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A CARD TO THE SUFFEEiNG. The Rkv WO.VUU Cosgkovií, while laboring as a Miss lonar? nJapan, wa. cartd of O.mft...i, O h,r mean, had rile.l. by a cipo ob ?,n„ f ro Thi recipe has CUMd gwat wl.o we c su I, r Cüls nd ti.o.l,bil'yan.lncrvouBdcpreSa.oUcaa8edby 'rorbe.efittingo.her, I wil. 8en;. thi. recipe, which I have brought heme with me, to kII ho need tt, free of charge. AMr0REv. VOI.COSGROVE. 8S3yl 4S9 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. New Medical Discovery. For the speoily an.l permanaot cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Gravel, Strlctuic, and Affections of the Kidncys and Bladder, which has boen used b.y opwarfli of ONE HüNDRED PHYS1C1ANS, LgcJnL", CopLba, Capules, or aDy.compoundh.ther ' BELL'S SPECÏF10 PILLS, I are sueeiiv n action, often eilecting 0. cure in n few days. "nd S-n acure is iT.-ctod it I. permanent. The are ; ,;, ,;.. V,-,., getabla trat ttot re herwies on „I . 'na nl-ver „.■,,.-,■ the .tonus or impregnate'the bteatb; and leinir suKar-eoatcrt, aluepiM taVteisavniderl. Ho change of dia is nuuury rito ( LOm; no.' 4o Uieh-.ctiun intovfore w,th bus.intlwiU townt by mail poni-paid by any advcrtiiod Agent mipt of the money. Sold by feraggi.t. ta ANnoncgonuinewitlKut roy nignaturo oa the wrappcr J BRYAN, Rochesler, K. Y., General Agent. H. h I.. SIJIONEAO, Detroit, Wholesale Agenfor .Micliignn. IMPÖRTMTtoFEMALES : 'ífPlLLS THE HEALTH AND LIFJSOFWOMAN Is continnally in peril f ske is mart enoagh to neglect or maltreat those sexual m-guUmtics to which twothirds of her sex are more or less subject. DB CHEESEMAN'3 PIIX3, prepar! from the same formula whioh the inventor, CORNEI.1ÜS L. CHEESEMAN M. D.,of New-1'ork, has for twenty years uscil succossfuüy in an extended private practico- immediately roUevs without pain, all disturbarnos of tlio periodical discbargc,ivhelherarismg from relaxation or suppression. They act like a charm inremoving tho pains that accempany diffloult or iinmoderate merstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Hcadache, Paius Ín the tbtns, Back and Sides, Palpita tion of the Heart Nerveus Tremors, Histories, Fpasnis, Broken Slo-ip and other unpleasant and dangerous effocts of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effect a speedy cure . To "WTVES and MATBONSDR. CHEHSEMaN'S PILLS are ofleted as the only safe means of renewinginterrupted monstruation, but. LIDIES MITST BKAR I5i MISD Thcre is onecondhion of the f anale system m xhtch the Piüs cmmot ie taken wkhoul producwg a PECULIAR RESULT. Thectmdition referrcd to is PREGNANCY- the remll, MISCMWIAÖE. Svch ii the irresistible te.ndency of the medicine tortslors the sciual functions to a normal condition, that even the reproductive power of nature canïiot resist il. Ezplicit directions staling wh en, andwhen they sliould nol be wed, with cach Box,- öw Frice Oue Dollar each Box, f.dntaining 50 Pilis. A valuahle Pa nplilct. to be had free of the Agonts. Pilis tí wi! promplbj, by enclosing pnce to any Went. SoW by DruggiKis seneral f. g R. c. aüTCHlNöS, ProprietoT. 20 Cedar-St.. New Yorh. For Hale by MAYNARD STEB3IXS & WII.SON, and RENVIIXii & ÏDLLER. MOTHERS HBAD THIS. The following is an extract Irom a letter wrltten by thepastorof a Baptist Clmreli to the "Journal and Hessengef," Cincinnati, phio, and peak volumes in favor ol that world renowntd medicine- MM. WUBLOW'9 O0TH!N'G SYBC1' FOK ClIlLDKKX TüETHING : i:Vesee an adwi-Usenunt in your columns of Mrs. Wlnulow'sSoothingSyTüp. Now we never said a word in favor of a patent medicine before in our Ufe, but we feel comiielk-'H.i ay to yourreadera, that this is no humbug- -K HAVE TRltS IT, AND KNoW IT TO BK Al I. IT CI-UMS. It is, probnbly. ono of the mnnt successful medicines of the das, beeajjue it is ooe of the tet. And those of jour readers