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PiíliUÜNG OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARTJ PREPaRED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE IIOST REASONABLE RATES. Wo have receutly purchasud a EITGÖLES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and hare nel led the lat'st styles of Cnrd Type, which euables u to priut INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, c. in the nontest stylê, ond as chcap as any othcr house in the State. We are nlso prepuied to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BANKS, IÏJLL I1EADS, CIRCÜLARS, PAMPIILETS, &c THE AKGUS BOOK BINDERY ia in charge of a FIBST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufactured in best bttlk at Ne-w York Prlees, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-I3ound. All Work warranted to eivo entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main & Hurón Sta. TUE ECE32V.I. A. DE FOREST, Always ahead in Low Prlcès ÜAVIN'i; RKMOVKD MTJSTORE t the East sMe o Main straft, ono doornorth ofGulUunnftii'fl, I urn now rcceivinRNew UooU, comprming all kinds of Grocorios, Fruii... ExiTMts, Otuatru, Lamp, Louking Glaseo, Tablc Uutlory , Silvcr-liluteii UOOdl , &c. , LOWÊB '1UANEVER! Fronch Oiini TcaSot, rrom $4 50 to 18 00 KreoeU ChlnA D)snna6ts(.fi!om uocoto 3000 Stoae China Ta Sets, trom 3 00 to 4 50 Stone China DlnmrSats, from 6 50 to 1650 Bwnltfn] GUwa Ooblet, 20U prdqun (;l:i KL-rosece Lamps frora .'7 to 00 Kftlble Kerosone Timps from 5 to 3 00 Floií Laini.Kfrom 18 to 50 Korosune Oil, Roodquality, 80c pargiiUoD All othor Goo'ls at Correspondinft pricp. Kij' Lampsof ullkiiwls iltcrcdand ïopaircl. I'eoplos Store, 799tf A. IK FOliFST. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 onc of the HBA VIEST, SAFEST mi BSTIunnam ('.,'s. n the l',S. Insarcs on reusonable tcrm.s, unl al Kü'9 pay promptly. TLere is no botter Fire Iiisurauc Compauy. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. h "" "ê_;j OppositO tïie lö jfcjyti[ A 11 ii Arbor A!;: "O' oí' ■;X(t, DJttECT FROM PUBLTSHERS AS Miuiufacturrrs, ;i íOw mul Cütoplfetest cb ■ '.' LAW & MEDICAL UOOKS, School Book, Misccllancous Bvoks, Blank Books, rfan stationiüry: yU an'. fflnd w Paper, Drawlogand iratiiemHticallnstrumentii, Mu.iíc, Juveiiüe Libra i. Inks and ('uid.-. GOI.D And all otlier kinds of Pens and Penáis Wiu.iow Cotillee, Bfaadea and i-'ixtiuc, POCKET CUTLEKY! And L'vt'rytliinír prtaininr lo the ifftde, and more to whichün'y would invito thc attentkm (ft tllQ CiUllitlT. Tn conductinfr our "businr-ss, we nball do all tlnit can hedone,su that aO rcason&lle man, woqwd ot chiKÍ shall ftii'l any fitult. W tiíisses.s facilitios wbich witl enubk us to Kupply our sbomara at tht Lowest Possible Figures. We to 11 Por KHADY PAY, it a small advance. We xpeot r proOt oo our goodfl, but Cash Salos will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wc liavc emcaseil tha 88rvlcs oí JAMES F. 8PALDETG, herefint' axe prepared fco furníah Vi.iiting, Wedding and all othcr Cards written lo order, wilh neatness and dispatch, by mail or olherwise. Tile "EXPIBBBoOKSTOBE'ía manned by agoml 'crow,' ad tlify wu ahvíiys be fouii'i ot tlití 'qi rf:iily and wiUing lo nttendto all With lK:isinc, wbo will favor them with ii culi. Ucmcmber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & CoAnn Albor, May, 1860. 7Jfl A N T O HER J& ARRIVAL AT THE # ÍJoLD AND RELIÁBLE ..■■■; CLGTHINt EMPORITJM!! JLMLlsr S PHCENIX BLOCIC, MAIN STREET. liasjnst retnnKd fnra the Eastotn CHích, wlfh a largf and dosirablo stock oí" FALL AND WINTER E3r OCIÍ0S1 wlticli he is now oíTorín at unusually Amongbís Assorlmcnt inay be found BROAD0LOT1IS, GASS1MERES, DOESKINS, & VE8TINQS, f all descrij'tions, especiaily for FALL AND WINTER WIÍAR! which ]o ís outtlng ;ml tnalíing to orOor, in (hi latí.' vi a: ni best gtylcs, (%óüii p nth a Baperíoi assórtment f READY MADE CL0TU1NG! CKCNK8 cir.ET J3AGS, ÜJiBKJ,AS, and Gentlemen's Furniahing Goods, with numeran uihfr articles usually found n símila: establishiueiits. A ANEMPOFÏÜM OFFASHIOJN, ihe subscríber flatter híinolf, that hislonp: exiióriencc ind general 8ucc6SsvÍU eiMtblo hiin to ":.'.i tbe natisfaction toall who may trust lúmin the way ufaeturinff garnientfl to oraer. 769tf ' WH. WA(;xi:n. H íor tlie Mmmoth Cabinet Wíire ttooais. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TTAVK JLrST Ol'ENT.D IN' T1IKIH be and E 1 c a n t War e-R ooms BASI SIDEOF MAIN SIBEET, A.7XTT& ARBOH A complete tck uf KOSEWOOD, MAHOGAKY PARLOR PURNITU11E INGLUDINQ Snfas, Tetc-a-Tf -j-. MfthoganRoae-Wood, Black Walnut. Plato mil uarble Toppfld ROSKWOOD, MAIIUCAXV, BLACK WAI.NTT, FAN'CY AMD COTTAGE CHAIRS, jm. -ma sí a 9 Mlliltoas, BÜEEAUS.SECRETAKIES, Complete BED-HOOM Bl 18, INCLÜDIKG LATEST STYLES, -ÜFMATTRESSES Of the best qualitj and Different Ua%erial In Fact thcy llave Everything witb wlñch to fornlah l'ARLOK, íiouDom, SIÏTIN'G ROOM. Olí KITCflEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO oneer go to Detroit or elsevbere to fin! a large assortmeut. ïhis FTJRISriTUKE musut be sold and will be tíohl at VEEY LOW FHIOESI It cTi-ry man añil bis wife or going to be wife COME AND SE1Í. 'l'lieval.ío Uave a HE A RSE O A lili I A GE, And are ahvays ready to attend to the buriiü of the dead in theCH y and adjolnlngooontry. Ware-Rooraseast sido of Main Street, betweenWagUBgtonand Ijborty (J. U. MAKT1X. 6m738 Cj.13. THOMPSON Haugsterfev's JJlock. DEA N O O-, IKVTTE attentlon to tlu-imew itook oómprlêlBg, aU kind oí Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtnres RnalIouíC-furniBhinggoodall of wliich tliey aro offer At the Zoti-est Possible Bates. Frcneb China Tea sets (toni $5 00 to 20 00 Prencb Chin dinncr iets iroin 25 00 to 70 00 Stonc china Tea .