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The Students' Lecture Association

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On Saturday evening of this weck, Deo. 7th, Prof. J. H SlBDONS, of Columbin Ooilege, New York, will looture befdre the Students' Leotaro Association, oa tko "Humorous Writers of Great Brüain," SUatspearo, ITood, Diekèns, The Professor is a gramlson of Mrs. Siddon, tho mighly mistress of the trnglc art on the English stage, and a couiin of Mïs. Fanny Kemble Butler ; ai. il, though Lc lir.s ncver oppcared u] on the itegt, is saiJ to pOBsess mucli oí thcir eloutionary power. II is eareer, sineo Lis arr.val in New York, lias been a coutiuued succes?, culuiinatiug d Lij appolntinict to Columbia College, wbore lie bas constantly two liundred pupils. Previüus to bis coming to America, Mr. Sidpos gave lessons to tbc Pritrce üf Wales, and often rcad Shakspeare and Dickcns at the Quecn's pakce. The London acd New York Press pronouncc high eulogiums on Mr. Liddo.ns' oapaciThis promises to be a lecture tliat a'l lovers of literature aud tragedy ought to attand. Tickets niay be found at the Book Stores. S. CoRRSOriON. - A letter in tlio State News,o( Tuesday, under date of First Michigan Infantry, " Ciunp Michigan, Annapolis Junction, Nov. 24." notkea lbo onival ii ninety-one men, oflïcei'S and private, of Capt. G. P. Sanford's Company, anti saya that thoy are to ba distribu ted among tho other oompa,öiea which " creatos rouch dissatisfaction, cansing thro..ts:f returning home, etc." Capt. tí. informa ua that a letter of a mno'í) later date from bis First Lieu tenant, assur8 him that the matter babeen satisfactorüy arranged, thai Co., C, which had no Captain, has been distributed, and that his Cornpany has been deaignated Corapany C. Ca[t. S. left for Washington yesterday. Capt. Sanfot.d informa us that Liout. Pkavy of his Company died suddenly on Friday last Lieut. P. bas been two years in the Univorsity, and has rnany frienda in our City. " lïe remembered the Forgotten" was beautifully said of Howard the )liilanthrosit. It also nppliei to everv man wlio briofi tUe nmelioration, comforts and enjoynnnts of life wiiliin t!ie reacii of p rsons and classes vbo are othfwise deprived of thuïr advantaes. Espec.ially may it be siid of liim who vil oricuiulv seeks aml fi i Js new means of ivscr .in:.; healUi, " the poor raan's cafital ! ond tbe rich man'6 pnwer " fff lliinlc tiii- ; énlüginm properly applied to J. C. Ayer, v' i Lowell, tlie renowned chemist of New Enlnnd who, spurning the troddeti pi'hs to f;mc devotos li is enire abili:ie aud to tlie discovi'ry of NfttuW'i most ef fectual remedies for .lisease Wlien tlie hidJen blessings have been reventad lie proeeeiU toaupplyil to aJl inanlund alike througl droggistsat BDoh low pricea that, poor and ricli may alike enjoy its beiiü!, . - [Jom'nal aiul Enquini-, Poriland, .Mu


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