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i he Lalc-t r'pccial I)i;-pateh ! To the citizens of Ann Arbor and ; Vioiuity ! ! INTENSE EXC1TEMENT! íltindreds táalchinp the progresa of Del! y venís ! ! The IVkn;l Aniíy agaín ': j -The Union must and shall be Preserved !" " Ther v,:ae a manin our tova, He was 80 'loowirouH wise" But with 11 h3 wisíotn, lio wái no' so wisc as tkat ' otker man," h S"en li waatud tu buy thu 77;; dieajpeü and lest CLOTHÜC! n this marktt aheays jutnjcd into O V l TER MAN1 8 HEAD QÜAÏIÏERS! Fop there he know he alwnys got his mooey'a worth. Soeing i bclii-ving iind yjn tfctrt wis!) to sen conu; n nuil believe. Thuse ihfit - b 1 1 " í See CAS FEIL, ind ns we íllv.nya n;:kK our custonifTa tV-l good over good bfirgtiinf, they are cspecíally niviteil to o;r nnxioua sent, thnt tney leo muy realize hoir "good it ia forthetu to be with ia," and liv mucli pluíisure can be obtained in thu enjoyan nt oí SPLEMDID BAROAIWö ! " me í] yo thnt are wenry und Iu-nvy la din" - With Üoi-ks and ve will Je our lsi fo relive voa - ,sn ini vmi in reuní the finttt kind of Go'jtls al the lomtUJiyures. Great l.nttles are hourly tating place in Ihe Olothing - win ): rciiiuotit s of Cassimci j ■isiiiiL-! Ae., are being slRUghu-rej by Gen, Sosiuilim- fo thfi '_'!■►■. it runh of recruft.a tliat aru pouring in IVom e?ery direetlou, all r.nxious to luivc tlielr i]iuiii.'a enrIteti fur n NEAT AND TASTY SWIT ! -;nch as can only be had at the Quarters rf Gultcrman & Co. Onéofthc firm, Mr. M Guitkrmam, lmvi:ig just retufne , fnr.u Europa whh a large assorlimnt ofClotlis, Ca-aiuR-res and n nice lut of fine Vestings, also a few pieces of fine Beaver for ovureoata whi h wewill inuke up to or.e:1 in the 1 itest, style, Wo feel confident tlüit wc tan SKti-t'y :ill. STXJJDE3STTS I We are happy t,o greet yon aa:n in or.r City.after ipendiog your vacatiou with, Uu; ■(Uur old folk' nt hume. Be assured we svish vort i pleasant term. ud huil tvcr Lu glad to rnc;t you ut the OU Ilenil-Qnartt rs, No, o. O' Our formir eiistorhcr's, we feil nssured, will cali rii i:s :rain To you who couie L strangera we icould wy a few word, ut wish yuu toeall and look ut our fice Coat, Punts, mul Vêstg we mii do better by yón than ty other h use in ilie City, and it' ycu eall nnú examine air gooils.ond try their fits, you will parchase novbcre ele. DON 'T FAIL TO OAX.ÏJ -.T1 C3-. 'JES. C?. DU. IIOOFLAND'3 BALSAMIC COEDIAL, For ií;c Bpwdy euro of Contjhs. ColJs, Influenza, Croup, Haammess, iirancliitis ['neumonía. Distases eftu ÍZvtoels. arisiny frotn Cold, Ineipient Coi surnplxm, and for the relief and ij ;l üllpotmble) cure of i'atienU in a dvaneed stages of tin laUcr aiseas.1. rpHEBalsamíe Cordial id cntíruly a Vegetante proflucX tion, conibmingtbebeali . ■ oi ttie Batwiiin, witb the iavigoratïng cuHUtiti.s oí' h Ciryili dueinga combia ton so sveli ndapitd to the pu intended, tliere ;ire but 1 .. ■■ wiiicli wil! nut, ut au early periud, buccumb to its bualii . . Ufe givütg proj i at of y i ; Le p '.'■'■-. por1 un of lL ■■■ ■ . ■ of Lbe medical nxrld, but cono acíjuii I i u, oei et ui fcïfu 1 1 r;i'. nu'iii Jof i h -ti diseased, tlian t&o ted Prussian, Vr. Hoofland, i oi the ■■ I 'm :i,, i ti tifie ws - i! - oted tu tbv ,■ tion of remedies ti ' wouW stand unrívaUd. How well te has succ American people are able to and w.poaitírüly aasert, tbttt au prep&ratioca that have v -r □ placed b?foro 1 , (Uierrei ti mm aal ol bew BK od sutFeriog bum 1 1 a) ir -ni all elasej tf society, as thi remedies of Lïr Hoofiand, prepated by r. i . -I.'.l.-u kson & Co., of Fiil;nk-lphil. Tm1 Cordial i 'i-i jue ! for b i Lasa of üiseasea prore g ueral and more fatal tban auy otbír to which tbe i ■ - i' tbía countrj aiO ui eet- tin e íVi'in ;t "eligJU cold." Tl;a1 emiaolii ,.i ■■,::;■, i)r. BelljBftyH: --I , ii; aotsay tliat Colas are to ut iibalb [tanta what thé Plague and Yclioto Fr.r an I ■ u; otber countriw; but lean ivöi ■ i ,, id JUoase uf gretercoinpUclty ana naort&lHy tüaa theselatter." Eniirehj Vegetable. !ïo Alcoliollc JJejjaratort. I)R. II rOFLAND'8 CELÉBRATE : od by DR. M. JACKSON & CU., riiiladclpliia, Va. Eectually care LJVfiK COMPLAINT. DYtíPEPSIA, JAUNJÍICECbronic or Eíeivouja Debility, Discases oj tbe Kidneys, nw all dibuasca arising from a disOrd-aM J.i er i'' Btóniacu, Suct) as Coastipation.TïïTifafd Piles, Fulncsa or Bloud to tbe Elead, Acditj oi tho Stulncb, Xau ■ , Heurt burn, .1 Isgut fox Food, Fulneaa or wtíigbt Ín tke . : LÍng or Flutteflng at tho !'ií tri' the Sfomach, ftwimmiug oí tbe Elead,, Hurried and DiCkcult Dmatiiing, Flut tering at tbe Heart, Cliokiog or Suffucating ra, J)ím tiesa "i Vision, Dota of webs beforetbe sight, F - Duli Pain in tbe Head, Lteöciency of Perspipation, V,-l lowuesi oí fheSkin and Kyes, l'ain in ti Limbs, &o. SuddeK Flusues of Heat Bu tbe CFlesh, Conatánt imaginiBgfl of evil, and greal PepriH&iorrs oí Sjpirita, and wili posltivelj p reven ( Vi. LLOW FEVER, ÜILI.tOUS FlCVJCR,&e. rhe Proprieíor in calling 1 i of the public prepara tion, floea so witfi a feti i g tf tho nímoat i , s virtue.s and adaptation ! i It i iioiu-iv ;uivl nnt ried artícle, bni on- UkiI has stood tbe tefltof tweh yeara' trial before tho áxaer' oplea&dita reputation sad sato are tu by ;i:v ■' paratioBS extnnt, Tïie ttetiraony ia ttn íavorgivon i-.v the moat promiaeot ;uid wil-lvoowo i 'ín sicians and individúala ín all partsof the country i.s immense, and a car tul perusal oi the Ahnaimr, publisbed annually bj i1 ■■ Proprietors, and to be bad gratis of any of their Agcrn-s. can uut nut satísfy 1 1 ptepttcttl thatthís remedj U rcally deserving the greal ccíebrilv tt iiaobtaiued Rcart i!ie Evlilenre. TramJ. üacton Er men V. O., gditorofthcEncyrÁ "f fl Hgious Kitoicledge. Although nol avor or recoinmcnd Patent ia general, through distrust óf thelr ingrediënt! and efft ets, 1 yet know o1 no aufficii i . . iy i.. testiiy to the benflt lw beJiëves hjmseïf toiilve recelved fi-om any simple prepara t ion, in the hope Ihat he naaj thua cuntnbute t" thfl bynolit ui' others. Idotbiatke more readlly in regard to ':IIooflanVs Germán Bitters," prepared by Dr C. M. Jackson, ol this ■ mse l was preju ïfvi against them for 3 ears, ua'der the lm] f I iej wero ohieflj au a ie mixture. 1 ara Indebted to my rïiead Kobort Shoemaker, Eaq.,for the remo val o this pwjudice by proper tests, and Tor enoou ragemtmt to tvy Ibem, when sufferiii", from ;.:iv:it and long coDtiDued debüily, The use of tbree bottles of these Bitters, at the bezinning of the preseni year, wasfollowefi by evideut relief, and restoration toa di eree 1 bodily and mental rigor whlch I hv! ooi feM Fori i !■' of i-egaininff. I thereforethank Godanrtray friend for dinciijigin -L the uaeol tberá. J. NEWTON DüuWN. Reod whai tbe eminent Gla a Uanufacturer, JOHN II WH1TALL, soys of the DA IL A MIC CORDIAL Dr. C M. Jai h ted Friendo Havíng for .1 long lime been acqaínied with the virtuea -.ft!:;,' Ba'samic Cordial in Cou h 1. f ui 1 1, InduiDmátion of tlio .. ■ . ] ttiu 1 fríelj bi ar testtraony to For vwwi a r ! liavi nevei been withcut i i lo m family Etalsn 1 iffáre to sftte tbat T have used it with oati fn tlio tre&tmeut ol Stowel CüinpUiiiti. Tliv friend trul.r, JOHN M. WHITALt, FifthMo. ;7,184S, Street, above 4 UfUiU. Thefté inedícincB'n v f r sale by ;i!I renpectable Dvuftgista na i dealers in nwd'cJnea in tb Unjted States, l ï l 1 1 i ,!i i'i-nvinrrs, ;uni WcpI Iii'lus, a! 75 oentf t-er bottle - Bf ïure nndgei the ftcmtine, witïi thenignat re nt C M. nou il." wrajiper ol oacb bottle; aU. o'hers nrc couHferfctt li ncipaliDSce aud Stttiufactory, 41i Vrdi peiíf, Philaihia.P. MOyi GrcaS Scduption ia the Trice cf , SINGO, & CO.'S Standard mácaines . I fí'tll known lo be. llie Urst for Manufacturing Putpon. No. 1, Stnnclnrd Shuttle Machine, formerly sola &t $'í, récftVed to $70. No. 2, of samo kind uf Mnchine, for ; !y sold at $100, reduced to $75. SIXGEU'ë LETTKU A MACHINE 1 . , in the v. ,, iptr niT ,i ■ ■■■..'■■., i ■. - furposes : (with II mnu ■■ ._, aud The '■■■ ■ ■ ;il't' í great capacity and ■ ■ ■ . ;■■■■■ : ted io nll kinds , in Garría Hakiug, Han etc., etc. , Hütl ith i n arm ■ ■ talie un der i: and st.ttc . al canp. t ■■ v. .: ■; llui (háiifcby lilnd íKO, too, the ■ taUlerif ■ ■ '. íwd ftié Bhu liold bis times th usual tuantititof thread. The lurge uKici i ■ ■ ■ on#B , feforour Letter A Machine, the pent ion oí' Ve Makttr.- and [resa Matei - ' I prjií. They ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i Lea uf the - 3, tnaking like ■ -l.r.i títch, and ! : . ,.'g ard standard maBi ral. .'. ■.■■■ , tLKTWIST LINKN AMD ■ ■ ' I :, BE9I KACBIHS I IL :u . . i te, Wo man (.el n oui own ! eedls}aad wouWwarnall ny oi bi r . v e k'novv that thoi : ■ inferior tfuiüin ut bigher i the freí. , e pecially for our m i Lfeea. f irttrf needU the be$t machine ■ ' rwt i-snrc'! thatiillour l'ranch ■ ■ ■ raine acticle " Id cast o 1 ■ , ■ ■ ■ , tlie tttone) ftnty be sent n posta] ■ ■ ' día til cflv. It ii; :i!l inprtani tlmi we should, id eaeh cuse, kno a' th ■ . ■ JTS Ad persoi i -. mtormation abotit sewmg ■. ■ kil ■■■ nltici, a.ud the best qu i ending to any of our Brancli Offices forácopy oí I. BI. Singar & Co. 's Gazstte, Which s a beautiful 1 : ' ; erefitirely dT bject- It Wttt btseid gratis. . . HW hare m ■ ■ ■ ■ - üiOH tW PR1CE5 wilh the two-fold Tiew aiwlour ■ i. The jnibü" d M spurioua ma A ■ ín.mitatioi] ol oars. Tue Bieta i in I ' m, ■ the fin castiog U) tho tf ,isol poor qUitlity. 'f liíir maters have not theraeam to do thsïr vrork ÏJ i ■ i - places, wtteie ü would bc i oposi [ble to hare -it their command the proper mecbanïcal ftppliaöcw. It is üoIj by i i . ;. M'at ..! businessmand liaving - ■ n Tiü' btipi Ie ■ ■ : ■■.■■":.. 'uc ; . i ■ ■ ■ n I are ure to cfre ? ; '■■ trouble and money iu keep them in repaiit r Tho qualïties to b loofeed fbr in ■ MachiBear : or tainty ui correct actlcn at all ra ■■ ■ ,Himpiicity uf ennstrnction, great dnrability, andrapidity oi npe] ratkD, wiÜí tlie lea! I labur. Macliines to combine lh p e.H -'-i ' - 'j-w: 1 bv v.,:,-' ■ ' me al and (ini i ■ ■ ay dnö toeans, on ,. ;) gtnnd ■ ■ - . . whosedaily bread itni-iy con íern, will Buil 1 :, r Iboi ha ■ ■ itiea t n ■„ v. ■ . [bal i.i i l'ta . ■ ■■■!!'!■. D Ü.ir machtoart, aa made by us, w!M earn moie money . w.iii íf.-s labor l i . r 1 1 1 ; 1 1 . ■. mi ;,, j ■ w i ■■ . tion ö ou i'.i ''i1 . In faut, tiii'y ;u o hi'ii per thon aoyother , machinecAt i t. I. U.ÍHCER ft CO-, 458 I f iadway Jfew Vork. , Petroit Olficpj 78 Griswü'.d S ' rft tb í'ubL OfH ■ . &ïkt M. TL GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. ïnLI) FKlENDSggl IN THE RÏGCT PLACE. Herrlck gtar Coated THl ftKST PAMILT J &' ' fcnartk! in the worlil, i? ï'-'J . u?ed tweni " " x. five miUions of pefson; Í 7 ' , "- " i.m.-.LMh : ilJtys ' '' ' ' í' A N.-r---5 ' "■ wtihfaction , contain nnthing injo -- y :" ,!) pairruized by lli itíi;try-e - ■; .. t ' ' "■ Br,' c'l ;t' pliysicians ;inJ sui t'iiiis in tlic l'tnrn : ::iütly cJiit ■_ , i! ::r I.arge Bixes2C öêntn: öv' r fi-e boxea for 1 dollar. ' .-IT- FuHdirectiOna witb iach TAT.T.J3A8SF, T.t: v: C rKT7, " florida, July 17,186 . totïb. npiíiurK, .;1-: r-,-, n v v ■■ :_ i vvriie thifl t" icJJ ' ■ ■ ■ ! fee t of ;, nur .- . ir Cuated t'ills ■■■ (bier. F1 1 (liree 3 earn die bas beci li a billioufl aeraup ■ of Ure bj stem. kb ;.:■.■. ■ ■ i. Wben in Non Yïvk in A] '; lá t, a fr - ... .- i, H:t ij ■ b i judgmeLt ui in ■ :. . Pillk. . i'üik, Ni Vork. í; i home. we Coasc i all othei treatmect, &ai alminifittre y our Pült!, ure e;.cli tigbj.. ïl . f n t in her feelings, complexión lioa. eic ; ■ ■ A i apiil ftnd'permaneiit refatorat - been i i ; ■ result. We Ubed lesfl tli;: ii iivt' V .■-. 