-ets from J50t" 5 00 stiie eslna dinni eet trom 8 50 to 20 bO 01,, Kew me Ijimpn complete trom 87Xto62)i Marble Kerosene Lampa complete trom so to 10 00 Fluid Lampa f rom ls t 62K 4g-Lninpsnr all Wnflr altend and repalrtd. Summer Hill Nursery. THE0D0RE R. DuBOIS, tBOPKIBK)BOPTHBSüMMBRHIIJ-NtIBaaiT,AMÏI L rl)..r Míeh.,inowread] ■ ■ ■ tot fall and Spiing Settinjí, Hla 'ordera for Frnft and Ornamental Xrees, Vines, Hhrabto.,willbeaUedfromWiebet!hterttMai ud bUperrónal attentlon wtll be glvento theseleotlon indailiígthe ame. Baring beenreftohrly ediieatedln heNnrerrbus!8.h a oonBdent that ith ]romit QdoUeattention,andatriol hoqatyand Inlegrity.he rlll be able to k'ive atiBÍactlon to i e] ■no oonnding thAU(armer orFriü gnwatt wiUdowell toglTï hlma eallbeforeordering througboHíer I';"1"'r„„„,v Hewouldrefertoraanycltizenaol tlie City and Connty whoporohaeedofUimthepaít Spring (br Iheqaallflf treeb.ouRhton by hlm. a. wella. Lu the (tood order lo whlel) tbixmn woelTOd anddebí i r a wunw UiíEATBARGAlííS AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. WK nAVK A:.1N KEPLENISBSD OUK STORE WITn tL nost splendid .SiicL uf that WAS evor ofifored in any one establishment ie the Ëtate, ill of whicta wc ulti-r fur OLOK] OK P G3 O HD O 1 slow au can bc fonnd iu the Union We want Money ! nul will mako Grcat Sacrifices on Anjtüiiig wojliave to obtain it, not cepting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS We conlially invite ALL CASH CUSTOMERS to call aml examine o Goods and Prlces. We altw invite our Prompt Paying Customers to como and boy thcir supplles for the Winter. To tliosf Btfhfal oucsttat ure ai'raid to call, we Hay tu theintak courage without longer waitingfnr higher prici-Btcome in, oltl coros, and then at sucli prices as will nvike up all lo.sses It is hardlj neccessnry to enumérale our Üoods, for We have Bverything! A large assortmeat of CARPETING, CRObKERY DRY GOODS, MEDIINES, GEOERIES, PAINTS, OILS, riAT, CAl'S, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &c, &c. OA[L[L A52ÖD) OHH dDOï (715tf) 1IAYNARD, STLBBRÍS & WII.SO SCHOFF & MILLER A RUSTIU. OXIIAND ut tirar olilSUnd, No. 2, Franklin Block, with theniOBt ciniitete ossortment of Books and Stationcry, I'EKFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, KOLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, i GILT GOENÏGEB, CTJETAINB, IIOOK3 AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in tliis Market ! and they would suggest tothose in purfiuitcfanythingin SANTA CLA US' LINE that tlicy can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by puroh&Rfng f rom thïs sloclt, ns nach purchaser gets an addiUunal present of Jcwelry, &c, lïanging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. tfS" Theytrart ihat tfaelrtong experiencc in selectittg gooda forthk in;irkiH, and striet attdation to tho wants of Cüetomers, may entitle tliem to a liberal share Of I'atronají0Aon -Wbur.npc. 5. 1800ïtTtt Insurance Agency I C. H. MILLEN Is THF. AGENT fnr the followinc flrst clasi companies: HO.1IK IirSTTRAWCB COSIPAWY, of New Vurk Uty,---Capital umi Sorjios, Sl,6U0,000. CITY PIBE 1NSVRA9ÍCE COJIPANY, cii1 II. irtiuril. ■■Capital nnd Surplu, $401). 00. CO.NTINENTAL I.VSUHASCK COMPANY, Of Now Y.irk City. -- an.l Surplus, $100,000. Three-iluaitera of the ntrtt profltfl in thia Company is ilivideil aiinuiilly amoji it.s polioj lulden. MILI.ENAnn Arbor, December 13, 1S60. Cm778 NEW YOKK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accümulated Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. KENDALL, Vice President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEP0SITED widi tlifComptrnllnrcif the State "f N'ew York. Dividend average 40 por cent. annually. A.S8KTS. Cash in Bnk, Í 31,355,49 luTestecl In securitics,creatfil umlcr the unraoi the Stilte of N.w Vork anj of the ü. S., 258,S70,79 RealEstat au.l Fixtures, Hos. 112 and 114 Broadway 132,)"in m Uon.lsjir. flrftw!ng7porct. rnteroBt 583,098)9 NTu-,rs reoelved tor lo peí oent. of premiums on lito i. iicies, beariDg laten , B75,315.85 :i!, i iiiuiial pri .'iuii:mn,dae subne" queni to Jannary 1, 18G0 20,550.38 .-(rucilup to Jan. 1,1860, 3(i.4N.7T Sent accrued upto Jan. l,IW0, 1,708.34 ii h;i,.iisoii jioliciosin hands of AgontB, 26,-)45.19 $1,767,133.24 Drs iflUJ and Lïwm, Medical Ksaminera. 743tf J. G1LBEBT S.M1ÏH, Agont Conway Flre Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid up, - 8150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 , D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, i Secretar y . President. DIRECTORS. i r S.WIHTNKY, L. JiOPMAN, W. ELLIOTT, t ,gfl I(.I,.ND D C. McOII.VRAr', E. D. MORGAN -I VAll' BBMBNT, JOSIAII AU, IS. A. 11. nUM.KN t V.H. DICK1MBON, W. T. CLAPP, D. C. ROOGttS. Ann Arbor References: J )r. E. WELLS, L. JAMKS. I.. DOPT.E, NOCHJAMKS. OOODBJCH ' J. W. KNIGHT, AKont. ' Ann Arbor, Michigan. LLNi'AltALLEi.üD SUCCESS SECOlíD ARRIVAL - or- se sxtsivíeee, E& E O X L9. -AT THE- Baruaor Storo. A. P. MILLS, PROPRIETOR Goodá bonghi under panic prieés And sold at pr icen that will make hard times come optan no more ! Facts for the People -OFWASHTENAW - .NI- ADJOLNING COUNTIES And thcir numcrouB questionn answcrcd. Wky is Everyhndy trading at the "BANNER STORE? ' - Becaute A. P. MILLS, the Proprietor ol tliat Establishment hasjust retornad from the Eusteru Citivs wilh thc Laryest, llandsomest, Cheapest, and Most Atlr active Stock of S UAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! ever brought to tbis part of tho State.] Why it Everybody pleasea with kis Stock? Because hiBstylos are moro beautitul, (jQAltty bettertand prices lower tiian at any other store in the county. Why has he ahoays Sonuthing Ntte and Cheap to Show? Becauseh.i hasa frlcnd connectrd with one of thc larget DryGomls Honsn in New York, wlio is conünualy " BOBBING HOUfD' for cheap bargainsaiirl the laU-s styles, ns thcy appar from to time anti Intbia waj liim SQppuOd with stykK, anl coii.sequíiií!v custQBHn c;iu ilways find something Krt'h , NEW CHEAP and DESIRABLE Why does he seïl so much Chcaper than the rest? Bccanso he has a buyer in the dt j all tho time to tfae adrantage of tho eoatiaual ohange óï thé raarki i, Srid in that way buys his gooda much chpapt'r tliau othbts ■ can, and thee he m&rlu them üuwn to the Why does he Bell Ladies and Childrens' Shocsso much cheapvr (han was ever heard ofby the oldesl Shoemakcrs? Because he buys htfl Ktnolt in tho lamí of ahoomafcers, of tbe manufactuttra, fully 25 por ceat cbeaper than the New Voi'k Jubbtrs f-tll tliom, ;iniï much better work tban tboy cnerally keep. TÜiscoürM eoabloshim to sella bèttex Gaiter for 35 Cents. than otherasell at 60 ceots.and a botter FOXEDGAITEIï at GO 0QDt8] than othors suH at 75 cents. Has he any Kat and Caps? Yes, T íOiould think lio has niacks of tbem, onouph to sfapply tlie State, at prici-s lower than was ever heard ui round theso parts. Why is his Tea so much hettp.T fot the pnce pa y than you gel at other place'? Becauso he takes jfroat care in aelectinij it, and giveshis customüis the bencttt of a real goud 75 cent TEA FOE 50 CEJSTS, It is a way he hae got Where should you go to get your CLOTHS and have them Cut or Made? To the BAXNER STORE, wlicro Ibe Peoplc's Bauner is thc People:sgood. Sou tb sidt: of Public 8'iuart', a fewdoors west of Cook'i Ilotu!. A. P. MILLS. Jun9 18, 1801. 706tf PATENTED November lst, 1859 -- 'UW. MEASOKES WEHly A, the dis lance -Awnuílfi round the Xeck. Y , t f j's around the Body i lJm . - fi"l the Arm-pits. Jj f it iMá EtoE,tbe VÍ1 lengHi of the Patenlcd Iniprovet! Freuch Yoke SHIRTS. PATENTED NOV. lst, 1859 A Xew Style of Shirt, warranted to Fit By sendinfi tlie abOVO measnrM I""1' 1Mti' Wl' '"nguar antee a perfect íitol oui ncw stylg of Shirt, and return by expresa to any part of tne GTnAted Staébs, at $12, $Ïü,$18, $24, &c, dozutt. No order forwarded í'or lisa tlniii half-a-doñ n Shirts. Also, Importen and DeaTera in MEN'S FUKNISHING GOODSt ftjii, Wholc-aale trado Roppliod on tlif ufioal term. BALLOU BEOTHERS, 808tf 409 BroadwaTi new Torfc. LOOMZS & TAIPF, SuccoAsors to Chapin & LoomiSjandChapin, Trïpp A Loomis TIIH above lirm of Loomtfl Í: Tiïpp having purchasec the enfin interest f the formsr companies wil] continue the business at the oM stands, wherfi they wil! bi; ready, on thoshortcsl uotice, to fill all orders in ttit line of Castinge and Machinery, ( ín the most vnikmanli!;o maninT, and on as libera tornu i any otbar shop Inthe Btaw.Among'the vari ouR articli'inanufiictiiri.'d by UB, w would enumérate STEAM ENGINES of all kinds j Mili Gtearing and Fixtureflj wroughtand cast; all the various cantinas for muking and ropurtng HorsePowers & Thresliin Machines such as are at jn-fscct , or have fbnherly been in use in thifl part of the State, ;is weü as all tin1 rafious binda ri castings and machine work caUedforby farmers and mechantes iuthi.-s sectig of tho country. of all the rarlonfl pat.tcrns, up in skmand Drices, will be keptconstajitly ou hand, got the most rooderu and iinproved styles. Thankful for farmer patronnpje to the old firms,we would BOÏfoIÏ í cnntiiiiuinci' fviii 11 Ti iriKl.s,and atriul ly all wlshlnfl foraaythinK ín our üneor bufllncn i. LOOmS $ tuut. AnnArbor,May lSth, 1859. G97tf New Remedies for SPERMATORB f I (E A HOWARD ÁfiPOClATION. PHILADELPHU. A Bc newtent Tnttitution sstaotttkad by special endovmhut for thc rtlitf of the Sickand DisiressceU, ajHtcUd with Vtruhnl and Chronic Úísea&cn, ana'espectálíy for tte Ctirc of Dfoeasfs of thc Sezaal Organsy MEDICAL ADVÍOE given gratis, by the Acting Sargeon. VALUAULE RBPORTS on Bperntalorrhaea, and other DIaeaaes of bheSexuaVOrganafaikdon the NKW KKMEDIE9 omployod in the Dfapeaaary, sent in soaled letter envclopt-s, l'f(M of charge. Two or thret stampa for pogtageatoeptfiVte. Addwss, Dr. J. SKIïXIN HQUGHTON, Howard Association, No 2 S. Nmth St., l'hiladelphia, l'a. Iysu5General Land Agency PERSONS wamlngfftrm,or realdonccMn ornei Ann Arbor . i-nn by calllngonme electfroma Üit ofover 1OO Farms For Saïe! DfyarioUitlzes trom Ii,tc 130"acre8oach;(onio v goodasanyinlhis Connty.) More than SO Dwellng Houss a'.bitCity,fromtwo mndrod to fourthoueonr ioirieach ; and over SOU BUILDING LOTS!' motifrt h f farm s aro tho lïlshcpstarm, 1300acrce, he Potter farm, in Green O a k, tHe I' lace farm , a J iü ) acres, ïheRinndonfmd Jonke frmn, i n Webster; Stulïbn, Uichael Clanxy. Newton. Jïecgnn, and I'ji!liili:it fnrmg, in Ann Arbor; .1 . Kir.ffs]py'4 furm, nPittsHeid'tho Ilutch ini Uick larma i rj I.odi;tho 'atrickClayufnrm in Frendom; V. S. OavUon, H. i. Bakers and Buok's farms inSylvnn. Mostnf hrir and raany utbors cun be dlvldodto sult . Hirohñifiri I' .Hü .i(A.H AnnArboj, Jan lst . 