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T íew -A.dvertisemen.ts. Tlie Original Celebrated and World-Renowncd American Jfan in Miniature. Gen. TOM THUMB, Smallest man alive, at H&NUSTERFER'S HUI Ann Arbor. I iXinvni.Y FOB ONE DAY OXLV' TUESCAY, NOV. 26, Tno Rrllliant Entcrtainmenls--Afternnon at 3 o'doek, and Bvening at 7ÍÍ . Dm rs upen half ao hour previou. The General wilt appear in uil his wondwful Impcrsunation, Songs, i une s,GrvcianStatuei, &c. .. assistcd by Mr. . TOVUV. the Grcat English Baritone and :■ m the NVibilits Conccrts, London. Mr. V, RkVERE, the celebrated American Tenor, and Prof A 8. CASWEi.L, Brilliani Piantrt. ADBI8STÖN . D.'iy Entertainment, 25 ets I F.venin linterta'nnrt, 15c hil'Irin ander ten 18 " Ch'ldreo unrier ten 10c School admitted on lioeral liy.erveil .seuts, 25c terms,] Tlie General -11 ri.lo in lii miniature Carriage from kUnHonse to taeHAll prerious to oach c-nturtainmettt. ALFRED CATELY, Business Agent. Ice for he Summer of 1862. rpilE Sl'BSL'KrBERwillcnmnirncdeliTerins Ice bout the lïrst of Mny next and deliver until themiddleur last of Oetober, or U r5}4 montks will delivcrïOiba. per. iiny "-101b-! nn Saturda fr$5,00 for ilieseason. Vill beklad tu sappig all bis formtr custoniars anl by being p v jiii s t and puactual will endenvorto jrive satiafaction tn all who m-ty favur bim with their orders. N Eofl wïlJ b? dfilivered as heetofoié for a few trMkfl in olf day at SI. per. mpnth ;i t ia impossible to keep the tilín" under fcbat arr.imiPment. Hou la and Saloonfl furninhed as heretofore. CI.KMKNÏ. R. THO.(PSO. Ann Arbor, Nov. 22, 1861 82fw3 IJlackwood's Magazine AXD TUK British Reviews. Greal lodoeement To Subscribe'. PREMIUMS and REDÜCTIOWS. L. SCOTT& CO., NKW YORK, continuo to publish tho followiug leuUiug British P6i'udicajs} yiz; 1 THE LOXDON QUARTERLY (Consrvatire), THEEDIXBURC1I KFVIKU' (Whig), 3 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). 4 TUK WKriTMlXSTKIÍ ULVIKW (Liberal). 5 BLACKW'OOD'S EDINBVRGII MAGAZIN'E (Tory). Tho presont ritical state of European affaïr? will ronder these pnbUefttioos nnnsuallj interesiiny durinj; ihe forthcomïog j'ear. They will occupy a mMfllo sroumi between Uie hastfly vrittra nam-itÁms, cr-ilo (tpocolatAAOS, nuil Dytog rumors of the daüy Jourpal, and the ponderous Tome of the futuro historian, irrtlten :i'ti t the living interest ainl citemnt of the great politica! eventsof thr time slum have passed away. ït is to tbese Periodicals that readers muSt tóok for tho mly reallv intelligible and rcliablo history of eorient crents. and as aach In addftlonto their wetl-MtsMIkd llterary, scie:-titic. and theolopical ehsractcr, we urgo :hcm lipón tbeconsldumhonoi the rea'ling public 'Ihc reeeïpt of Advaiice Sheets frcm the British publishor.s gires ftdditionkl vaiae t- theso Reprint, iiiasmuch as thoy can now be placed in the hands of subscriben ib jut as soon as tlio original edilioos. TERMS. (Regular Trices.) Por ann. Forany onc of the four Revïowa, - - - $3 on' l'.ir 1113" two of the four Reviews, - - - 5 0') For mv tliroe of tbft four Reviews, - - - 7 CO Kor xll'fiiur of tho Review, 8 00 ForBlackwooiVa Migazine, 3 09 Kor Blackwoodand one ReTtew, ... o.o,1) For Black woori and two Keviews, - - 7 03 For Bï.iokwood and throc Fevitws, - 0 O For BlaCfcwóod anQ the fourltevicws, - - 1000 Mo.-uy turma in the 5-'fc where issucd vül be recEive$ ái par. POSTAÜE. Tlie POSTiOl to anv part of the United States mil bo, but TVCltyi"r Cmt n vear for " lila?kwood," aml bat Koitrtcen Cents :i year for each of the ,t ihi-'above prices the Periodicals will be furnisheii for 1802. ' ' AND AS A Premium to New Subsoribers, tl, f X". 01 '■■'■ -iin" l'iTunliolsfnrlSCO will bcfurnishcrij . pittoïlt ddditional charge. Unlihe the morí opfaemer! Magácinoa of the dajr, iodicali lose l(ttlb; age. Henee, a fiill y.r of the No.for 1860, mayboni Uiablo i.'-ri also Hif Nos. f.r 3861, will bo jupplied at the lollowing üïtkemklï lowkaiis. Splendid Offers for 1860, '61, & "63 Together, For Mlaolivvooj's Magaiine, the Ihreo years, $5 00i For anj one Review, " " í? For any two lteview'9, For tiliu-kwootl anfl ono Review, ' ROO For Blackwood and two Review, ' 1-00 ForthoBTtw, : ' IJ-J por Blckwood and three Review, ' " l- w FoV the foor Review, ". " J For UlacLwood and the tour Reviews, 1 1 00 Anv of the above wort will aUo be furnUhed to Vi. Srtów.ror the ■ ar 18W-1 , Ö, a.ul 0, At Ouo II:ilf tho Regular Subscrptior I'ricos. Thtis íi Mut Subtcriber may obtain tho ReprintB of the Four Review and Black wood. Seveu Consecutive Year for $37 ! ! ! Whlcb ia Iral litdemore Ihün thepricoof the original work ronae vcar. ibali uovcf again bo likely to ortiT such mduceQlóuta us thoso here preseoted, Now is the time to. Subscribe ! ! liemittancea must, in all ■[■, bo umie direct to tffptlitMur; f..r at Mae priw 110 coinmisioa eau beallowollo agonts. LEIlNARDSeOTf 8:00. .Vo. 54 GoW strtet N't J'urk


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