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Affairs At Port Royal

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ríifton IfcnVl, Niv. 24! j T-hu Eiíglish frigato [mir.orialitie, oí ' fif: y guciH, C';ijilui Hnwkins coiainandur, sailod 1 11 j mu' liurbor hift ' "Vedneday, :iud i iiow eecurely lyi ul uuoltor ;i lew cables' lungikij l'rom I ' the Wubath. Iler s:jie (ƒ : oiiü gnns vv.ta leliiriied bolti hy ibn Ii.isí-.iiip and Irotn I'n Witjkor. ! Captain llaulcins immeciiatelv weut i ' on board i !;e Wabih, and franl; Btalyd t lie bj ct ni' vímL to be lo lonk afici; blnglish iliterata in Llija s ieinity, ai:d lo iX'inovu Eutflinhsubjei ts ' íiomi p.iit.-. wluch uro hoi'.eaftor to bu hr)in!).-.l ;- .i. 'J'Ik' principal ufHcera wf mir iiic', inuvli lo.ascd whh t::e (■.i)';tiu's jiunuior diiriiig Wu tíiigthy ' it i.) lliu ii.iv biii[i, ind htliLvo lii.s ' t renonce htru i:l lu i;n:idiK'i'o J 1 ndlv reJulii i!.- botwvui üo tuo . - VOU!(,l'icB, A TACTIIIK. NVilliin tweiity-f.níi" honra oí' Ihh ii v:.l, i -re of uur gim boals brougbl in :t Pchrtoncr US :i plizt'. hulea v. i;li n'in-1. rtmirmnitiop, htid uh.fiinn?. 'J':o Ytí-8c1 ha?!(!l Viiin a.-s::il, N(.-w Provi(i.'iicc. niiit i- r)i of tont kiiowii to ' ! Uve kit( tlüit poit uih nimilar cnrgoei, ( nlended Ur Uie Cdüfeiicrirtcs. Titu ' nf thesi' Fc-!inorx havo boon captured, . niid the Comtnuuoix' focls coxifidun! thut liu ill succooil in l;i)'íng lio] of the ' othcr.-i. 'IIh' i)o iibove ruforrud to carriod, profcasedlv, barróla ol pntntoea, conigued lo .l'iiiliidclpirm, hut hen ifí ihe önv;innli rívor slie ran in, nnd ; Hinn found oi;t In r mi.-take. Tbe KnglUh cuptuin, on boing n:ide acquilioted wiili tho c:ipture, replioil : ' Servod lier ligbt fr isaiTyicg such ;i yargí) lindel' tiic IJri.i.-li llig." AKIAIKS AI HILTUa IIK.Vn. Or.r lile I. ere litis ufrondy becon.e rther mntter if fuol : but lint pxacfly inonotonoux, lar llioro is loo inneb lo ' do. !)iit scárwly so exeiliñg as yon iiiigbt'. 'J'hu weatKfjr h:is iiininl wi y rld, pwriiouiart? nt i.iglit, itnd wnru thfoiit, -,ouhs mikí chills :ire jirovalent mn'nng oflíwra ind tho troops. Aro vo not lo llave íiny I stovos? IJlankeN, too, a ru dofirablc, : nnd lucifer matches shouid not bo forgcttcn t menüoii the lattèt, belièving that net a iocnfico exists in tlo hole ol' this expi.'diiio!i, oitr (iiVhiion suller. (the on!y one here) liavinp forgdltcn ích stortíi as nould bu ii (K-iüar.d HinoiiLf cmnpoignen'. 'l'ho lleel 1 6a qiiioïly nt anchor half a mile íi'om thèsuoro of Hikon Hend I.iland, and no doubt iho uniintia'ud upposo it is idfo. Niithirr ot tho ort, ho wever ; tho vessela of light druft are oonstantly tunrtir.f up the ynrious rivera and streams wliioh ernpfy ihempel 'os into this inlet, whilo iho Flti?, ftfol.ican, Seminóle nnd othors cruise about ifiecftnst between Charleston and SuVunriuh. Theso roconnoispances have established tho fnot that iho enemy have givon up iho idea of dofendinLC ihcir littoral, for thcir guns havo been removed inland, and nothing; but Ihcir oarthworks remaiii. I learn from unquciUinallu nnthority that a panic lia.s rcigneil in Savanriiih ever sineo our vio'.ory. Tho woinon and childrcn havo left llio ;i(y and tled into the inteiior of tlio Slnlo, and so (reut was tho influx of striingers into August that the Mayor ha.s s.sucd a {iroclamntion against furlher iuwnigratioii, and hundreds of families are noyv camping around. Tho vi-it of nur Quarternmstei', Gapt. Saxton, to Beaufort last Friday, gave us iho possesuü f 10ü,0ü0 foei of primo luinbor, and fif teen wagon loads of Indian corn have come in to day, wilh many inoro tu follow - Tho neroo?, too, ore coming in, not ngly, but in families, and they teil us thel'ö are hundreds more atching thoir opporhiif'ty to run off. Our vrorbs aio pi- coding ere with great rapidity, but I must neeessnrily be silent as to their extont, the nuinbor of gnns they will mouut, and tho men required to man lliom. Snflice it to ay, tho Generáis in cotnmand consider they will be able to hold this land gainst 50,000 men - an army which the South will fiad a diíík-ully in detnilinar for Hütoii Ifea I, is it uiil hortly ba liit in a nuirifeer of different placea BÍiBitltno !Oinly. If General Draytou or Mujor Loe con I 1 look at this island for a moment they would DoVkaow it ngain. u have run up un enarmona rango ot eo.rnnissary buildinfis, large enough tocontain pro visión? for 10,000 mon diimig three months, beáídüs suites of officers' partnients. We are alsn raising Ktables for 1,000 horitee, with ptorage fr forago overhead, and ovorything presagos o ai'e to make a longlhy i! uot permanent oecupation. Ililtun Ilead, Nor. 25. ■1JIH TAKINO OF TV11EK ISLAM). Mattere romain vory ner.rly the same bere as at tbo dato of my last letter. Thu oly niKportant oveüt of real interest octturrsner n thu interval is the eapture of Tybec ïsfand, which foll into our pojisession yestoiday. Next to the tak in g; of Ililton Ilead the ac((iiifition ol' thia phioe, in a strategie jioint of view, was tl. o most important top that the insurgent fono bere could possibly have takon. Knowing ihe value of the loca'ion in a naval point of view, it was nnlicipateid that stout resista n;o would be made by the rebels to rat ai n it in thoir'. Ever f-inea our arrival thero have been indications of aetivïty at this point, and it was beüeved that tho enemy wero iiiöiéasing the stiTiigth of their fiirtiáeatíiunA übere. Two or three retionnoitering porties havo been Pent t take a viw oj' tho locality, nnd they hnva alt pepoïtiiol Wiat tbo foriifications wero liwly wilti iDfning rebols, and thal tiie gun seerned èxnd in iheir places, Iheir muzles kokiag angrily in tho direction oj' an áttnclcing party that tn'rght have ihe hardihood lo atteinpt tbe capture. Notwilhstanding the reporls of a bolligerent char ie er, it was detennined to tako the place, and it was taken, but with a. celenty and easo vviikly dirt'orent Ir )m that antidpated. Wiih a view to test the feelint;: and disposition of tho enemy, three shdjs tfiire thrown from ono oi sJjips, but tfoey met th no rexpcoae. A closej mpeetirn folJowod., when it was 'dicovored tbat the throwJQg sholls was u waste of -valuablo war m itorial, that might he savod for futuro requireinent. TIjü robelg Uud taken time by tho forelock, and vacatcd tbe premisos in advanco of tho arrival of the altaoking party. Sucli beiug the case, the coast was i-lear, aru] the work of taking possession was q.iiokly aecomplishod - tl rosUlt iiumodiately fllowed by the ujiraisiug ol tlio stars and stripes, and l.ud eliecrs from the ros-es.iing party. The enemy had not only taken time by tho lorelock, but they also took thoir gnus and whatever was of value with them. Relies oí split-up tables, uod biv)ken and oinpty boules, gave it deeideiliy ban'juet hall descrtöd Took. BTen nro now aclively einpl in furtityiiig the h:cu ai:.! tnou itirig guiw ! liiko the posilions oi removed, The ttcqnisiti'in oí Tybeo:Jt]and is cf p;i-c;ii vuluo frijui lire act l ; uoiniTiunds (hu nnc{i'.l ehani tl ;i Suvnnnah. 'liiu vuiler bcra is ■ aiui it is only by tho eh nmd ihtifvóssi Is dI deop drinigtil et' water cnn reuch Iho latter city. Fort Pulaki is in the ntsijühborhood, wliioh í . -r i , i is wcll fenown, comprises the main (ïei-.-c.-e cl' :ivnnnah. It ir nne ui tho sU'ftngcst (Virtd fUnj (hu Sou o:; t-t , ln-in c:iriiKUi'. ;iüd liüii to r;sst aínmg u.Uaf.k. [Inving acq red Tyboo Inhinil, tho aest stcj i:i ;hc [)r(i2i-;umr;ö v.i'l bu the rtduction .u"f I lis. fort, üt;;m'uding whicli tho Iiqujbm'ilinent ai:l ciipturo 1' Sv;innih w.ill bo :i wwrk of (;;i,y tiutT.iuplishrnbnt. Thrts is (i 1 ghthouse on l'ybco


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