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The Unionists In East Tennessee

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We have very late aiul perfect ly trust ; wofihy infonnatinn dinct from East Tountigfee, and indirqetlj from otlier portions of t'ie Soatb. We ihnll not purtioutarue the oltanuela through whiob ] this itit'ortn itinn is reooived, but givo our j word Ibat we know ihtm to bo worthy tlie most iibsoliite cui'fideuce The Union raeu of Bast TennertOT vere never more lojnl ana liopcl'ul tlvan now. They stuud HUotWia and i ruptible, anti, ifthere is any change, tliey ] are beofftning more ardcnt and eonfldent j in the good and groat caasö of ímíimial BOÏty mid free govcrnnient. whit-ti they j regard as ono and iiiíop trable, now and j forover. The nooessioriitta whisner that tlieir attempted ruvolutiou must end in a fiilure. [t i trae, os rumoredfur a few days, tint theru are oantp of Union me in -1,2. K) in orre, an.l 7()0 in tlie anotner - cacii min witn nis nni mu ptmnd of p )v!ir, tod a oorrespending : (uintity of bilis, a ad regard ing hu powder is f -ir more preeious tli.iu gold. In tbe late bridge baruiug, three iuiportimt brides in Temiïssee and fwi in Ge irgia were eutirely denroyod, nod two or three otliers greatly damaged Tbe roads were in bad order bufn-e the bridgos wero barned, and the rolling s oc.k is in bad otindition. It will bo so far repain-d as t penuit the ppssage of tmiis in loss than a nïouth The jn E ist. Tennessee lis werc liourly expot-ting a Federal army to foroe its way UéNiagti üumbofland üapi and, if a vigir nu odvaueo had ben made tlu're, the capturo of Zolliciffoi-'s army would have been aWlutcly certuiu Not a man uould hive esuiiped. Z tlliooffur's effeotire fnm in Kentucky lus not at auy time exeeeded 7,00!) m:n, and he cannot now inuster 6,000. The niimber of seoesh troops guarding the Eaut Teifosse i Railroad when the bridirts were burned was less tíian UU. Tlie stnrdy loyalty of the E-ist Tcnn Maeeang ;ippt!,-irs in tbo returnsof the reeent Confedérate eleetion for President cnd Vico President and members of Congres.?. In Roanc county, wliere two j ■and votes are usually given, lesa than tbxer liumlred and tit'ty wcre pulled. - John Baxter, a subinission Uniím man, (tliat ia, oue who s in favor of the Union, but looks upon the rebellion as ao aoconiplisliL'd tact), run for the C nfedera'e j Coíigress n Maynard's district, thinking the Unionistf would support and elect ; biin, rathor than pertnit the eleetion of Mi cutiré Bcoessionist Tbc Union men had about 8,000 majority in the district, but refused to vote, and the secessionist luid a vi'ry small, but nearly unanimocn vote. In Knox county, wliere the Union men had 3.-00 vote.", Baxter, the sioiiist, ro?eived but 80 votos I lie ' Union men wmild have notbing to do . vrith the eleetion, but treated it with j contempt. In niany pin ces the polls ; were not opened, and in sume whole 1 ties not a vote was east. IC, alter the battle of WiMcut, nnr I troiipH had pu-hed vigoro slv forward, the liiynl East Tnnei"eeans wonld have taken potwewion ii the milroad ] ard hld itforheir on ie, inrtuad f detroying it ; anti they witn'i) h.ivu I taken ;i 1 irge iiiKiunt of provisumH and ; n, il. ai-v ture, i-ellected ut Kiioxvi'ile j uil nthvr pointa tuf he uso oí tho rebel inny. The MÏÏng back ol the OiinihurlMiíd Gap exnmtiiion will have a most distiesing ertect. and will ' iirib.iblv cause the ruin of niany of those hi have rnmmitied thenwelve ■i urms lííiiinst thu Jeff. Davis de.otism. At ttie very tune hen the dt-voted Unionicts were expecling to Me the biiy,nnU of the ünitd Stntes ' tron l'ttorintf in the pissen ol th. ir nvninttun-", they wil! h ar of the uisitrun irmicli iway fïo:n tliem, wtiich has ulready been deserrbed :it lenyth j in the.e i-nliMTins The linón bet ween the Union men and the souenh :ire vnry rtiarpty drawn livery nian knows whom hu QHtV trust and whom he !i:nist. Tliu j devotinn of the Union people ti tne I gnvernmdnt i (inalterable, md rntiñy ■ toiichiög proois of it ure ft'ven VVe ur) tdl.i if men more thiin 70 yenrs of Hgo, noting as iru'ulos on the mauntaina in the niglit for those whom ttu-y knew tu be tliu friend f Üw gnvrnni.ent. The winnen wil] not take inoney fnr my iiss'stitn'-e they may rcnder the Union rr.en. Cüt-s are mentinned in which fioop votnt'ti, rfh(HW) ri usli mis are exiles, huvn wi;h teurs in thoir fVfs, reluseil to touch g ld ntïVred und nrycii npön them fr jtr-vi-iontt rcjjihml ihoe whii iveru hihfriflai in the c:mse of the Union. Onu lady wlio wiw roused ut Rittfni#ht t' prejuire :i me:d f ir n party "f Union men, was tld, in order ti) niiiicH her t uuuept n jp'd pieoe as u compensution for her n t I -, that Ljohl is not. friin their nwn pocketH, bui fi-oin the tritry wf the United Sutes. Stie Imrst jflt" teiirs ;in(J lehwtjd to uouept it more (-'urn-stlv than ëvor. r!ivii'g he uuuld uot t.iku ttie inonoy of the j{overnti)L'pt for ariy poor service he could rem'.cr. This voiiKin's h-tinbund ui}d sms were exilt)8. Aio those peoplu to bo id)Hfidonud to their fiieinies i;ov in the luuir of their ii: most need ? ïhere w undoubtedly a powerful reactinn in Noi'th Curo] i na affiiw! the disu'iior.i-ts. It woiild not, be surpr'w pg to heyr, at my lime, ol a most j determinad Ui. ion moveinunt in that aiiarter. The Union men of North Carolina qik! North Alabama n'e in uoinmufiicutioa with those oí Eust , Tennessee. Very ft.w troopa were sent to Virgii.ia during the autunin monUi Tho lafit detac.hment tliat went forwurd over the Tennessee RaUroud was a body of eight hundred Georgmoe, who had been without irtns mi loriLf thüt tliey tlire 'tened to dib;ind, and starled . about threo weeks ugo in wretohod condition, and without urina of any sort. The dostitution ol the rebel troop H extieme. Io is not iiniisual to sue thn ÖHVHlrw wnr'ng spurs on their naked heeïn They minor turritilv fnr want "t bhmkets, and searcli the holmes - ev.:n the negro eal;.;ls for bl mkuts quiltfl and thick uMhlnj;, Letters reoently WP ttnn liv com ■ 'fficers o fte ánny ■■! the V'ot,,,,',', av theie are not [ thttn tn-r thmisand rebel R1),(iörs n Vji-tfium iinuble, Irjin wc-Jtneiw, to peri'orm dmy. A v'iuilfderale Onptulu tuis writtmi, within this inonth, {,mn tho urrnv of the Potoiiuiü to fi-iend'-i in En Ten. nesseo, that oi Kis ecinpany, jrigiualy I fity-wsn mon. nlv&lgbt vers fit to ' ' ; Y■ . "- - jo in the field. The whole Confedérate ii"co in Virginia is less than 140,000 .■ffe live men. The arniy direct ly in tont of Washington is Jesstfian 99,000 nen. The rebel armiei in Kenttrcfey, ander Jnhnr'ton Buukner and Polk, do not roiint forty thowand fighting men. - The anny on Green River in front ui Mi'Onnk, M nly fiiteen thonsand strong. I The rebel le-.idei's fit Nhviíle are I treifiWmff with npprhennion, and it is believed tliroiighoui ihe South that a iiiüj'ifiiy "f the ople of New Örleans would rejoiae at tho npprouch of a Union army. The lilou!;ade is terrihly efFective. ïhe fnot is cnnlessed, and tainine nnd p.. uie prices prevail. The wealthieat t'ainilie- of ihe 81111U) are living meanly, uncí upologise to tliuir visitirs for the me.-iiïivncss of their f.ire. i ho umon ' min rejoice in the piivfttinna incident 1 diIk' blockade, und comfort thernselve? ' by the coiisirteniiion that the seeosioi)intfl are the greatest nfferors. The tiuhlnuss nf the Ulotkade and the e nsiant nthertngpf ;he inniea of thu Union, the now idi'iittt'd eiiUfugs oí the northcrn troopx, the failuro rf England : r:cl Fr ince to roconiza tho s".ii'inacy of' cotton, tlio inoney ronources of the Ftülerni governtnnt, whicl: secin inexhiMi.-tille, re huviBg thtjir fflect even tipon the iniM! reckles of the en pirtttoTK, Nothinrr but thu presume nf y fuw success!.--, immenseiy müüjüitied by -ystematio lyin, hus kept tl i e ivlivls in liu.-irt up to this tircit:. - M'idi di-s:i!isfaclion vvi:h the Rich mond L'ovfriiiuent i.s fuif. Tt is denonnced on eerv side as ditinguieh#d liv inilu-ciliiy .nd fivorilisni, in ft style i witli whioh i hu cviticisms on the loglti, mate sfi)Trnii)öDt hy the northern j jonrnaU is moderate. Wiih nood managüment the war may bo ulosnd : beforo the fir.-t anniLjr.ary of the butnburdmeni nj Sumpter.


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