'vel y well. 1 conaider th aboe a just tribute toyouas a l'JjvsliM-' ii, .' ii'l t vnst lh:: t it will bu ! ï-M-a nf n tucing mrmv to a 'dp' yAVrFiÍK S th'eiv frimily medicines. I ■etnaiü, nirf with many ibji ïfour obc 1 eni errant, . ij. IlomuaOH. Henick's Kld Strengthening Piasters care in Qve lnar-. pui eaüt. nide r.n1. b.i3fc, ntw lietimiitic OomplaiB ■ cafly shnrl period of tim ■. oo b.uíiful ivhite larei to no In onrenioce, anJ e:ich one nrillwe r fi nn oue weektotbree innnths. Pri ■-■ :■ Í ■■■ ;i!'g Suar Ci :.; Rre poM oy rrufiirftfi an.l Merchanta in ]l parts of the United States, ranada i&i South America, ad may be obtained I bynaUiuGT fortbsm by thèirfuli n ly05 UR. LTB. HERRICK, & Co. Albany, M. Y. RISDOS & I1ENDEBS0VS ■%L& THE GENUINE We vrteli tooall tbo attenlion of the public to Üiis eelebrated COQKJNC STQVE! Wh i ;1i ia'.Iio only pPrffct stovo ma.le. It will do more ' asineee with one lliird loss fnel thftn iiuy other STOVE made. From ttetimoiiy givan by the persons refrrred to bclow, on account of ita duuibility and Fuol Sávittg Quaüties, H liao proTod a éaving fram TelVO To Twenty Dollars jior jcar. We woüid refer you to the following list of PERSOXS WHO IJ. i VE THEM IN USE: I Prof. Tppa, Aun Arbor. .Julm F. Milli-v. add Arbor [rof. Woo, ' ' J Ibnrt .-müh " Prof. Wiui-U.i:, " }. T. " I'rof. Doug ns, " itts, " Alplieui l'VIcli, 1'. Br'ilkiii.-i'ii, " Wartto, " Mre s. l'eaton, " Rieh'd HOier, " O. HawkinK, '' Bon !'■ (' . ■ . " }. W. Maymird, " Obrtes ÏBiiyer, " !-' I. Stebbins. " Maltin Clark, ' " S. (Jetsfcg í. A A ,T."vn. ' Tlroinss wv.o.l, 'Añ Mrs. K. ï. WUliamn,1! V Chapín, . 'do. i' l! H " N. C. üoodato, " .lo..,;':i W. WooJ, " Mi . K-llors, Bh IVc luwe on hand a largi nísortmect uf 4he best kinds of Oooting, l'aflur ai;J PLATE STOVES, nml a general nssorlrr.ent of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, nml Bent stuff fbr Oarr'iago worV. Partieoior Btteiitlon puid to fitting uyi Eavetrough'nnd Conductora, umi nll kinds of Job vork done at tliu Shui'lvst Notiee. ÜIöDON t HENDEHSON. Ann Arbor, 1661. flangsterfeï's illock. INVITK .-ittrntion to tbtirnew stook eomfriiig oi) kinds of Crockery, Glasswaro, Lamps, Gas-Eixturesand3ouSê-fumf3hiiiïgïodJ,al] of vA ■■'.: üny :: Ing At tfie Zou-est PossilÜe Hatei. Fríach China Ten sel lo 20 ín French China ilioner sets from -5 m OJlMM ï. I 't8 1 ri LH ['■ ! " Slnne '■hm:i iiinnora tsfroro S r,0 tó :" iiO (ïlhas KfTosene ÍAinp ci1ef fmm 37 ■ Jkfíirble Kerow Ijftirrpa OOÏV1 lr' M' ''' KlnM I.iiin) li. ui 18 I Lam[s af al] li SiFIRiARY. Fntheiê Bfock Wtoütoard Are Itrott9 Drs. b. J, CAHPSTKlt IiAi.AKI. D! lluti OMnttpHf U . i fcfany mechanica wijlvi ■ '. on a j--i tfíl dJ mul - ter dom;; noti ö ■..;■. vii L yon tnerir oaii be done io the tvjiy ;■■■! wnüfi r. l;fk by upplyroif i" r i'í'tt'T vfoi i. iüüH- i vrho t)i cugM underM I - ou nfiM vt t yuM tik i■ I '1 iil - 1 1 ; i P. In thiii r' ■ ■ ; ■■ Hip Ti'ie aiiïcrraoi t v 'J bc li nl-r iii mee!, i - , n Ihföhj . sim) i . : ' ■■ ■ ■ ' . And t trné ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ' i ui' ii in1 Hk tbww ■ ÜH r Cism ei T Ti)Ml( nn fhene, uhfii In ■ i in tin4i l!