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T J"ew A.dvertisenaents. Chancery Sale. BY VlRTUK of a decree made and entered in the Circuit Court for the Counly of Washtenair, n Chnn; ing Miite on tho fourth day of November, 1S61, ia the caso whercin Gcorge E, Southwtck, Adrainïstrator of Duty South wiek, deceased, and John 1. Mnrble arO complainants, and selah B. Collins. Ptrmelia ColHns, and tí rover S. Wormer a.n defendants, I shall sell at public auctfoo it the Suth door nf the Court House, in the City of AnnArbiT,on the twenty-fifth day of Jsnuarjr next, ut tun c!i;cU i;, tlu. iorenoon, the fulloviqg deBeribadUadn,.; ''The Eat half of the North-wtst quaiter, (exoept ene aero on tlio Xorlh cast corner,) and tho North wostqtiarlor of the South-east quartcr; and the South-eosj quartor of tho North-eat quartcr of sectïon ninejaod a trip forty rods wide off ilie west sule of that part of tho Wost half of the Isurihwett quarerol sectton t?n, lyíng South oí the road as it il oow trftvelledUcroifl saldlot (excpt a strip two rod wido off il e E&st side IVom the road as far South m brae) Smith'a lan la now run on BaW Ernst line) cmitainlog aboot twenty two aerM more or less. Theftrtt thre described tiacts coutain on handrod aad Riïty acres of tand more or léss, reference being had to the lTnited itatfs survoj thereof. AH of which landg lic in townBbip one South of rango three East, mtbeïStatoof MichI). a.TWITCIIKIX, Circuit Court Commisalontr for Viii:-n;iw Co., Mkh. ÏÏKAKKSiV Aiiel, of CouBAaI for CoinplainauM. Datod, Ann Axbor, Deo. 11. 1961. o-30" FPESH OYSTERS. "We are raoeiving a superior article ot FRESH OYSTERS r Direct from tli; OYSTKRBEDS. CAN PÜBNBB IS ANY QUANTITY DESIRED Anti warrant them nice nd fresh. O-FOTi SALE CH.EAP.Ü S3. Those in want [.Ic-aso Eivo us a csll.- 829w THOMPSON & SON. ANNAHBOR AND LODI PLANK ROAD CO. riHE Aninif! Meeting of lh Stoekholder [ of the Ann Arbor & Lodi Plank Rood Co., for Uie elcction of Directora for the oosuing yëftf and for such other business ag muy properly come before the meeting, will be held; at the Office of th'J Compajiy in tho Cily of' Ann Arbor on Tnesday the 7ih. day of Janu nrv lütö at 2 o'clocU P. M y JOHN W. FIÜXT , TreaV Ann ArVor, Dep. &3-i


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