1656 53 GEtEAT. GRSATER GEEAO EST Í3AKGAINS EVKK OFFERüD 1859. J1L-) 19. In tliis City, are now beingoffere! at tho CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & Jcwölry Oiore1T1 B Subecrlbor wnulil (,y ti the citizcnf 'il Ai n Arbor.ii particular, BAd the rest (.1 Wt Countv In genend, thnl lehnsjut LMPOlU BBCTLÏ lïoni Kl'ROPE.a Treinendous Stock of Watclie: ! Ah of wbich lm bind hiouelfto aeit CHE APKB ü u can be bougbt wctt of N;w York (";ry. Open KüC4' Cylmder Wntches irom 8fi to SrlO do do Lever d do to il Ilunting Cugr. Ho do do 14 to ;-5 do r]( Cylinder do do 9 to 2é Geld Wnlehcb irom 20 tu ltO 1 : ;ivc a!s:i tbe CELE BR AT E D AMERICAN WAT CHES, wblch I wlll olí Itr $35. Every Vvatch warranted to periüiin well, or the mom;y rehindcd. Clooks, .Jewelry, Pinted Wnre, Fnncy Goods, Gold Pena, Musical Instrument aud Htringe, Cutlery, &c, and in i'act n vnriery of verythinfï usually kr-pt o y Jcwelre can be bnughtforthe next uineïy days ut your OWN TRICES! Persons buying oiiythlng at this well known estRL lisiime ntenn rely upon getting gourli i'xurr'y as rep resented, orthemunoy reiunded. Oallnarly and se oure the best bargaius ever oficred in thii f'ity. One word in regard to Repairing : Wc aro prepnrnd to maïte nny repnlra onfine or com moii Watchos, oven to makinener the fiitlre watol if noct'íipfiry. Kf'V'iirlner of Clocks nnd Jewclry jj usual. Also th man ofactQ ring oi RINGS, BKOOCHí or ayMiiitc dei 'rnd, Oom Calffhniifl Gold on h t ■ qi tice. Engrftvijie in allita branchesexoented withnna neu anddispatch. J C. WATT?. Ann Arbor, Jan. 28thl859. 7L4vr IIORACE WATERS, AGEN T 3 33 Br6adway, NewYorh PubllHlier of 7tlulc and Alusic JSooKs AND ttAUB IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organa Organ Accordeons, Martin's celebratod andother Guitars, Violin, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, AccordeonB, Flutinas, FIutes.TifeB, TrianglesClarinetts, Tuníng Forks, Pipes andHammera, Violin Bows, bestltalian Strings, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Iïihtruinents. JS lx o o 1 XI ix S i o, Prom aÜilie Aubhbcrü in tbc L'. S.( ïiertini's Huntin's, a,ncl Modérrt schoof, and all kinds of Instrnotion the ábovfl insíriiuieuts; Churoh Muaic Booi elcRautly bound; Musió paper, aud all kinds of .M_nj.Mercb.i ■ Att hcLowest P rices. New Pianos, At $175, $2i0, $2C5, S2öO,andup to 3fe00. Secoud Hand Pianos from $25 itp to 16O New Melodeons, $45,' Í60, $T5,SlOi(inid tipio $200; Bocofld Hand Mel from $üO to S80; Uexandre Organs, with i on7 $185 and $326; thlrtera stops, 8 Jöf, -jï; aai $300: li, 0 and $075; A til ,, Ciwgymen, t hurcUoa. Sabbal 1 Schools, Sexniiiarit h nnd Teachers. ïbe Trade suppUed atiheosaal i;:k'.didcouots Tcstimonïnlsof tile Horneo AVaíera Pianos i,iid Itlelocleons John Hewett, of Carthage, Xew York, who bas liad one of tbe HoraccWaters 1'iaaOK, wrttosw follow.s: - "A frieini of mine wishes me to purchaue a piano for u-r. She like.-s tbe one yuu old me in December, 185ñ. Ay piano is bccoming popular in 'his place, ami ï thiuk I can introduce one or two m'rc; they will be more popu ar tlian any otber inake." ''We hav two of Waters' Pianos in use in ourPeminarjr, one of wbich has been severely tostetl for tliree rears. and we can testify to their jood quality and durailït-. ' ' - Wood . Greijory, Monnt Carroll, III. "il, Waters, Ksq.- Dkak Sik: Having nsed oneof yonr 'iano fortes for two years past. I have fonod ituvciv fuperiox Instrument. Aro.vzo GfciT, Principal lirooktyn fíeights Scmmary. "Tlie Pinno 1 rocoivf-l froni you cuntinm-s to sfaction. 1 regard it as one of the best instrument In the ilace." ].v.-. U d-ARKB, Ckarltston, Va. "Ilie Jfelodeon haa safcly arrived. I fee.1 obliírít to you ory oor libernl discount. )f Kev. J. 31. MoCOBlQCk, Ya'rqueêvillcS, C. "liïe ])Ï!iiit was duly reoefTOd. Itcame in excelteni conditioD, ami i.s very mncli a!mired by my ir: . ';imily Arcc't mv th;nik for vuur promptuess." - (OBBttT CoorSBf Wdrrenknmy Bradjoed Co, J'a. "Vour piano ploaaes ua well. H la the beaï one in our couniv.''-Tiio;.r:i-1 A. [jATJTAM, Campbcllton, Ga. "We ut: vihv ncnteh obla;ed to you for havinfr aeni sbcU afine Lnstramentfor $260," - Br&ne}Hkld s Co. Itijfalo De7aocrat. "The Hoiacc W:iíeií4 Pianos íi re known as'amnns tho rery best We aro emibled to spoak of these instrumenta with ooñfldenoe, from personal koowledge of thelr ■xrt'llL-iii toneand dijrabU qtmlity." - N. Y. Evangelio . "We c ;: ■.■■.!. of the merita of the lïoracc Waters pianos fri)in bnowlêdge) ns boing tlio very fincsi laaüty." - Ckruthn Intetligenctr. tTbe Hmce Watera pianos are omli of the best and most Lhoroughly seasoned material. We hsTe i re can do aa wclKperhapa better, at tbii uiy otherhouse in the unión."" - Advocate a ií Jou run!. watëra' pianos ;L!1(l melodeonB challenge comparison wlth tho finest made aitywhere in the - fíotnc "Hornee Waters' Piano Fortdfl are of fulT, ricli and even tone, and powerfttJ - -V. Y. Musical Revey. "Our friendfl wül ftnd al Mr. Waters' wtoro tke very best ftssortmsni pif Music and of PlaöOfl to be found in he United StfttO8tand we arge our BOatÁern and wetern rienda to give Jj a cali wheuever they go to New Lrork.'J - GraJtam's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, 100000 isancd lu ten Months. The unprecp'lented fale of thlsbook lias hidocedUie iibüsherio addflome 30 now tunesandhymnatoita preant size, without extra charge, except jii thecheapediion- Ajoaong themany beaulifn) tunes andhymna added iay be found: - '"1 ought tolovemj mother;" UOF1) e ;i good cBfldlndéed i iriB." These and etshi othera :om tlio V" U. V.-OYO sung at the Snnday Bchbol AnaWer ary of the . E. Chárch al the AcáBemy nr BJusIc, with rea,1 applause. Mie 't(i!! f"111 talns nearly 200 tnnt-s and '■, nitis. 'ind is one of the best ■"-'■ ■ aÜFBued. 'rice 33c; HO perhnndred.poBtage4c ESegttntly bound, mbossotl gilt. -öc, $20 per 100 R haa been Introduced uto manj of the rnblïc Schools. The ie', ia publiahedinamall numbers entitlcd Anniersaryand Sumtay School Musk Books, N's. 1. 2, 8, .V in order to accommndate the iDtllion; pvice f2 & $3 per undred NoJ 5 wül soonbe issucd- commeiiccmcnt oi nother htk. Álso, Revival liaste Bbaks, No, 1 & 2, rice SI & $2 per 100, postage lc Morethaa :i00,000 oniró of the abore boósa have been tssaedi gïbteen months, and the demand ís rapMIy inoreanng 'ublished bv HORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadway jN, V. Publised by Horace Waters Ko. 3 33 Broadway, New York. Vocal "Kind Wordscan neve.rdie;" "The Anrelxtold rao so;" "Willis of the West;" "Thoughts of God;" "Giva me back my Mountttin Homo;" "Day DMldt}" "Dandy CoekRobin;" "Pin with thee still; "lVt nanu's:" "Thcre.'s no darilng like mine;" "Saiah Jane I#e;' ■.ver of thee:" "I'm leaving thee in 9orrow;" "Bii-d of Beamtj -.' "Home of oor birth;" "Grave (.f Rottbel," and 'Wake, lady, u-uke,,' price 25 imHi. ' Ixstju'MKNtai, - ' Palace Garden, or Pinffinpf Bird rol!:.'." 4Oo; ';.Swinfrincr öchottiselie;" "ilirubyl Sdhottisch;" 'Thoroaa EÜker'j Sohottischo;" "Plccolomtni Polka, 35 cent each. Tlie abovepleoesharobeaatiful Vignettee. "Wolmer Polka;" "AraWan Wu cry March,'1 the varylut: "Vasnovlaniiá Donlells Majarka; "Eca-l in" Polka-" "Crinoline Waltz," and "Ijmms' )i"i Srllte " 26c leach. "Tlio Bnpi ' Beich1 Qtladrillo;" ■ dw dans, and "The Hibernlan Quadrille," Sfteoacb. Mnnv of tliese jiifcos are p]:iycd by Hakei 'a Mlsbrate '. orohcst ra with graat applruae.49 Mailed free. A largelot of ForaigD ïlusic at half price. Pianos, JWelocleons and Orp;aus. The Horat'o Waters 1'innon and Melodeons, fot ÖGpth, purity of tone and duraWUty are UDaurpai I. Pric'e vi-ry low Seeond llrni''. PlanoB and UelodooUB from $25 to $150'; Mumc :md Musical Infltnictioiii of all kinda,atthe luwest prices. ÖORACE WATKIN, Agsnt, No. 33:: Broadway, N. V. TlcsTnioviAt: - "The ITnrnce W.ttors l'iamis known nsanlias thovery best.' - Evangelist. ;V,'-i-rtn speak of theil mcrits from peTWaal knowlede." - Cltrislian Inlelltgcnc-er. "Nothingat the Fair displaycd greater excellence -"- Ckurchman. W3l,irs' riónos and Meloáeons challenecomparison with tlie imst mado anj-whereia the cuun'ry.1' - Home Jniirnnl. THUf Irving's Works - National Edition mHIS Fine Edition of the Works of Wasihkcitov Ir 1 vimu (including the lifo of Waahingtcu willbopubished for STTBSCRIBERS ONLY In Montbly Volumes, Price $1.50 Pnyft'-le on Delivery. Beantifully Printcd on heavy supiTfine paper, nf tbc very best quality, and Hubstantially buund in heavj bcvelled boa:-ds. Bj"Each Volume illustrated with ViguettEL on Steel and Wood, XI Knickei-bockcv's New York, Sketch Book, Qoth. ('olmaims, 3 vol1;. Bracebridge Hall, Astoria, TaU'sof a Traveler, Crayon Miscellany, Capt. lïrnneville, Oliver Ooldimitb, Mahoniot. 2 vol. Gronada , Allmmbrn, Wolferfs Hoot, Life of Washington, 5vols. S Llraagundi. Tbiii odttïon will be soM rxciusivit.t to Subscriben and w{ll be greatly superior to anyevor bofore laflued,- A veiy hanlsomo set of Iheso unlvewfllj' popnlirwork, U '.hm vlacod witliin tho mi ana ni' all. f p. 1TTNAM. A(rt., PubUnhfr, 115 Nmmu 8treet(New York AYER'S CATHARTIO ï PILLS. j ''ilffi'&?y?HBB re "ou ck fecbto, umi L_ " (tJbÏÏÈM comphtining? Aro you out oí ByyJES i ordor, with your tjyskm dcPVnnflBi rungetl, and your feelings unÍ J'R C E comfortnblo? Tlieao .ymptWll-AAUK)Ê fe mW oms arc' fon the prelude to H 'V 'j u{ RflHh fieiiniH illness. ironie (it of pjBlSfcirlL JL': 8 Bfcknus-s in ci-ecpinj; upon you, ' í ?C " an(l ühould bo avcrtvd by a 's. tJ sy fi6y-' ' í tiincly uro of tlio rijibt remrtCOi?'3 nl' Tilke Ayr's i'J'is. and ■?iïfl BB I cleauae out thu disoidered huI ClSj,. p'; ■ 'A inciK - purify the blood, and L tr?... ". in let the fluida moro on unobi1 ■ 'm t,.j in h-drli a-ain. . H They stimuhitc thy functious -L of the body into vigoróos ac■_- ' ' , -ï tivity, purify lbo sybtcni from tlu obstructivos which nuiko ■ disenso, A cold setties omewimre iu the body, and , Btiuutfl iís natural fmictious. 'Vso, if QOt ïvlii-wd, react apon themtelTea and tho lurrtmndlng organs, prod uring general aggravaüon, BufForing, und dlseapK Whilo In tliÍH comlition, oppreased by tbo dcrangemonta, take Ayei'K Pilis, and seo Low directly they restore tho natural actlou of tho system, and wlth it tho buoyant ff.'lin of health agaiu. Wluit is truc and so aipareat In thfs trivial aud coinnmn COXDpialnt, is alüo tino in nitiny of tbo deepwated and dangeroufl UUtonipers. Tho samo i purgativo effect expt'lü tiieiu. Caused by siiuiliir obstrncti m: and 'í i'.iii.j'-ni'-ni .