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Beauregard's Letter Of Self Defense

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Cknteuvii.m:, vrithin ho-irhig of the 1 1 i :y s rjiiï, Nov. i!. To Edilors litclunond Whij - Gbxtlemkn: My at tention lias just been eaJleil to Rn urifortuniite controvor sy huw g ::,■_ on relativo to tb o publieati(!:: of a synepssis of niy report ot tlic battle of M:inass:is. Ñoo eau regrot more t!.;m I do, froui a knowledge tluit, bjf authority, the President s the solc judgó of wbeii and wlmt part of the Com uaiidiog Offiecr'a report sball be mudj public. I, individuall}', ilo nut objoct to delaying Lts puhtieation a.s long as the War BeparttHSDt thinka proper and iiecessary fcu-tlio succoss of causa - Mennwhile I entreat uay frienda not to trouble thetDs'elvcB abottt refuting the skndera and caluuinies aimed umiost me. Aloibiades, on a eertaia occisión, resortcd to an citraordiuary metbod to occupj tlie niiiids of Lis traducefa - let, then, Uiat synopsis answer the same parpose tor me, in this instancc. If oertain ininds caimot UTiderstand the difforenóo between patriotism, the high est civio virtuo, and office seekiDg, the lowest civie oceupation, I pity theui from the bottom , ot' my heart. SufSco it to say, tint I I prefeï the respect and esteem of' my oountryraen to t!iu udmiratioü and euvy of the world. I hope for the sake of, our causo and country to bo able with the ! aasistance of a kind Providenoo to answer my caluinniators with new victories over our national enemics, but I have uothiug to ask of the country, Govern ment, or anj friends, oxcopt to aSbrd me ■ ail the aid they eiin in the great stroggle we aro now engaged upoh. l am neither a enndidate, nor do I desire to be a caudidate for :uiy ei vil ofïiee in ihe gift of the peopie or Executive. ïhe aim of hij ainbition, after Inning cast my I mito in the defense of our sacred cause, j and aesisted to the best of' my ability in securing our rights and indepondeóce as a n;ition, is to retire to private lite, uiy means then permitting, never again to leave my home, uuless to fight auew the hattlos of my country. Eeip.ctfully your ilmt übjviient servnot.


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Michigan Argus