(i jOb'fl .' I ''Tv '."U t Ih-;l111i, cc. n ilif We Iiuve ' ni y t r ni nibíi i i i tt v# undferstaod wlij cfïfe . ir noiwM thl incurfl b] ■ n cury. . l;i mecbHtiics, eROOii t mes ftnd tli1 ty n WHMito of Baperirr meatlf! by ntarfietieir hivcntinii, nf wlnh V .n-;t(f inj?fi)itj (if Km m ba 'i ''■ v '. ;i i im niluT cm. Exaetlj il i :■! ■■ I ■ - " in '■■■.'■,. And 1 Í i u i tli# virvr. iOB wliy I hftTB iiMll grH rfneftoa ofr ik-ll ■::■■! o i Con ti ■■',' m . W tin tíí; tbo oí ■ ' rfc, ' y i na ■ f-"ng Mt which ennblefl me t ■ (he í:r. t f r of )t diflêaKcaad by li;v .■ r ('tuiüMBiptioa n no otherVhj ■ ni e (íhW t "v tba I liavr-, and can effeJ i ■■■. ■ ai this di ftart bymnl th w i. To prove thn tr 1l; Vt-wu th cuse, I inifrlit piv yno nmi'TM Mfmn iinfeitMi [■■.- tu ni ii;i a :. ' i-ti iiv r lo ti Rravo, wUo hare been reacued and re. iurcí) io liaulth ray r' tnei'.M .- i'or CotiHiimpticB . Bitt i t is íioí ■ toe to dg no hefé, ihw i . ■ : ', ■!■(■■ üiii.t .:;.rncjt. Va 1 -i mmon hen ■■■. i!' i be Cottmy tive wiühes fiirtitr [fwií tfaau tiii, 1 cao' nnly ■n, como :n.l í .i by tri 1 oí ay k ín eurs of irotir enm Docii ■ i rpenttt will visit Yjilatrti, and Aun rbor, ■■n Arbor, at Cnok II' ni. 8d ana ■!(,h of eacb month ; Hawkinfl Hmrae, Vi'silantl, k : , The n nminder of tbc tita, W will be fVafrá at hrfe Lmtg Tnünuiny iu 1 t-t-.-oit 1 t77. BiSrs. WIÍKTSiLQ'Wj n expi -■■■ ■ "", !(■ :; ' t triii'ii oí iníifueri", Titï SOOTHtNG SYRUP, FOU CHILDREN TEETHTXG, i ■ - : ■ ■ ■ .- ot ti.cll.;n;, it toften Rg the ?ums, re'lucinf nü inflansmatiu- wiJl illa y ALL iv.i ■ ti' n, und b SÜRE to REGÚLATE the BGWELS. , it wfll give test u jourmlte, in.i Relief and health fo1 vofir Infanta Wc bare pwl ffpniid ;m! gold ttiw nftifTl fpr . .1 PAN SAY, IN' (DM -ÏIH-.N'CK AM ll'.UÏll di t, w)i.ii u-e lave r.i-vi-r 1 - il nb!e i ■ -NfcVI l: il 11 IWU.Kll IN A ui 1 1 1 l.( T A II 1:K, jIii tiinflv uf=ed. Ni-vrr did we kn:w ;n fn?tnnce of ''- satistaetHin by any (nc who v-t-,', it. On the wntwf, [ïghtnd witii ta il' ti' n-. ;i nil s-r:.k in tii-i:S ■ ilali. 11 of li:;iii-;i! eflccts ÜDli i:K(ÜiJ . '■ ■ ii tliis niattrr "W1IAT WK IV) KX.'.'V.' " ín r t' n vi-:. ■ i - !.i ri.i!"-. AKD I'J.E1;I ■' : ' ; ' fOR TUS fl I.J-'IT.I Ml KT r VTHA1 frKHERl 1)1. ( LAKF. In .-1 ettrj in. tuur I : s Hel" g lr.:;i pa 11 :m.l i-haiMtl'-li, :-.:!. -l v.-lll In: tncn 1 in ñftecñ or ti-iity in nuif-i; afr llif pyrup is admlnistrred. ible preparatinn is tbc prescii-tioD of ft i.f the toost FVl!-:i:l!