■ of the natural fuuctions of the body, thuy aro rapídly, and mauy of theui aurely, cured Ly tbc Ramo mean.1. None who know thü vfrtoafl uf these 1'iIIk, v. 11 U-; Ir. ■[ to omploy them whou suflering frooi the disorder they euro. Statement from lemling pljysiclnns in somo of the ! principal citiöfl, anii froui üther well kaown public porIOQ9. From a Forwanhng Mcrchant ef St. Louis, Ftb. 4, 1S66. Pu. Aybr: Your Pilla ore the paragon of all thttt is gront in mwlicine. Thoy have cured ray Iïttlo daughti-r of ulcerous 6oro3 n]ioii her hands und fei.'t thut hud proved incumbió for yeara. Her mother iias been lon grievously ufílicted with Motclie niicl pimples on hor tikiti and iti hr batr. Atter oar chili was cuiod, eho also triod your Pilis, aud thu-y havo cured her. ASA MORORIDOE. As a Family PUyalc. JVíwti Dr. K Tïr. CUrtivriyht, JS'eiv Oritans. Tour Pilis aro the pririce of purges. Their oxcellont quiilitki surpass nny cathartlo wo possess. They aro mild. bul Ter cerCatn and effitctttal in thoir action on the bouels, which DUÚCO0 Lhoui iuvaluiiblc to uu in thu iluily tioatnumt of discaso. Heac1acltCjSïckHcacincKefFoiiI Stoxnach. From Dr. IXltvard Botd, BaUimore. Dr.nlïlio. Avkiï: Icannot nnswer you ivhat complaínts I hiivo ctred with ymir PU la bettor tíian to soy tll tho.t we ener trtnt with apurgatiw medicine. I place gfttt dfpciideiice on nn -nVctiiiil tathartic Jn my diiily conteat with on betievÏDg fl I do thafc yonr Pilis afloid us the ' Ijtiit vro havo, I of eourse vahío them highly. riTT.snuitfl, Pfi., May 1, 1855. Piï. J. C. ATnn. Sir: T have lieen repcatedly cured of ] the woi-Jit banacht any body oan havo hy a doso or two ' of yonr I'ills. It eenis to atiso from a foul stomach, . whicii they cleatue at once. Yours with great respect, EI). W. FRIüIlLK, Clerk of SUatner Clarion, B11ÍOU9 Disorders - Llver ( oinplaiiita. From Dr. Thébdort 7#i7, of ñw York City. Not only aro your Pilla mlmirably nthtpted to tbelr purpO80 ns tin aperiöut, hut T find their beneflctni effecffl upon tho Livcr vory inarked indeed. Tliey havo in my praO tice proved wtaé olTectiml for the cure of bitious comptaints titan any ono remedy I can mention. I sincerely rejoico tiiut wo havo nt. leugth a purgativo wbicb ia worthy tho coulldüuco of the proftorfen and the people. DlTAnTMENT OP THE iNTEIUOn, Waahlogton, U. C 7 Ui l'eb., 185G. ƒ Sm: T havo used your Pilis n my geoeral and hospital pracMcenver since you made thcüi,nndcammt heBitMB to my tlii'y are the beat cathai tic we employ. Tlu-ir rogulutiuíí action on tho iiver ia quick and decided, conaequcntly tbey are an aduurubfe roniedy for deratigementR ot' tlial organ. Indeed,! kare set duin found n cuse of bilious dtieiue o obstinate that it did not rendfly yield to them. Fratorually youra, ALÜNZO UALL, M. D., l'hysician of the Marine Hospital. Dynentcry, Diari hun, Relax, AVonns. l'ioni Dr. J. O'. Oreen, of Chicago. Your PilM have bad a Iuiir trial in my practice, and I hold them in esteeno íts one of tho best ajperJenta 1 liavo over found. Their alterotive effect upo tJii; livi. r mato a thom an excellout remedy, hen glfen in small ilosoa tor bilious (hjstnl'.rn and tHarrhasa, Sliebr siigar-coatlng tnakes them rery acceptable aud conveolout nr the uso of WOmen and clnldren. DyspejiSiu. Impurlty of tlio Blood. Fi-om Ji'ev. J. V. Himet, lUstor of Advent Churdt, Botton Db. Atbi.: I turreosed your Pilla with eXtraordtnary ■uocesa in my family and amoog those 1 am called to visit in distiess. To regúlate tho oignns of digestión and puiify thu blood, they are üie Try best remedy i hare ever kuowii, aud 1 can confidt'iilly i-econiinctul tbem to ttiy frieiids. Yours, J. V. niMKg WAE3AW, Wyomlng Co., N. Y.f Oct. Ü-J, 1855. Dear Pin: ï am dslogyour Catbartlo Pilla in my prao llce, and fnul them un excellent purative to cluuuso tho eytem and jnir{f't Vit fottktatutof the. Mand. ' JOHN G. MEACHAM, M. 3. Constipatlon, Cost 1 vuiffs . Supprcsulon, lt ín iiiiiü í E ,jn , xoní, Neuralgia, Drupy, Parnlysls, Fittt, etc, From Dr. J. V. Yattghn, Monireal, Canada. Too miicli cannot be said of your Pilis for the cure of cottireyitss. If otliers of our fraternity have fiund tliem as dia :i ■■. o-; a-i 1 havo, they should j in me Ín proclaiming it for the benefit of tho multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, aUhough bad cnough in ttselF, Is the proonitor of uthers that ire woree. I belicvo co&tiveness toorlgiirate in tlie Iiver, bnt your Pilis afluct that und cure the dise:ise. From Mrs. E. SUiOrt, Plnjsician and Mdwife, Boston. I fiud ono or two Inrge doses of yon r Pilis, tafeen at tho proper time, are excellent promotirefl of the natural secre(Joh when wholly or partuüly supprosscil, aml also very eflccttiitl to deanu the timruKt nud expel wonns. They areso miicli the best physie wo huve that I reconimend no Otber to my patientfi. Fi-om the Rev. Dr. ITawles, ff the Methodist Epis. ChttrcTi. PüIASÜ itOQBX, Piivanncili,Ga.. Jun. 6, 1856. HoiTOHEp Sir: I sboqld be uograteful lor the relief yonr t=kill mits brouglU me if I 'lid not report my caèe to you. A cold aettled in my Umba&nd brougbt on excruciating netwaïgic pains, wtiicli ended iu chnmic rfiettmatixm. Motffltustandlng I had tho best of physiciaus, the disecuie grew worse and worse. ntil by the ndvice of your excellent aent in llaltimore, Dr. Mackenzic, I tried your Pilis. 'I Inii 'ïrcts we re slow, but sure. By persevering iu tho uee of thom, I am uow entiroly well. Fi'.nate Chamder, Eaton lïouge, La., 6 Dec. 1855i T)r. Avrn: I have been cnttrely erired, by your I'iil, of Jtftcumalic tíout-& paiuful disaase tbal luid l mo Cor years. VIKCENT ?U DEE.L. j(SMntt of the Pilla in marltet cöotntn Morcnry, whieh, nlïhi-ugh a valuable remedy in bkilful hunds, is dangerous in a public pill, from tho dreadful consequences that frequeutly follow its incantious nse. These contain no aiercury or mineral subsUnco whatover. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEK 6o CO., Lovrell, Maas. An.i i-i eale by Mayaard, Stebbins & Wilson, FARUAND, 8HELEY k co., Detroit 809yl J II. üfKRlLL, Travelling Agent. Rifle F actor y! A. J. SUTHERJLAND HASremovcilhlsGunShoptotbeNewBiockonlIu!