TOO have babies c&n't. do it bettcr than to 1 yinasupply " See adYertiaement in anothercoluran Important to Ladies. Dr. JOHN HAl'.VKY, baring for upwards of twestv years devnted lus professional tmo exclusively lo the treatmentof Pemale DifBoulties, ni'i having succeededin taöusanda of c&fteg in restoring the affiicted to sound health, has nuw entire confldence in olïeruig pubüclybis "GRBAT AMERICAN REMEDY," CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. VViiich bav never jet failüd (wben the Lrectiona have been s'rictly followed,) in removiug diilicultiesari.sing fr;m Obstruction, or Stoppae of Nature, or in restoring the sy stem to perfect healtli.when suf fcring from Spival AEiecnosö, Pm&LAFSVb Ctkei, thi Whitks, or other wea lineas of the ÜTBEi-VB ÜbQanb. Also in all cásea of Dsbïijty or Nekvoos Pkostratiox, IIvsïKBifis, l'Ai.rrr.vTioNs, fcc, &c which we tiic Forerunnwi of more nerious ddeewe. uy These Pilla are perftcüy karmless on the cmistitutiov, and mny b taken by tke. most delicate femále without eausing disiress;:.. the same time they act likk a cii.arm ly etrengthentilg, invigütatinK.amt restiring the sytem to a healthy conlit-_on. and by bringing on the monthly period with rcgularity, no matter from what cause the obstructíons muy iriso They shmiM, hóweveí, not bc t:iken durtog the iirsl tfaree ot foar moatbftHof pregaaticy. though safe at any other timo, as misciin ae would be the result, Eachbnx contiilM 60 I'iils. Price One Dollar, and wlien tle.sirel will be sent by mail propaid by any advertised Agent, on lecL-ipt of tlie money. Sold bv Draggiits in Ano Arbor. J. BRYAN, Hochester, X. Y., General Agent. H. & L. SÍMUNEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Airent fo Michigan. 806tf Huprali for the DsUnl üeath tó IU Eucmies! A-TTËÏTIOISr ! 100 able-bodied steady young mn WANTED! FOR Capl LR.Buclioz' Co.ofLanccrs! o ME N O F WA S H TE NA W! Most of you have known me for the last 17 years, and uow in this hour of our country's need, I confidently appnl to f oor iiatriotitm in aiding me to ral B ■ ' Company of 103 trae, brava, and iteaöy ytung men, willing and readyto slan.l bv mt in lighting the enemies of our belOTed Union. TU BUCH MEN 1 pledge my hoiKjr ni 1 Lifi to ee tliem well treated, and n ver order them to Lri where J would not be ready to !ead. COME OW I you brave, patrlotic boys, jront time has come, f g'ivcuie Lhe opportunity of proving the truth of my ' words, and I will eulUt you in the most dashingand plfpciivo corps oi' thiK or any olher country's service. It has never bern sur(msted in splendor and execution in tha ticld. liitr equipment is to be complete and every wav similar to the I6th English lAncerll. Uur Colonel, Honorable ARTIini RANKIN, is a gentleman of indnmUabTe eoergy aniexperienee in military tt-rs, oè#eUasa brafe and accomplished (lieer. Ki wish is to make hla Regimeni a model one in every respect, aÖ mine, BOYS F WASIITKNAW, is to make Buclue'Loinpany of ínce?s staüd A No. 1 in that Regimerrtj With such men aH ï (J's:ri' if-tUat the cnemy shoulJ orive us ao opportunity to mako iheni feel (Lanoer ■ ) of wh;t metal tbc Wa.ibtenaw bovs are made of. And oöw my ['ncnils wlio havo been watfog forme ■ vu? my broken Leg serape and pet my cammÏRBon,T;im reiidy for you , and tlie sooner yen Bbow your wolcome laces and ;iq your {lame on the Muster -Uoll tbc better your friènd au Captain n ill like it, Fuïther mformatlon aa to Pay, Kqufpment, fcc-, I wtil be miwt hsppr to uivc at my Reemltlng Q,un riera In J. M. GOULD9S Hat tor' Fiuiilln Block, Anxt Ailor. T-. K 1IUCIIOZ, Cáptala in Col. A. Rankins Laneérs' Cavalry Bttgtment. SEWIKG MACHINE FOR SALE. FOR SAI.K CHKAP a new first clas Family 8e wing Machino. Warranted no better in market. Term easy. E. li. I'ON'D. Ann ltï,18M. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus