrd t" "Hoofln4'i Gerrami Bitten," ppeprel by Dr C. M. Jukaon, ot tili ril,, baaauwl ;i pnyadiord aniaat them fbr jears, under the impromion that thej rere chleflj an ilciibpl10 milture 1 aui in li!j; ,.-l !■ my I. :. .i.l K.'burt Meuwlar Ui'' thU pwjudie bj pioper test DÏforeneo ragèow'nt to trj ti„-in, vin-n literin- frODi wet nod long eunttn .ed deb.iiiy . ïiie use f three hottlea ol thee BittM, at kwinDiag ol lie ïiri'-ot vi'iM-, wii-inllmvi' . bv evideDt relief, and re"'ration Ua digree. 1 bodilyaikl mental Igor whioh I had not tcit fdisixmoiith.i bi'iui-canl badlmot despiured ,i.n-. 1 therefbre tbani Godiliny Wend foi ; Sirtottag m.t.. the use of tbem. 1. XliiVlOX BauWN. l!,.ii,ï wlmt the eminent OUm Manofaetnrer, .IOIIN" H WötTAJ L,ïl o Üie na-AMIU OilHDIAL Da C M jACksoN- B ■ nl: Haring ta a 1. -i,,,. i,e uac , ■ ■ ■ ! i ■ tUe --v"" of tlij Ba . rdial in I u nu. CoUi, l,..lnmm-iiion ot tho Lunsri .vc Hb frcely bcar teutmniij to e.tic.icy I Forst veralyeH [haeeïer beun without, It m niy flmilj [tal ■meplea are to te thit I have rsl.j ',1 ,. ;n tlie irnatmtnt U -iowel Comptotat,. ntfft..natruj.v;iijf m wlnrUL l'ifth Mo. 17, lfOS, Ba Street, abnve 4th, Phila. ThewnudieioeaanfoTtalobTall i-i.ectable Dn.gcists aldtiers In med cine la the Uotttd Mate, .ntfsh Provincort.andW. .tludle ,at 78centJOT loit!e - B uandgi the, wit), the " '"' ,, emmftrfea l'r scipal itfficc aai MiouUctory, 'I Ert,"!'hi;iIf'fhiï, P8. T1


Old News
Michigan Argus