-XCH and BKHJJX'1. NmM ín New ! . luis btou u6d ffïtll Nl-Viwii FA1LTNG Sü ■ ! -- in . THOUSAND OF CASKS. Tt nnt relieven tlieclwi I IV mi pa n, l"t invii r.itt cliand b()WflHf: rre I a i( ty. 1 1 ■ í -ve t r ■ tothe who!esy4teiu. Ii rïft atoosthuiasfl reitere ghiping in TH" r.o'.vi'i.?, sn w:rd fOLjo ;.r: I overeóme con fulsicáj. which if n t npgedlf femo I In ' ■ Hi VV lx Hove it the HKsT n) , i ï i ! WOBIJ), in nl! caMi -f DY-KNTF!; Y :■-... I IN CIITI.I'RI N, whefTur n , uthi r tvulve. Ww ould aay lo ewTy ui. t! - v whn Ii s a i-l.I.' ntlcTiBr ipiüi - I eire r nt - I J KOT I.kT V.OCR 'i'i.i-.ii' K i , Ni ib tuk ri:i..uM(i-ü vr OTHERS, rb'nilhi ■ n:l yoi r snlftr n cliild, :■.,■: f et ■ '■■. ABeiH.lTEl.Yt" foilow the u 8 ef t'-iw i ' t'ini-ly ui'i. ,s ': i n ::-■.', I :nll bottlt', Xn" - .1 ÍTTTTld í: l'KKK1K. Vo: k, ia -ii the iiu:si'k r, I lirongout tin' wi ril. Prlnclpnl ! f! rul v Bwt, W, . i-iiiCi: ' : lï uorn.E. Fr i Ii & Cu. ly7T. Jbr the SpecJ vtJ Permarte&t C$ri " Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal and Diurnal Émissionê Scrvous ánd General Dcbiütj, Impotent and all Viseases arêsingfrtm Solüury Mabits or Sxctssive Xndulgentt, TIIEIÏE are thfiasaods of Yocng Mem, well ai SIiddl Aged and Oi.d Mbit, whu are sutnfj; to same sxtuat from tlte above diaaases. Mwi.v, {Hurikarv, r nt awam af tlieir true coudition, or when ;w,--m ik '.■Ju't. For the benetit of such, we horewith give a few erf tlio inett oommoQ BTinptoms, vïi: (rawiM ■' íA ifrfA "J AtiU, p.tin in thé Éead uid Side, Dimnêsi ■ Siguí, Dot mul ♦ befor the , Palpitado the Heart, Dyfjma, Lo qf I -y, .. fri-M. thpr.o-hui uf Spint, Jvf.i y, SW-Jstriut, Timtditj, et: F..r .-ach ayd all V the above Bvmptomfi ÜÁM remedlw wül be fouud a " Soteigu üahn." Thesejremcdies embraco threc prcscnptiom : A loi o# iim Zfcrtic J'ill.% -jkhú bux of 'irort 7'ín i'í'-'-', all of whi-h havo important office to rfr, uut sbüttUi be usrú togethor in ererycas. Tlir tuvriony ove other modes of treatmflttt vaky be briefly ttafaw as lal ]ows. viz: . , . 1 the videnc nf wxn.11 excittrmoat Jg5g ïhey imme4.iatu!y (Ürréït uouim-n;ü ftad lüurnal eutt jgf=" They remove local witltneSs, c:us'.n Uio oraus to assuine their natural tona ftnd % i fW. They strengtben the constitutlöti Öy cVemmïing nsiv tnsaebility aad feanaral weakass. , jay'l'11''1' enliven the spirita, which airo níiftny deprostw by MpeltiOK lili exciti:i,íí i;:nist-á fnuu tlie í1hii. ÊS-Hy thair iovirorating pi-opoHiea tliey roitors Uu patiënt to hia natural health and vigor of mnhood. i ■ They oure when ;ill otlwr means Iiy nulna. J8 They coutnin no Mtreuty, Opium, itor &niiitg tfliat eau ia any eveat prove Injiirious. iJfsT They are awy and plenta! tö use, and vnll Bot iul feve sith tlie patient's osual busiuess or luaiirl. They can bu ueed withont BttstWQ, or kuinrleds vf tve a rouiu-inato. . . Tliat thoy ni.".v oirrfft witliïn the rcaoli oT all, va Iiits aiofl the piiL,: 'X, and the 't' l 9 cents per Itox each, ïn ordering by mail, in Bildmon to th# pricc, telvy conti iu - I be ÍMltMtl leí ruto postase. vStVs. T.ADTF.rí in want rif fl infí nnl almla flb-i?ZYl V..-,-.', i, atr. dl ■ ■ Hiiir to t1ifr MS, ■"w should nse Dit. ütks'3 Kemauk Ioktul ,-S z P Pn.t.5. Price, by mail, SI ftnd ons stmup. -"jfe ' CALTrioX.- Th ■■■['.'