■■:, jtn Bt, Bouthifthe (Jour! llnuee.orjtticsecond Boor, vrben i:c is prepnred to l'iirnish Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, PcLchcs Game Bags, and Every other article in bis Line. On the mostrcasonable ternis.and to do all kind e o 3EI JES E -A. X 1 3XT Othe shurtest noticc,andin tho. best manncr RC ■■''1 HL jflfi M ullas3ortm3nt ftlwaya kopt on hand, oud mede to orEer. City Cheap Lumber Sash, Doors Blindt, Piaster Paris Grand Iiiver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sises, Glass, Paint and Putty, c6c, cfic. . D. DeForest, TAVINfí Incrcaecd hi facilitie-s for doing buai .1 noas and nHrgftd Me Yard and Stock, is preiti :d the present seaeon, witfa ifcc bes .: Inrgest ind cheaptat seaEOnedatotlí vprin thie msrlut, to atiely the roaeonnblp expert ations of all. Öui motto is notto bf1 undoreoldlor cash on deüvery wil 1 not undortaketo friï. ton the public b y gay Ing bat tbwill Ketshnvedlt they buy elaewhere, for wo presume ttaat otherowilisellnelow tísthey can flbrd to. All kinds of Tïmber, Joists, nd Scantling, PIne, Whitewood, Baaswood, Hem ook, Planed and Matched Pine, Whitewood sh Klooi in'. Planedsnd roueh Ptneand Whttewood ■ ■ .in Posts, OakandCcdar Posts and Pickcts t all kind. }t fatl), anïï roijitciuooï ÍC. r) rttio, Ashan'i Wnitewood Phinglc, Baru Boaids and Barn Floor Plank, Black V.uUt,-ind Cherry and thin atufl, Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, BaZund liody !,uiul;cr,Mnple Log Timlicr, Hickory, Oak, Ash, ü!m, Beech, Ol'ill:hickn08sei,widthé andlongthe,&c. Sec, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallklnds. XVT-n-ils ol llliMli = &cSASIL DOORS, iSt BL1NDS, made byhand toorder alowas factor y príces, on the taortestnotice bythe bestof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bllle ofa)1 dcacription in the nbove building ïinc furnipliedonthefliiorteslul" notiee, For We have Mills Cictting Regidarly. A fnl! unda perfect a8t;orïiïient oftheabove anc other kttie of Building Materials Constantly or.handal tlv. lowestpossiblorates Cali and be Convinced. A few rotls south rom R. R. Depot or. ' Detroit Street, An Arbor, Mich. ROOFIN G . N.B. - I am novir opeiating Batenaivelj in tüe Patent Cement Roofi)ig. Estáte of Marvin Cadwell. QTATK OF MICHIGAN Couni of Wanhtena-, as 0 Atu ñtüBÍOD of the Probate Court fot lbo Coiïnty of Washtemw, holden at the Probate Office, In thet'ityfof Arm A[i"T, di Yf l:iy, the uighth-lay of November, In the yeur one tftooMDd eight hundred anl hixty-one, Prwüuit, Thniiwfl Ninde, Ju rige of Probate. ]n tb Matter of Ate Kstate of Marvin Cudwcll, latt of s&id County deceased. On ra u ing nud filintr fhe p-et i t ion duly veritied of Amolla Gadwll, ndowof said nt-ecased, pr:iying among other tilinga that bw dower fn cor tam land f which the said doceane 1 dled m sed, described in raid petlttoB, may i e nss!gnedaand a"r:a.-ii ed'Obrffccordh]f to th Bt itutein sucfa cue nuuSe and prorldod. And on reading and QliDK the petttfnn duly renfted of Jason R., oneol Ui hfciis ut law, of the said fltotiiHHl. prajlng reiduf of such lan-Is, afttr said dowt-r ihall ba u been admeasured, may be partitioned nn ■■mj; tlie hvi rs at law .f the :tlldt!cnusidt-and furthcr that comml iIonertBHiy be-appointed tonmbe sirch admtemirinent and pnrlit'on. Thoreuponlt i Ordertd, That Monday fhe ninfh't&y of December neXc, at len o'cloofc in tb f oreaooo, be a : tho hearing of said jiotiiionij, and that ther Ueirsai lairof Bakt deoMMd(fl_d II other person iiv1 t. ■ ; ri sai I .■ .,lat Arerequired toappearata fleanioa of miid ('ourt,tlu'Q to b botaoD at th: l'ribato OtTice, in1 Ihe City of Anti Arbor, m said County, xA sbow cause,if any tliere br, why thfiprayci of the petitioners houli? Dotbe gran tod: And t is furthef Ordcrtd, t'mt Aid'1 Petttionen give notice to the pprtotin herMtd tul nald otitati', of the jien'leticy ui aid petitions and the' hearing theeof, b.v causiiitf a copy of thiH order tobo pubUshed In the Michigan Ar gu.s, a nrwspaper printed1 and elronlatlBff in said Coanty of WWhftntfy, thrcö" sucesisivt' wtjc-ks picvious to iaid day of heurinp:. ( A truc copy.) THOMAS XlXl)E,Jüdge of Probate, _ _____ _____ __ ________ - - - - .- Mortgage Sale. DBF AÜLT DATing been made iu the enndition of a' Mortgage executed b Augustus R. Hall and wif# ti' Williimi s. Uájnard, goardlao for dertrude Fletcher, ■ hited the flrst day olFebruary, A. 1). 1853, and recorded in the office of tho Regis tv r of Deeds of Wunhtcnaw County, iu Liber No. 19 of Mortgages. on pages 69 and 70, ou the ftral daj f Harch, A.D. 1H53, at two 0'cloeti ï'. M. ,ami on the twenty-sixth day of August, A. O. 1801 , as."igned to Jame Kingsley, Administrator, with th - rf 11 aunoxed, of the estáte of the said Gertrude Kletcher deccafcud, by written assignment, recorded acrour the face of the record of said mortgage. August 27tb, A h. 1 861 , at ten o'clock A. M. , by which default fhe power" oí sale contained in said Mortgage became opcritiv ; and no suit or prooeedJag having been instituted at Iv to recorei thedchtsecured by eaid Mortgage or any paft thercof ; ond the um of fourteon hundred and soventjfive dollars beinjr now claimed to be due theren. and further intallraents to become due thereon. Notice li thenfbre hereby given that said Mortgage willbe ioreclo tl by a sale of the Mortgage premiaos, to-wlt : All that ceitain tract orparcie of land known and described as follows, to-wft - commencing on the west line of M.mii Street, twenty-tro feetsouth of the corner of lot number seven, Block No. two north of II ii ron Stre:t, Kange three, in the City of Ann Arbor and running wes( parallel wiih the north line of said lot, Kfid twenty-two feet therefrom, to the west end of unid lot, thenco soutli twenty-two feet, tbence tast parallel nrltb Bral Une, apd fcwenty-two feet therc-from(to Main Street thence north twenty-two feet to the plact-of Ikjcinninf?, or some part thc-reof at public vendue at tho Court noosè, In Ajid Arlorin nald County on tlie. sevontt day of December uext at neon. JA5SS KINGSLEY, Adutiiii: strator itll Wilt annexed,of UertrudeFletchit dt'coased. B, W. HöBQAvi, Attorney. Dated Ann Mor, Aug 28tb, A. D. 1861. Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN", thk Circcit CorRT roa rnn CoOJïTT Off W-UXSfAV, EuU A Perkins vs. vbrah Per kin-- In Chancery; In pursuance oi of the Circuit Court of tb Cmintv of WiLshtenaw, in Chancery. made in the above c.iuse on the second day of December, A. D. eighteeo huadred and fifty-nine, and a furthcr order of this Court m;tde on the Bixth dayof February,.. D eighteen hundred and sisty-one, wil! besoH, under the direeti-m of the Circuit Court Coromissionerfor the County of Washfii.'i-.v. at public auction, at the south or front door of tho Court House. ín the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday the lixtB day of .Iuly,i-ightecn hundred and sixty-one,at twolTe o'clock, noon, of said day,ail those certain tracU or pareéis of land lying andbeing in the towhahlp of Saiiiii, in the "Kinty of Wahtt-uaw aforesaid, and deocribed In aaid deoroe as follows, vf: The west half of uarter of section iiftcen. and the went half of the north-east quarter of section twenty-two, in township tjne suuth, of r;inp;e seven east, or $0 much r.ljii-cf aa m:i_v be necensary to satïsiy the amount du unon.said decree, together with interest and costs. D, s TW1TCHEI-L, Cir. Court Com. 11ip ('ounty of WashtenhW O. HAWKINS.Solifitor for Complainaut and Assignee Ann Arbor May '20, 1881. Tlieabovc Bale i mljourm-rt nntil the 15th daj of Noremhef next, at tho same hour and place. Dated, Julyethj tft i I. s. TWITCHKIX, Circuit Court Com. Washtenaw Co., Mich OTVTK 01' MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for tho Ö Countv if Wnshtenaw. in Chancery - Ira Parker, Complaimint, vs. He Dry Bauslaugh, Maria C. Bauslaugh, ("liarles Kitchen. aiul James F. Avery, Defendants.- Bfore tho Hon. 'Edwin Lawrence, Circuit Judge at Chambers. It satisiactorily appearing to this Court that the dcfendants, Ucnry Ú uslaugh, Maria C. Baujlaógh :md Charles Ivitchen, are non -resident of thia ïitate, but are rehidents of the l'rovince of Upper Canada: On motion of 0. Hawkins, of Counsel for compl&inant, it ís ovdesed that thesaid dvfendanto. Henry Bausl:iu'.'!i, Maria C. Haustaugb, and Charles Kitchen. caune their appearance in this cause to bc entered within four montliM 'rom the date of thia order, and that in cano of their appearance, they cause their answer to tho complaiuant's bill to be filed, and a copy thcreof to be servüd ou the complainanl's solicitor, within twent days after service of a copy of said bill and notico of tiiis order; aud in default thero.of, that tbe said bill b taken aa confessed by the said defendants Henry Bauslaugh, María C. Hauslaugh, and Charles Kitchen. AM il Esforthei ordered. that within twenty days the said cumphiinn nt cause a notice of this order to bepublished in the Michigan Argus, a newspajter printed at the City of Ann Arbor, and tbat the said publicfttion be contip. u'-'l in said paper at leaat once in each week for stx successive weeks, or that he cause a copy of this order to be personiilly ser ved on the said delendants, Henry Baoilangh, Maria C. Bauslaugh, and Charles Kitchen, at leut twenty days before the time above prescribea for their aniiearance, Ann Arbor, October 14th, 1801. E. LAWIÏKXCE, Circuit Judgc. Attest, Iïobebt .í. BÁXRT, Regulier. 0. Hawmns, Solicitor for Complainant. Ann Arbor Marble Works. a.tola.olca.ox' [TAS on hana a fine aaüortment of American and 1 'TA LIAN MA R B L L which he is prepared to manufacture into n all their Tarieties, and in a WOBKMANtJKE manner Baviog had considerable experienee in the busincif tie tiatters himsclf that he will be able to p]ias UI who may favor tne with their oreri. Tliö price L0W AS THE LOWEST. Ihose wiahing any thing In my line are résped fnllj m.iteatocall. D. C. BATCHELDKR. Ann Arbor. May 20, 1861. 801 D. L. WOOD & CO., HAVE JUST 0PENED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING fc SUMHER Trsde of 1861 Having purchased their stock at much lees than the uaual prices.they aro prepared to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thankful for pnst favors they will be ever ready to show thcir Goods and by fair and: liberal dealing hope to reeeive their full shar of the public pntronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbor April 1861. Mo ney Wantei Wlio willTëudMoney! IAM RKQUESTEI) BV SEVEBAL l'ERSON'S to tUi money for them nt Ten Per Cent Interest, (Or More) Fornnyone willinR to Uud, I oan at once invest ■■ „ aótnonnbarn kanaot REAL RSTA1K ccun'y tiv MUM l ny "'! sou that the title aod security are au. hküit. . , ,. The borriAvor paying all expendes, inchMlii p ro oordüw. MORGAN, A..n Arbor, Gct. T.18S9. 71Slf EW. MORÖAN, Agent lor K V t Insi,i;ncerompny ui tlie L . b. Kniokerbocker Ufe Insurance Comvany, -New ork, - aflrstclMOo.- term nasnble. Httjnboldl KiivIiiiuianccConuiany, "2?L(1,vfithalrfrearplii1 - - „ 'i00;00. Peoritt Marino .t Kire ln.aranceCo., Ttnll r. -holt t No. 1 Insurance Co'. Im nnA. Capital, - S0O,0W,


Old News
Michigan Argus