■- -liinM in-t b ue4 'fíísK uv'ur: '■■■ '■! 'i--'. 3 Un irc will U tl - ' "ÏSKIWhfw or anvother lnunane aal cco , ■'■"'" " - ary to avuid au noMiso uf ftnaily, ain do ■" ivitliont Hiufc rins Janier to lioakh ir onstiwtlnil lv til n "f . ÍJ two stamps. Ponden erin raly 13 obtaiiu-d ÜJ uJrei;ng Uw General low. j . . o . S'jml for Dr. Qítís's 'i' '''■" " " , Prick Ten Ce i . A' II. G. Mil.I.i:R t CO., G-nova! Aronh. LoniiVillu. Kn. For t?al by MAYXAl'.B, STEBBIXS, & WJf.SON. v"; :-"'i A;.n Árbur, MicK. PROF. 1. MltLEirS II AIR INVIGÖ1UT01 AN EFi'E ■ ' ÍGaíCALCOJfPOlfS FQ3 HE ■ ■ i ÜAIR to tp -'-:■ iqal eoloj wU. oitt ''■ ■ tiaïi' frm ti;rnir, Jrnj, . ..Vi;.NnN( RAI DXEtfanri etirfng It.wlicn l';crt. Lwa&t partida uf vitailt; r reen raí i vp emrfjr remaiumg, ■ ... D DAKDUtl F, ain1 nllctac : i":is of thé i- alp. I i 1XG 'HIK ÜAili, tart-ttttingto it a n nas fnd briüiai ufl ....''. llUkjf iu iÍ3 texliiri ml causïng W loeiiri endily. i ■ ■■.! ; -■.. dumfl ml fw tlili unoi ualli I prcparation, r?oivnice the pretor iet or thst wi ■■ ■ ■ .■■:-,.■ lincernii iblic í 1 1 : [ualities over any other prepn fat i"j ni prfM' in use. Il citan ca th líoui nuü ücalp ínuii dandtug'an fther i'iitunini.;: dt.-Tcsi s CtfifRe'H tl ' linir 1igro lm lid tiriblf ty. peaTüi ■ ' uncl tliin ü v ■ ■ ■ ani itnr tO tl rnct.s, rtl :■ ; -i whicV luivp bfcwui t,.,H, íftU (til 5 ! 1" J ' ■ fff&ífr. ■I J;ulir :itnl ■nticnu n ir. lt#v Vi i k who hai c htu the'r : ■ t f thii Ffci liad fáili (3, 1 ,.':.! 'i . ... ■ ■ imhmiiiiv ;thl 1ftifyiig t'o !'■■■ ■ ■ ■ ' liighi'.Ht resptcti■ iaSrfïom tvrnig grof LintiJ I li ie$ wiin t ■■ i ■ nfi he !n i.iíoiKti r .i ..:. [lo . ■ : uio for the to!rt ft3 a Htftlr RfesUmil fve if is pn-í - n T.-i t Iv rromm ndn!, ii aioisi ví MOt i W ■ ■ . pi] líred ri ra no $ :■ -i ri i r iq cnWH- hP the vi' ■ í mí xndaré tniltt ai f íi s th jn-ic-e re ■ 1: if U, I ■ ONLY TWENTV-FIVi: CENTfl per bottle, to lje ha! ;;t all rcspcctaüle lruists1 J perf um d cali thu nUtfnlfrn r Iirr-nip rd Cíuai I I !; ' ' Ih cu -os ivl-rtt r)ir cfiÜ'ft'i'fis' EÍWír iftcKflCfl fO (malí, Tdr ur nf t la .- ti 6 ;'"i -i!;; liuii [;■ ; 'mi-I It;i.' of li;ir ;) .-. : t rri'.invK mpuritioH t!.il maj h-ve ccnnie councttd Triib t ëcalp.thfl rcri'u.'ti ff vh'eb 's niTcsnr hnth for ti. healÜt of the ohíkl an.l 1 he Mppevr&nc oí Un Il:iir. v - X,-nc ■cihiítm. n illtn:1 lbo Tn c sínifV T.f'TTS HIIXKRb ' ■ ■ ■ wmprer; alo, L. Mli 1.1 !;■"■ HAIt: INVH N. Y. híowr ín the , Wbhk'f i ■ ■. s: . n-l t4ê y .i!l Ihpprlnoi. echants ainl l'rni' thronghou4 il'R wi-rM. l.ilior:ili!i-;cnin! ! ■ i; ■ i ■ ' ■ lv 1 he i,h;m' : it [ also di sire to present to the Aw my líow &Improved lasiant.-.iiccus Liqiiid Hair Bye wlrrh ftftor y-i'-t nf ■ ■ rtlñcntinjK I listf bro? ! ! lck ni iin.iui lnt-fmrtv without njury tfí tlm HnirorSkïo warramted the bcit1 artich1 of t] ■ ! infl ;-i esl -'-im-ív PRICB OTTLY IFTY CINTS. depot% ruj D-:r 87i; ívwp p4


Old News
Michigan Argus